Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Compresses a file or combination of files in the archive
  * @param array|zibo\library\filesystem\File $source File objects of the files to compress
  * @param zibo\library\filesystem\File $prefix The path for the files in the archive
  * @return null
  * @throws zibo\library\archive\exception\ArchiveException when no source or an invalid source has been provided
  * @throws zibo\library\archive\exception\ArchiveException when the archive could not be created
  * @throws zibo\library\archive\exception\ArchiveException when the phars could not be written due to the configuration of PHP
 public function compress($source, File $prefix = null)
     if (!PhpPhar::canWrite()) {
         throw new ArchiveException('Phar library is not allowed to write phars. Check the PHP configuration for the phar.readonly setting.');
     if (empty($source)) {
         throw new ArchiveException('No files provided');
     $path = $this->file->getAbsolutePath();
     $parent = $this->file->getParent();
     if (!is_array($source)) {
         $source = array($source);
     try {
         $phar = new PhpPhar($path);
     } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
         throw new ArchiveException('Could not open ' . $path);
     if (!$phar->isWritable()) {
         throw new ArchiveException('Archive ' . $this->file->getAbsolutePath() . ' is not writable');
     foreach ($source as $file) {
         if (!$file instanceof File) {
             throw new ArchiveException('Invalid source provided: ' . $file);
         $this->compressFile($phar, $file, $prefix);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Archive creator for phar, tar, tgz and zip archives.
  * @param string path to primary archive
  * @param string|false stub or false to use default stub of phar archives
  * @param int one of Phar::TAR, Phar::PHAR, or Phar::ZIP
  * @param int if the archive can be compressed (phar and tar), one of Phar::GZ, Phar::BZ2 or Phar::NONE
  *            for no compression
  * @param array an array of arrays containing information on additional archives to create.  The indices are:
  *               0. extension (tar/tgz/zip)
  *               1. format (Phar::TAR, Phar::ZIP, Phar::PHAR)
  *               2. compression (Phar::GZ, Phar::BZ2, Phar::NONE)
 function __construct($path, $stub = false, $fileformat = Phar::TAR, $compression = Phar::GZ, array $others = null)
     if (!class_exists('Phar')) {
         throw new \Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('Phar extension is not available');
     if (!Phar::canWrite() || !Phar::isValidPharFilename($path, true)) {
         $this->_classname = 'PharData';
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->compression = $compression;
     $this->format = $fileformat;
     $this->others = $others;
     $this->stub = $stub;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Archive creator for phar, tar, tgz and zip archives.
  * @param string path to primary archive
  * @param string|false stub or false to use default stub of phar archives
  * @param int one of Phar::TAR, Phar::PHAR, or Phar::ZIP
  * @param int if the archive can be compressed (phar and tar), one of Phar::GZ, Phar::BZ2 or Phar::NONE
  *            for no compression
  * @param array an array of arrays containing information on additional archives to create.  The indices are:
  *               0. extension (tar/tgz/zip)
  *               1. format (Phar::TAR, Phar::ZIP, Phar::PHAR)
  *               2. compression (Phar::GZ, Phar::BZ2, Phar::NONE)
  * @param string PKCS12 certificate to be used to sign the archive.  This must be a certificate issued
  *               by a certificate authority, self-signed certs will not be accepted by Pyrus
  * @param string passphrase, if any, for the PKCS12 certificate.
 function __construct($path, $stub = false, $fileformat = \Phar::TAR, $compression = \Phar::GZ, array $others = null, $releaser = null, \PEAR2\Pyrus\Package $new = null, $pkcs12 = null, $passphrase = '')
     if (!class_exists('Phar')) {
         throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('Phar extension is not available');
     if (!\Phar::canWrite() || !\Phar::isValidPharFilename($path, true)) {
         $this->_classname = 'PharData';
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->compression = $compression;
     $this->format = $fileformat;
     $this->others = $others;
     $this->stub = $stub;
     if ($pkcs12 && !extension_loaded('openssl')) {
         throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('Unable to use ' . 'OpenSSL signing of phars, enable the openssl PHP extension');
     $this->pkcs12 = $pkcs12;
     $this->passphrase = $passphrase;
     if (null !== $this->pkcs12) {
         $cert = array();
         $pkcs = openssl_pkcs12_read(file_get_contents($this->pkcs12), $cert, $this->passphrase);
         if (!$pkcs) {
             throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('Unable to process openssl key');
         $private = openssl_pkey_get_private($cert['pkey']);
         if (!$private) {
             throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('Unable to extract private openssl key');
         $pub = openssl_pkey_get_public($cert['cert']);
         $info = openssl_x509_parse($cert['cert']);
         $details = openssl_pkey_get_details($pub);
         if (true !== openssl_x509_checkpurpose($cert['cert'], X509_PURPOSE_SSL_SERVER, \PEAR2\Pyrus\Channel\RemotePackage::authorities())) {
             throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('releasing maintainer\'s certificate is invalid');
         // now verify that this cert is in fact the releasing maintainer's certificate
         // by verifying that alternate name is the releaser's email address
         if (!isset($info['subject']) || !isset($info['subject']['emailAddress'])) {
             throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('releasing maintainer\'s certificate does not contain' . ' an alternate name corresponding to the releaser\'s email address');
         if ($info['subject']['emailAddress'] != $new->maintainer[$releaser]->email) {
             throw new \PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\Creator\Exception('releasing maintainer\'s certificate ' . 'alternate name does not match the releaser\'s email address ' . $new->maintainer[$releaser]->email);
         $pkey = '';
         openssl_pkey_export($private, $pkey);
         $this->x509cert = $cert['cert'];
         $this->publickey = $details['key'];
         $this->privatekey = $pkey;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Fire event
  * @return void
 public function __invoke(ConsoleEvent $event)
     $output = $event->getOutput();
     $output->writeln("<comment>Dependencies validation:</comment>");
     $output->write(str_pad("Phar extension is loaded?", 30, '.'));
     $error = false;
     if (!extension_loaded('phar')) {
         $error = true;
     } else {
     $output->write(str_pad("phar.readonly is On?", 30, '.'));
     if (!\Phar::canWrite()) {
         $error = true;
     } else {
     if ($error) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Creates a PHAR (PHP Archive) file from an entire directory.
  * @param string       $dir The directory we want to create a PHAR file for.
  * @param string       $to The new PHAR file location; with a `.phar` extension.
  * @param string       $stub_file Stub file path. The contents of this stub file will be used as
  *    the stub for the resulting PHAR file. Required for all PHARs created by this routine.
  *    A final call to `__HALT_COMPILER();` is automatically appended by this routine.
  * @param boolean      $strip_ws Optional. Defaults to a TRUE value (highly recommended).
  *    If this is TRUE; any PHP files in the archive will be further reduced in filesize by this routine.
  *    This is made possible by the `php_strip_whitespace()` function.
  * @param boolean      $compress Optional. Defaults to a TRUE value (highly recommended).
  *    If this is TRUE; any compressable files in the archive will be further reduced in filesize.
  * @param string|array $compressable_extensions Optional. An array of GZIP-compressable extensions.
  *    This will default to only those which are 100% webPhar-compatible: `array('php', 'phps')`.
  *    Or, you can provide your own array of compressable extensions.
  * @param string       $is_phar_var_suffix Optional. Defaults to `stub`.
  *    A global variable at the top of your PHAR stub file will be declared as follows.
  *    `$GLOBALS['is_phar_'.$is_phar_var_suffix] = 'phar://'.__FILE__;` (just a helpful identifier).
  * @return string The new PHAR file path; else an exception is thrown on any type of failure.
  * @throws exception If invalid types are passed through arguments list.
  * @throws exception If `$dir` is empty, does NOT exist; or is NOT readable for any reason.
  * @throws exception If `$to` is empty, or is NOT specified with a `.phar` extension.
  * @throws exception If `$to` parent directory does NOT exist; or is not writable.
  * @throws exception If `$stub_file` is empty, does NOT exist; or is NOT readable for any reason.
  * @throws exception If `$compressable_extensions` or `$is_phar_var_suffix` is empty.
  * @throws \exception If any Phar class failures occur. The Phar class may throw exceptions.
  * @throws exception On any type of failure (e.g. NOT successful).
  * @WARNING This routine can become resource intensive on large directories.
  *    Mostly because of the compression routines applied here intuitively. It takes some time.
  *    See: {@link env::maximize_time_memory_limits()}
 public function phar_to($dir, $to, $stub_file, $strip_ws = TRUE, $compress = TRUE, $compressable_extensions = array('php', 'phps'), $is_phar_var_suffix = 'stub')
     $this->check_arg_types('string:!empty', 'string:!empty', 'string:!empty', 'boolean', 'boolean', 'array:!empty', 'string:!empty', func_get_args());
     $dir = $this->n_seps($dir);
     $to = $this->n_seps($to);
     $to_dir = $this->n_seps_up($to);
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#source_dir_missing', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory (source `dir` missing).') . sprintf($this->__('Non-existent source directory: `%1$s`.'), $dir));
     if (!is_readable($dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#read_write_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; not readable, due to permission issues.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Need this directory to be readable please: `%1$s`.'), $dir));
     if (file_exists($to)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#existing_phar', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; destination PHAR file already exists.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Please delete this file first: `%1$s`.'), $to));
     if ($this->extension($to) !== 'phar') {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#invalid_phar_file', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; invalid destination PHAR file.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Please use a `.phar` extension instead of: `%1$s`.'), $to));
     if (!is_dir($to_dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#phar_to_dir_missing', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Destination PHAR directory does NOT exist yet.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Please check this directory: `%1$s`.'), $to_dir));
     if (!is_writable($to_dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#read_write_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; destination not writable due to permission issues.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Need this directory to be writable please: `%1$s`.'), $to_dir));
     if (!\Phar::canWrite()) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#read_write_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; PHP configuration does NOT allow write access.') . ' ' . $this->__('Need this INI setting please: `phar.readonly = 0`.'));
     if (!is_file($stub_file)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#missing_stub_file', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; missing stub file.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('File does NOT exist: `%1$s`.'), $stub_file));
     if (!is_readable($stub_file)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#stub_file_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; permission issues with stub file.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Need this file to be writable please: `%1$s`.'), $stub_file));
     // Phar class throws exceptions on failure.
     $_stub_file_is_phar_var = '$GLOBALS[\'is_phar_' . $this->©string->esc_sq($is_phar_var_suffix) . '\'] = \'phar://\'.__FILE__;';
     $_stub_file_contents = $strip_ws ? $this->©php->strip_whitespace($stub_file) : file_get_contents($stub_file);
     $_stub_file_contents = trim(preg_replace('/\\W\\?\\>\\s*$/', '', $_stub_file_contents, 1));
     // No close tag & trim.
     $_stub_file_contents = preg_replace('/\\<\\?php|\\<\\?/i', '<?php ' . $_stub_file_is_phar_var, $_stub_file_contents, 1);
     $_stub_file_contents = preg_replace('/\\W__HALT_COMPILER\\s*\\(\\s*\\)\\s*;/i', '', $_stub_file_contents, 1) . ' __HALT_COMPILER();';
     $_phar = new \Phar($to, $this->iteration_flags());
     // Don't create file yet (wait until we're done here).
     // Defines the stub for this PHAR file.
     if (!$strip_ws && !$compress) {
     } else {
         $_strippable_extensions = array('php');
         $_regex_compressable_extensions = $this->©string->preg_quote_deep($compressable_extensions, '/');
         $_regex_compressable_extensions = '/\\.(?:' . implode('|', $_regex_compressable_extensions) . ')$/i';
         $_temp_dir = $this->temp() . '/' . $this->©string->unique_id() . '-' . basename($dir);
         $this->copy_to($dir, $_temp_dir);
         $_temp_dir_iteration = $this->iteration($_temp_dir);
         if ($strip_ws) {
             foreach ($_temp_dir_iteration as $_dir_file) {
                 if (!$_dir_file->isFile()) {
                 $_path = $_dir_file->getPathname();
                 $_phar_path = $_dir_file->getSubPathName();
                 $_extension = $this->©file->extension($_path);
                 if (in_array($_extension, $_strippable_extensions, TRUE)) {
                     file_put_contents($_path, $this->©php->strip_whitespace($_path, TRUE));
         $_phar->buildFromDirectory($_temp_dir, $_regex_compressable_extensions);
         if ($compress && $_phar->count()) {
             // Compressing files?
         foreach ($_temp_dir_iteration as $_dir_file) {
             if (!$_dir_file->isFile()) {
             $_path = $_dir_file->getPathname();
             $_phar_path = $_dir_file->getSubPathName();
             $_extension = $this->©file->extension($_path);
             if (!in_array($_extension, $compressable_extensions, TRUE)) {
                 $_phar->addFile($_path, $_phar_path);
     // Write to disk now.
     unset($_phar, $_stub_file_is_phar_var, $_stub_file_contents, $_strippable_extensions, $_regex_compressable_extensions);
     unset($_temp_dir_iteration, $_dir_file, $_path, $_phar_path, $_extension);
     if (isset($_temp_dir)) {
         // A little more housekeeping now.
     return $to;
     // It's a good day in Eureka!
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException
 public function testTempnamWithPharSchemeFails()
     // Skip test if Phar disabled phar.readonly must be 0 in php.ini
     if (!\Phar::canWrite()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test cannot run when phar.readonly is 1.');
     $scheme = 'phar://';
     $dirname = $scheme . $this->workspace;
     $pharname = 'foo.phar';
     new \Phar($this->workspace . '/' . $pharname, 0, $pharname);
     // The phar:// stream does not support mode x: fails to create file, errors "failed to open stream: phar error: "$filename" is not a file in phar "$pharname"" and returns false
     $this->filesystem->tempnam($dirname, $pharname . '/bar');
Ejemplo n.º 7

## Хранение бинарных файлов.
try {
    $phar = new Phar('./gallery.phar', 0, 'gallery.phar');
    // Для записи директив phar.readonly конфигурационного
    // файла php.ini должна быть установлена в 0 или Off
    if (Phar::canWrite()) {
        // Буферизация записи, ничего не записывается, до
        // тех пор, пока не будет вызван метод stopBuffering()
        // Добавление всех файлов из папки photos
        foreach (glob('../composer/photos/*') as $jpg) {
            $phar[basename($jpg)] = file_get_contents($jpg);
        // Назначаем файл-заглушку
        $phar['show.php'] = file_get_contents('show.php');
        $phar->setDefaultStub('show.php', 'show.php');
        // Сохранение результатов на жесткий диск
    } else {
        echo 'PHAR-архив не может быть бы записан';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Невозможно открыть PHAR-архив: ', $e;
Ejemplo n.º 8

require __DIR__ . '/../piecrust.php';
if (!Phar::canWrite()) {
    die("Can't create Phar file because 'phar.readonly' is enabled in 'php.ini'." . PHP_EOL);
$pharFile = 'piecrust.phar';
if ($argc > 1) {
    $pharFile = $argv[1];
$compiler = new PieCrust\Compiler();
Ejemplo n.º 9
ini_set('phar.require_hash', 0);
ini_set('phar.readonly', 0);
var_dump(ini_set('phar.require_hash', 'on'));
var_dump(ini_set('phar.readonly', 'on'));
ini_set('phar.require_hash', 0);
ini_set('phar.readonly', 0);
var_dump(ini_set('phar.require_hash', 'true'));
var_dump(ini_set('phar.readonly', 'true'));
var_dump(ini_set('phar.require_hash', 0));
var_dump(ini_set('phar.readonly', 0));
Ejemplo n.º 10

## Сжатие архива.
try {
    $phar = new Phar('compress.phar', 0, 'compress.phar');
    if (Phar::canWrite() && Phar::canCompress()) {
        foreach (glob('../composer/photos/*') as $jpg) {
            $phar[basename($jpg)] = file_get_contents($jpg);
        // Назначаем файл-заглушку
        $phar['show.php'] = file_get_contents('show.php');
        $phar->setDefaultStub('show.php', 'show.php');
        // Сжимаем файл
    } else {
        echo 'PHAR-архив не может быть бы записан';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Невозможно открыть PHAR-архив: ', $e;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * copy is found, a copy of the license template can be found at:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
 * @package Jazz
 * @subpackage Startup
 * @author Michael Luster <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) iBayou, Michael Luster
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @link http://phpjazz.sourceforge.net
$root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/library';
set_include_path($root . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
require_once 'Jazz/Util.php';
ini_set('phar.readonly', 0);
if (Phar::canWrite() === true) {
    $phar = new Phar(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Jazz.phar', 0);
    $phar->addFromString('stub.php', '<?php ');
    $dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($root, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS));
    foreach ($dir as $file) {
        /* @var DirectoryIterator $file */
        $name = $file->getFilename();
        $contents = formatFileContents($file->getPathname());
        $path = str_replace(array($root, '\\'), array('', '/'), $file->getPathname());
        $phar->addFromString($path, $contents);
        \Jazz\Util::test('added ' . $path);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        } else {
            if (isset($argv[$i + 1]) && $argv[$i + 1][0] !== '-' && false === strpos($arg, '=')) {
                $ret[ltrim($arg, '-')] = $argv[$i + 1];
            } else {
                $ret[ltrim($arg, '-')] = true;
    return $ret;
info("Phar Builder " . PHAR_BUILDER_VERSION);
if ('cli' !== PHP_SAPI) {
    error("Run for command line only.");
if (false === Phar::canWrite()) {
    error("Phar can not write, Set \"phar.readonly = Off\" in php.ini.");
$self = array_shift($argv);
if (empty($argv[0])) {
$path = array_shift($argv);
$args = args_parse($argv);
$stub = empty($args['stub']) ? '' : $args['stub'];
$flags = 0;
$files = empty($args['files']) ? '' : $args['files'];
$alias = empty($args['alias']) ? basename($path) : $args['alias'];
$regex = empty($args['filter']) ? null : $args['filter'];
$base_dir = empty($args['path']) ? '' : $args['path'];
$arg_compress = empty($args['compress']) ? '' : $args['compress'];