Ejemplo n.º 1
function testForReflectedXSS($urlToCheck, $urlOfSite, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing {$urlToCheck} for Reflected Cross-Site Scripting...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Starting Reflected XXS test function on {$urlToCheck}");
    $postUrl = $urlToCheck;
    $postUrlPath = parse_url($postUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
    //Check URL is not responding with 5xx codes
    $log->lwrite("Checking what response code is received from {$urlToCheck}");
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$urlToCheck}");
    if ($error == "") {
        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$urlToCheck}");
        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $headers = array();
            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
            if ($error == "") {
                $responseCode = $http->response_status;
                //This is a string
                $log->lwrite("Received response code: {$responseCode}");
                if (intval($responseCode) >= 500 && intval($responseCode) < 600) {
                    $log->lwrite("Response code: {$responseCode} received from: {$urlToCheck}");
    if (strlen($error)) {
        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
        $log->lwrite("Error: {$error}");
    $html = file_get_html($postUrl, $testId);
    if (empty($html)) {
        //This can happen due to file_get_contents returning a 500 code. Then the parser won't parse it
        $log->lwrite("Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}");
    //Submit these
    //If adding string to this array, add a corresponding string (to look for in response), with he same index, in the array below
    //The response to look for can be the same as the payload or different.
    $payloads = array('<webvulscan>', 'javascript:alert(webvulscan)');
    //Look for these in response after submitting corresponding payload
    $harmfulResponses = array('<webvulscan>', 'src="javascript:alert(webvulscan)"');
    //First check does the URL passed into this function contain parameters and submit payloads as those parameters if it does
    $parsedUrl = parse_url($urlToCheck);
    $log->lwrite("Check if {$urlToCheck} contains parameters");
    if ($parsedUrl) {
        if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) {
            $log->lwrite("{$urlToCheck} does contain parameters");
            $scheme = $parsedUrl['scheme'];
            $host = $parsedUrl['host'];
            $path = $parsedUrl['path'];
            $query = $parsedUrl['query'];
            parse_str($query, $parameters);
            $originalQuery = $query;
            $payloadIndex = 0;
            foreach ($payloads as $currentPayload) {
                $http = new http_class();
                $http->timeout = 0;
                $http->data_timeout = 0;
                $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
                $http->follow_redirect = 1;
                $http->redirection_limit = 5;
                foreach ($parameters as $para) {
                    $query = $originalQuery;
                    $newQuery = str_replace($para, $currentPayload, $query);
                    $query = $newQuery;
                    $testUrl = $scheme . '://' . $host . $path . '?' . $query;
                    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$testUrl}");
                    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($testUrl, $arguments);
                    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                    echo "<br>Sending HTTP request to " . htmlspecialchars($testUrl) . "<br>";
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$testUrl}");
                        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $headers = array();
                            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                    $indicatorStr = $harmfulResponses[$payloadIndex];
                                    if (stripos($body, $indicatorStr)) {
                                        echo '<br>Reflected XSS Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($urlToCheck) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Method: GET <br>';
                                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($testUrl) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Error: ' . htmlspecialchars($indicatorStr) . '<br>';
                                        $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                        //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'rxss' AND method = 'get' AND url = '{$testUrl}' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($query) . "'";
                                        $result = $db->query($sql);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$sql}");
                                        } else {
                                            $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$sql}");
                                            $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                            if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$sql}");
                                                insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'rxss', 'get', $testUrl, addslashes($query));
                                        break 2;
                    if (strlen($error)) {
                        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
    } else {
        $log->lwrite("Could not parse malformed URL: {$urlToCheck}");
    //Array containing all form objects found
    $arrayOfForms = array();
    //Array containing all input fields
    $arrayOfInputFields = array();
    $log->lwrite("Searching {$postUrl} for forms");
    $formNum = 1;
    //Must use an integer to identify form as forms could have same names and ids
    foreach ($html->find('form') as $form) {
        isset($form->attr['id']) ? $formId = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['id']) : ($formId = '');
        isset($form->attr['name']) ? $formName = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['name']) : ($formName = '');
        isset($form->attr['method']) ? $formMethod = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['method']) : ($formMethod = 'get');
        isset($form->attr['action']) ? $formAction = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['action']) : ($formAction = '');
        $formMethod = strtolower($formMethod);
        //If the action of the form is empty, set the action equal to everything
        //after the URL that the user entered
        if (empty($formAction)) {
            $strLengthUrl = strlen($urlToCheck);
            $strLengthSite = strlen($urlOfSite);
            $firstIndexOfSlash = strpos($urlToCheck, '/', $strLengthSite - 1);
            $formAction = substr($urlToCheck, $firstIndexOfSlash + 1, $strLengthUrl);
        $log->lwrite("Found form on {$postUrl}: {$formId} {$formName} {$formMethod} {$formAction} {$formNum}");
        $newForm = new Form($formId, $formName, $formMethod, $formAction, $formNum);
        array_push($arrayOfForms, $newForm);
        foreach ($form->find('input') as $input) {
            isset($input->attr['id']) ? $inputId = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['id']) : ($inputId = '');
            isset($input->attr['name']) ? $inputName = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['name']) : ($inputName = '');
            isset($input->attr['value']) ? $inputValue = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['value']) : ($inputValue = '');
            isset($input->attr['type']) ? $inputType = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['type']) : ($inputType = '');
            $log->lwrite("Found input field on {$postUrl}: {$inputId} {$inputName} {$formId} {$formName} {$inputValue} {$inputType} {$formNum}");
            $inputField = new InputField($inputId, $inputName, $formId, $formName, $inputValue, $inputType, $formNum);
            array_push($arrayOfInputFields, $inputField);
    //At this stage, we should have captured all forms and their inputs into the corresponding arrays
    $log->lwrite('Beginning testing of forms');
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrayOfForms); $i++) {
        $currentForm = $arrayOfForms[$i];
        $currentFormId = $currentForm->getId();
        $currentFormName = $currentForm->getName();
        $currentFormMethod = $currentForm->getMethod();
        $currentFormAction = $currentForm->getAction();
        $currentFormNum = $currentForm->getFormNum();
        $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs = array();
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($arrayOfInputFields); $j++) {
            $currentInput = $arrayOfInputFields[$j];
            $currentInputIdOfForm = $currentInput->getIdOfForm();
            $currentInputNameOfForm = $currentInput->getNameOfForm();
            $currentInputFormNum = $currentInput->getFormNum();
            //Check if the current input field belongs to the current form and add to array if it does
            if ($currentFormNum == $currentInputFormNum) {
                array_push($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs, $currentInput);
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing input fields of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $k++) {
            for ($plIndex = 0; $plIndex < sizeof($payloads); $plIndex++) {
                $testStr = $payloads[$plIndex];
                $log->lwrite("Submitting payload: {$testStr}");
                $defaultStr = 'Abc123';
                $indicatorStr = $harmfulResponses[$plIndex];
                $currentFormInput = $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$k];
                $currentFormInputName = $currentFormInput->getName();
                $currentFormInputType = $currentFormInput->getType();
                $currentFormInputValue = $currentFormInput->getValue();
                if ($currentFormInputType != 'reset') {
                    $http = new http_class();
                    $http->timeout = 0;
                    $http->data_timeout = 0;
                    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
                    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
                    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
                    $arrayOfValues = array();
                    //Array of PostOrGetObject objects
                    //Get the other input values and set them equal to the default string
                    $otherInputs = array();
                    for ($l = 0; $l < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $l++) {
                        if ($currentFormInput->getName() != $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$l]->getName()) {
                            array_push($otherInputs, $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$l]);
                    $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $testStr);
                    //Add current input and other to array of post values and set their values
                    array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($otherInputs); $m++) {
                        $currentOther = $otherInputs[$m];
                        $currentOtherType = $currentOther->getType();
                        $currentOtherName = $currentOther->getName();
                        $currentOtherValue = $currentOther->getValue();
                        if ($currentOtherType == 'text' || $currentOtherType == 'password') {
                            $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $defaultStr);
                            array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                        } else {
                            if ($currentOtherType == 'checkbox' || $currentOtherType == 'submit') {
                                $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $currentOtherValue);
                                array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                            } else {
                                if ($currentOtherType == 'radio') {
                                    $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $currentOtherValue);
                                    //Check if a radio button in the radio group has already been added
                                    $found = false;
                                    for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $n++) {
                                        if ($arrayOfValues[$n]->getName() == $postObject->getName()) {
                                            $found = true;
                                    if (!$found) {
                                        array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    echo '<br><br>';
                    if ($currentFormMethod == 'get') {
                        //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                        if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                            $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                        } else {
                            $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                        $totalTestStr = '';
                        //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                        for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                            $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                            $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                            $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                            $totalTestStr .= '=';
                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                            if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                $totalTestStr .= '&';
                        if (strpos($actionUrl, '?') !== false) {
                            //url may something like domain.com?id=111 so don't want to add another question mark if it is
                            $actionUrl .= '&';
                        } else {
                            $actionUrl .= '?';
                        $actionUrl .= $totalTestStr;
                        $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                        $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $headers = array();
                                $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                                if ($error == "") {
                                    $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                    if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                        if (stripos($body, $indicatorStr)) {
                                            //If the body that was returned from the request contains the payload, the
                                            //Reflected XSS vulnerabiltiy is present
                                            $totalTestStr = '';
                                            //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                            for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                                $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                                $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                                $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                                $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                                $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                                $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                                if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                    $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                            //The echo's are for testing/debugging the function on its own
                                            echo 'Reflected XSS Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '';
                                            $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                            //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                            $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'rxss' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '{$actionUrl}' AND attack_str = '{$totalTestStr}'";
                                            $result = $db->query($query);
                                            if (!$result) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                            } else {
                                                $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                                $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                                if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                    insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'rxss', $currentFormMethod, $actionUrl, $totalTestStr);
                        if (strlen($error)) {
                            echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($currentFormMethod == 'post') {
                            //Start sending requests with the values in the post values array
                            //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                            if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                                $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                            } else {
                                $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                            $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                            $arguments["RequestMethod"] = "POST";
                            $arguments["PostValues"] = array();
                            for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                $tempArray = array($currentPostValueName => $currentPostValueValue);
                                $arguments["PostValues"] = array_merge($arguments["PostValues"], $tempArray);
                            $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                                if ($error == "") {
                                    $headers = array();
                                    $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                                    if ($error == "") {
                                        $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                        if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                            //echo $body;
                                            if (stripos($body, $indicatorStr)) {
                                                //If the body that was returned from the request contains the test string, the
                                                //Reflected XSS vulnerabiltiy is present
                                                $totalTestStr = '';
                                                //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                                for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                                    $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                                    $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                                    $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                                    $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                                    if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                        $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                                //The echo's are for testing/debugging the function on its own
                                                echo 'Reflected XSS Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '';
                                                $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                                //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                                $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'rxss' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '{$actionUrl}' AND attack_str = '{$totalTestStr}'";
                                                $result = $db->query($query);
                                                if (!$result) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                                } else {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                                    $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                                    if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                        $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                        insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'rxss', $currentFormMethod, $actionUrl, $totalTestStr);
                            if (strlen($error)) {
                                echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function testAuthenticationSQLi($urlToCheck, $urlOfSite, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing {$urlToCheck} for Broken Authentication using SQL Injection...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Starting Broken Authentication SQLi test function on {$urlToCheck}");
    $postUrl = $urlToCheck;
    $postUrlPath = parse_url($postUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
    //Check URL is not responding with 5xx codes
    $log->lwrite("Checking what response code is received from {$urlToCheck}");
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$urlToCheck}");
    if ($error == "") {
        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$urlToCheck}");
        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $headers = array();
            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
            if ($error == "") {
                $responseCode = $http->response_status;
                //This is a string
                $log->lwrite("Received response code: {$responseCode}");
                if (intval($responseCode) >= 500 && intval($responseCode) < 600) {
                    $log->lwrite("Response code: {$responseCode} received from: {$urlToCheck}");
    if (strlen($error)) {
        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
        $log->lwrite("Error: {$error}");
    $html = file_get_html($postUrl, $testId);
    if (empty($html)) {
        //This can happen due to file_get_contents returning a 500 code. Then the parser won't parse it
        updateStatus($db, "Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}...", $testId);
        $log->lwrite("Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}");
    //Array containing all form objects found
    $arrayOfForms = array();
    //Array containing all input fields
    $arrayOfInputFields = array();
    $log->lwrite("Searching {$postUrl} for forms");
    $formNum = 1;
    //Must use an integer to identify form as forms could have same names and ids
    foreach ($html->find('form') as $form) {
        isset($form->attr['id']) ? $formId = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['id']) : ($formId = '');
        isset($form->attr['name']) ? $formName = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['name']) : ($formName = '');
        isset($form->attr['method']) ? $formMethod = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['method']) : ($formMethod = 'get');
        isset($form->attr['action']) ? $formAction = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['action']) : ($formAction = '');
        $formMethod = strtolower($formMethod);
        //If the action of the form is empty, set the action equal to everything
        //after the URL that the user entered
        if (empty($formAction)) {
            $strLengthUrl = strlen($urlToCheck);
            $strLengthSite = strlen($urlOfSite);
            $firstIndexOfSlash = strpos($urlToCheck, '/', $strLengthSite - 1);
            $formAction = substr($urlToCheck, $firstIndexOfSlash + 1, $strLengthUrl);
        $log->lwrite("Found form on {$postUrl}: {$formId} {$formName} {$formMethod} {$formAction} {$formNum}");
        $newForm = new Form($formId, $formName, $formMethod, $formAction, $formNum);
        array_push($arrayOfForms, $newForm);
        foreach ($form->find('input') as $input) {
            isset($input->attr['id']) ? $inputId = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['id']) : ($inputId = '');
            isset($input->attr['name']) ? $inputName = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['name']) : ($inputName = '');
            isset($input->attr['value']) ? $inputValue = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['value']) : ($inputValue = '');
            isset($input->attr['type']) ? $inputType = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['type']) : ($inputType = '');
            $log->lwrite("Found input field on {$postUrl}: {$inputId} {$inputName} {$formId} {$formName} {$inputValue} {$inputType} {$formNum}");
            $inputField = new InputField($inputId, $inputName, $formId, $formName, $inputValue, $inputType, $formNum);
            array_push($arrayOfInputFields, $inputField);
    //At this stage, we should have captured all forms and their input fields into the appropriate arrays
    //Begin testing each of the forms
    //Defintion of all payloads used and warnings to examine for
    //Payloads can be added to this
    $arrayOfPayloads = array("1'or'1'='1", "1'or'1'='1';#");
    //Check if the URL passed into this function displays the same webpage at different intervals
    //If it does then attempt to login and if this URL displays a different page, the vulnerability is present
    //e.g. a login page would always look different when you are and are not logged in
    $log->lwrite("Checking if {$urlToCheck} displays the same page at different intervals");
    $responseBodies = array();
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    for ($a = 0; $a < 3; $a++) {
        $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
        $error = $http->Open($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $number = $a + 1;
            $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request number {$number} to {$urlToCheck}");
            $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
            if ($error == "") {
                $headers = array();
                $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                if ($error == "") {
                    $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                    if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                        array_push($responseBodies, $body);
        if (strlen($error)) {
            echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: a= {$a} ", $error, "</H2>\n";
    $pageChanges = true;
    $bodyOfUrl = "";
    if ($responseBodies[0] == $responseBodies[1] && $responseBodies[1] == $responseBodies[2]) {
        $bodyOfUrl = $responseBodies[0];
        $pageChanges = false;
    $log->lwrite('Beginning testing of forms');
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrayOfForms); $i++) {
        $currentForm = $arrayOfForms[$i];
        $currentFormId = $currentForm->getId();
        $currentFormName = $currentForm->getName();
        $currentFormMethod = $currentForm->getMethod();
        $currentFormAction = $currentForm->getAction();
        $currentFormNum = $currentForm->getFormNum();
        $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs = array();
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($arrayOfInputFields); $j++) {
            $currentInput = $arrayOfInputFields[$j];
            $currentInputIdOfForm = $currentInput->getIdOfForm();
            $currentInputNameOfForm = $currentInput->getNameOfForm();
            $currentInputFormNum = $currentInput->getFormNum();
            if ($currentFormNum == $currentInputFormNum) {
                array_push($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs, $currentInput);
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing input fields of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        foreach ($arrayOfPayloads as $currentPayload) {
            echo '<br>Size of current form inputs = ' . sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs) . '<br>';
            $arrayOfValues = array();
            //Array of PostOrGetObject objects
            for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $k++) {
                $currentFormInput = $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$k];
                $currentFormInputName = $currentFormInput->getName();
                $currentFormInputType = $currentFormInput->getType();
                $currentFormInputValue = $currentFormInput->getValue();
                if ($currentFormInputType != 'reset') {
                    $log->lwrite("Using payload: {$currentPayload}, to all input fields of form w/ action: {$currentFormAction}");
                    //Add current input and other inputs to array of post values and set their values
                    if ($currentFormInputType == 'text' || $currentFormInputType == 'password') {
                        $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $currentPayload);
                        array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    } else {
                        if ($currentFormInputType == 'checkbox' || $currentFormInputType == 'submit') {
                            $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $currentFormInputValue);
                            array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                        } else {
                            if ($currentFormInputType == 'radio') {
                                $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $currentFormInputValue);
                                //Check if a radio button in the radio group has already been added
                                $found = false;
                                for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $n++) {
                                    if ($arrayOfValues[$n]->getName() == $postObject->getName()) {
                                        $found = true;
                                if (!$found) {
                                    array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
            if ($currentFormMethod == 'get') {
                //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                    $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                } else {
                    $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                $totalTestStr = '';
                //Make a string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for i.e. the data submitted to exploit the vulnerability
                for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                    $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                    $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                    $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                    $totalTestStr .= '=';
                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                    if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                        $totalTestStr .= '&';
                $actionUrl .= '?';
                $actionUrl .= $totalTestStr;
                $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$actionUrl}");
                if ($error == "") {
                    $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$actionUrl}");
                    $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $headers = array();
                        $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                            if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                $vulnerabilityFound = checkIfVulnerabilityFound($urlToCheck, $pageChanges, $bodyOfUrl, $log, $currentPayload, $http);
                                if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                    $totalTestStr = '';
                                    //Make a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                    for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                        $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                        $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                        $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                        $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                        $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                        $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                        if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                            $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                    //The echo's below are for testing the function on its own i.e. requesting this script with your browser
                                    echo 'Broken Authentication Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                    echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                    echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
                                    echo 'Error: Successfully Logged In with SQL injection';
                                    $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                    //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                    $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'basqli' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '" . addslashes($actionUrl) . "' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($totalTestStr) . "'";
                                    $result = $db->query($query);
                                    if (!$result) {
                                        $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                    } else {
                                        $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                        $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                        if ($numRows == 0) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                            insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'basqli', $currentFormMethod, addslashes($actionUrl), addslashes($totalTestStr));
                if (strlen($error)) {
                    echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                    echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                    echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
            } else {
                if ($currentFormMethod == 'post') {
                    //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                    if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                        $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                    } else {
                        $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                    $arguments["RequestMethod"] = "POST";
                    $arguments["PostValues"] = array();
                    for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                        $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                        $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                        $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                        $tempArray = array($currentPostValueName => $currentPostValueValue);
                        $arguments["PostValues"] = array_merge($arguments["PostValues"], $tempArray);
                    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$actionUrl}");
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$actionUrl}");
                        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $headers = array();
                            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                    $vulnerabilityFound = checkIfVulnerabilityFound($urlToCheck, $pageChanges, $bodyOfUrl, $log, $currentPayload, $http);
                                    if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                        $totalTestStr = '';
                                        //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                        for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                            $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                            $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                            $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                            $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                            if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                        //The echo's below are for testing the function on its own i.e. requesting this script with your browser
                                        echo 'Broken Authentication Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Error: Successfully Logged In with SQL injection';
                                        $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                        //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                        $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'basqli' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '" . addslashes($actionUrl) . "' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($totalTestStr) . "'";
                                        $result = $db->query($query);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                        } else {
                                            $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                            $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                            if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'basqli', $currentFormMethod, addslashes($actionUrl), addslashes($totalTestStr));
                    if (strlen($error)) {
                        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                        echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
Ejemplo n.º 3
function testForSQLi($urlToCheck, $urlOfSite, $testId)
    updateStatus($db, "Testing {$urlToCheck} for SQL Injection...", $testId);
    $log = new Logger();
    $log->lwrite("Starting SQL Injection test function on {$urlToCheck}");
    $postUrl = $urlToCheck;
    $postUrlPath = parse_url($postUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
    //Check URL is not responding with 5xx codes
    $log->lwrite("Checking what response code is received from {$urlToCheck}");
    $http = new http_class();
    $http->timeout = 0;
    $http->data_timeout = 0;
    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($urlToCheck, $arguments);
    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$urlToCheck}");
    if ($error == "") {
        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$urlToCheck}");
        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
        if ($error == "") {
            $headers = array();
            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
            if ($error == "") {
                $responseCode = $http->response_status;
                //This is a string
                $log->lwrite("Received response code: {$responseCode}");
                if (intval($responseCode) >= 500 && intval($responseCode) < 600) {
                    $log->lwrite("Response code: {$responseCode} received from: {$urlToCheck}");
    if (strlen($error)) {
        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
        $log->lwrite("Error: {$error}");
    $html = file_get_html($postUrl, $testId);
    if (empty($html)) {
        //This can happen due to file_get_contents returning a 500 code. Then the parser won't parse it
        updateStatus($db, "Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}...", $testId);
        $log->lwrite("Problem getting contents from {$urlToCheck}");
    $log->lwrite("Successfully got contents from {$urlToCheck}");
    //Defintion of all payloads used and warnings to examine for
    $arrayOfPayloads = array("'", '"', ';', ')', '(', '.', '--');
    //specified in webfuzz library (lib.webfuzz.js) from WebSecurify
    //From lib.webfuzz, some added by myself
    //The function checks for these errors after a payload is submitted
    $arrayOfSQLWarnings = array("supplied argument is not a valid MySQL", "mysql_fetch_array\\(\\)", "on MySQL result index", "You have an error in your SQL syntax;", "You have an error in your SQL syntax near", "MySQL server version for the right syntax to use", "\\[MySQL\\]\\[ODBC", "Column count doesn't match", "the used select statements have different number of columns", "Table '[^']+' doesn't exist", "DB Error: unknown error", ":[\\s]*mysql", "mysql_fetch", "System\\.Data\\.OleDb\\.OleDbException", "\\[SQL Server\\]", "\\[Microsoft\\]\\[ODBC SQL Server Driver\\]", "\\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\\]", "\\[SqlException", "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException", "Unclosed quotation mark after the character string", "'80040e14'", "mssql_query\\(\\)", "odbc_exec\\(\\)", "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers", "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server", "Incorrect syntax near", "Syntax error in string in query expression", "ADODB\\.Field \\(0x800A0BCD\\)<br>", "Procedure '[^']+' requires parameter '[^']+'", "ADODB\\.Recordset'", "Microsoft SQL Native Client error", "Unclosed quotation mark after the character string", "SQLCODE", "DB2 SQL error:", "SQLSTATE", "Sybase message:", "Syntax error in query expression", "Data type mismatch in criteria expression.", "Microsoft JET Database Engine", "\\[Microsoft\\]\\[ODBC Microsoft Access Driver\\]", "(PLS|ORA)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]", "PostgreSQL query failed:", "supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result", "pg_query\\(\\) \\[:", "pg_exec\\(\\) \\[:", "com\\.informix\\.jdbc", "Dynamic Page Generation Error:", "Dynamic SQL Error", "\\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\\]", "has occurred in the vicinity of:", "A Parser Error \\(syntax error\\)", "java\\.sql\\.SQLException", "\\[Macromedia\\]\\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\\]");
    //First check does the URL passed into this function contain parameters and submit payloads as those parameters if it does
    $parsedUrl = parse_url($urlToCheck);
    $log->lwrite("Check if {$urlToCheck} contains parameters");
    if ($parsedUrl) {
        if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) {
            $log->lwrite("{$urlToCheck} does contain parameters");
            $scheme = $parsedUrl['scheme'];
            $host = $parsedUrl['host'];
            $path = $parsedUrl['path'];
            $query = $parsedUrl['query'];
            parse_str($query, $parameters);
            $originalQuery = $query;
            foreach ($arrayOfPayloads as $currentPayload) {
                $http = new http_class();
                $http->timeout = 0;
                $http->data_timeout = 0;
                $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
                $http->follow_redirect = 1;
                $http->redirection_limit = 5;
                foreach ($parameters as $para) {
                    $query = $originalQuery;
                    $newQuery = str_replace($para, $currentPayload, $query);
                    $query = $newQuery;
                    $testUrl = $scheme . '://' . $host . $path . '?' . $query;
                    $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$testUrl}");
                    $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($testUrl, $arguments);
                    $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                    if ($error == "") {
                        $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$testUrl}");
                        $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $headers = array();
                            $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                    $vulnerabilityFound = false;
                                    for ($warningIndex = 0; $warningIndex < sizeof($arrayOfSQLWarnings); $warningIndex++) {
                                        $regularExpression = "/{$arrayOfSQLWarnings[$warningIndex]}/";
                                        if (preg_match($regularExpression, $body)) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Found regular expression: {$regularExpression}, in body of HTTP response");
                                            $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                    if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                        echo '<br>SQL Injection Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($urlToCheck) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Method: GET <br>';
                                        echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($testUrl) . '<br>';
                                        echo 'Error: ' . $regularExpression . '<br>';
                                        $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                        //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'sqli' AND method = 'get' AND url = '" . addslashes($testUrl) . "' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($query) . "'";
                                        $result = $db->query($sql);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$sql}");
                                        } else {
                                            $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$sql}");
                                            $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                            if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$sql}");
                                                insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'sqli', 'get', addslashes($testUrl), addslashes($query));
                                        break 2;
                    if (strlen($error)) {
                        echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
    } else {
        $log->lwrite("Could not parse malformed URL: {$urlToCheck}");
    //Array containing all form objects found
    $arrayOfForms = array();
    //Array containing all input fields
    $arrayOfInputFields = array();
    $log->lwrite("Searching {$postUrl} for forms");
    $formNum = 1;
    //Must use an integer to identify form as forms could have same names and ids
    foreach ($html->find('form') as $form) {
        isset($form->attr['id']) ? $formId = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['id']) : ($formId = '');
        isset($form->attr['name']) ? $formName = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['name']) : ($formName = '');
        isset($form->attr['method']) ? $formMethod = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['method']) : ($formMethod = 'get');
        isset($form->attr['action']) ? $formAction = htmlspecialchars($form->attr['action']) : ($formAction = '');
        $formMethod = strtolower($formMethod);
        //If the action of the form is empty, set the action equal to everything
        //after the URL that the user entered
        if (empty($formAction)) {
            $strLengthUrl = strlen($urlToCheck);
            $strLengthSite = strlen($urlOfSite);
            $firstIndexOfSlash = strpos($urlToCheck, '/', $strLengthSite - 1);
            $formAction = substr($urlToCheck, $firstIndexOfSlash + 1, $strLengthUrl);
        $log->lwrite("Found form on {$postUrl}: {$formId} {$formName} {$formMethod} {$formAction} {$formNum}");
        $newForm = new Form($formId, $formName, $formMethod, $formAction, $formNum);
        array_push($arrayOfForms, $newForm);
        foreach ($form->find('input') as $input) {
            isset($input->attr['id']) ? $inputId = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['id']) : ($inputId = '');
            isset($input->attr['name']) ? $inputName = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['name']) : ($inputName = '');
            isset($input->attr['value']) ? $inputValue = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['value']) : ($inputValue = '');
            isset($input->attr['type']) ? $inputType = htmlspecialchars($input->attr['type']) : ($inputType = '');
            $log->lwrite("Found input field on {$postUrl}: {$inputId} {$inputName} {$formId} {$formName} {$inputValue} {$inputType} {$formNum}");
            $inputField = new InputField($inputId, $inputName, $formId, $formName, $inputValue, $inputType, $formNum);
            array_push($arrayOfInputFields, $inputField);
    //Begin testing each of the forms
    $log->lwrite('Beginning testing of forms');
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrayOfForms); $i++) {
        $currentForm = $arrayOfForms[$i];
        $currentFormId = $currentForm->getId();
        $currentFormName = $currentForm->getName();
        $currentFormMethod = $currentForm->getMethod();
        $currentFormAction = $currentForm->getAction();
        $currentFormNum = $currentForm->getFormNum();
        $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs = array();
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        echo sizeof($arrayOfInputFields) . "<br>";
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($arrayOfInputFields); $j++) {
            $currentInput = $arrayOfInputFields[$j];
            $currentInputIdOfForm = $currentInput->getIdOfForm();
            $currentInputNameOfForm = $currentInput->getNameOfForm();
            $currentInputFormNum = $currentInput->getFormNum();
            //Check if the current input field belongs to the current form and add to array if it does
            if ($currentFormNum == $currentInputFormNum) {
                array_push($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs, $currentInput);
        $log->lwrite("Beginning testing input fields of form on {$postUrl}: {$currentFormId} {$currentFormName} {$currentFormMethod} {$currentFormAction}");
        for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $k++) {
            echo sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs) . '<br>';
            for ($plIndex = 0; $plIndex < sizeof($arrayOfPayloads); $plIndex++) {
                $currentFormInput = $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$k];
                $currentFormInputName = $currentFormInput->getName();
                $currentFormInputType = $currentFormInput->getType();
                $currentFormInputValue = $currentFormInput->getValue();
                if ($currentFormInputType != 'reset') {
                    $http = new http_class();
                    $http->timeout = 0;
                    $http->data_timeout = 0;
                    $http->user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
                    $http->follow_redirect = 1;
                    $http->redirection_limit = 5;
                    $defaultStr = 'Abc123';
                    $arrayOfValues = array();
                    //Array of PostOrGetObject objects
                    //Get the other input values and set them equal to the default string
                    $otherInputs = array();
                    for ($l = 0; $l < sizeof($arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs); $l++) {
                        if ($currentFormInput->getName() != $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$l]->getName()) {
                            array_push($otherInputs, $arrayOfCurrentFormsInputs[$l]);
                    $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentFormInputName, $arrayOfPayloads[$plIndex]);
                    $log->lwrite("Submitting payload: {$arrayOfPayloads[$plIndex]}, to input field: {$currentFormInputName}");
                    //Add current input and other to array of post values and set their values
                    array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($otherInputs); $m++) {
                        $currentOther = $otherInputs[$m];
                        $currentOtherType = $currentOther->getType();
                        $currentOtherName = $currentOther->getName();
                        $currentOtherValue = $currentOther->getValue();
                        if ($currentOtherType == 'text' || $currentOtherType == 'password') {
                            $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $defaultStr);
                            array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                        } else {
                            if ($currentOtherType == 'checkbox' || $currentOtherType == 'submit') {
                                $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $currentOtherValue);
                                array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                            } else {
                                if ($currentOtherType == 'radio') {
                                    $postObject = new PostOrGetObject($currentOtherName, $currentOtherValue);
                                    //Check if a radio button in the radio group has already been added
                                    $found = false;
                                    for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $n++) {
                                        if ($arrayOfValues[$n]->getName() == $postObject->getName()) {
                                            $found = true;
                                    if (!$found) {
                                        array_push($arrayOfValues, $postObject);
                    echo '<br><br>';
                    if ($currentFormMethod == 'get') {
                        //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                        if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                            $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                        } else {
                            $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                        $totalTestStr = '';
                        //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                        for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                            $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                            $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                            $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                            $totalTestStr .= '=';
                            $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                            if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                $totalTestStr .= '&';
                        if (strpos($actionUrl, '?') !== false) {
                            //url may be something like domain.com?id=111 so don't want to add another question mark if it is
                            $actionUrl .= '&';
                        } else {
                            $actionUrl .= '?';
                        $actionUrl .= $totalTestStr;
                        $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                        $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                        $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$actionUrl}");
                        if ($error == "") {
                            $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$actionUrl}");
                            $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $headers = array();
                                $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                                if ($error == "") {
                                    $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                    if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                        $vulnerabilityFound = false;
                                        for ($warningIndex = 0; $warningIndex < sizeof($arrayOfSQLWarnings); $warningIndex++) {
                                            $regularExpression = "/{$arrayOfSQLWarnings[$warningIndex]}/";
                                            if (preg_match($regularExpression, $body)) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Found regular expression: {$regularExpression}, in body of HTTP response");
                                                $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                        if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                            //If the body returned from the request contains ones of the errors, the
                                            //SQL Injection vulnerabiltiy is present
                                            $totalTestStr = '';
                                            //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                            for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                                $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                                $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                                $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                                $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                                $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                                $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                                if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                    $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                            $currentFormMethod = strtolower($currentFormMethod);
                                            echo 'SQL Injection Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
                                            echo 'Error: ' . $regularExpression . '';
                                            $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                            //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                            $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'sqli' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '" . addslashes($actionUrl) . "' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($totalTestStr) . "'";
                                            $result = $db->query($query);
                                            if (!$result) {
                                                $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                            } else {
                                                $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                                $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                                if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                    insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'sqli', $currentFormMethod, addslashes($actionUrl), addslashes($totalTestStr));
                        if (strlen($error)) {
                            echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($currentFormMethod == 'post') {
                            //Start sending requests with the values in the post values array
                            //Build query string and submit it at end of URL
                            if ($urlOfSite[strlen($urlOfSite) - 1] == '/') {
                                $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . $currentFormAction;
                            } else {
                                $actionUrl = $urlOfSite . '/' . $currentFormAction;
                            $error = $http->GetRequestArguments($actionUrl, $arguments);
                            $arguments["RequestMethod"] = "POST";
                            $arguments["PostValues"] = array();
                            for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                $tempArray = array($currentPostValueName => $currentPostValueValue);
                                $arguments["PostValues"] = array_merge($arguments["PostValues"], $tempArray);
                            $error = $http->Open($arguments);
                            $log->lwrite("URL to be requested is: {$actionUrl}");
                            if ($error == "") {
                                $log->lwrite("Sending HTTP request to {$actionUrl}");
                                $error = $http->SendRequest($arguments);
                                if ($error == "") {
                                    $headers = array();
                                    $error = $http->ReadReplyHeaders($headers);
                                    if ($error == "") {
                                        $error = $http->ReadWholeReplyBody($body);
                                        if (strlen($error) == 0) {
                                            $vulnerabilityFound = false;
                                            for ($warningIndex = 0; $warningIndex < sizeof($arrayOfSQLWarnings); $warningIndex++) {
                                                $regularExpression = "/{$arrayOfSQLWarnings[$warningIndex]}/";
                                                if (preg_match($regularExpression, $body)) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Found regular expression: {$regularExpression}, in body of HTTP response");
                                                    $vulnerabilityFound = true;
                                            if ($vulnerabilityFound) {
                                                //If the body returned from the request contains one of the errors specified, the
                                                //SQL Injection vulnerabiltiy is present
                                                $totalTestStr = '';
                                                //Compile a test string to show the user how the vulnerability was tested for
                                                for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($arrayOfValues); $p++) {
                                                    $currentPostValue = $arrayOfValues[$p];
                                                    $currentPostValueName = $currentPostValue->getName();
                                                    $currentPostValueValue = $currentPostValue->getValue();
                                                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueName;
                                                    $totalTestStr .= '=';
                                                    $totalTestStr .= $currentPostValueValue;
                                                    if ($p != sizeof($arrayOfValues) - 1) {
                                                        $totalTestStr .= '&';
                                                $currentFormMethod = strtolower($currentFormMethod);
                                                echo 'SQL Injection Present!<br>Query: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($totalTestStr) . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Method: ' . $currentFormMethod . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Url: ' . HtmlSpecialChars($actionUrl) . '<br>';
                                                echo 'Error: ' . $regularExpression . '';
                                                $tableName = 'test' . $testId;
                                                //Check if this vulnerability has already been found and added to DB. If it hasn't, add it to DB.
                                                $query = "SELECT * FROM test_results WHERE test_id = {$testId} AND type = 'sqli' AND method = '{$currentFormMethod}' AND url = '{$actionUrl}' AND attack_str = '" . addslashes($totalTestStr) . "'";
                                                $result = $db->query($query);
                                                if (!$result) {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Could not execute query {$query}");
                                                } else {
                                                    $log->lwrite("Successfully executed query {$query}");
                                                    $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                                                    if ($numRows == 0) {
                                                        $log->lwrite("Number of rows is {$numRows} for query: {$query}");
                                                        insertTestResult($db, $testId, 'sqli', $currentFormMethod, $actionUrl, addslashes($totalTestStr));
                            if (strlen($error)) {
                                echo "<H2 align=\"center\">Error: ", $error, "</H2>\n";