  * The Caller Magic Method
 public function __call($method, $params)
     $this->_lib_method = $method;
     $args = $params[0];
     $request = $this->_build_request($args);
     return $this->_parse_response($request);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct($config = array())
     $this->ci =& get_instance();
     $this->ci->config->load('payments', true);
     $defaults = array('mode' => $this->ci->config->item('mode', 'payments'), 'force_secure_connection' => $this->ci->config->item('force_secure_connection', 'payments'));
     $config = array_merge($defaults, $config);
     require dirname(__DIR__) . "/src/php-payments/lib/payments.php";
     $this->php_payments = new PHP_Payments($config);
     //Ignore CI classes so our autoloader doesn't interfere
     Payment_Utility::$autoload_ignore = array('CI_');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * The Constructor Function
 public function __construct($config)
     Payment_Utility::load('file', 'vendor/braintree/lib/Braintree');
     $bt_mode = $config['mode'] == 'test' ? 'sandbox' : 'production';
     foreach ($config as $k => $v) {
         //merchantId, publicKey, privateKey need to be set
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Make sure params are as expected
  * @param	array	array of params to check to ensure proper formatting
  * @param	array	array of required params
  * @return	mixed	Will return TRUE if all pass.  Will return an object if a param is bad.
 public static function validate($method, $params, $required_params)
     //Append _method to method name
     $method = $method . "_method";
     //We'll need this later
     $lang = Payment_Utility::load('lang', 'english/response_details');
     //Ensure no invalid methods were passed
     include_once 'payment_methods/' . $method . '.php';
     $m = new $method();
     $method_params = $m->get_params();
     $bad_params = array();
     foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset($method_params[$k])) {
             $bad_params[] = "{$k} " . $lang['is_not_a_param'];
     if (count($bad_params) > 0) {
         return Payment_Response::instance()->local_response('failure', 'invalid_input', implode(', ', $bad_params));
     //Ensure no required params are missing
     $missing = array();
     foreach ($required_params as $k => $v) {
         if (!array_key_exists($v, $params) or empty($params[$v]) or is_null($params[$v]) or $params[$v] == ' ') {
             $key = 'missing_' . $v;
             if (isset($lang[$key])) {
                 $missing[] = $lang[$key];
             } else {
                 error_log("{$key} does not exist in response message language file.");
                 $missing[] = "{$v} is required but was not provided";
     if (count($missing) > 0) {
         return Payment_Response::instance()->local_response('failure', 'required_params_missing', implode(', ', $missing));
     //Ensure dates match MMYYYY format
     if (array_key_exists('cc_exp', $params)) {
         $exp_date = $params['cc_exp'];
         $m1 = $exp_date[0];
         if (strlen($exp_date) != 6 or !is_numeric($exp_date) or $m1 > 1) {
             return Payment_Response::instance()->local_response('failure', 'invalid_input', 'invalid_date_format');
     //Ensure billing period is submitted in normalized form
     if (array_key_exists('billing_period', $params)) {
         $accepted_billing_period = array('Month', 'Day', 'Week', 'Year');
         if (!in_array($params['billing_period'], $accepted_billing_period)) {
             return Payment_Response::instance()->local_response('failure', 'invalid_input', 'invalid_billing_period');
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function getFields()
     $paymentLibrary = $this->paymentlibrary;
     if ($paymentLibrary->id == PAYMENT_LIBRARY_OMNIPAY) {
         $fields = Omnipay::create($this->provider)->getDefaultParameters();
     } else {
         $fields = Payment_Utility::load('config', 'drivers/' . strtolower($this->provider));
     if ($fields == null) {
         $fields = array();
     return $fields;
  * Build the Request
  * @param	array	Params array
  * @return	mixed	array for requests, strings for buttons
 protected function _build_request($params)
     $map = $this->method_map();
     $l = $this->_lib_method;
     $api = $map[$l]['api'];
     $method = $map[$l]['method'];
     $static = $map[$l]['static'];
     if ($api == 'ButtonGenerator') {
         Payment_Utility::load('file', 'vendor/amazon_simplepay/ButtonGenerationWithSignature/src/ButtonGenerator');
         $this->_is_button = true;
         $api::$method($this->_config['access_key'], $this->_config['secret_key'], $params['currency_code'] . ' ' . $params['amt'], $params['desc'], isset($params['identifier']) ? $params['identifier'] : '', $static['immediate_return'], $static['return_url'], $static['abandon_url'], $static['process_immediate'], $static['ipn_url'], $static['collect_shipping_address'], $static['signature_method'], $this->_mode);
         $string = ob_get_clean();
         return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Builds the Request
 protected function _build_request($params)
     $stripe = Payment_Utility::load('file', 'vendor/stripe/lib/Stripe');
     $api = $this->_api;
     if (strpos($this->_api_method, '->') === false) {
         $method = $this->_api_method;
     } else {
         $ex = explode('->', $this->_api_method);
         $m1 = $ex[0];
         $method = $ex[1];
         $api = $api::$m1($params['identifier']);
         $this->_object_scoped = true;
     $params_ready = $this->_match_params($params);
     //Make the call to Stripe API
     return array($api, $method, $params_ready);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function __construct($driver)
     $config = array('mode' => 'test');
     echo "\n \n Starting test for {$driver} \n \n";
     $this->payments = new PHP_Payments($config);
     $test_config = (include '.drivers.test_vals.php');
     $class_name = str_replace('.php', '', $driver);
     $uc = explode("_", $class_name);
     foreach ($uc as $k => $piece) {
         $uc[$k] = ucfirst($piece);
     $class_name_uc = implode("_", $uc);
     $this->class_name = $class_name_uc;
     $config_name = str_replace('_driver', '', $class_name);
     $loaded_config = Payment_Utility::load('config', 'drivers/' . $config_name);
     $this->config = array_merge($config, $test_config);
     $this->class = new $class_name_uc(array_merge($config, $loaded_config));
     $this->methods_available = $this->class->method_map();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Make a call to a gateway. Uses other helper methods to make the request.
  * @param	string	The payment method to use
  * @param	array	$params[0] is the gateway, $params[1] are the params for the request.  $params[2] is a config array for the driver.
  * @return	object	Should return a success or failure, along with a response.
 public function __call($method, $params)
     $gateway = $params[0] . '_Driver';
     $args = $params[1];
     $config = isset($params[2]) ? $params[2] : @Payment_Utility::load('config', 'drivers/' . $params[0]);
     //Load the driver config if not passed in constructor
     $config['mode'] = isset($this->config['mode']) && $this->config['mode'] === 'test' ? 'test' : 'production';
     try {
         $driver = new $gateway($config);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return Payment_Response::instance()->local_response('failure', 'not_a_module', $e->getMessage());
     $method_map = $driver->method_map();
     if (!isset($method_map[$method])) {
         return Payment_Response::instance()->local_response('failure', 'not_a_method');
     //Make sure params are in expected format, make sure required have been provided
     $validation_check = Payment_Validator::validate($method, $args, $method_map[$method]['required']);
     return $validation_check === true ? $driver->{$method}($args) : $validation_check;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function do_payment($invitationKey, $onSite = true)
     $rules = array('first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', 'card_number' => 'required', 'expiration_month' => 'required', 'expiration_year' => 'required', 'cvv' => 'required', 'address1' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'state' => 'required', 'postal_code' => 'required');
     if ($onSite) {
         $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
         if ($validator->fails()) {
             return Redirect::to('payment/' . $invitationKey)->withErrors($validator);
     $invitation = Invitation::with('invoice.invoice_items', 'invoice.client.currency', 'invoice.client.account.account_gateways.gateway')->where('invitation_key', '=', $invitationKey)->firstOrFail();
     $invoice = $invitation->invoice;
     $accountGateway = $invoice->client->account->account_gateways[0];
     $paymentLibrary = $accountGateway->gateway->paymentlibrary;
     if ($onSite) {
         $client = $invoice->client;
         $client->address1 = trim(Input::get('address1'));
         $client->address2 = trim(Input::get('address2'));
         $client->city = trim(Input::get('city'));
         $client->state = trim(Input::get('state'));
         $client->postal_code = trim(Input::get('postal_code'));
     try {
         if ($paymentLibrary->id == PAYMENT_LIBRARY_OMNIPAY) {
             $gateway = self::createGateway($accountGateway);
             $details = self::getPaymentDetails($invoice, Input::all());
             $response = $gateway->purchase($details)->send();
             $ref = $response->getTransactionReference();
             if (!$ref) {
                 Session::flash('error', $response->getMessage());
                 return Redirect::to('payment/' . $invitationKey)->withInput();
             if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
                 $payment = self::createPayment($invitation, $ref);
                 Session::flash('message', trans('texts.applied_payment'));
                 return Redirect::to('view/' . $payment->invitation->invitation_key);
             } else {
                 if ($response->isRedirect()) {
                     $invitation->transaction_reference = $ref;
                 } else {
                     Session::flash('error', $response->getMessage());
                     return Utils::fatalError('Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.<p>', $response->getMessage());
         } else {
             if ($paymentLibrary->id == PAYMENT_LIBRARY_PHP_PAYMENTS) {
                 $gateway = $accountGateway->gateway;
                 $provider = $gateway->provider;
                 $p = new PHP_Payments(array('mode' => 'test'));
                 $config = Payment_Utility::load('config', 'drivers/' . $provider);
                 switch ($gateway->id) {
                     case GATEWAY_BEANSTREAM:
                         $config['delay_charge'] = FALSE;
                         $config['bill_outstanding'] = TRUE;
                     case GATEWAY_AMAZON:
                         $config['return_url'] = URL::to('complete');
                         $config['abandon_url'] = URL::to('/');
                         $config['immediate_return'] = 0;
                         $config['process_immediate'] = 1;
                         $config['ipn_url'] = URL::to('ipn');
                         $config['collect_shipping_address'] = false;
                 $details = self::getPaymentDetails($invoice, Input::all());
                 $response = $p->oneoff_payment($provider, $details, $config);
                 if (strtolower($response->status) == 'success') {
                     $payment = self::createPayment($invitation, $response->response_message);
                     Session::flash('message', trans('texts.applied_payment'));
                     return Redirect::to('view/' . $payment->invitation->invitation_key);
                 } else {
                     Session::flash('error', $response->response_message);
                     return Utils::fatalError('Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.<p>', $response->response_message);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $errorMessage = trans('texts.payment_error');
         Session::flash('error', $errorMessage);
         return Redirect::to('payment/' . $invitationKey)->withInput();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Parse the response from the server
  * @param	array
  * @return	object
 protected function _parse_response($xml)
     $details = (object) array();
     $as_array = Payment_Utility::arrayize_object($xml);
     $result = $as_array['Approved'];
     if (isset($as_array['OrderID']) && !empty($as_array['OrderID'])) {
         $identifier = $as_array['OrderID'];
     if (isset($as_array['TransRefNumber'])) {
         $identifier2 = $as_array['TransRefNumber'];
     $details->timestamp = $as_array['TransTime'];
     $details->gateway_response = $as_array;
     if (isset($identifier)) {
         $identifier = (string) $identifier;
         if (strlen($identifier) > 1) {
             $details->identifier = $identifier;
     if (isset($identifier2)) {
         $identifier2 = (string) $identifier2;
         if (strlen($identifier2) > 1) {
             $details->identifier2 = $identifier2;
     if ($result == 'APPROVED') {
         return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Success', $this->_lib_method . '_success', $details);
     if ($result == 'ERROR' or $result == 'DECLINED') {
         if (isset($as_array['ErrMsg'])) {
             $message = $as_array['ErrMsg'];
             $message = explode(':', $message);
             $message = $message[1];
         if (isset($message)) {
             $details->reason = $message;
         return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Failure', $this->_lib_method . '_gateway_failure', $details);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private function __construct()
     self::$_response_details = Payment_Utility::load('lang', self::$_language . '/response_details');
     self::$_response_messages = Payment_Utility::load('lang', self::$_language . '/response_messages');
     self::$_response_codes = Payment_Utility::load('config', 'payments', 'response_codes');
  * Parse the response from the server
  * @param	array
  * @return	object 
 protected function _parse_response($xml)
     //If it failed when being parsed as XML, go ahead and return it
     if (isset($xml->status) && $xml->status == 'failure') {
         return $xml;
     $details = (object) array();
     $as_array = Payment_Utility::arrayize_object($xml);
     $result = $as_array['messages']['resultCode'];
     if (isset($as_array['transactionResponse'])) {
         $identifier = $as_array['transactionResponse']['transId'];
     if (isset($as_array['subscriptionId'])) {
         $identifier = $as_array['subscriptionId'];
     $timestamp = gmdate('c');
     $details->timestamp = $timestamp;
     $details->gateway_response = $as_array;
     if (isset($identifier) and strlen($identifier) > 1) {
         $details->identifier = $identifier;
     if ($result == 'Ok') {
         return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Success', $this->_lib_method . '_success', $details);
     if ($result == 'Error') {
         if (isset($as_array['transactionResponse']['errors']['error']['errorText'])) {
             $message = $as_array['transactionResponse']['errors']['error']['errorText'];
         if (isset($as_array['messages']['message']['text'])) {
             $message = $as_array['messages']['message']['text'];
         if (isset($message)) {
             $details->reason = $message;
         return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Failure', $this->_lib_method . '_gateway_failure', $details);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Parse the response from the server
  * @param	array
  * @return	object
 private function _parse_response($response)
     $details = (object) array();
     if (is_object($response)) {
         if ($response->code == '1') {
             return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Success', $this->_lib_method . '_success', $details);
         } else {
             $details->reason = $response->message;
             return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Failure', $this->_lib_method . '_gateway_failure', $details);
     } elseif (strstr($response, '<response>')) {
         $response = Payment_Utility::parse_xml($response);
         $response = Payment_Utility::arrayize_object($response);
         $details->gateway_response = $response;
         if ($response['code'] == '1') {
             return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Success', $this->_lib_method . '_success', $details);
         } else {
             $details->reason = $response['message'];
             return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Failure', $this->_lib_method . '_gateway_failure', $details);
     } else {
         $results = explode('&', urldecode($response));
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             list($key, $value) = explode('=', $result);
             $gateway_response[$key] = $value;
         $details->gateway_response = $gateway_response;
         $details->timestamp = isset($gateway_response['trnDate']) ? $gateway_response['trnDate'] : gmdate('c');
         if (isset($gateway_response['trnApproved']) && $gateway_response['trnApproved'] == '1') {
             $details->identifier = isset($gateway_response['trnId']) ? $gateway_response['trnId'] : null;
             if (isset($gateway_response['rbAccountId'])) {
                 $details->identifier = $gateway_response['rbAccountId'];
             return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('success', $this->_lib_method . '_success', $details);
         } else {
             $details->reason = isset($gateway_response['messageText']) ? $gateway_response['messageText'] : null;
             return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('failure', $this->_lib_method . '_gateway_failure', $details);
  * Parse the response from the server
  * @param	array
  * @return	object
 protected function _parse_response($xml)
     $details = (object) array();
     $as_array = Payment_Utility::arrayize_object($xml);
     $signon = isset($as_array['SignonMsgsRs']) ? $as_array['SignonMsgsRs'] : '';
     $response = isset($as_array['QBMSXMLMsgsRs']) ? $as_array['QBMSXMLMsgsRs'] : '';
     $result = '';
     $message = '';
     $identifier = '';
     if (isset($response['CustomerCreditCardChargeRs'])) {
         $result = $response['CustomerCreditCardChargeRs']['@attributes']['statusCode'];
         $message = $response['CustomerCreditCardChargeRs']['@attributes']['statusMessage'];
         $identifier = $response['CustomerCreditCardChargeRs']['CreditCardTransID'];
     if (isset($response['CustomerCreditCardAuthRs'])) {
         $result = $response['CustomerCreditCardAuthRs']['@attributes']['statusCode'];
         $message = $response['CustomerCreditCardAuthRs']['@attributes']['statusMessage'];
         $identifier = $response['CustomerCreditCardAuthRs']['CreditCardTransID'];
     if (isset($response['CustomerCreditCardCaptureRs'])) {
         $result = $response['CustomerCreditCardCaptureRs']['@attributes']['statusCode'];
         $message = $response['CustomerCreditCardCaptureRs']['@attributes']['statusMessage'];
         $identifier = $response['CustomerCreditCardCaptureRs']['CreditCardTransID'];
     if (isset($response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidRs'])) {
         $result = $response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidRs']['@attributes']['statusCode'];
         $message = $response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidRs']['@attributes']['statusMessage'];
         $identifier = $response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidRs']['CreditCardTransID'];
     if (isset($response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidOrRefundRs'])) {
         $result = $response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidOrRefundRs']['@attributes']['statusCode'];
         $message = $response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidOrRefundRs']['@attributes']['statusMessage'];
         if (isset($response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidOrRefundRs']['CreditCardTransID'])) {
             $identifier = $response['CustomerCreditCardTxnVoidOrRefundRs']['CreditCardTransID'];
     $details->gateway_response = $as_array;
     if ($result === '0') {
         //Transaction was successful
         $details->identifier = $identifier;
         $details->timestamp = isset($signon['ServerDateTime']) ? $signon['ServerDateTime'] : '';
         return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Success', $this->_lib_method . '_success', $details);
     } else {
         //Transaction failed
         $details->reason = $message;
         return Payment_Response::instance()->gateway_response('Failure', $this->_lib_method . '_gateway_failure', $details);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Makes the actual request to the gateway
  * @param   string  This is the API endpoint currently being used
  * @param  string  The data to be passed to the API
  * @param  string  A specific content type to define for cURL request
  * @return	object	response object
 public static function curl_request($query_string, $payload = NULL, $content_type = NULL, $custom_headers = NULL)
     $headers = is_null($custom_headers) ? array() : $custom_headers;
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $query_string);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
     if (is_null($payload)) {
         $request = curl_exec($curl);
         if ($request[0] == '<') {
             return Payment_Utility::parse_xml($request);
         } else {
             return $request;
     } else {
         if (is_null($content_type)) {
             $xml = TRUE;
             $headers[] = "Content-Type: text/xml";
         } else {
             if (strpos($content_type, 'xml') !== FALSE) {
                 $xml = TRUE;
             $headers[] = "Content-Type: {$content_type}";
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);
         $request = curl_exec($curl);
         if (isset($xml) && $xml === TRUE) {
             return Payment_Utility::parse_xml($request);
         } else {
             return $request;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function __construct($config)
     Payment_Utility::load('file', 'vendor/gocardless/lib/gocardless');
     $this->_config = $config;