Ejemplo n.º 1
function graficarTorta()
    require 'jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php';
    require 'jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie.php';
    require 'jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie3d.php';
    // Some data
    $data = array($_GET['pos'], $_GET['neg']);
    // Create the Pie Graph.
    $graph = new PieGraph(350, 300);
    $theme_class = new VividTheme();
    // Set A title for the plot
    // $graph->title->Set("Grafico Estadistico");
    // Create
    $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
    $p1->SetLegends(array($_GET['lab1'], $_GET['lab2']));
    $p1->SetCenter(0.5, 0.4);
function createPie($waktu, $data_pie)
    require_once '../jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
    require_once '../jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php';
    require_once '../jpgraph/jpgraph_pie3d.php';
    // Some data
    $data = $data_pie;
    // Create the Pie Graph.
    $graph = new PieGraph(400, 300);
    $theme_class = new VividTheme();
    // Set A title for the plot
    $graph->title->Set("GRAFIK KEPATUHAN WP");
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 12);
    // Create
    $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
    $p1->SetLegends(array('PATUH', 'KURANG PATUH', 'TIDAK PATUH'));
    $p1->SetCenter(0.5, 0.45);
    $graph->Stroke("../graphfiles/pie_kepatuhan_" . $waktu . ".png");