public function GET() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $app = Config::get('app'); $userid = $policy->getData(); $request = $this->app->request(); if (!$userid) { throw new Exception_Api("Unable to authenticate."); } $days_back = trim($request->get('days_back')); if (!is_numeric($days_back) && $days_back != 'all' && $days_back != 'ytd') { throw new Exception_Api('Missing or invalid days_back field.'); } $mapper = new Mapper_Settings(); $mapper->updateSettingForUserid($userid, 'default_view', $days_back); $settings = $mapper->getFilteredSettingsByUserid($userid); $serverDateTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($app->default_timezone); $userDateTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($settings['timezone']); $serverDateTime = new DateTime("now", $serverDateTimeZone); $userDateTime = new DateTime("now", $userDateTimeZone); $tzDiff = $userDateTime->getOffset() - $serverDateTime->getOffset(); $tzDiff = $tzDiff / (60 * 60); $weight_mapper = new Mapper_Weight(); $weights = $weight_mapper->getWeightsForUser($userid, $days_back); $formatted_weights = array(); foreach ($weights as $weight) { $formatted_weights[] = array('date' => $weight['create_time'], 'weight' => $weight['weight'], 'comment' => htmlentities($weight['comment'])); } return array('data' => $formatted_weights, 'units' => $app->weight_units, 'tz_offset' => $tzDiff); }
public function render() { $page = 'home'; $app = Config::get('app'); $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $logged_in = $policy->check(); $app->menu_items = Helper_Menu::processMenuItems($app->menu_items, $page, $logged_in); $user = null; $formatted_weights = array(); $settingsVals = array(); $viewOptions = array(); if ($logged_in) { $userid = $policy->getData(); $user_mapper = new Mapper_User(); $user = $user_mapper->getUserById($userid); $settings_mapper = new Mapper_Settings(); $settingsVals = $settings_mapper->getFilteredSettingsByUserid($userid); $defaultView = 30.5; if (isset($settingsVals['default_view'])) { $defaultView = $settingsVals['default_view']; } $viewOptions = array(0 => array('value' => 7, 'name' => '1 week'), 1 => array('value' => 30.5, 'name' => '1 month'), 2 => array('value' => 61, 'name' => '2 months'), 3 => array('value' => 91.5, 'name' => '3 months'), 4 => array('value' => 182.5, 'name' => '6 months'), 5 => array('value' => 365, 'name' => '1 year'), 6 => array('value' => 'ytd', 'name' => 'Year to date'), 7 => array('value' => 'all', 'name' => 'All data')); foreach ($viewOptions as &$option) { if ($option['value'] == $defaultView) { $option['selected'] = true; } } } return array('app' => $app, 'breadcrumb' => 'Home', 'error' => Helper_Message::getError(), 'logged_in' => $logged_in, 'user' => $user, 'user_settings' => $settingsVals, 'view_options' => $viewOptions); }
public function render() { $page = 'about'; $app = Config::get('app'); $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $userid = $policy->getData(); $app->menu_items = Helper_Menu::processMenuItems($app->menu_items, $page, $userid); return array('app' => $app, 'breadcrumb' => 'About'); }
public function render() { $page = 'tools'; $app = Config::get('app'); $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $userid = $policy->getData(); $app->menu_items = Helper_Menu::processMenuItems($app->menu_items, $page, $userid); return array('app' => $app, 'breadcrumb' => 'Tools', 'error' => Helper_Message::getError(), 'success' => Helper_Message::getSuccess()); }
public function GET() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $logged_in = $policy->check(); if ($logged_in) { $userid = $policy->getData(); $user_mapper = new Mapper_User(); $user_mapper->updateUpdateTimeForUser($userid); } }
public function render() { $page = 'settings'; $app = Config::get('app'); $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $userid = $policy->getData(); $app->menu_items = Helper_Menu::processMenuItems($app->menu_items, $page, $userid); $mapper = new Mapper_User(); $user = $mapper->getUserById($userid); return array('app' => $app, 'breadcrumb' => 'Account', 'user' => $user, 'error' => Helper_Message::getError(), 'success' => Helper_Message::getSuccess()); }
public function DELETE() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $userid = $policy->getData(); $request = $this->app->request(); if (!$userid) { throw new Exception_Api("Unable to authenticate."); } $id = $request->params('id'); $mapper = new Mapper_Weight(); $mapper->deleteWeightForUser($userid, $id); return array('id' => $id); }
public function render() { $page = 'settings'; $app = Config::get('app'); $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $userid = $policy->getData(); $app->menu_items = Helper_Menu::processMenuItems($app->menu_items, $page, $userid); $userSettings = $app->user_settings; usort($userSettings, array('self', 'sortSettings')); $settings_mapper = new Mapper_Settings(); $settingsVals = $settings_mapper->getFilteredSettingsByUserid($userid); foreach ($userSettings as &$setting) { $setting['value'] = $settingsVals[$setting['name']]; } return array('app' => $app, 'breadcrumb' => 'Settings', 'user_settings' => $userSettings, 'error' => Helper_Message::getError(), 'success' => Helper_Message::getSuccess()); }
public function render() { $page = 'records'; $recordsPerPage = 10; $app = Config::get('app'); $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $userid = $policy->getData(); $app->menu_items = Helper_Menu::processMenuItems($app->menu_items, $page, $userid); $request = $this->app->request(); $page = trim($request->get('page')); if (!ctype_digit($page)) { $page = 1; } $weight_mapper = new Mapper_Weight(); $totalWeights = $weight_mapper->getWeightsCountForUser($userid); $weights = $weight_mapper->getPaginatedWeightsForUser($userid, $page, $recordsPerPage); $numPages = ceil($totalWeights / $recordsPerPage); if ($page > $numPages) { $page = 1; } $hasPrev = false; $hasNext = false; if ($numPages > 1) { if ($page > 1) { $hasPrev = true; } if ($page < $numPages) { $hasNext = true; } } $pagesArray = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPages; $i++) { $data = array('page' => $i, 'selected' => $i == $page ? true : false); $pagesArray[] = $data; } foreach ($weights as &$weight) { $weight['time'] = date('D F j, Y, g:i a', $weight['create_time']); $wVal = $weight['weight']; if (round($wVal) == $wVal) { $weight['weight'] = round($wVal); } } return array('app' => $app, 'breadcrumb' => 'Records', 'has_weights' => count($weights) > 0, 'weights' => $weights, 'pages' => $pagesArray, 'has_previous' => $hasPrev, 'has_next' => $hasNext, 'previous_val' => $page - 1, 'next_val' => $page + 1, 'total_pages' => $numPages, 'current_page' => $page); }
public function GET() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $policy->ensure(); $userid = $policy->getData(); $date = date('n.j.Y'); header("Content-type: text/csv"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=weights-{$date}.csv"); $mapper = new Mapper_Weight(); $weights = $mapper->getWeightsForUser($userid, 'all'); echo "Date,Weight,Comment\n"; foreach ($weights as $weight) { $time = date('F j Y g:i a', $weight['create_time']); echo $time . "," . $weight['weight']; if ($weight['comment']) { echo ',' . self::escapeCSVValue($weight['comment']); } echo "\n"; } }
public function POST() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $policy->ensure(); $userid = $policy->getData(); $mapper = new Mapper_User(); $user = $mapper->getUserById($userid); $app = Config::get('app'); $request = $this->app->request(); $email = trim($request->post('email')); if (!$email) { $this->error("Email is a required field."); } if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $this->error("Invalid email format."); } $possibleUser = $mapper->getUserByEmail($email); if ($possibleUser && $possibleUser['id'] != $userid) { $this->error("A user with that email address already exists."); } $oldPassword = trim($request->post('old_password')); $newPassword = trim($request->post('new_password')); if ($oldPassword && !$newPassword || !$oldPassword && $newPassword) { $this->error("You must enter both your old and your new passwords."); } else { if ($oldPassword && $newPassword) { if ($user['password_hash'] != Mapper_User::generateHash($oldPassword)) { $this->error("Old password is incorrect."); } if (strlen($newPassword) < 5 || strlen($newPassword) > 15) { $this->error("New password must be between 5 and 15 characters."); } if (!ctype_alnum($newPassword)) { $this->error("Invalid password. Only letters and numbers are allowed."); } $mapper->updatePasswordForUser($userid, $newPassword); } } $mapper->updateEmailForUser($userid, $email); $this->success(); }
public function GET() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $app = Config::get('app'); $userid = $policy->getData(); $request = $this->app->request(); if (!$userid) { throw new Exception_Api("Unable to authenticate."); } $days_back = trim($request->get('days_back')); if (!is_numeric($days_back) && $days_back != 'all' && $days_back != 'ytd') { throw new Exception_Api('Missing or invalid days_back field.'); } $bmi = Helper_Weight::getBMIForUser($userid); $stats = Helper_Weight::getStatsForUser($userid, $days_back); $rawChange = $stats['raw_change']; unset($stats['raw_change']); $target = Helper_Weight::getTargetStatsForUser($userid, $rawChange); $data = array('bmi' => $bmi, 'stats' => $stats, 'target' => $target); return array('data' => $data, 'units' => $app->weight_units); }
public function POST() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $policy->ensure(); $userid = $policy->getData(); $request = $this->app->request(); $tempPassword = $request->post('password'); $user_mapper = new Mapper_User(); $user = $user_mapper->getUserById($userid); if ($user['password_hash'] != Mapper_User::generateHash($tempPassword)) { $this->error("The password you entered was invalid."); } else { // Delete settings $settings_mapper = new Mapper_Settings(); $settings_mapper->deleteAllSettingsForUser($userid); // Delete weights $weight_mapper = new Mapper_Weight(); $weight_mapper->deleteAllWeightsForUser($userid); // Delete user last $user_mapper->deleteUserById($userid); $this->success(); } }
public function POST() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $policy->ensure(); $userid = $policy->getData(); if (!isset($_FILES['file'])) { $this->error("Nothing to do."); } $file = $_FILES['file']; if (isset($file['error']) && $file['error'] > 0) { $error = $file['error']; if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { $this->error("No file was selected."); } else { if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) { $this->error("The file you're trying to upload is too big."); } else { $this->error("Something went wrong, please try again later."); } } } $tmpName = $file['tmp_name']; ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); $handle = fopen($tmpName, 'r'); $dataLines = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== false) { $dataLines[] = $data; } ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', false); if (count($dataLines) < 2) { $this->error("The file uploaded does not contain enough data to import."); } $descripData = $dataLines[0]; $dateOffset = false; $weightOffset = false; $commentOffset = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($descripData); $i++) { $field = strtolower(trim($descripData[$i])); if ($field == "date") { $dateOffset = $i; } else { if ($field == "weight") { $weightOffset = $i; } else { if ($field == "comment" || $field == "comments" || $field == "note" || $field == "notes") { $commentOffset = $i; } } } } if ($dateOffset === false || $weightOffset === false) { $this->error("The file uploaded is missing the required fields."); } $validRows = 0; for ($i = 1; $i < count($dataLines); $i++) { $tmpData = $dataLines[$i]; $tmpDate = trim($tmpData[$dateOffset]); $tmpWeight = trim($tmpData[$weightOffset]); $tmpComment = ''; if ($commentOffset && isset($tmpData[$commentOffset])) { $tmpComment = trim($tmpData[$commentOffset]); } $tmpWeight = Helper_Weight::validateWeight($tmpWeight); $tmpDate = Helper_Date::validateDate($tmpDate); if ($tmpDate && $tmpWeight) { $mapper = new Mapper_Weight(); $mapper->addWeight($userid, $tmpWeight, $tmpComment, $tmpDate); $validRows++; } } if ($validRows == 0) { $this->error("No valid data found to import."); } $this->success("Import complete. {$validRows} " . ($validRows != 1 ? "rows" : "row") . " were just imported."); }
public function GET() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $policy->ensure(); }
public function POST() { $policy = new Policy_LoggedIn($this->app); $policy->ensure(); $userid = $policy->getData(); $app = Config::get('app'); $request = $this->app->request(); $user_settings = $app->user_settings; foreach ($user_settings as $setting) { $val = trim($request->post($setting['name'])); $newVal = $setting['default']; if ($setting['validate'] == 'boolean') { if ($val == 'on') { $newVal = 1; } else { $newVal = 0; } } else { if ($setting['validate'] == 'height') { $newVal = $val; if (!is_numeric($newVal)) { $newVal = 0; } else { if ($newVal < 0) { $newVal = 0; } else { if ($newVal > 120) { $newVal = 120; } } } $newVal = round($newVal, 1); } else { if ($setting['validate'] == 'weight') { $newVal = $val; if (!is_numeric($newVal)) { $newVal = 0; } else { if ($newVal < 0) { $newVal = 0; } else { if ($newVal > 1000) { $newVal = 1000; } } } $newVal = round($newVal, 1); } else { if ($setting['validate'] == 'timezone') { $zones = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(); if (in_array($val, $zones)) { $newVal = $val; } } } } } $settings_mapper = new Mapper_Settings(); $settings_mapper->updateSettingForUserid($userid, $setting['name'], $newVal); } Helper_Message::setSuccess($this->app, "Your settings were updated."); $this->app->redirect('/settings'); die; }