public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $args['type'] = 'radio'; parent::__construct($args); $this->selected = array(); }
public function handleParams($property, $key = null, $value = null, $defaults = array()) { if ($defaults) { $this->handleParams($property, $defaults); } //end if if (is_object($key) && $key instanceof PSUGraphObject) { $this->{$property}[$key->id] = $key; } elseif (is_array($key) || strpos($key, '=') !== false) { $values = PSU::params($key, $defaults); foreach ($values as $k => $v) { if ($property == 'options') { $this->{$property}[$k] = new PSUGraphOption($k, $v); } else { $this->{$property}[$k] = $v; } //end else } //end foreach return true; } elseif ($key && $value) { $this->{$property}[$key] = $value instanceof PSUGraphOption ? $value : new PSUGraphOption($k, $v); return true; } elseif ($key) { return $this->{$property}[$key]; } else { return $this->{$property}; } //end else }
/** * get all card access actions * @param $args \b can include filter, start_date, end_date, id * @return array */ public static function actions($args = '') { $args = PSU::params($args); $where = ''; if ($args['start_date']) { $where .= " AND x_timestamp >= ?"; $bind['start_date'] = PSU::db('pegasys')->BindTimeStamp(CardAccess::timeStamp($args['start_date'])); } // end if if ($args['end_date']) { $where .= " AND x_timestamp <= ?"; $bind['end_date'] = PSU::db('pegasys')->BindTimeStamp(CardAccess::timeStamp($args['end_date'], false)); } // end if if ($args['filter']) { $where .= " AND x_term_name LIKE '%'+?+'%'"; $bind['filter'] = $args['filter']; } // end if if ($args['id']) { $args['id'] = (int) $args['id']; $where .= " AND x_badge_number={$args['id']}"; } // end if $sql = "SELECT x_timestamp, x_badge_number, x_fname, x_lname, x_hist_type, x_item_name, x_term_name FROM xaction WHERE 1=1 {$where} ORDER BY x_timestamp DESC"; return PSU::db('pegasys')->GetAll($sql, $bind); }
/** * Filter the ticket list. * * Valid $args: * * @li $q \b string match text in call history * @li $group \b int the assigned group */ public static function search_tickets($args) { $args = PSU::params($args); extract($args); $where = array(); $sql_args = array(); if ($q) { $where[] = 'MATCH (comments) AGAINST (?)'; $sql_args[] = $q; } if ($group) { $where[] = 'its_assigned_group = ?'; $sql_args[] = $group; } if ($call_status) { $where[] = 'call_status = ?'; $sql_args[] = $call_status; } if ($current) { $where[] = 'current = ?'; $sql_args[] = $current; } $where_sql = implode(' AND ', $where); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM call_history\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t{$where_sql}\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\tdate_assigned DESC,\n\t\t\t\ttime_assigned DESC\n\t\t"; return PSU::db('calllog')->GetAll($sql, $sql_args); }
public function query($args = array()) { $args = \PSU::params($args, $defaults); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT pidm\n\t\t\t FROM v_account\n\t\t"; $results = \PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql, $args); return $results; }
/** * instantiates a group of PSURotation objects and returns them */ public static function get_collection($dir, $params = array()) { $params = PSU::params($params, self::$defaults); if ($params['type'] == 'image') { $files = PSUFiles::getImageArray($dir, 0, $params['depth']); } else { $files = PSUFiles::getImageArray($dir, 0, $params['depth'], array('txt', 'html')); } //end if foreach ((array) $files as $key => $file) { if (strpos($file, '/thumbs/') !== false) { unset($files[$key]); } //end if } //end foreach sort($files); $num_files = count($files); $collection = array(); $collection_count = 0; while ($collection_count < $num_files && $collection_count < 4) { $random_index = rand(0, count($files) - 1); $params['set'] = $files[$random_index]; $collection[] = new self($dir, $params); unset($files[$random_index]); sort($files); $collection_count = count($collection); } //end while return $collection; }
/** * constructor * * @param $person \b PSUPerson object * @param $level_or_data \b This can be 1 of two things: * - if a string, it is the Level code of student data (e.g. ug, gr, etc) * - if an array, it is an array of sgbstdn data * @param $term_code \b Effective term code */ public function __construct($student, $level_or_data, $max_term_code = null, $term_code_eff = null) { parent::__construct(); $data_loaders = array(); $this->data_loaders = \PSU::params($data_loaders, $this->data_loaders); // make sure this object can access its associated PSU_Student if ($student instanceof \PSU\Student) { $this->student = $student; } else { $this->student = $person->student; } //end if // store the pidm globally to shorten the bind variables in queries :) $this->pidm = $this->student->person->pidm; if (is_array($level_or_data)) { $this->parse($level_or_data); $this->term_code = $max_term_code ? $max_term_code : \PSU\Student::getCurrentTerm($this->level_code); } else { $this->level_code = $level_or_data; $this->term_code = $max_term_code ? $max_term_code : \PSU\Student::getCurrentTerm($this->level_code); $this->term_code_eff = $term_code_eff; $this->load(); } //end else }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array('full_part' => $this->full_part, 'residential_code' => $this->residential_code, 'rate_code' => $this->rate_code); $args = \PSU::params($args, $defaults); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT pidm\n\t\t\t FROM v_prebilling_candidates\n\t\t\t WHERE full_part_ind = :full_part\n\t\t\t\t AND resd_code = :residential_code\n\t\t\t\t AND rate_code = :rate_code\n\t\t"; $results = \PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql, $args); return $results; }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array('type_id' => $this->type, 'attribute' => $this->attribute); $args = \PSU::params($args, $defaults); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT distinct wp_id\n\t\t\t FROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT wp_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM v_idm_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE attribute = :attribute\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND type_id = :type_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ORDER BY lower(last_name), \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t lower(first_name), \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t lower(middle_name)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t"; $results = \PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql, $args); return $results; }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array('identifier' => 'sourced_id'); $args = PSU::params($args, $defaults); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT idnt." . $args['identifier'] . " \n\t\t\tFROM psu_identity.person_identifiers idnt,\n\t\t\t\t psu.v_hr_psu_employee_active act \n\t\t\tWHERE = act.pidm\n\t\t"; $matches = PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql); return $matches; }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $this->fileid = 0; $this->adodb_type = 'N'; parent::__construct($args); $this->type->value = 'file'; }
public function __construct($id, $procedure, $in = array(), $out = array(), $date_fields = array()) { $this->id = $id; $this->procedure = $procedure; $this->in = PSU::params($in); $this->out = $out; $this->date_fields = PSU::params($date_fields); return $this; }
/** * */ public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $args['type'] = 'submit'; // text by default $args['class'] = 'signoff'; $args['maxlength'] = 75; parent::__construct($args); }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args, array('type' => 'text')); $this->adodb_type = "C"; $this->maxlength = new HTMLAttribute(); $this->size = new HTMLAttribute(20); $this->value = new HTMLAttribute(); parent::__construct($args); }
function __construct($args = array()) { $args = \PSU::params($args); if (!isset($args['size'])) { // MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS $args['size'] = 19; } parent::__construct($args); $this->formatting = array($this, 'convert_datetimestring'); }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array('term_code' => null, 'level_code' => 'UG'); $args = PSU::params($args, $defaults); if (!isset($args['term_code'])) { $args['term_code'] = \PSU\Student::getCurrentTerm($args['level_code']); } $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT gobsrid_sourced_id\n\t\t\tFROM gobsrid, baninst1.as_student_enrollment_summary \n\t\t\tWHERE gobsrid_pidm = pidm_key \n\t\t\tAND majr_code1 = '0000' \n\t\t\tAND ests_code = 'EL' \n\t\t\tAND stst_code = 'AS' \n\t\t\tAND term_code_key = :term_code \n\t\t\tAND styp_code = 'N' \n\t\t\tAND levl_code = :level_code\n\t\t"; return PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql, $args); }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array('identifier' => 'sourced_id'); $args = PSU::params($args, $defaults); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT b." . $args['identifier'] . "\n\t\t\t FROM PSU.v_student_account_active_terms a\n\t\t\t JOIN PSU_IDENTITY.person_identifiers b\n\t\t\t\tON a.pidm =\n\t\t\t WHERE a.degc_code <> '000000'\n\t\t\t AND a.levl_code = 'GR'\n\t\t"; unset($args['identifier']); \PSU::db('banner')->debug = true; $matches = PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql, $args); return $matches; }
function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $this->formatting = 'FormDate::convert_datestring'; if (!isset($args['size'])) { $args['size'] = 11; } parent::__construct($args); $this->addClass('datepicker'); $this->adodb_type = 'D'; }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $this->size = new HTMLAttribute(); $this->multiple = new HTMLAttribute(); $this->options = array(); $this->selected = array(); $this->tag_name = 'select'; $this->hasBlank = true; parent::__construct($args); }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array('term_code' => null, 'level_code' => 'UG'); $args = PSU::params($args, $defaults); if (!isset($args['term_code'])) { $args['term_code'] = \PSU\Student::getCurrentTerm($args['level_code']); } $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT sgbstdn_pidm FROM sgbstdn WHERE\n\t\t\tsgbstdn_stst_code = 'AS' AND\n\t\t\tsgbstdn_styp_code IN ('I', 'N', 'T') AND\n\t\t\tsgbstdn_term_code_admit = :term_code AND\n\t\t\tsgbstdn_levl_code = :level_code\n\t\t"; $matches = PSU::db('banner')->GetCol($sql, $args); return $matches; }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); if (!isset($args['size'])) { $args['size'] = 20; } if (!isset($args['maxlength'])) { $args['maxlength'] = 90; } parent::__construct($args); }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $this->rows = new HTMLAttribute(10); $this->cols = new HTMLAttribute(40); parent::__construct($args); $this->adodb_type = "XL"; unset($this->value); $this->value = ''; unset($this->size); $this->tag_name = 'textarea'; }
public function __construct($pidm, $term_code = null) { parent::__construct(); $data_loaders = array('primary_spouse' => 'spouse', 'spouse_category' => 'spouse', 'income' => 'constituent_information', 'college' => 'constituent_information', 'occupation' => 'constituent_information', 'category' => 'constituent_information', 'recent_gift_date' => 'gift_summary', 'recent_gift_amount' => 'gift_summary', 'recent_designation' => 'gift_summary', 'recent_gift_year' => 'gift_summary', 'high_gift_date' => 'gift_summary', 'high_gift_amount' => 'gift_summary', 'high_designation' => 'gift_summary', 'number_gifts' => 'gift_summary', 'hard_credit' => 'gift_summary', 'pledge_payments' => 'gift_summary', 'outright_gifts' => 'gift_summary'); $this->data_loaders = \PSU::params($data_loaders, $this->data_loaders); if (is_array($pidm)) { $this->parse($pidm); } else { $this->pidm = $pidm; $this->load($pidm); } //end else }
public function query($args = array()) { $defaults = array(); $matches = array(); $args = \PSU::params($args, $defaults); $active_sql = "SELECT * FROM v_rave_eligible_phones"; $active_users = \PSU::db('banner')->GetAll($active_sql); foreach ($active_users as $user) { $matches[$user['wp_id']] = $user; } //end foreach return $matches; }
public function __construct($args = array()) { $args = PSU::params($args); $args['type'] = 'checkbox'; if (!isset($args['options'])) { $args['options'] = array('Yes'); $args['maxlength'] = 3; } parent::__construct($args); if (!$this->selected) { $this->selected = array(); } }
public function query($args = array()) { $args = \PSU::params($args, $defaults); $where_sql = array('1=1'); $where_sql[] = 'gate_id = :gate_id'; $where_sql = implode(' AND ', $where_sql); if (!key_exists('gate_id', $args)) { $args['gate_id'] = $this->gate_id; } //end if $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT pidm, pi.first_name, pi.last_name, sgc.*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tpsu_teacher_cert.v_student_gate_systems sgc\n\t\t\t\tJOIN gorirol g\n\t\t\t\t\tON g.gorirol_pidm = sgc.pidm\n\t\t\t\t AND g.gorirol_role_group = 'INTCOMP'\n\t\t\t\t AND g.gorirol_role = 'STUDENT_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE'\n\t\t\t\tJOIN psu_identity.person_identifiers pi \n\t\t\t\t\tON = sgc.pidm\n\t\t\t\tJOIN spriden \n\t\t\t\t\tON spriden.spriden_pidm =\n\t\t\tWHERE {$where_sql}\n\t\t\tORDER BY upper(pi.last_name), upper(pi.first_name)\n\t\t"; return \PSU::db('banner')->GetAll($sql, $args); }
/** * construct gateway URL */ public function url($processor, $params = false, $server = 'test', $type = 'commerce_manager') { $params = PSU::params($params); $person = PSUPerson::get($params['id']); $this->setURLParam('orderType', $processor); $this->setURLParam('amountDue', $params['amount']); $this->setURLParam('currentAmountDue', $params['current_amount']); $this->setURLParam('orderNumber', $params['id']); $this->setURLParam('orderName', $person->formatName('l, f m')); $this->setURLParam('orderDescription', $processor); $this->setURLParam('userChoice2', $params['term']); $server = 'prod'; return $this->_url($server, $type); }
/** * constructor */ public function __construct($pidm, $term_codes, $params = null) { $this->pidm = $pidm; $this->params = \PSU::params($params); if ($term_codes && !is_array($term_codes)) { $term_codes = array($term_codes); } //end if foreach ($term_codes as $term_code => $value) { $this->terms[$term_code] = null; } //end foreach ksort($this->terms); }
public function __construct($crn, $term_code, $params = null) { parent::__construct(); $data_loaders = array('cross_list_group' => 'cross_listed', 'cross_list_desc' => 'cross_listed', 'cross_list_max_enrollment' => 'cross_listed', 'cross_list_enrollment' => 'cross_listed', 'cross_list_seats_available' => 'cross_listed', 'meeting_times' => 'schedule', 'meeting_locations' => 'schedule'); $this->data_loaders = \PSU::params($this->data_loaders, $data_loaders); $this->crn = $crn; $this->term_code = $term_code; if ($params) { $params = \PSU::params($params); $this->parse($params); } else { $this->load(); } //end else }
function formatRecord($person, $merge_with = array()) { $base_person = array('pidm' => '', 'wpid' => '', 'psu_id' => '', 'username' => '', 'email' => '', 'msc' => '', 'name_first' => '', 'name_first_formatted' => '', 'name_first_metaphone' => '', 'name_last' => '', 'name_last_formatted' => '', 'name_last_metaphone' => '', 'name_middle_formatted' => '', 'name_full' => '', 'phone_of' => '', 'phone_vm' => '', 'emp' => '0', 'stu' => '0', 'stu_account' => '0', 'dept' => '', 'title' => '', 'major' => '', 'has_idcard' => '0'); $person['office_phone'] = PSU::stripPunct($person['office_phone']); $person['phone_number'] = PSU::stripPunct($person['phone_number']); if ($merge_with) { $merge_with = PSU::params($merge_with, $base_person); $person = PSU::params($person, $merge_with); } else { $person = PSU::params($person, $base_person); } //end else $final = array('pidm' => $person['pidm'], 'wpid' => $person['wp_id'], 'psu_id' => $person['psu_id'], 'username' => !strpos($person['username'], '@') ? trim($person['username']) : substr($person['username'], 0, strpos($person['username'], '@')), 'email' => !strpos($person['email'], '@') ? trim($person['email']) : substr($person['email'], 0, strpos($person['email'], '@')), 'msc' => $person['msc'] ? $person['msc'] : '', 'name_first' => PSU::stripPunct($person['first_name']), 'name_first_formatted' => $person['first_name'], 'name_first_metaphone' => metaphone(PSU::stripPunct($person['first_name'])), 'name_last' => PSU::stripPunct($person['last_name']), 'name_last_formatted' => $person['last_name'], 'name_last_metaphone' => metaphone(PSU::stripPunct($person['last_name'])), 'name_middle_formatted' => $person['middle_name'], 'name_full' => trim(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $person['first_name'] . ' ' . substr($person['middle_name'], 0, 1) . ' ' . $person['last_name'] . ' ' . $person['spbpers_name_suffix'])), 'phone_of' => $person['office_phone'] ? '(603) ' . substr($person['office_phone'], 0, 3) . '-' . substr($person['office_phone'], 3) : FALSE, 'phone_vm' => $person['phone_number'] ? '(603) ' . substr($person['phone_number'], 0, 3) . '-' . substr($person['phone_number'], 3) : FALSE, 'emp' => $person['emp'] ? 1 : 0, 'stu' => $person['stu'] ? 1 : 0, 'stu_account' => $person['stu_account'] ? 1 : 0, 'dept' => $person['department'] ?: '', 'title' => $person['title'] ?: '', 'major' => $person['major'] ?: '', 'has_idcard' => $person['has_idcard']); return $final; }