Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Method to catch the onAfterInitialise event.
  * @return  boolean  True on success
 public function onAfterInitialise()
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $task = $input->get('task', $input->get('typeaheadtask', '', 'cmd'), 'cmd');
     // in frontend SEF
     if ($task != "gwejson") {
         return true;
     $file = $input->get('file', '', 'cmd');
     // Library file MUST start with "gwejson_" for security reasons to stop other files being included maliciously
     if ($file == "") {
         return true;
     if (strpos($file, "gwejson_") !== 0) {
         $file = "gwejson_" . $file;
     $path = $input->get('path', 'site', 'cmd');
     $paths = array("site" => JPATH_SITE, "admin" => JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, "plugin" => JPATH_SITE . "/plugins", "module" => JPATH_SITE . "/modules");
     if (!in_array($path, array_keys($paths))) {
         return true;
     $folder = $input->get('folder', '', 'string');
     if ($path == "plugin") {
         $plugin = $input->get('plugin', '', 'string');
         if ($folder == "" || $plugin == "") {
             return true;
         $path = $paths[$path] . "/{$folder}/{$plugin}/";
     } else {
         if ($path == "module") {
             if ($folder == "") {
                 return true;
             $path = $paths[$path] . "/{$folder}/";
         } else {
             $extension = $input->get('option', $input->get('ttoption', '', 'cmd'), 'cmd');
             if ($extension == "") {
                 return true;
             if ($folder == "") {
                 $path = $paths[$path] . "/components/{$extension}/libraries/";
             } else {
                 $path = $paths[$path] . "/components/{$extension}/{$folder}/";
     if (!JFile::exists($path . $file . ".php")) {
         return true;
     include_once $path . $file . ".php";
     if (!function_exists("gwejson_skiptoken") || !gwejson_skiptoken()) {
         $token = JSession::getFormToken();
         if ($token != $input->get('token', '', 'string')) {
             PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - bad token.  Please refresh the page and try again.");
     // we don't want any modules etc.
     //$input->set('tmpl', 'component');
     $input->set('format', 'json');
     ini_set("display_errors", 0);
     // When setting typeahead in the post it overrides the GET value which the prepare function doesn't replace for some reason :(
     if ($input->get('typeahead', '', 'string') != "" || $input->get('prefetch', 0, 'int')) {
         try {
             $requestObject = new stdClass();
             $requestObject->typeahead = $input->get('typeahead', '', 'string');
             $data = null;
             $data = ProcessJsonRequest($requestObject, $data);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an exception ".$e->getMessage()." ".var_export($e->getTrace()));
             PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an exception " . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         if ($input->get('json', '', 'raw')) {
             // Create JSON data structure
             $data = new stdClass();
             $data->error = 0;
             $data->result = "ERROR";
             $data->user = "";
             $requestData = $input->get('json', '', 'raw');
             if (isset($requestData)) {
                 try {
                     if (ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc")) {
                         $requestData = stripslashes($requestData);
                     $requestObject = json_decode($requestData, 0);
                     if (!$requestObject) {
                         $requestObject = json_decode(utf8_encode($requestData), 0);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an exception");
                 if (!$requestObject) {
                     //file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/cache/error.txt", var_export($requestData, true));
                     PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no request object ");
                 } else {
                     if ($requestObject->error) {
                         PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - Request object error " . $requestObject->error);
                     } else {
                         try {
                             $data = ProcessJsonRequest($requestObject, $data);
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             //PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an exception ".$e->getMessage()." ".var_export($e->getTrace()));
                             PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an exception " . $e->getMessage());
             } else {
                 PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("Invalid Input");
         } else {
             PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no request data");
     header("Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8");
     if (is_object($data)) {
         if (defined('_SC_START')) {
             list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
             $time_end = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
             $data->timing = round($time_end - _SC_START, 4);
         } else {
             $data->timing = 0;
     // Must suppress any error messages
     echo json_encode($data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function simulateSaveRepeat($requestObject)
    include_once JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_jevents/jevents.defines.php";
    if (!JEVHelper::isEventCreator()) {
    // Convert formdata to array
    $formdata = array();
    foreach (get_object_vars($requestObject->formdata) as $k => $v) {
        $k = str_replace("[]", "", $k);
        $formdata[$k] = $v;
    //$array = JRequest::_cleanVar($formdata, JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);
    $safeHtmlFilter = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1);
    $array = $safeHtmlFilter->clean($formdata, null);
    if (!array_key_exists("rp_id", $array) || intval($array["rp_id"]) <= 0) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror(JText::_("Not a repeat", true));
    $rp_id = intval($array["rp_id"]);
    $dataModel = new JEventsDataModel("JEventsAdminDBModel");
    $queryModel = new JEventsDBModel($dataModel);
    // I should be able to do this in one operation but that can come later
    $event = $queryModel->listEventsById(intval($rp_id), 1, "icaldb");
    if (!JEVHelper::canEditEvent($event)) {
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $rpt = new iCalRepetition($db);
    $query = "SELECT detail_id FROM #__jevents_vevent WHERE ev_id={$rpt->eventid}";
    $eventdetailid = $db->loadResult();
    $data["UID"] = valueIfExists($array, "uid", md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
    $data["X-EXTRAINFO"] = valueIfExists($array, "extra_info", "");
    $data["LOCATION"] = valueIfExists($array, "location", "");
    $data["allDayEvent"] = valueIfExists($array, "allDayEvent", "off");
    $data["CONTACT"] = valueIfExists($array, "contact_info", "");
    // allow raw HTML (mask =2)
    $data["DESCRIPTION"] = valueIfExists($array, "jevcontent", "", 'request', 'html', 2);
    $data["publish_down"] = valueIfExists($array, "publish_down", "2006-12-12");
    $data["publish_up"] = valueIfExists($array, "publish_up", "2006-12-12");
    if (isset($array["publish_down2"]) && $array["publish_down2"]) {
        $data["publish_down"] = $array["publish_down2"];
    if (isset($array["publish_up2"]) && $array["publish_up2"]) {
        $data["publish_up"] = $array["publish_up2"];
    $interval = valueIfExists($array, "rinterval", 1);
    $data["SUMMARY"] = valueIfExists($array, "title", "");
    $data["MULTIDAY"] = intval(valueIfExists($array, "multiday", "1"));
    $data["NOENDTIME"] = intval(valueIfExists($array, "noendtime", 0));
    $ics_id = valueIfExists($array, "ics_id", 0);
    if ($data["allDayEvent"] == "on") {
        $start_time = "00:00";
    } else {
        $start_time = valueIfExists($array, "start_time", "08:00");
    $publishstart = $data["publish_up"] . ' ' . $start_time . ':00';
    $data["DTSTART"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishstart);
    if ($data["allDayEvent"] == "on") {
        $end_time = "23:59";
        $publishend = $data["publish_down"] . ' ' . $end_time . ':59';
    } else {
        $end_time = valueIfExists($array, "end_time", "15:00");
        $publishend = $data["publish_down"] . ' ' . $end_time . ':00';
    $data["DTEND"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishend);
    // iCal for whole day uses 00:00:00 on the next day JEvents uses 23:59:59 on the same day
    list($h, $m, $s) = explode(":", $end_time . ':00');
    if ($h + $m + $s == 0 && $data["allDayEvent"] == "on" && $data["DTEND"] > $data["DTSTART"]) {
        $publishend = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59', $data["DTEND"] - 86400);
        $data["DTEND"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishend);
    $data["X-COLOR"] = valueIfExists($array, "color", "");
    // Add any custom fields into $data array
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        if (strpos($key, "custom_") === 0) {
            $data[$key] = $value;
    // populate rpt with data
    $start = $data["DTSTART"];
    $end = $data["DTEND"];
    $rpt->startrepeat = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $start);
    $rpt->endrepeat = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $end);
    $rpt->duplicatecheck = md5($rpt->eventid . $start);
    $rpt->rp_id = $rp_id;
    $rpt->event = $event;
    return $rpt;
Ejemplo n.º 3
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2015-2015 GWE Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * @license		By negoriation with author via http://www.gwesystems.com
function ProcessJsonRequest(&$requestObject, $returnData)
    $returnData->titles = array();
    $returnData->exactmatch = false;
    ini_set("display_errors", 0);
    include_once JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_jevents/jevents.defines.php";
    $token = JSession::getFormToken();
    if (isset($requestObject->token) && $requestObject->token != $token || JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('token', '', 'string') != $token) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - bad token.  Please refresh the page and try again.");
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    if ($user->id == 0) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error");
    // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
    $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall", "com_jevents");
    $access = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_jevents') || $user->authorise('core.deleteall', 'com_jevents');
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    if (!($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall) && !$access) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no access");
    if ($requestObject->error) {
        return "Error";
    if (isset($requestObject->typeahead) && trim($requestObject->typeahead) !== "") {
        $returnData->result = "title is " . $requestObject->typeahead;
    } else {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no valid argument");
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $title = JFilterInput::getInstance()->clean($requestObject->typeahead, "string");
    $text = $db->Quote('%' . $db->escape($title, true) . '%', false);
    // Remove any dodgy characters from fields
    // Only allow a to z , 0 to 9, ', " space (\\040), hyphen (\\-), underscore (\\_)
    $regex     = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\'\"\'\\40\\-\\_]/';
    $title    = preg_replace($regex, "", $title);
    $title = JString::substr($title."    ",0,4);
    if (trim($title) == "" && trim($title) == "") {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no valid argument");
    $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
    $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
    // if authorised only then load from database
    if ($authorisedonly) {
        $sql = "SELECT  ju.*  FROM #__jev_users AS tl ";
        $sql .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as ju ON tl.user_id=ju.id ";
        $sql .= " WHERE tl.cancreate=1 and ju.username LIKE ({$text}) OR ju.name LIKE ({$text}) ";
        $sql .= " ORDER BY ju.name ASC";
        $sql .= " LIMIT 500";
        $matches = $db->loadObjectList();
    } else {
        $rules = JAccess::getAssetRules("com_jevents", true);
        $creatorgroups = $rules->getData();
        // need to merge the arrays because of stupid way Joomla checks super user permissions
        //$creatorgroups = array_merge($creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData(), $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData());
        // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
        //$creatorgroups = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData()+ $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData();
        // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
        $creatorgroupsdata = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData();
        // take the higher permission setting
        foreach ($creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData() as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
            if ($permission) {
                $creatorgroupsdata[$creatorgroup] = $permission;
        $userids = array(0);
        foreach ($creatorgroupsdata as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
            if ($permission == 1) {
                $userids = array_merge(JAccess::getUsersByGroup($creatorgroup, true), $userids);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users " . "where id IN (" . implode(",", array_values($userids)) . ")  and username LIKE ({$text}) OR name LIKE ({$text})  and block=0 " . "ORDER BY name asc LIMIT 500";
        $matches = $db->loadObjectList();
    if (count($matches) == 0) {
        $returnData = array();
    } else {
        $returnData = array();
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $result = new stdClass();
            $result->title = $match->name . " (" . $match->username . ")";
            $result->creator_id = $match->id;
            $returnData[] = $result;
    return $returnData;