Ejemplo n.º 1
function export_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION;
    if ($values['what'] == 'views') {
        $viewchosen = false;
        foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
            if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'view_' && $value) {
                $viewchosen = true;
        if (!$viewchosen) {
            $form->set_error('what', '');
            $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('youmustselectatleastoneviewtoexport', 'export'));
    } else {
        if ($values['what'] == 'collections') {
            $viewchosen = false;
            foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                if (substr($key, 0, 11) == 'collection_' && $value) {
                    $viewchosen = true;
            if (!$viewchosen) {
                $form->set_error('what', '');
                $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('youmustselectatleastonecollectiontoexport', 'export'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
function gwfontform_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    require_once 'file.php';
    require_once 'uploadmanager.php';
    $valid = false;
    if ($values['gwfzipfile'] != null) {
        $filetype = $values['gwfzipfile']['type'];
        // Ensures that the correct file was chosen
        $accepted = array('application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'multipart/x-zip', 'application/s-compressed');
        foreach ($accepted as $mimetype) {
            if ($mimetype == $filetype) {
                $valid = true;
        // Safari and Chrome don't register zip mime types. Something better could be used here.
        // Check if file extension, that is the last 4 characters in file name, equals '.zip'...
        $valid = substr($values['gwfzipfile']['name'], -4) == '.zip' ? true : false;
        if (!$valid) {
            $form->set_error('gwfzipfile', get_string('notvalidzipfile', 'skin'));
        // pass it through the virus checker
        $um = new upload_manager('gwfzipfile');
        if ($error = $um->preprocess_file()) {
            $form->set_error($inputname, $error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function importeuropassform_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    $filetype = $values['file']['type'];
    if (!$filetype || $filetype != 'text/xml') {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('notvalidxmlfile', 'artefact.europass'));
    // Check if at least one import option is checked...
    $options = array();
    if (!empty($values['identification'])) {
        $options[] = 'identification';
    if (!empty($values['application'])) {
        $options[] = 'application';
    if (!empty($values['workexperience'])) {
        $options[] = 'workexperience';
    if (!empty($values['education'])) {
        $options[] = 'education';
    if (!empty($values['languages'])) {
        $options[] = 'languages';
    if (!empty($values['skills'])) {
        $options[] = 'skills';
    if (!empty($values['additionalinfo'])) {
        $options[] = 'additionalinfo';
    if (empty($options)) {
        $form->set_error('additionalinfo', get_string('nocheckedoptions', 'artefact.europass'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
function forgotpass_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // See if the user input an email address or a username. We favour email addresses
    if (!$form->get_error('emailusername')) {
        // Check if the user who associates to username or email address is using the external authentication
        if (record_exists_sql('SELECT u.authinstance
            FROM {usr} u INNER JOIN {auth_instance} ai ON (u.authinstance = ai.id)
            WHERE (LOWER(u.email) = ? OR LOWER(u.username) = ?)
            AND ((ai.authname != \'internal\') AND (ai.authname != \'none\'))', array_fill(0, 2, strtolower($values['emailusername'])))) {
            $form->set_error('emailusername', get_string('forgotpassuserusingexternalauthentication', 'mahara', get_config('wwwroot') . 'contact.php'));
        } else {
            if (!($authinstance = get_field_sql('SELECT u.authinstance
                FROM {usr} u INNER JOIN {auth_instance} ai ON (u.authinstance = ai.id)
                WHERE (LOWER(u.email) = ? OR LOWER(u.username) = ?)
                AND ai.authname = \'internal\'', array_fill(0, 2, strtolower($values['emailusername']))))) {
                $form->set_error('emailusername', get_string('forgotpassnosuchemailaddressorusername'));
    if ($form->get_error('emailusername')) {
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
    if (!method_exists($authobj, 'change_password')) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
function addvariantform_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    require_once 'file.php';
    require_once 'uploadmanager.php';
    // Make sure they didn't hack the hidden variable to have the name of
    // a font that doesn't exist
    if (!record_exists('skin_fonts', 'name', $values['fontname'])) {
        $form->set_error('fontname', get_string('nosuchfont', 'skin'));
    $uploadfiles = array('fontfileEOT' => array('required' => true, 'suffix' => 'eot'), 'fontfileSVG' => array('required' => true, 'suffix' => 'svg'), 'fontfileTTF' => array('required' => true, 'suffix' => 'ttf'), 'fontfileWOFF' => array('required' => true, 'suffix' => 'woff'));
    foreach ($uploadfiles as $inputname => $details) {
        $um = new upload_manager($inputname, false, null, $details['required']);
        if ($error = $um->preprocess_file()) {
            $form->set_error($inputname, $error);
        if ($details['suffix']) {
            $reqext = ".{$details['suffix']}";
            $fileext = substr($values[$inputname]['name'], -1 * strlen($reqext));
            if ($fileext != $reqext) {
                $form->set_error($inputname, get_string('notvalidfontfile', 'skin', strtoupper($details['suffix'])));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$LEAP2AFILES</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function bulkimport_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $LEAP2AFILES, $USER;
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $zipfile = $values['file'];
    if (!is_file($zipfile)) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('importfilenotafile', 'admin'));
    if (!is_readable($zipfile)) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('importfilenotreadable', 'admin'));
    // Create temporary directory
    $importdir = get_config('dataroot') . 'import/' . $USER->get('id') . '/' . time() . '/';
    if (!check_dir_exists($importdir)) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$importdir}");
    $command = sprintf('%s %s %s', escapeshellcmd(get_config('pathtounzip')), escapeshellarg($zipfile), '-d ' . escapeshellarg($importdir));
    $output = array();
    exec($command, $output, $returnvar);
    if ($returnvar != 0) {
        log_debug("unzip command failed with return value {$returnvar}");
        // Let's make it obvious if the cause is obvious :)
        if ($returnvar == 127) {
            log_debug("This means that 'unzip' isn't installed, or the config var \$cfg->pathtounzip is not" . " pointing at unzip (see Mahara's file lib/config-defaults.php)");
        throw new SystemException(get_string('unzipfailed', 'admin', hsc($zipfile)));
    } else {
        log_debug("Unzipped {$zipfile} into {$importdir}");
    $csvfilename = $importdir . '/usernames.csv';
    if (!is_readable($csvfilename)) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('importfilemissinglisting', 'admin'));
    $csvusers = new CsvFile($csvfilename);
    $csvusers->set('headerExists', false);
    $csvusers->set('format', array('username', 'filename'));
    $csvdata = $csvusers->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('invalidlistingfile', 'admin'));
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $user) {
        $username = $user[0];
        $filename = $user[1];
        $LEAP2AFILES[$username] = "{$importdir}/users/{$filename}";
Ejemplo n.º 7
function importskinform_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    $filetype = $values['file']['type'];
    if (!$filetype || $filetype != 'text/xml') {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('notvalidxmlfile', 'skin'));
    require_once 'file.php';
    require_once 'uploadmanager.php';
    $um = new upload_manager('file');
    if ($error = $um->preprocess_file()) {
        $form->set_error('file', $error);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$LEAP2AFILES</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function bulkimport_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $LEAP2AFILES, $USER;
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $zipfile = $values['file'];
    if (!is_file($zipfile)) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('importfilenotafile', 'admin'));
    if (!is_readable($zipfile)) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('importfilenotreadable', 'admin'));
    // Create temporary directory
    $importdir = get_config('dataroot') . 'import/' . $USER->get('id') . '/' . time() . '/';
    if (!check_dir_exists($importdir)) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$importdir}");
    $archive = new ZipArchive();
    if ($archive->open($zipfile) && $archive->extractTo($importdir)) {
        // successfully extracted
        log_debug("Unzipped {$zipfile} into {$importdir}");
    } else {
        throw new SystemException(get_string('unzipfailed', 'admin', hsc($zipfile)));
    $csvfilename = $importdir . '/usernames.csv';
    if (!is_readable($csvfilename)) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('importfilemissinglisting', 'admin'));
    $csvusers = new CsvFile($csvfilename);
    $csvusers->set('headerExists', false);
    $csvusers->set('format', array('username', 'filename'));
    $csvdata = $csvusers->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('invalidlistingfile', 'admin'));
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $user) {
        $username = $user[0];
        $filename = $user[1];
        $LEAP2AFILES[$username] = "{$importdir}/users/{$filename}";
Ejemplo n.º 9
function accountprefs_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($USER->authinstance);
    if (isset($values['oldpassword'])) {
        if ($values['oldpassword'] !== '') {
            global $USER, $authtype, $authclass;
            try {
                if (!$authobj->authenticate_user_account($USER, $values['oldpassword'])) {
                    $form->set_error('oldpassword', get_string('oldpasswordincorrect', 'account'));
            } catch (UserException $e) {
                $form->set_error('oldpassword', $e->getMessage());
            password_validate($form, $values, $USER);
        } else {
            if ($values['password1'] !== '' || $values['password2'] !== '') {
                $form->set_error('oldpassword', get_string('mustspecifyoldpassword'));
    if ($authobj->authname == 'internal' && $values['username'] != $USER->get('username')) {
        if (!AuthInternal::is_username_valid($values['username'])) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernameinvalidform', 'auth.internal'));
        if (!$form->get_error('username') && record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', array(strtolower($values['username'])))) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernamealreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
    if (isset($values['urlid']) && get_config('cleanurls') && $values['urlid'] != $USER->get('urlid')) {
        if (strlen($values['urlid']) < 3) {
            $form->set_error('urlid', get_string('rule.minlength.minlength', 'pieforms', 3));
        } else {
            if (record_exists('usr', 'urlid', $values['urlid'])) {
                $form->set_error('urlid', get_string('urlalreadytaken', 'account'));
    if (get_config('allowmobileuploads')) {
        foreach ($values['mobileuploadtoken'] as $k => $text) {
            if (strlen($text) > 0 && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9 !@#$%^&*()\\-_=+\\[{\\]};:\'",<\\.>\\/?]{6,}$/', $text)) {
                $form->set_error('mobileuploadtoken', get_string('badmobileuploadtoken', 'account'));
    plugin_account_prefs_validate($form, $values);
Ejemplo n.º 10
function editsitepage_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    $allowedinstitutions = get_institution_selector(false);
    if (array_search($values['pageinstitution'], array_flip($allowedinstitutions['options'])) === false) {
        $form->set_error(null, get_string('staticpageinstitutionbad', 'admin', $values['pageinstitution']));
Ejemplo n.º 11
function editgroup_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    $cid = get_field('group', 'id', 'name', $values['name']);
    if ($cid && $cid != $values['id']) {
        $form->set_error('name', get_string('groupalreadyexists', 'group'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
function contactus_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    $captcharequired = get_config('captcha_on_contact_form');
    if ((is_null($captcharequired) || $captcharequired) && !$values['captcha']) {
        $form->set_error('captcha', get_string('captchaincorrect'));
Ejemplo n.º 13
function accountprefs_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($USER->authinstance);
    if (isset($values['oldpassword'])) {
        if ($values['oldpassword'] !== '') {
            global $USER, $authtype, $authclass;
            if (!$authobj->authenticate_user_account($USER, $values['oldpassword'])) {
                $form->set_error('oldpassword', get_string('oldpasswordincorrect', 'account'));
            password_validate($form, $values, $USER);
        } else {
            if ($values['password1'] !== '' || $values['password2'] !== '') {
                $form->set_error('oldpassword', get_string('mustspecifyoldpassword'));
    if ($authobj->authname == 'internal' && $values['username'] != $USER->get('username')) {
        if (!AuthInternal::is_username_valid($values['username'])) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernameinvalidform', 'auth.internal'));
        if (!$form->get_error('username') && record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', strtolower($values['username']))) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernamealreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
Ejemplo n.º 14
function changerole_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $user, $group;
    if (!group_can_change_role($group->id, $user->id, $values['role'])) {
        $form->set_error('role', get_string('usercannotchangetothisrole', 'group'));
Ejemplo n.º 15
function creategroup_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    //global $USER;
    //global $SESSION;
    if (get_field('group', 'id', 'name', $values['name'])) {
        $form->set_error('name', get_string('groupalreadyexists', 'group'));
Ejemplo n.º 16
function edit_annotation_feedback_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    require_once get_config('libroot.php') . 'antispam.php';
    $result = probation_validate_content($values['message']);
    if ($result !== true) {
        $form->set_error('message', get_string('newuserscantpostlinksorimages'));
Ejemplo n.º 17
function newurl_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $iframesources;
    if (!($urldata = process_allowed_iframe_url($values['url']))) {
        $form->set_error('url', get_string('iframeinvalidsite', 'admin'));
    if (isset($iframesources[$urldata['key']])) {
        $form->set_error('url', get_string('urlalreadyexists', 'admin'));
Ejemplo n.º 18
function contactus_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION;
    $spamtrap = new_spam_trap(array(array('type' => 'name', 'value' => $values['name']), array('type' => 'email', 'value' => $values['email']), array('type' => 'subject', 'value' => $values['subject']), array('type' => 'body', 'value' => $values['message'])));
    if ($form->spam_error() || $spamtrap->is_spam()) {
        $msg = get_string('formerror');
        $emailcontact = get_config('emailcontact');
        if (!empty($emailcontact)) {
            $msg .= ' ' . get_string('formerroremail', 'mahara', $emailcontact, $emailcontact);
        $form->set_error(null, $msg);
Ejemplo n.º 19
function editurl_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    if (empty($values['startdate'])) {
        $values['startdate'] = null;
    if (empty($values['stopdate'])) {
        $values['stopdate'] = null;
    if ($values['stopdate'] && time() > $values['stopdate']) {
        $form->set_error('stopdate', get_string('stopdatecannotbeinpast1', 'view'));
    if ($values['startdate'] && $values['stopdate'] && $values['startdate'] > $values['stopdate']) {
        $form->set_error('startdate', get_string('startdatemustbebeforestopdate', 'view'));
function forgotpass_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // See if the user input an email address or a username. We favour email addresses
    if (!$form->get_error('emailusername')) {
        if (!($authinstance = get_field_sql('SELECT authinstance FROM {usr} WHERE LOWER(email) = ?', array(strtolower($values['emailusername']))))) {
            if (!($authinstance = get_field_sql('SELECT authinstance FROM {usr} WHERE LOWER(username) = ?', array(strtolower($values['emailusername']))))) {
                $form->set_error('emailusername', get_string('forgotpassnosuchemailaddressorusername'));
    if ($form->get_error('emailusername')) {
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
    if (!method_exists($authobj, 'change_password')) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
function adduser_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($values['authinstance']);
    $institution = $authobj->institution;
    // Institutional admins can only set their own institutions' authinstances
    if (!$USER->get('admin') && !$USER->is_institutional_admin($authobj->institution)) {
        $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    $institution = new Institution($authobj->institution);
    // Don't exceed max user accounts for the institution
    if ($institution->isFull()) {
        $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('institutionmaxusersexceeded', 'admin'));
    $username = $values['username'];
    $firstname = $values['firstname'];
    $lastname = $values['lastname'];
    $email = $values['email'];
    $password = $values['password'];
    if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid') && !$authobj->is_username_valid($username)) {
        $form->set_error('username', get_string('addusererrorinvalidusername', 'admin'));
    if (!$form->get_error('username') && record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', strtolower($username))) {
        $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernamealreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
    if (!$form->get_error('firstname') && !preg_match('/\\S/', $firstname)) {
        $form->set_error('firstname', $form->i18n('required'));
    if (!$form->get_error('lastname') && !preg_match('/\\S/', $lastname)) {
        $form->set_error('lastname', $form->i18n('required'));
    if (record_exists('usr', 'email', $email) || record_exists('artefact_internal_profile_email', 'email', $email)) {
        $form->set_error('email', get_string('emailalreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
    if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_password_valid') && !$authobj->is_password_valid($password)) {
        $form->set_error('password', get_string('passwordinvalidform', 'auth.' . $authobj->type));
Ejemplo n.º 22
function accountprefs_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($USER->authinstance);
    if (isset($values['oldpassword'])) {
        if ($values['oldpassword'] !== '') {
            global $USER, $authtype, $authclass;
            try {
                if (!$authobj->authenticate_user_account($USER, $values['oldpassword'])) {
                    $form->set_error('oldpassword', get_string('oldpasswordincorrect', 'account'));
            } catch (UserException $e) {
                $form->set_error('oldpassword', $e->getMessage());
            password_validate($form, $values, $USER);
        } else {
            if ($values['password1'] !== '' || $values['password2'] !== '') {
                $form->set_error('oldpassword', get_string('mustspecifyoldpassword'));
    if ($authobj->authname == 'internal' && $values['username'] != $USER->get('username')) {
        if (!AuthInternal::is_username_valid($values['username'])) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernameinvalidform', 'auth.internal'));
        if (!$form->get_error('username') && record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', strtolower($values['username']))) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernamealreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
    // Don't let users turn multiple blogs off unless they only have 1 blog
    if ($USER->get_account_preference('multipleblogs') && empty($values['multipleblogs']) && count_records('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'blog', 'owner', $USER->get('id')) != 1) {
        $form->set_error('multipleblogs', get_string('disablemultipleblogserror', 'account'));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$CVSDATA</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function uploadcsv_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    if ($values['file']['size'] == 0) {
        $form->set_error('file', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required', array()));
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $authinstance = (int) $values['authinstance'];
    $institution = get_field('auth_instance', 'institution', 'id', $authinstance);
    if (!$USER->can_edit_institution($institution)) {
        $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    $usernames = array();
    $emails = array();
    $csvusers = new CsvFile($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $csvusers->set('allowedkeys', $ALLOWEDKEYS);
    // Now we know all of the field names are valid, we need to make
    // sure that the required fields are included
    $mandatoryfields = array('username', 'password');
    $mandatoryfields = array_merge($mandatoryfields, array_keys(ArtefactTypeProfile::get_mandatory_fields()));
    if ($lockedprofilefields = get_column('institution_locked_profile_field', 'profilefield', 'name', $institution)) {
        $mandatoryfields = array_merge($mandatoryfields, $lockedprofilefields);
    $csvusers->set('mandatoryfields', $mandatoryfields);
    $csvdata = $csvusers->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', $csvdata->errors['file']);
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $key => $line) {
        // If headers exists, increment i = key + 2 for actual line number
        $i = $csvusers->get('headerExists') ? $key + 2 : $key + 1;
        // Trim non-breaking spaces -- they get left in place by File_CSV
        foreach ($line as &$field) {
            $field = preg_replace('/^(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*(.*?)(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*$/', '$2', $field);
        // We have a line with the correct number of fields, but should validate these fields
        // Note: This validation should really be methods on each profile class, that way
        // it can be used in the profile screen as well.
        $formatkeylookup = array_flip($csvdata->format);
        $username = $line[$formatkeylookup['username']];
        $password = $line[$formatkeylookup['password']];
        $email = $line[$formatkeylookup['email']];
        $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
        if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid') && !$authobj->is_username_valid($username)) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidusername', 'admin', $i);
        if (record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', strtolower($username)) || isset($usernames[strtolower($username)])) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverroruseralreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $username);
        if (record_exists('usr', 'email', $email) || record_exists('artefact_internal_profile_email', 'email', $email) || isset($emails[$email])) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverroremailaddresstaken', 'admin', $i, $email);
        // Note: only checks for valid form are done here, none of the checks
        // like whether the password is too easy. The user is going to have to
        // change their password on first login anyway.
        if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_password_valid') && !$authobj->is_password_valid($password)) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidpassword', 'admin', $i);
        $usernames[strtolower($username)] = 1;
        $emails[$email] = 1;
    if (!empty($CSVERRORS)) {
        $form->set_error('file', implode("<br />\n", $CSVERRORS));
    $FORMAT = $csvdata->format;
    $CSVDATA = $csvdata->data;
Ejemplo n.º 24
function import_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $TRANSPORTER;
    if (!isset($values['leap2afile'])) {
        $form->set_error('leap2afile', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required'));
    if ($values['leap2afile']['type'] == 'application/octet-stream') {
        require_once 'file.php';
        $mimetype = file_mime_type($values['leap2afile']['tmp_name']);
    } else {
        $mimetype = trim($values['leap2afile']['type'], '"');
    $date = time();
    $niceuser = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '-', $USER->get('username'));
    safe_require('import', 'leap');
    $fakeimportrecord = (object) array('data' => array('importfile' => $values['leap2afile']['tmp_name'], 'importfilename' => $values['leap2afile']['name'], 'importid' => $niceuser . '-' . $date, 'mimetype' => $mimetype));
    $TRANSPORTER = new LocalImporterTransport($fakeimportrecord);
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $form->set_error('leap2afile', $e->getMessage());
    // Check if import data may exceed the user's file quota
    $importdata = $TRANSPORTER->files_info();
    require_once 'function.dirsize.php';
    $importdatasize = dirsize($importdata['tempdir'] . 'extract/files');
    if ($USER->get('quotaused') + $importdatasize > $USER->get('quota')) {
        $form->set_error('leap2afile', get_string('importexceedquota', 'import'));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * @todo add note: because the form select thing will eventually enforce
 * that the result for $values['institution'] was in the original lot,
 * and because that only allows authmethods that use 'internal' auth, we
 * can guarantee that the auth method is internal
function auth_register_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION;
    $registerterms = get_config('registerterms');
    $spamtrap = new_spam_trap(array(array('type' => 'name', 'value' => $values['firstname']), array('type' => 'name', 'value' => $values['lastname']), array('type' => 'email', 'value' => $values['email'])));
    if ($form->spam_error() || $spamtrap->is_spam()) {
        $msg = get_string('formerror');
        $emailcontact = get_config('emailcontact');
        if (!empty($emailcontact)) {
            $msg .= ' ' . get_string('formerroremail', 'mahara', $emailcontact, $emailcontact);
        $form->set_error(null, $msg);
    $institution = $values['institution'];
    safe_require('auth', 'internal');
    // First name and last name must contain at least one non whitespace
    // character, so that there's something to read
    if (!$form->get_error('firstname') && !preg_match('/\\S/', $values['firstname'])) {
        $form->set_error('firstname', $form->i18n('required'));
    if (!$form->get_error('lastname') && !preg_match('/\\S/', $values['lastname'])) {
        $form->set_error('lastname', $form->i18n('required'));
    // The e-mail address cannot already be in the system
    if (!$form->get_error('email') && (record_exists('usr', 'email', $values['email']) || record_exists('artefact_internal_profile_email', 'email', $values['email']))) {
        $form->set_error('email', get_string('emailalreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
    // If the user hasn't agreed to the terms and conditions, don't bother
    if ($registerterms && $values['tandc'] != 'yes') {
        $form->set_error('tandc', get_string('youmaynotregisterwithouttandc', 'auth.internal'), false);
    $institution = get_record_sql('
            i.name, i.maxuseraccounts, i.registerallowed, COUNT(u.id) AS count
        FROM {institution} i
            LEFT OUTER JOIN {usr_institution} ui ON ui.institution = i.name
            LEFT OUTER JOIN {usr} u ON (ui.usr = u.id AND u.deleted = 0)
            i.name = ?
        GROUP BY
            i.name, i.maxuseraccounts, i.registerallowed', array($institution));
    if (!empty($institution->maxuseraccounts) && $institution->count >= $institution->maxuseraccounts) {
        // the institution is full so we need to alert the admins of the institution to this fact so
        // they can either increase the maxusers or turn off the public registration.
        require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/institution.php';
        $institutionobj = new Institution($institution->name);
        $form->set_error('institution', get_string('institutionfull'));
    if (!$institution || !$institution->registerallowed) {
        $form->set_error('institution', get_string('registrationnotallowed'));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 * Gets the value of the expiry element and converts it to a time in seconds.
 * @param Pieform $form    The form the element is attached to
 * @param array   $element The element to get the value for
 * @return int             The number of seconds until expiry
function pieform_element_bytes_get_value(Pieform $form, $element)
    $name = $element['name'];
    $global = $form->get_property('method') == 'get' ? $_GET : $_POST;
    $unit = $global[$name . '_units'];
    $allunits = pieform_element_bytes_get_bytes_units();
    $number = $global[$name];
    if (!is_numeric($number)) {
        $form->set_error($name, $form->i18n('element', 'bytes', 'invalidvalue', $element));
    if (!in_array($unit, $allunits) || $number < 0) {
        return null;
    return $number * pieform_element_bytes_in($unit);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$CVSDATA</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function uploadcsv_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    if ($values['file']['size'] == 0) {
        $form->set_error('file', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required', array()));
    $institution = $values['institution'];
    if (!$USER->can_edit_institution($institution)) {
        $form->set_error('institution', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $csvgroups = new CsvFile($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $csvgroups->set('allowedkeys', $ALLOWEDKEYS);
    $csvgroups->set('mandatoryfields', $MANDATORYFIELDS);
    $csvdata = $csvgroups->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', $csvdata->errors['file']);
    $csverrors = new CSVErrors();
    $formatkeylookup = array_flip($csvdata->format);
    $shortnames = array();
    $hadadmin = array();
    $num_lines = count($csvdata->data);
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $key => $line) {
        // If headers exists, increment i = key + 2 for actual line number
        $i = $csvgroups->get('headerExists') ? $key + 2 : $key + 1;
        // In adding 5000 groups, this part was approx 8% of the wall time.
        if (!($key % 25)) {
            set_progress_info('uploadgroupmemberscsv', $key, $num_lines * 10, get_string('validating', 'admin'));
        // Trim non-breaking spaces -- they get left in place by File_CSV
        foreach ($line as &$field) {
            $field = preg_replace('/^(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*(.*?)(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*$/', '$2', $field);
        $shortname = $line[$formatkeylookup['shortname']];
        $username = $line[$formatkeylookup['username']];
        $role = $line[$formatkeylookup['role']];
        $gid = get_field('group', 'id', 'shortname', $shortname, 'institution', $institution);
        if (!$gid) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrornosuchshortname', 'admin', $i, $shortname, $institution));
        $uid = get_field_sql('SELECT id FROM {usr} WHERE LOWER(username) = ?', array(strtolower($username)));
        if (!$uid) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrornosuchusername', 'admin', $i, $username));
        if ($institution != 'mahara' && !record_exists('usr_institution', 'usr', $uid, 'institution', $institution)) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrorusernotininstitution', 'admin', $i, $username, $institution));
        if (!in_array($role, array_keys(group_get_role_info($gid)))) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrorinvalidrole', 'admin', $i, $role));
        if (!isset($MEMBERS[$gid])) {
            $MEMBERS[$gid] = array();
        if (isset($MEMBERS[$gid][$uid])) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrorduplicateusername', 'admin', $i, $shortname, $username));
        $MEMBERS[$gid][$uid] = $role;
        $GROUPS[$gid] = $shortname;
        if ($role == 'admin') {
            $hasadmin[$shortname] = 1;
    foreach ($GROUPS as $shortname) {
        if (!isset($hasadmin[$shortname])) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrornoadminlisted', 'admin', $i, $shortname));
    if ($errors = $csverrors->process()) {
        $form->set_error('file', clean_html($errors));
    $FORMAT = $csvdata->format;
    $CSVDATA = $csvdata->data;
Ejemplo n.º 28
function adduser_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $TRANSPORTER;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($values['authinstance']);
    $institution = $authobj->institution;
    // Institutional admins can only set their own institutions' authinstances
    if (!$USER->get('admin') && !$USER->is_institutional_admin($authobj->institution)) {
        $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    $institution = new Institution($authobj->institution);
    // Don't exceed max user accounts for the institution
    if ($institution->isFull()) {
        $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('institutionmaxusersexceeded', 'admin'));
    $username = $values['username'];
    $firstname = sanitize_firstname($values['firstname']);
    $lastname = sanitize_lastname($values['lastname']);
    $email = sanitize_email($values['email']);
    $password = $values['password'];
    if ($USER->get('admin') || get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride')) {
        $maxquotaenabled = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'maxquotaenabled');
        $maxquota = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'maxquota');
        if ($maxquotaenabled && $values['quota'] > $maxquota) {
            $form->set_error('quota', get_string('maxquotaexceededform', 'artefact.file', display_size($maxquota)));
    if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid_admin')) {
        if (!$authobj->is_username_valid_admin($username)) {
            $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernameinvalidadminform', 'auth.internal'));
    } else {
        if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid')) {
            if (!$authobj->is_username_valid($username)) {
                $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernameinvalidform', 'auth.internal'));
    if (!$form->get_error('username') && record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', array(strtolower($username)))) {
        $form->set_error('username', get_string('usernamealreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
    if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_password_valid') && !$authobj->is_password_valid($password)) {
        $form->set_error('password', get_string('passwordinvalidform', 'auth.' . $authobj->type));
    if (isset($_POST['createmethod']) && $_POST['createmethod'] == 'leap2a') {
        $form->set_error('firstname', null);
        $form->set_error('lastname', null);
        $form->set_error('email', null);
        if (!$values['leap2afile'] && ($_FILES['leap2afile']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE || $_FILES['leap2afile']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE)) {
            $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => get_string('uploadedfiletoobig'), 'goto' => '/admin/users/add.php'));
            $form->set_error('leap2afile', get_string('uploadedfiletoobig'));
        } else {
            if (!$values['leap2afile']) {
                $form->set_error('leap2afile', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required'));
        if ($values['leap2afile']['type'] == 'application/octet-stream') {
            require_once 'file.php';
            $mimetype = file_mime_type($values['leap2afile']['tmp_name']);
        } else {
            $mimetype = trim($values['leap2afile']['type'], '"');
        $date = time();
        $niceuser = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '-', $values['username']);
        safe_require('import', 'leap');
        $fakeimportrecord = (object) array('data' => array('importfile' => $values['leap2afile']['tmp_name'], 'importfilename' => $values['leap2afile']['name'], 'importid' => $niceuser . '-' . $date, 'mimetype' => $mimetype));
        $TRANSPORTER = new LocalImporterTransport($fakeimportrecord);
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $form->set_error('leap2afile', $e->getMessage());
    } else {
        if (!$form->get_error('firstname') && empty($firstname)) {
            $form->set_error('firstname', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required'));
        if (!$form->get_error('lastname') && empty($lastname)) {
            $form->set_error('lastname', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required'));
        if (!$form->get_error('email')) {
            if (!$form->get_error('email') && empty($email)) {
                $form->set_error('email', get_string('invalidemailaddress', 'artefact.internal'));
            if (record_exists('usr', 'email', $email) || record_exists('artefact_internal_profile_email', 'email', $email)) {
                $form->set_error('email', get_string('emailalreadytaken', 'auth.internal'));
Ejemplo n.º 29
function changeauth_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $userids, $SESSION;
    // Make sure all users are members of the institution that
    // this authinstance belongs to.
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($values['authinstance']);
    if ($authobj->institution != 'mahara') {
        $ph = $userids;
        $ph[] = $authobj->institution;
        $institutionusers = count_records_sql('
            SELECT COUNT(usr)
            FROM {usr_institution}
            WHERE usr IN (' . join(',', array_fill(0, count($userids), '?')) . ') AND institution = ?', $ph);
        if ($institutionusers != count($userids)) {
            $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('someusersnotinauthinstanceinstitution', 'admin'));
            $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('someusersnotinauthinstanceinstitution', 'admin'));
Ejemplo n.º 30
function edituser_institution_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    $user = new User();
    if (!$user->find_by_id($values['id'])) {
        return false;
    global $USER;
    $userinstitutions = $user->get('institutions');
    if (isset($values['add']) && $USER->get('admin') && (empty($userinstitutions) || get_config('usersallowedmultipleinstitutions'))) {
        // check if the institution is full
        require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/institution.php';
        $institution = new Institution($values['addinstitution']);
        if ($institution->isFull()) {
            $form->set_error(null, get_string('institutionmaxusersexceeded', 'admin'));