$dptPhone = $_GET['dptPhone'] + 0; // We have the particulars. We need to verify that the owner name is new. If // it is not, we will retrieve the OwnerNameID from the database to be used with // the contact value. $contactManager = new ContactManager($domainID, $userID); $cvTypes = $contactManager->GetContactValueTypes(); $priority = new Priority(); $priority->Get($priorityID); /* echo '$dpoEmail=\'',$dpoEmail,"'<br>\n"; echo '$cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->name()=\'', $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->name(), "'<br>\n"; echo '$priority->level()=\'', $priority->level(), "'<br>\n"; */ // mcb 2010.06.03 // need to identify to which profile the error message belongs. if ($dpoEmail && $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->name() == "email" && $priority->level() == 1) { $errorMessage[$contactProfileObjectID] = '<div class="error" style="width: 700px;">You cannot add a primary email contact to this profile before lowering the priority of the existing primary email contact.</div><br />' . "\n"; print viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, $errorMessage); } elseif ($dptEmail && $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->name() == "email" && $priority->level() == 2) { $errorMessage[$contactProfileObjectID] = '<div class="error" style="width: 700px;">You cannot add a secondary email contact to this profile before lowering the priority of the existing secondary email contact.</div><br />' . "\n"; print viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, $errorMessage); } elseif ($dpoPhone && $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->name() == "phone" && $priority->level() == 1) { $errorMessage[$contactProfileObjectID] = '<div class="error" style="width: 700px;">You cannot add a primary phone contact to this profile before lowering the priority of the existing primary phone contact.</div><br />' . "\n"; print viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, $errorMessage); } elseif ($dptPhone && $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->name() == "phone" && $priority->level() == 2) { $errorMessage[$contactProfileObjectID] = '<div class="error" style="width: 700px;">You cannot add a secondary phone contact to this profile before lowering the priority of the existing secondary phone contact.</div><br />' . "\n"; print viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, $errorMessage); } else { // We have an owner name, so we will look it up or create it. $owner = new ContactOwner(); $ownerID = $owner->Get($ownerName);