function testWriteRead() { Pel::setStrictParsing(true); $ifd = new PelIfd(PelIfd::IFD0); $this->assertTrue($ifd->isLastIfd()); foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { $ifd->addEntry($entry); } $tiff = new PelTiff(); $this->assertNull($tiff->getIfd()); $tiff->setIfd($ifd); $this->assertNotNull($tiff->getIfd()); $exif = new PelExif(); $this->assertNull($exif->getTiff()); $exif->setTiff($tiff); $this->assertNotNull($exif->getTiff()); $jpeg = new PelJpeg(dirname(__FILE__) . '/no-exif.jpg'); $this->assertNull($jpeg->getExif()); $jpeg->setExif($exif); $this->assertNotNull($jpeg->getExif()); $jpeg->saveFile('test-output.jpg'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists('test-output.jpg')); $this->assertTrue(filesize('test-output.jpg') > 0); /* Now read the file and see if the entries are still there. */ $jpeg = new PelJpeg('test-output.jpg'); $exif = $jpeg->getExif(); $this->assertIsA($exif, 'PelExif'); $tiff = $exif->getTiff(); $this->assertIsA($tiff, 'PelTiff'); $ifd = $tiff->getIfd(); $this->assertIsA($ifd, 'PelIfd'); $this->assertEqual($ifd->getType(), PelIfd::IFD0); $this->assertTrue($ifd->isLastIfd()); foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { $this->assertEqual($ifd->getEntry($entry->getTag())->getValue(), $entry->getValue()); } unlink('test-output.jpg'); }
println('Reading file "%s".', $file); $data = new PelDataWindow(file_get_contents($file)); if (PelJpeg::isValid($data)) { $jpeg = new PelJpeg(); $jpeg->load($data); $app1 = $jpeg->getExif(); if ($app1 == null) { println('Skipping %s because no APP1 section was found.', $file); continue; } $tiff = $app1->getTiff(); } elseif (PelTiff::isValid($data)) { $tiff = new PelTiff($data); } else { println('Unrecognized image format! Skipping.'); continue; } $ifd0 = $tiff->getIfd(); $entry = $ifd0->getEntry(PelTag::DATE_TIME); if ($entry == null) { println('Skipping %s because no DATE_TIME tag was found.', $file); continue; } $time = $entry->getValue(); $new = gmdate('../Y-m/', $time) . $file; if (file_exists($new)) { die('Aborting, ' . $new . ' exists!'); } println('mv %s %s', $file, $new); rename($file, $new); }
function tiffToTest($name, PelTiff $tiff) { println(); println('/* The first IFD. */'); println('$ifd0 = %s->getIfd();', $name); $ifd = $tiff->getIfd(); if ($ifd instanceof PelIfd) { println('$this->assertIsA($ifd0, \'PelIfd\');'); ifdToTest('$ifd', 0, $ifd); } else { println('$this->assertNull($ifd0);'); } }