public function _empty() { $plugin_name = $_GET['_module']; $action_name = $_GET['_action']; $info = model('plugin')->info_table($plugin_name); if (empty($info)) { cpError::show($_GET['_module'] . '模块或插件不存在'); } else { if ($info['status'] == 1) { if (Plugin::run($plugin_name, $action_name) == false) { cpError::show($_GET['_module'] . '模块或插件不存在'); } } else { cpError::show($_GET['_module'] . '模块或插件不存在'); } } }
public function plus_hook($module, $action, $data = NULL, $return = false) { $action_name = 'hook_' . $module . '_' . $action; $list = $this->model->table('plugin')->where('status=1')->select(); $plugin_list = Plugin::get(); if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as $value) { $action_array = $plugin_list[$value['file']]; if (!empty($action_array)) { if (in_array($action_name, $action_array)) { if ($return) { return Plugin::run($value['file'], $action_name, $data, $return); } else { Plugin::run($value['file'], $action_name, $data); } } } } } }
Author: Andrey "Rarst" Savchenko Version: 1.2 Author URI: License: GPLv2 or later License URI: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ namespace Rarst\Fragment_Cache; if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; } global $fragment_cache; $fragment_cache = new Plugin(array('timeout' => HOUR_IN_SECONDS, 'update_server' => new \TLC_Transient_Update_Server())); $fragment_cache->add_fragment_handler('menu', 'Rarst\\Fragment_Cache\\Menu_Cache'); $fragment_cache->add_fragment_handler('widget', 'Rarst\\Fragment_Cache\\Widget_Cache'); $fragment_cache->add_fragment_handler('gallery', 'Rarst\\Fragment_Cache\\Gallery_Cache'); $fragment_cache->run();
<?php /* Plugin Name: Markdown Plugin URI: Description: Markdown formatting support. Version: 1.3.1 Author: Luís Rodrigues Author URI: License: GPLv2 */ namespace goblindegook\WP\Markdown; if (!defined('WPINC')) { die; } if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; } \add_action('plugins_loaded', function () { $plugin = new Plugin('wp-markdown', '1.1.2'); $plugin->run(); });
public function uninstall() { $id = intval($_POST['id']); $this->alert_str($id, 'int', true); //获取插件信息 $info = model('plugin')->info_data($id); if (empty($info)) { $this->msg('插件信息获取失败!', 0); } //获取配置信息 $config = model('plugin')->info($info['file']); if (empty($config)) { $this->msg('配置信息获取失败!', 0); } $dir = __ROOTDIR__ . '/plugins/' . $info['file']; if (!empty($info['file'])) { $data = @Plugin::run($info['file'], 'plugin_ini_data', '', true); } @Plugin::run($info['file'], 'uninstall', $info); //删除表 if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $value) { model('plugin')->del_table($value); } } //删除菜单 model('plugin')->del_menu($info['mid']); //删除主表 model('plugin')->del($id); //删除完毕 $this->msg($info['file']); }
<?php namespace Korobochkin\Memories; /* Plugin Name: Memories Plugin URI: Description: Save Instagram moments in WordPress. Version: 0.0.0 Author: Kolya Korobochkin Author URI: License: GPL2 License URI: Domain Path: /languages Text Domain: memories */ /** * Autoloader for all classes. * * @since 0.0.0 */ require_once 'inc/autoloader.php'; /* * Run this plugin right now. */ Plugin::run();
/** * Instantiate and run the plugin * * Check is Woocommerce is active, instantiate Plugin class, call function for boot base plugin actions. * * @return void */ function loaded() { check_is_woocommerce_is_active(); $plugin = new Plugin(); $plugin->run(); }
public function _empty() { header("content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); //执行插件部分 $module_name = in($_GET['_module']); $action_name = in($_GET['_action']); $plugin_info = $this->model->table('plugin')->where('file="' . $module_name . '"')->find(); if (!empty($plugin_info)) { if ($plugin_info['status'] == 1) { if (Plugin::run($module_name, $action_name)) { return; } } } //处理根目录 $root = substr(str_replace('/', '\\/', __ROOT__), 1); if (empty($root)) { $root = '/'; } //过滤URL $url = str_replace('index.php/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $url = str_replace('index.php', '', $url); $url = str_replace('//', '/', $url); $url = str_replace('///', '/', $url); $url = explode('?', $url); $url = $url[0]; $url = urldecode($url); if (substr($url, -10) == 'index.html') { $url = substr($url, 0, -10); } $urls = $url; //表单URL $form_list = $this->model->table('form')->where('display=1')->select(); if (substr($root, -1) != '/') { $rooturl = $root . '/'; } else { $rooturl = $root; } if (!empty($form_list)) { foreach ($form_list as $value) { if ($urls == $rooturl . $value['table'] || $urls == $rooturl . $value['table'] . '/' || $urls == $rooturl . $value['table'] . '/index.html' || $urls == $rooturl . $value['table'] . '/pages.html') { model('rewrite')->form_url($value['table']); return; } preg_match($root . '\\/' . $value['table'] . '\\/pages-(\\d+).html/i', $urls, $match); if ($match[0] == $url && !empty($match)) { model('rewrite')->form_url($value['table'], $match[1]); return; } } } //处理TAGURL $tagurl = explode('-', urldecode($module_name)); if ($tagurl[0] == 'tags') { $tag = str_replace('tags-', '', urldecode($module_name)); if ($urls == $rooturl . 'tags-' . $tag || $urls == $rooturl . 'tags-' . $tag . '/' || $urls == $rooturl . 'tags-' . $tag . '/index.html' || $urls == $rooturl . $tag . '/pages.html') { model('rewrite')->tags_url($tag); return; } preg_match($root . '\\/tags-' . $tag . '\\/pages-(\\d+).html/i', $urls, $match); if ($match[0] == $url && !empty($match)) { model('rewrite')->tags_url($tag, $match[1]); return; } } $mod_list = $this->model->table('model')->select(); foreach ($mod_list as $value) { //栏目列表规则 $url_catrgory = $value['url_category']; $url_catrgory_page = $value['url_category_page']; //栏目列表替换 $patterns = array(".", "/", "{EXT}", "{CDIR}", "{P}"); $replacements = array("\\.", "\\/", str_replace('.', '\\.', '.html'), "([a-z0-9_\\-]+)", "(\\d+)"); if (substr($url, -1) != '/') { $url = $url . '/'; } if (substr($url_catrgory, -1) != '/') { $url_catrgory = $url_catrgory . '/'; } //处理栏目URL规则 $url_catrgory = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $url_catrgory); $url_catrgory_page = str_replace($patterns, $replacements, $url_catrgory_page); //判断栏目分页规则 $url = $urls; preg_match($root . '\\/' . $url_catrgory_page . '/i', $url, $match); if (substr($match[0], 0, 1) != '/') { $match[0] = '/' . $match[0]; } if ($match[0] == $url) { model('rewrite')->category($match[1], $match[2]); return; } unset($match); //判断栏目规则 preg_match($root . '\\/' . $url_catrgory . '/i', $url, $match); if (substr($match[0], 0, 1) != '/') { $match[0] = '/' . $match[0]; } if ($match[0] == $url) { model('rewrite')->category($match[1]); return; } unset($match); //内容列表规则 $url_content = $value['url_content']; $url_content_page = $value['url_content_page']; //内容替换 $patterns2 = array(".", "/", "{EXT}", "{CDIR}", "{P}", "{YY}", "{YYYY}", "{M}", "{D}", "{AID}", "{URLTITLE}"); $replacements2 = array("\\.", "\\/", str_replace('.', '\\.', '.html'), "[a-z0-9_\\-]+", "(\\d+)", "\\d{2}", "\\d{4}", "\\d{2}", "\\d{2}", "(\\d+)", "([a-z0-9_\\-]+)"); //处理内容URL规则 $url_content = str_replace($patterns2, $replacements2, $url_content); $url_content_page = str_replace($patterns2, $replacements2, $url_content_page); $url = $urls; //判断内容分页规则 preg_match($root . '\\/' . $url_content_page . '/i', $url, $match); if (substr($match[0], 0, 1) != '/') { $match[0] = '/' . $match[0]; } if ($match[0] == $url) { model('rewrite')->content($match[1], end($match)); return; } unset($match); //判断内容规则 preg_match($root . '\\/' . $url_content . '/i', $url, $match); if (substr($match[0], 0, 1) != '/') { $match[0] = '/' . $match[0]; } if ($match[0] == $url) { model('rewrite')->content($match[1]); return; } unset($match); } $this->error404(); }