Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function executeProcessing(PinholePhoto $photo)
     if ($photo->auto_publish) {
     } else {
         $photo->status = PinholePhoto::STATUS_PENDING;
 protected function buildComments()
     $global_status = $this->app->config->pinhole->global_comment_status;
     if ($global_status === null) {
         $status = $this->photo->comment_status;
     } elseif ($global_status == true) {
         // comments are globally turned on
         $status = $this->app->config->pinhole->default_comment_status;
     } else {
         // comments are globally turned off
         $status = SiteCommentStatus::CLOSED;
     if ($status !== SiteCommentStatus::CLOSED) {
         $comments = $this->photo->getVisibleComments();
         if (count($comments) > 0) {
             $this->ui->getWidget('comments_frame')->visible = true;
             $div_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('div');
             $div_tag->id = 'comments';
             $div_tag->class = 'photo-comments';
             $view = SiteViewFactory::get($this->app, 'photo-comment');
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $this->ui->getWidget('comments')->content = ob_get_clean();
         $this->ui->getWidget('comments_ui')->content = ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function buildSiteLinks()
     $replicator = $this->ui->getWidget('site_link_field');
     foreach ($this->getDimensions() as $dimension) {
         if ($dimension->shortname == 'original') {
             $image = $this->photo->getTitle(true);
             $link = $this->photo->getUri('original');
         } else {
             $image = $this->photo->getImgTag($dimension->shortname);
             $image->src = $this->app->getFrontendBaseHref() . $image->src;
             $link = 'photo/' . $this->photo->id;
         $code = sprintf('<a href="%s%s">%s</a>', $this->app->getFrontendBaseHref(), $link, $image);
         $replicator->getWidget('site_link_code', $dimension->id)->value = $code;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function processInternal()
     $form = $this->ui->getWidget('form');
     if ($form->isProcessed() && $form->isAuthenticated()) {
         ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
         $class_name = SwatDBClassMap::get('PinholePhotoUploadSet');
         $upload_set = new $class_name();
         $upload_set->createdate = new SwatDate();
         $files = PinholePhoto::saveUploadedFile('file');
         $image_set = $this->getImageSet();
         foreach ($files as $temp_filename => $original_filename) {
             $photo = $this->getTempPhoto($upload_set, $image_set, $temp_filename, $original_filename);
         $this->app->relocate($this->getComponentName() . '/LastUpload');
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Creates a new file in this directory
  * @param string   $name the name of the file to create.
  * @param resource $data optional. The initial data payload. If null,
  *                       an empty file is created.
 public function createFile($original_filename, $data = null)
     $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $original_filename)));
     $filename = uniqid('file') . '.' . $ext;
     $file_path = sprintf('%s/%s', sys_get_temp_dir(), $filename);
     file_put_contents($file_path, $data);
     $files = PinholePhoto::parseFile($file_path, $original_filename);
     $image_set = $this->getImageSet();
     $now = new SwatDate();
     foreach ($files as $temp_filename => $original_filename) {
         $class_name = SwatDBClassMap::get('PinholePhoto');
         $photo = new $class_name();
         $photo->image_set = $image_set->id;
         //$photo->upload_set = $upload_set;
         $photo->original_filename = $original_filename;
         $photo->temp_filename = $temp_filename;
         $photo->status = PinholePhoto::STATUS_UNPROCESSED;
         $photo->dav_upload = true;
         $photo->upload_date = $now;
         $config = $this->app->config->pinhole;
         $photo->auto_publish = !$config->dav_set_pending;
         $photo->private = $config->dav_set_private_photos;
         $photo->photo_time_zone = $config->dav_photo_time_zone;
         $photo->camera_time_zone = $config->dav_photo_time_zone;
         $photo->auto_rotate = $config->dav_auto_rotate;
         $photo->set_content_by_meta_data = $config->dav_set_content_by_meta_data;
         $photo->set_tags_by_meta_data = $config->dav_set_tags_by_meta_data;
         $processor = new PinholePhotoProcessor($this->app);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Gets the content type of this file
  * This should be a mime-type value. If null,
  * <kbd>application/octet-steam</kbd> is used.
  * @return string the content type of this file.
 public function getContentType()
     return $this->photo->getMimeType('original');
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Applies this tag to a photo
  * @param PinholePhoto $photo the photo this tag is to be applied to.
 public function applyToPhoto(PinholePhoto $photo)
     $photo->for_sale = $this->getValue();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected function displayNext(PinholePhoto $photo = null)
     if ($photo === null) {
         $span_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('span');
         $span_tag->class = 'next';
     } else {
         $a_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('a');
         $href = $this->appendTagPath(sprintf('%sphoto/%s', $this->base, $photo->id));
         $a_tag->href = $href;
         $a_tag->title = $photo->title;
         $a_tag->class = 'next';
         $this->html_head_entry_set->addEntry(new SwatLinkHtmlHeadEntry($href, 'prefetch', null, null, Pinhole::PACKAGE_ID));
         $this->html_head_entry_set->addEntry(new SwatLinkHtmlHeadEntry($photo->getUri('large'), 'prefetch', null, null, Pinhole::PACKAGE_ID));
         $this->html_head_entry_set->addEntry(new SwatLinkHtmlHeadEntry($href, 'next', null, $photo->title, Pinhole::PACKAGE_ID));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected function buildNavBar()
     $this->layout->navbar->createEntry($this->photo->getTitle(), 'Photo/Edit?id=' . $this->photo->id);
Ejemplo n.º 10
     * Applies this tag to a photo
     * Any unsaved changes to the tag and photo are saved before this tag is
     * applied to the photo.
     * @param PinholePhoto $photo the photo this tag is to be applied to.
    public function applyToPhoto(PinholePhoto $photo)
        $transaction = new SwatDBTransaction($this->db);
        try {
            // save photo and tag
            // save binding
            $sql = sprintf('insert into PhotoPhotoTagBinding (photo, tag)
				values (%s, %s)', $this->db->quote($photo->id, 'integer'), $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer'));
            SwatDB::exec($this->db, $sql);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw $e;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected function getTileClasses(PinholePhoto $photo)
     $classes = array();
     if (!$photo->isPublished()) {
         $classes[] = 'insensitive';
     if ($photo->private) {
         $classes[] = 'private';
     return implode(' ', $classes);
  * Processes actions on photos
  * @param SwatTableView $view the view to process.
  * @param SwatActions $actions the list of actions.
 public function process($view, $actions, $ui)
     switch ($actions->selected->id) {
         case 'delete':
             $this->page->app->getPage()->setItems($view->getSelection(), $view->isExtendedCheckAllSelected());
         case 'time':
             $this->page->app->getPage()->setItems($view->getSelection(), $view->isExtendedCheckAllSelected());
         case 'private':
             if ($ui->getWidget('passphrase')->value !== null) {
                 $this->page->app->config->pinhole->passphrase = md5($ui->getWidget('passphrase')->value);
             if ($this->page->app->config->pinhole->passphrase !== null) {
                 $photos = $this->getPhotos($view);
                 $num = count($photos);
                 foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                     $photo->private = true;
                 if (isset($this->page->app->memcache)) {
                 $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One photo has been set as private.', '%s photos have been set as private.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num)));
         case 'public':
             $photos = $this->getPhotos($view);
             $num = count($photos);
             foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                 $photo->private = true;
             if (isset($this->page->app->memcache)) {
             $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One photo has been set as public.', '%s photos have been set as public.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num)));
         case 'for_sale':
         case 'not_for_sale':
             $photos = $this->getPhotos($view);
             $num = count($photos);
             foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                 $photo->for_sale = $actions->selected->id == 'for_sale';
             if (isset($this->page->app->memcache)) {
             if ($actions->selected->id == 'for_sale') {
                 $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One photo has been set as for-sale.', '%s photos have been set as for-sale.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num)));
             } else {
                 $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One photo has been set as not for-sale.', '%s photos have been set as not for-sale.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num)));
         case 'publish':
         case 'status_action':
             $photos = $this->getPhotos($view);
             $num = count($photos);
             if ($ui->hasWidget('status_flydown')) {
                 $status = $ui->getWidget('status_flydown')->value;
             } else {
                 $status = PinholePhoto::STATUS_PUBLISHED;
             foreach ($photos as $photo) {
             if (isset($this->page->app->memcache)) {
             $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('One photo has been updated to “%2$s”.', '%1$s photos have been updated to “%2$s”.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num), PinholePhoto::getStatusTitle($status)));
         case 'tags_action':
             $tag_array = $ui->getWidget('tags')->getSelectedTagArray();
             if (count($tag_array) > 0) {
                 $photos = $this->getPhotos($view);
                 $num = count($photos);
                 foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                 if (isset($this->page->app->memcache)) {
                 if (count($tag_array) > 1) {
                     $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('%s tags have been added to one photo.', '%s tags have been added to %s photos.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat(count($tag_array)), SwatString::numberFormat($num)));
                 } else {
                     $message = new SwatMessage(sprintf(Pinhole::ngettext('A tag has been added to one photo.', 'A tag has been added to %s photos.', $num), SwatString::numberFormat($num)));
             // reset tag list
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected function getPhotoContent(PinholePhoto $photo, PinholeImageDimension $dimension)
     $div_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('div');
     $img = $photo->getImgTag($dimension->shortname);
     $img->src = $this->app->getBaseHref() . $img->src;
     if ($photo->description !== null) {
         $div_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('div');
         $div_tag->setContent($photo->description, 'text/xml');
     return ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private function displaySinglePhoto(PinholePhoto $photo, $tag_list)
     $a_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('a');
     $a_tag->href = sprintf('%sphoto/%s', $this->app->config->pinhole->path, $photo->id);
     if ($tag_list !== null) {
         $a_tag->href .= '?' . $tag_list;
     echo $photo->getImgTag('small')->__toString();
     if ($photo->getTitle() != '') {
         $h2_tag = new SwatHtmlTag('div');
Ejemplo n.º 15
 protected function getTileClasses(PinholePhoto $photo)
     $classes = array();
     if ($photo->private && $photo->isPublished()) {
         $classes[] = 'published-private';
     } elseif ($photo->private) {
         $classes[] = 'private';
     } elseif ($photo->isPublished()) {
         $classes[] = 'published';
     return implode(' ', $classes);