Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Get Advance settings
  * @param array  $args         The parameters array
  * @param string $content_type The content type
 static function view_get_advanced_settings(&$args, $content_type)
     $view_settings = PT_CV_Functions::get_global_variable('view_settings');
     $advanced_settings = (array) PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'advanced-settings', $view_settings);
     if ($advanced_settings) {
         foreach ($advanced_settings as $setting) {
             switch ($setting) {
                 // Author
                 case 'author':
                     $author_in = PT_CV_Functions::string_to_array(PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'author__in', $view_settings));
                     // Check if using Wordpress version 3.7 or higher
                     $version_gt_37 = PT_CV_Functions::wp_version_compare('3.7');
                     if ($version_gt_37) {
                         $author_not_in = PT_CV_Functions::string_to_array(PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'author__not_in', $view_settings));
                         // Author in
                         if (!empty($author_in[0])) {
                             $args = array_merge($args, array('author__in' => array_map('intval', $author_in)));
                         // Author not in
                         if (!empty($author_not_in[0])) {
                             $args = array_merge($args, array('author__not_in' => array_map('intval', $author_not_in)));
                     } else {
                         // Author = ID
                         if (!empty($author_in[0])) {
                             $args = array_merge($args, array('author' => intval($author_in[0])));
                     // Status
                 // Status
                 case 'status':
                     $args = array_merge($args, array('post_status' => PT_CV_Functions::string_to_array(PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'post_status', $view_settings, 'publish'))));
                     // Search
                 // Search
                 case 'search':
                     if (PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 's', $view_settings)) {
                         $args = array_merge($args, array('s' => PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 's', $view_settings)));
                     // Taxonomy
                 // Taxonomy
                 case 'taxonomy':
                     // No taxonomy found
                     if (!PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'taxonomy', $view_settings)) {
                     // All settings of taxonomies
                     $taxonomy_setting = array();
                     // Selected taxonomies
                     $taxonomies = PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'taxonomy', $view_settings);
                     // Get Terms & criterias (In, Not in)
                     foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                         if (PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . $taxonomy . '-terms', $view_settings)) {
                             // Get operator
                             $operator = PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . $taxonomy . '-operator', $view_settings, 'IN');
                             $taxonomy_setting[] = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => (array) PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . $taxonomy . '-terms', $view_settings), 'operator' => $operator, 'include_children' => apply_filters(PT_CV_PREFIX_ . 'include_children', true));
                     // Get Taxonomy relation if there are more than 1 selected taxonomies | set In & Not in of a taxonomy
                     if (count($taxonomies) > 1 || count($taxonomy_setting) > 1) {
                         $taxonomy_setting['relation'] = PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'taxonomy-relation', $view_settings, 'AND');
                     // Filter taxonomy with Custom post types
                     $taxonomy_setting_ = apply_filters(PT_CV_PREFIX_ . 'taxonomy_setting', $taxonomy_setting);
                     $args = array_merge($args, array('tax_query' => $taxonomy_setting_));
                     // Order
                 // Order
                 case 'order':
                     $order_settings = apply_filters(PT_CV_PREFIX_ . 'order_setting', array('orderby' => PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'orderby', $view_settings), 'order' => PT_CV_Functions::setting_value(PT_CV_PREFIX . 'order', $view_settings)));
                     $args = array_merge($args, $order_settings);
  * Register and enqueue admin-specific JavaScript.
  * @since     1.0.0
  * @return    null    Return early if no settings page is registered.
 public function enqueue_admin_scripts()
     if (!isset($this->plugin_screen_hook_suffix)) {
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     if ($this->plugin_screen_hook_suffix == $screen->id || in_array($screen->id, $this->plugin_sub_screen_hook_suffix)) {
         // WP assets
         // Main admin script
         PT_CV_Asset::enqueue('admin', 'script', array('src' => plugins_url('assets/js/admin.js', __FILE__), 'deps' => array('jquery')));
         // Localize strings
         PT_CV_Asset::localize_script('admin', PT_CV_PREFIX_UPPER . 'ADMIN', array('_prefix' => PT_CV_PREFIX, '_group_prefix' => PT_CV_Html::html_group_class() . '-', '_nonce' => wp_create_nonce(PT_CV_PREFIX_ . 'ajax_nonce'), 'supported_version' => PT_CV_Functions::wp_version_compare('3.5'), 'text' => array('no_taxonomy' => __('There is no taxonomy for selected content type', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page'), 'pagination_disable' => __('Pagination is disabled when Limit = -1', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page'), 'prevent_click' => __('Opening a link is prevented in preview box', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page')), 'btn' => array('preview' => array('show' => __('Show Preview', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page'), 'hide' => __('Hide Preview', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page'), 'update' => __('Update Preview', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page'))), 'data' => array('post_types_vs_taxonomies' => PT_CV_Values::post_types_vs_taxonomies())));
         // Bootstrap for Admin
         PT_CV_Asset::enqueue('bootstrap-admin', 'script', array('src' => plugins_url('assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.full.js', PT_CV_FILE)));
         // For Preview
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Setting options for Field = Thumbnail
 static function field_thumbnail_settings($prefix)
     $result = array(array('label' => array('text' => __('Thumbnail size', PT_CV_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => $prefix . 'thumbnail-size', 'options' => PT_CV_Values::field_thumbnail_sizes(), 'std' => 'medium'))), !PT_CV_Functions::wp_version_compare('4.4') ? '' : array('label' => array('text' => ''), 'extra_setting' => array('params' => array('wrap-class' => 'checkbox-inline')), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $prefix . 'thumbnail-nowprpi', 'options' => PT_CV_Values::yes_no('yes', __('Disable responsive image of WordPress 4.4', PT_CV_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Check this option if thumbnail looks blurry', PT_CV_TEXTDOMAIN)))));
     $result = apply_filters(PT_CV_PREFIX_ . 'field_thumbnail_settings', $result, $prefix);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4

 * Add / Edit Content Views
 * @package   PT_Content_Views_Admin
 * @author    PT Guy <*****@*****.**>
 * @license   GPL-2.0+
 * @link      http://www.contentviewspro.com/
 * @copyright 2014 PT Guy
// Check if using Wordpress version 3.7 or higher
$version_gt_37 = PT_CV_Functions::wp_version_compare('3.7');
$settings = array();
// Id of current view
$id = 0;
// Check if this is edit View page
if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {
    $id = esc_sql($_GET['id']);
    if ($id) {
        // Get View settings
        global $pt_cv_admin_settings;
        $pt_cv_admin_settings = $settings = PT_CV_Functions::view_get_settings($id);
// Submit handle

<div class="wrap form-horizontal pt-wrap">
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Setting options for Field = Thumbnail
 static function field_thumbnail_settings($prefix)
     $result = array(array('label' => array('text' => __('Size')), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => $prefix . 'thumbnail-size', 'options' => PT_CV_Values::field_thumbnail_sizes(), 'std' => 'medium'))), !PT_CV_Functions::wp_version_compare('4.4') ? '' : 'disable-wp44-resimg' => array('label' => array('text' => ''), 'extra_setting' => array('params' => array('wrap-class' => 'checkbox-inline')), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $prefix . 'thumbnail-nowprpi', 'options' => PT_CV_Values::yes_no('yes', __('Disable responsive image of WordPress 4.4', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page')), 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Check this option if thumbnail looks blurry', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page')))), !get_option('pt_cv_version_pro') ? PT_CV_Settings::get_cvpro(sprintf(__('In this lite version, thumbnail is only shown if post has %s', 'content-views-query-and-display-post-page'), sprintf('<a target="_blank" href="https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Thumbnails">%s</a>', __('Featured Image'))), 10, null, true) : '');
     $result = apply_filters(PT_CV_PREFIX_ . 'field_thumbnail_settings', $result, $prefix);
     return $result;