Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Display the typologycriteria form, typology side
  * @param PluginTypologyTypology $typo
  * @param bool $showAdd
 public static function showForTypology(PluginTypologyTypology $typo, $showAdd = true)
     $ID = $typo->getField('id');
     $crit = new PluginTypologyTypologyCriteria();
     $canedit = $typo->can($ID, 'w');
     $rand = mt_rand();
     if ($canedit) {
         if ($showAdd) {
             echo "<div class='center first-bloc'>";
             echo "<form name='typocrit_form{$rand}' id='typocrit_form{$rand}' method='post' action='";
             echo Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__) . "'>";
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='7'>" . __('Add a criterion', 'typology') . "</tr>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td class='center'>" . __('Name') . "</td>";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_typology_typologies_id' value='{$ID}'>";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='" . $typo->getEntityID() . "'>";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='is_recursive' value='" . $typo->isRecursive() . "'>";
             echo "</td><td class='center'>";
             Html::autocompletionTextField($crit, "name");
             echo "</td><td class='center'>" . __('Item') . "</td><td class='center'>";
             echo "</td><td>" . __('Logical operator') . "</td><td>";
             Dropdown::showFromArray('link', array(0 => __('and'), 1 => __('or')));
             echo "</td><td>";
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='is_active' value='1'>";
             echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
             echo "</td></tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             echo "</div>";
         //         echo "<form name='massiveaction_form$rand' id='massiveaction_form$rand' method='post'
         //                     action=\"../ajax/massiveaction.php\">";
         $restrict = "`plugin_typology_typologies_id` = '{$ID}'\n                     ORDER BY `itemtype`";
         $criterias = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriterias', $restrict);
         Session::initNavigateListItems("PluginTypologyTypologyCriteria", PluginTypologyTypology::getTypeName(1) . " = " . $typo->getName());
         if (!empty($criterias)) {
             echo "<div class='spaced'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
                 $massiveactionparams = array();
                 Html::showMassiveActions(__CLASS__, $massiveactionparams);
             echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 echo "<tr>";
                 echo "<th width='10'>" . Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand) . "</th>";
                 echo "<th colspan=5>" . __('Criteria\'s list', 'typology') . "</th>";
                 echo "</tr>";
             foreach ($criterias as $criteria) {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems("PluginTypologyTypologyCriteria", $criteria["id"]);
                 if ($showAdd) {
                     $colspan = 6;
                 } else {
                     $colspan = 5;
                 if ($showAdd) {
                     $type = 'tab_cadre_fixehov';
                 } else {
                     $type = 'tab_cadre';
                 echo "<div class='center'><table class={$type}>";
                 if ($showAdd) {
                     echo "<tr><th colspan={$colspan}>" . PluginTypologyTypologyCriteria::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
                 } else {
                     echo "<tr><th colspan={$colspan}>" . __('Detail of the assigned typology', 'typology') . "</th>";
                 echo "</tr>";
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 if ($showAdd) {
                     echo "<th colspan='2'>" . __('Name') . "</th>";
                 echo "<th class='center b'>" . __('Active') . "</th>";
                 echo "<th class='center b'>" . __('Item') . "</th>";
                 echo "<th class='center b'>" . __('Logical operator') . "</th>";
                 echo "<th class='center b'>" . PluginTypologyTypologyCriteriaDefinition::getTypeName(2) . "</th>";
                 echo "</tr>";
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 if ($canedit && $showAdd) {
                     echo "<td width='10'>";
                     //                  echo "<input type='checkbox' name='item[".$criteria["id"]."]' value='1'>";
                     Html::showMassiveActionCheckBox(__CLASS__, $criteria["id"]);
                     echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td width='10%'>";
                 if ($canedit) {
                     echo "<a href='" . Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL('PluginTypologyTypologyCriteria') . "?id=" . $criteria["id"] . "'>";
                 echo $criteria["name"];
                 if (empty($criteria["name"])) {
                     echo "(" . $criteria['id'] . ")";
                 if ($canedit) {
                     echo "</a>";
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td width='10%' align='center'>";
                 echo Dropdown::getYesNo($criteria['is_active']);
                 echo "</td>";
                 $item = new $criteria['itemtype']();
                 echo "<td width='10%'>" . $item::getTypeName(0) . "</td>";
                 echo "<td width='10%' align='center'>";
                 if ($criteria['link'] == 0) {
                     echo __('and');
                 } else {
                     if ($criteria['link'] == 1) {
                         echo __('or');
                 echo "</td><td>";
                 $condition = "`glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`plugin_typology_typologycriterias_id` " . " = '" . $criteria['id'] . "' ORDER BY `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`id`";
                 $definitions = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions', $condition);
                 if (!empty($definitions)) {
                     echo "<table class='tab_cadre' width='100%'>";
                     echo "<tr>";
                     echo "<th class='center b' width='33%'>" . _n('Field', 'Fields', 2) . "</th>";
                     echo "<th class='center b' width='33%'>" . __('Logical operator') . "</th>";
                     echo "<th class='center b'>" . __('Value') . "</th>";
                     echo "</tr>";
                     foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
                         echo "<tr>";
                         $definition['itemtype'] = $criteria['itemtype'];
                         echo "</tr>";
                     echo "</table>";
                 echo "</td></tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             if ($canedit) {
                 $paramsma['ontop'] = false;
                 Html::showMassiveActions(__CLASS__, $paramsma);
             echo "</div>";
             //            if ($showAdd){
             //               Html::openArrowMassives("massiveaction_form$rand",true);
             //               self::dropdownMassiveAction($rand);
             //               Html::closeArrowMassives(array());
             //            }
     //      Html::closeForm();
  * Display the add Definition form
  * @param $typocrit_id typocrit ID
 static function showForCriteria(PluginTypologyTypologyCriteria $typocrit)
     global $DB;
     $typocrit_id = $typocrit->getField('id');
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`id`,\n                        `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriterias`.`itemtype`,\n                        `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriterias`.`link`,\n                       `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`field`,\n                       `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`action_type`,\n                       `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`value`,\n                       `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`plugin_typology_typologycriterias_id`\n                FROM `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`\n                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriterias`\n                     ON (`glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriterias`.`id`\n                           = `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`plugin_typology_typologycriterias_id`)\n                WHERE `plugin_typology_typologycriterias_id` = '" . $typocrit_id . "'\n                ORDER BY `glpi_plugin_typology_typologycriteriadefinitions`.`id`";
     echo "<div class='firstbloc'>";
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='./typologycriteria.form.php'>";
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr><th colspan='6'>" . PluginTypologyTypologyCriteriaDefinition::getTypeName(1) . "</tr>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_typology_typologycriterias_id' value='{$typocrit_id}'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='entities_id' value='" . $typocrit->getField('entities_id') . "'>";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='is_recursive' value='" . $typocrit->getField('is_recursive') . "'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 center'>";
         echo "<td>" . _n('Field', 'Fields', 2) . "</td><td>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "<span id='span_actions' name='span_actions'></span></td>";
         echo "<td>";
         echo "<span id='span_values' name='span_values'></span></td>";
         echo "<td class='tab_bg_2 left' width='80px'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add_action' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>\n";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "</div>";
         if ($DB->num_fields($result) > 0) {
             if (plugin_typology_haveRight('typology', 'w')) {
                 echo "<form name='critDef_form' id='critDef_form' method='post' action='./typologycriteria.form.php'>";
             echo "<div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
             echo "<tr><th colspan='4'>" . PluginTypologyTypologyCriteriaDefinition::getTypeName(2) . "</th></tr>";
             echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 center'>";
             echo "<th colspan='2'>" . _n('Field', 'Fields', 2) . "</th>";
             echo "<th class='center b'>" . __('Logical operator') . "</th>";
             echo "<th class='center b'>" . __('Value') . "</th>";
             echo "</tr>";
             while ($ligne = $DB->fetch_array($result)) {
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>";
                 if (plugin_typology_haveRight('typology', 'w')) {
                     echo "<td width='10'>";
                     echo "<input type='checkbox' name='item[" . $ligne["id"] . "]' value='1'>";
                     echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_typology_typologycriterias_id' value='{$typocrit_id}'>";
                     echo "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
             if (plugin_typology_haveRight('typology', 'w')) {
                 Html::openArrowMassives("critDef_form", true);
                 Html::closeArrowMassives(array('delete_action' => __('Delete permanently')));
             echo "</table></div>";
             if (plugin_typology_haveRight('typology', 'w')) {