Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Test attempting to connect a pipe to a pipe with an output already connected. 
 public function testConnectingToAConnectedPipe()
     // create two pipes
     $pipe1 = new Pipe();
     $pipe2 = new Pipe();
     $pipe3 = new Pipe();
     // connect them
     $success = $pipe1->connect($pipe2);
     // test assertions
     $this->assertTrue($success, "Expecting connected pipe1 to pipe2");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1->connect($pipe3) == false, "Expecting can't connect pipe3 to pipe1");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor.
  * <P>
  * Optionally connect the output and set the parameters.</P>
  * @param string $name
  * @param IPipeFitting $output
  * @param function $filter
  * @param object $params
  * @return Filter
 public function Filter($name, IPipeFitting $output = null, $filter = null, $params = null)
     $this->name = $name;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Test connecting input and output pipes to a queue. 
 public function testConnectingIOPipes()
     // create output pipes 1
     $pipe1 = new Pipe();
     $pipe2 = new Pipe();
     // create queue
     $queue = new Queue();
     // connect input fitting
     $connectedInput = $pipe1->connect($queue);
     // connect output fitting
     $connectedOutput = $queue->connect($pipe2);
     // test assertions
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe1 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe2 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe2 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($queue instanceof Queue, "Expecting \$queue instanceof Queue");
     $this->assertTrue($connectedInput, "Expecting connected input");
     $this->assertTrue($connectedOutput, "Expecting connected output");
  * Test receiving a message from a pipe using a PipeListener.
 public function testReceiveMessageViaPipeListener()
     // create a message with complete constructor args
     $messageToSend = new Message(Message::NORMAL, (object) array('testProp' => 'testval'), simplexml_load_string('<testMessage testAtt="Hello" testAtt2="world"/>'), Message::PRIORITY_HIGH);
     // create pipe and listener
     $pipe = new Pipe();
     $listener = new PipeListener($this, 'callBackMethod');
     // connect the listener to the pipe and write the message
     $connected = $pipe->connect($listener);
     $written = $pipe->write($messageToSend);
     // test assertions
     $this->assertTrue($pipe instanceof Pipe, "Expecting pipe is Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($connected, "Expecting successfully connected listener to pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($written, "Expecting wrote message to pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($this->messagesReceived instanceof Message, "Expecting \$this->messagesReceived instance of Message");
     $this->assertTrue($this->messagesReceived->getType() == Message::NORMAL, "Expecting \$this->messagesReceived->getType() == Message::NORMAL");
     $this->assertTrue($this->messagesReceived->getHeader()->testProp == 'testval', "Expecting \$this->messagesReceived->getHeader()->testProp == 'testval'");
     $this->assertTrue($this->messagesReceived->getBody()->attributes()->testAtt == 'Hello', "Expecting \$this->messagesReceived->getBody()->attributes()->testAtt == 'Hello'");
     $this->assertTrue($this->messagesReceived->getPriority() == Message::PRIORITY_HIGH, "Expecting \$this->messagesReceived->getPriority() == Message::PRIORITY_HIGH");
  * Test connecting input and output pipes to a filter as well as disconnecting the output.
 public function testConnectingAndDisconnectingIOPipes()
     // create output pipes 1
     $pipe1 = new Pipe();
     $pipe2 = new Pipe();
     // create filter
     $filter = new Filter('TestFilter');
     // connect input fitting
     $connectedInput = $pipe1->connect($filter);
     // connect output fitting
     $connectedOutput = $filter->connect($pipe2);
     // test assertions
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting pipe1 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe2 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting pipe2 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($filter instanceof Filter, "Expecting filter instanceof Filter");
     $this->assertTrue($connectedInput, "Expecting connected input");
     $this->assertTrue($connectedOutput, "Expecting connected output");
     // disconnect pipe 2 from filter
     $disconnectedPipe = $filter->disconnect();
     $this->assertTrue($disconnectedPipe === $pipe2, "Expecting disconnected pipe2 from filter");
Ejemplo n.º 6
     $data = array();
     $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $data['country'] = $geoservice->countryFromIP($clientIP);
     $data['geo'] = $geoservice->geoFromIP($clientIP);
     $response = $data;
 } else {
     if (DiscoUtils::route('get', '^/pipe/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)$', $parameters, $body)) {
         $response = $store->getPipe($parameters[1]);
     } else {
         if (DiscoUtils::route('get', '^/pipe/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/disco$', $parameters, $body)) {
             $c = $store->getPipe($parameters[1]);
             if ($c === null) {
                 echo "not found pipe " . $parameters[1];
             $pipe = Pipe::fromDB($c);
             $query = $pipe->getQuery();
             $response = $store->getIdPs($query);
             // $response = $query;
             // $response = $store->getFeed($parameters[1]);
         } else {
             if (DiscoUtils::route('get', '^/feed/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/disco$', $parameters, $body)) {
                 $response = $store->getFeed($parameters[1]);
             } else {
                 if (DiscoUtils::route('get', '^/feed/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/metadata$', $parameters, $body)) {
                     $response = $store->getFeedMetadata($parameters[1]);
                 } else {
                     if (DiscoUtils::route('get', '^/apps$', $parameters, $body)) {
                         $response = array('foo' => 'bar');
                     } else {
                         if (DiscoUtils::route('get', '^/logo$', $parameters, $qs)) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function Queue(IPipeFitting $output = null)
  * Test receiving messages from two pipes using a TeeMerge.
 public function testReceiveMessagesFromTwoTeeSplitOutputs()
     $this->messagesReceived = array();
     // create a message to send on pipe 1
     $message = new Message(Message::NORMAL, array('testProp' => 1));
     // create output pipes 1 and 2
     $pipe1 = new Pipe();
     $pipe2 = new Pipe();
     // create and connect anonymous listeners
     $connected1 = $pipe1->connect(new PipeListener($this, 'callBackMethod'));
     $connected2 = $pipe2->connect(new PipeListener($this, 'callBackMethod'));
     // create splitting tee (args are first two output fittings of tee)
     $teeSplit = new TeeSplit($pipe1, $pipe2);
     // write messages to their respective pipes
     $written = $teeSplit->write($message);
     // test $this->assertions
     $this->assertTrue($message instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe1 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe2 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe2 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($teeSplit instanceof TeeSplit, "Expecting \$teeSplit instanceof TeeSplit");
     $this->assertTrue($connected1, "Expecting connected anonymous listener to pipe 1");
     $this->assertTrue($connected2, "Expecting connected anonymous listener to pipe 2");
     $this->assertTrue($written, "Expecting wrote single message to tee");
     // test that both messages were received, then test
     // FIFO order by inspecting the messages themselves
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->messagesReceived) == 2, "Expecting received 2 messages");
     // test message 1 $this->assertions
     $message1 = array_shift($this->messagesReceived);
     $this->assertTrue($message1 instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message1 instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($message1 === $message, "Expecting \$message1 === \$pipe1Message");
     // object equality
     // test message 2 $this->assertions
     $message2 = array_shift($this->messagesReceived);
     $this->assertTrue($message2 instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message1 instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($message2 === $message, "Expecting \$message1 === \$pipe1Message");
     // object equality
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function testSaveCreatedWithCustomField()
     //Defaults to = updated
     Pipe::initialise(function ($cfg) {
         $cfg->created_field = 'created_on';
     $field = Pipe::table('test_save_fields_custom');
     $field->name = 'new_name';
     //Check created timestamp entered
     $id = $field->id;
     $this->assertIdentical($field->name, "new_name");
     $this->assertTrue($field->created_on > 0);
  * Test using sendMessage on an OUTPUT pipe.
  * <P>
  * Creates a Pipe, Junction and Message. 
  * Adds the PipeListener to the Pipe.
  * Adds the Pipe to the Junction as an OUTPUT pipe.
  * uses the Junction's sendMessage method to send
  * the Message, then checks that it was received.</P>
 public function testSendMessageOnAnOutputPipe()
     // create pipe
     $pipe = new Pipe();
     // add a PipeListener manually
     $listenerAdded = $pipe->connect(new PipeListener($this, 'callBackMethod'));
     // create junction
     $junction = new Junction();
     // create test message
     $message = new Message(Message::NORMAL, array('testVal' => 1));
     // register the pipe with the junction, giving it a name and direction
     $registered = $junction->registerPipe('testOutputPipe', Junction::OUTPUT, $pipe);
     // send the message using the Junction's method
     // it should show up in messageReceived property via the pipeListener
     $sent = $junction->sendMessage('testOutputPipe', $message);
     // test assertions
     $this->assertTrue($pipe instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($junction instanceof Junction, "Expecting \$junction instanceof Junction");
     $this->assertTrue($registered, "Expecting regsitered pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($listenerAdded, "Expecting added pipeListener");
     $this->assertTrue($sent, "Expecting successful write to pipe");
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->messagesReceived) == 1, "Expecting received 1 messages");
     $this->assertTrue(array_pop($this->messagesReceived) === $message, "Expecting received message was same instance sent");
     //object equality
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function testInitialiseWithStringNotClosure()
     $dsn = Pipe\Config::instance()->connection();
     $this->assertIdentical($dsn, DSN);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * remove the queue resource
  * @return bool
 public function remove()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function testPDOCreated()
     Pipe::initialise(function ($cfg) {
     $instance = Pipe\Connection::instance();
     $this->assertIsA($instance->pdo, 'PDO');
  * Test receiving messages from four pipes using a TeeMerge.
 public function testReceiveMessagesFromFourPipesViaTeeMerge()
     // create a message to send on pipe 1
     $pipe1Message = new Message(Message::NORMAL, (object) array('testProp' => 1));
     $pipe2Message = new Message(Message::NORMAL, (object) array('testProp' => 2));
     $pipe3Message = new Message(Message::NORMAL, (object) array('testProp' => 3));
     $pipe4Message = new Message(Message::NORMAL, (object) array('testProp' => 4));
     // create pipes 1, 2, 3 and 4
     $pipe1 = new Pipe();
     $pipe2 = new Pipe();
     $pipe3 = new Pipe();
     $pipe4 = new Pipe();
     // create merging tee
     $teeMerge = new TeeMerge($pipe1, $pipe2);
     $connectedExtraInput3 = $teeMerge->connectInput($pipe3);
     $connectedExtraInput4 = $teeMerge->connectInput($pipe4);
     // create listener
     $listener = new PipeListener($this, 'callBackMethod');
     // connect the listener to the tee and write the messages
     $connected = $teeMerge->connect($listener);
     // write messages to their respective pipes
     $pipe1written = $pipe1->write($pipe1Message);
     $pipe2written = $pipe2->write($pipe2Message);
     $pipe3written = $pipe3->write($pipe3Message);
     $pipe4written = $pipe4->write($pipe4Message);
     // test assertions
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1Message instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$pipe1Message instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe2Message instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$pipe2Message instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe3Message instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$pipe3Message instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe4Message instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$pipe4Message instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe1 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe2 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe2 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe3 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe3 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe4 instanceof Pipe, "Expecting \$pipe4 instanceof Pipe");
     $this->assertTrue($teeMerge instanceof TeeMerge, "Expecting teeMerge instanceof TeeMerge");
     $this->assertTrue($listener instanceof PipeListener, "Expecting listener instanceof PipeListener");
     $this->assertTrue($connected, "Expecting connected listener to merging tee");
     $this->assertTrue($connectedExtraInput3, "Expecting connected extra input \$pipe3 to merging tee");
     $this->assertTrue($connectedExtraInput4, "Expecting connected extra input \$pipe4 to merging tee");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe1written, "Expecting wrote message to pipe 1");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe2written, "Expecting wrote message to pipe 2");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe3written, "Expecting wrote message to pipe 3");
     $this->assertTrue($pipe4written, "Expecting wrote message to pipe 4");
     // test that both messages were received, then test
     // FIFO order by inspecting the messages themselves
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->messagesReceived) == 4, "Expecting received 4 messages");
     // test message 1 assertions
     $message1 = array_shift($this->messagesReceived);
     $this->assertTrue($message1 instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message1 instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($message1 === $pipe1Message, "Expecting \$message1 === \$pipe1Message");
     // object equality
     $this->assertTrue($message1->getType() == Message::NORMAL, "Expecting \$message1->getType() == Message::NORMAL");
     $this->assertTrue($message1->getHeader()->testProp == 1, "Expecting \$message1->getHeader()->testProp == 1");
     // test message 2 assertions
     $message2 = array_shift($this->messagesReceived);
     $this->assertTrue($message2 instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message2 instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($message2 === $pipe2Message, "Expecting \$message2 === \$pipe2Message");
     // object equality
     $this->assertTrue($message2->getType() == Message::NORMAL, "Expecting \$message2->getType() == Message::NORMAL");
     $this->assertTrue($message2->getHeader()->testProp == 2, "Expecting \$message2->getHeader()->testProp == 2");
     // test message 3 assertions
     $message3 = array_shift($this->messagesReceived);
     $this->assertTrue($message3 instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message3 instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($message3 === $pipe3Message, "Expecting \$message3 === \$pipe3Message");
     // object equality
     $this->assertTrue($message3->getType() == Message::NORMAL, "Expecting \$message3->getType() == Message::NORMAL");
     $this->assertTrue($message3->getHeader()->testProp == 3, "Expecting \$message3->getHeader()->testProp == 3");
     // test message 4 assertions
     $message4 = array_shift($this->messagesReceived);
     $this->assertTrue($message4 instanceof IPipeMessage, "Expecting \$message4 instanceof IPipeMessage");
     $this->assertTrue($message4 === $pipe4Message, "Expecting \$message4 === \$pipe4Message");
     // object equality
     $this->assertTrue($message4->getType() == Message::NORMAL, "Expecting \$message4->getType() == Message::NORMAL");
     $this->assertTrue($message4->getHeader()->testProp == 4, "Expecting \$message4->getHeader()->testProp == 4");
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function rewind()