public function __construct($filePath, $previewPage = 1, $previewRowsPerPage = 20) { $this->currentPage = $previewPage; $this->rowsPerpPage = $previewRowsPerPage; $filter = new ChunckFilter($previewPage, $previewRowsPerPage); parent::__construct($filePath, $filter); }
public static function getSheetNameIndex($filePath, $sheetName) { $reader = Process_excel::createExcelReader($filePath); $infos = $reader->listWorksheetInfo($filePath); for ($i = 0; $i < count($infos); $i++) { if ($infos[$i]['worksheetName'] == $sheetName) { return $i; } } }
function generate() { global $upload_dir, $db, $current_user, $main_smarty, $the_template; // the file name that should be uploaded $file_tmp = $_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name']; $file_name = $_FILES['upload_file']['name']; $unique_file_name = "tingtest1.ktr"; $upload_dir = get_misc_data('upload_directory'); $upload_path = mnmpath . $upload_dir . $unique_file_name; $upload = move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $upload_path); /*create new ktr file*/ $tmpDir = 'excel-to-target_schema.ktr'; $newDir = '0.ktr'; copy($tmpDir, $newDir); $a1 = $_POST["sheet"]; $b1 = $_POST["row"]; $c1 = $_POST["col"]; $a = array($a1, "", ""); $b = array($b1, "", ""); $c = array($c1, "", ""); $sheets = array($a, $b, $c); $spd = $_POST["spd"]; $drd = $_POST["drd"]; $start = $_POST["start"]; $end = $_POST["end"]; $start2 = $_POST["start2"]; $end2 = $_POST["end2"]; $location = $_POST["location"]; $aggrtype = $_POST["aggrtype"]; $location2 = $_POST["location2"]; $aggrtype2 = $_POST["aggrtype2"]; $process = new Process_excel(); $arr_Sheet_name = $process->getSheetName('census.xls'); $arr_Header = $process->getHeader('dataverse_census.xls', 0, 11, 'A'); //print_r ($process->getHeader('tradestatistics.xls', 1, 23, 'A')); echo $start; /* adding url*/ add_url(0, ''); echo "hello"; //add_sheets(0, $sheets); addSheets(0, "Table HH-1", 10, 0); addConstants('Spd', $spd, 'Date', 'yyyyMMdd'); addConstants('Drd', $drd, 'Date', 'yyyyMMdd'); add_excel_input_fields($arr_Header); add_sample_target(); //$arr_Header - $array_no_need_normalize $no_need_Array = array($start, $end, $location, $aggrtype); //print_r ($no_need_Array); //print_r($arr_Header); $result = array_diff($arr_Header, $no_need_Array); // print_r($result); /*--------------------the second $result are from user , the first $result need to use AJAX to present to user------*/ add_normalizer($result, $result); //for variable of star if ($start != "") { //$start from excel update_target('Start', $start); } else { //$start from user input addConstants('Start_from_input', $start2, 'Date', 'yyyyMMdd'); update_target('Start', 'Start_from_input'); } //for variable of end if ($end != "") { //$start from excel update_target('End', $end); } else { //$start from user input addConstants('End_from_input', $end2, 'Date', 'yyyyMMdd'); update_target('End', 'End_from_input'); } //for variable of location if ($location != "") { echo $location; //$start from excel update_target('Location', $location); } else { //$start from user input echo $location2; addConstants('Location_from_input', $location2, 'String', ''); update_target('Location', 'Location_from_input'); } //for variable of aggrType if ($aggrtype != "") { //$start from excel update_target('AggrType', $aggrtype); } else { //$start from user input addConstants('AggrType_from_input', $aggrtype2, 'String', ''); update_target('AggrType', 'AggrType_from_input'); } //add_normalize($ArrayKey,$ArrayValue); echo $start; echo "........1<br/>"; echo $start2; echo ".......2<br/>"; echo $end; echo "..........3<br/>"; echo $end2; echo "...........4<br/>"; echo $location; echo "............5<br/>"; echo $location2; echo "..........6<br/>"; echo $aggrtype; echo "..........7<br/>"; echo $aggrtype2; echo "............8<br/>"; echo $spd; echo ".........9<br/>"; echo $drd; echo "..........10<br/>"; }
public function __construct($filePath, $sheetsRange) { $filter = new MatchSchemaFilter($sheetsRange); parent::__construct($filePath, $filter); }
function estimateLoadingProgress($dataSource_filePath) { $ext = pathinfo($dataSource_filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $sampleFilePath = $ext == 'xlsx' ? "loadingTimeSample.xlsx" : "loadingTimeSample.xls"; $PHPExcelReader = Process_excel::createExcelReader($dataSource_filePath); $PHPExcelReader->setReadDataOnly(true); $PHPExcelReader->setReadFilter(new NothingFilter()); $sampleStart = time(); $PHPExcelReader->load($sampleFilePath); $sampleEnd = time(); $sampleLoadTime = $sampleEnd - $sampleStart; $sampleLoadTime = $sampleLoadTime > 0.015 ? $sampleLoadTime : 0.015; $targetFileSize = (double) filesize($dataSource_filePath); $sampleFileSize = (double) filesize($sampleFilePath); $estimatedSeconds = $sampleLoadTime * $targetFileSize / $sampleFileSize; $estimatedSeconds = $ext == 'xlsx' ? $estimatedSeconds * 4 : $estimatedSeconds; // Loading time does not increase in linear pattern when the file is small. // So the loading time is timed with an arbitrary number. echo $estimatedSeconds * 10; }
/** * @depends testLoadExcelFile */ public function testSheetsName($excelProcessor) { $testSheets = array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3"); $excelSheets = Process_excel::getSheetName($excelProcessor->getFilePath()); $this->assertEquals(count(array_diff($testSheets, $excelSheets)), 0); }