Ejemplo n.º 1
 function addScout($pilot_name)
     $scoutship = "9999";
     //get pilot order
     $pqry = new DBPreparedQuery();
     $pqry->prepare("select max(ind_order), ind_timestamp from kb3_inv_detail where ind_kll_id = ? group by ind_timestamp");
     $pqry->bind_param('i', $this->killID_);
     $pqry->bind_result($scoutorder, $timestamp);
     if (!$pqry->execute() || !$pqry->recordCount()) {
         return false;
     } else {
     $scoutorder = $scoutorder + 1;
     //lookup pilot id by name
     $pilot = Pilot::lookup($pilot_name);
     if (!$pilot) {
         return false;
     if (isset($pilot)) {
         $pilotid = $pilot->getID();
         if ($pilotid == 0) {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
     $qry = new DBQuery(true);
     $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_scout (`inp_kll_id`,`inp_plt_id`) VALUES ('" . $this->killID_ . "','" . $pilotid . "')");
     $this->scouts_[] = $this->getPilotData($pilotid, $qry->getInsertID());
     if (!isset($this->scouts_)) {
         return false;
     $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_inv_detail (`ind_kll_id`,`ind_timestamp`,`ind_plt_id`,`ind_all_id`,`ind_crp_id`,`ind_shp_id`,`ind_order`) VALUES ('" . $this->killID_ . "','" . $timestamp . "','" . $pilotid . "','" . $this->scouts_[0]['allianceid'] . "','" . $this->scouts_[0]['corpid'] . "','" . $scoutship . "','" . $scoutorder . "')");
     //add to pilot's stats
     $qry->execute("SELECT 1 FROM kb3_sum_pilot WHERE psm_plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "'");
     if ($qry->recordCount() > 0) {
         $this->kill = new Kill($this->killID_);
         $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_sum_pilot \n                                    (psm_plt_id, psm_shp_id, psm_kill_count, psm_kill_isk) \n                                    VALUES ('" . $pilotid . "','" . $this->kill->getVictimShip()->getClass()->getID() . "', 1, '" . $this->kill->getISKLoss() . "') \n                                    ON DUPLICATE KEY \n                                       UPDATE psm_kill_count = psm_kill_count + 1, \n                                              psm_kill_isk = psm_kill_isk + '" . $this->kill->getISKLoss() . "'");
         //Jalon debugging - i had to run this query to fix the DB, it was missing a default value:
         //alter table kb3_inv_detail modify column ind_dmgdone int(11) not null default 0;
         //error_log("INSERT INTO kb3_sum_pilot (psm_plt_id, psm_shp_id, psm_kill_count, psm_kill_isk) VALUES ('".$pilotid."','".$this->kill->getVictimShip()->getClass()->getID()."', 1, '".$this->kill->getISKLoss()."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE psm_kill_count = psm_kill_count + 1, psm_kill_isk = psm_kill_isk + '".$this->kill->getISKLoss()."'");
         $qry->execute("UPDATE kb3_pilots \n                                          SET plt_kpoints = plt_kpoints + '" . $this->kill->getKillPoints() . "' WHERE plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "'");
     //make sure involved count is shown correctly (it's generated before this class is loaded)
     header("Location: ?a=kill_detail&kll_id=" . $this->killID_);