  * @see PMRuleConditionType::check()
 public function check(PMEditor $pm, PMRule $rule, PMRuleCondition $condition, UserProfile $recipient)
     $result = true;
     foreach ($pm->getRecipients() as $aRecipient) {
         $result = $result && $this->checkCondition($condition, $aRecipient->recipient);
     return $result;
  * @see PMRuleAction::execute()
 public function execute(PMEditor $pm, PMRule $rule, UserProfile $recipient)
     $sql = "UPDATE\twcf" . WCF_N . "_pm_to_user\n\t\t\tSET \tisViewed = " . TIME_NOW . ",\n\t\t\t\tuserWasNotified = 1\n\t\t\tWHERE \tpmID = " . $pm->pmID . "\n\t\t\t\tAND recipientID = " . $recipient->userID;
     return true;
 public function modEntry($text, $enableSmilies, $enableHtml, $enableBBCodes)
     $text = WCF::getDB()->escapeString($text);
     $curDate = time();
     $eExists = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_wanted_poster WHERE userID = " . $this->userID);
     if (!empty($eExists['CNT'])) {
         $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_wanted_poster" . "\n   SET text = '" . $text . "'" . "\n      ,updateDate = " . $curDate . "\n      ,enableSmilies = " . $enableSmilies . "\n      ,enableHtml = " . $enableHtml . "\n      ,enableBBCodes = " . $enableBBCodes . "\n WHERE userID = " . $this->userID;
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_wanted_poster" . "\n(userID, text, insertDate, updateDate, enableSmilies, enableHtml, enableBBCodes)" . "\nVALUES (" . $this->userID . ", '" . $text . "', " . $curDate . ", " . $curDate . ", " . $enableSmilies . ", " . $enableHtml . ", " . $enableBBCodes . ")";
     // admin pm notifier...
         require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/message/pm/PMEditor.class.php';
         require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/user/UserProfile.class.php';
         $notify = array();
         $sql = "SELECT username FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user WHERE userID = " . $this->userID;
         list($username) = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql, MYSQL_NUM);
         if (!empty($u)) {
             $tmp = explode(',', $u);
             foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
                 $notify[] = intval(trim($v));
         if (!empty($g)) {
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT userID" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_to_groups" . "\n WHERE groupID IN (" . $g . ")";
             $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql);
             while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) {
                 if (!in_array($row['userID'], $notify)) {
                     $notify[] = $row['userID'];
         foreach ($notify as $k => $userID) {
             if (!empty($userID) && $userID > 0) {
                 $user = new UserProfile($userID, null, null, null);
                 $lang = $user->languageID == WCF::getLanguage()->getLanguageID() ? WCF::getLanguage() : new Language($user->languageID);
                 $subject = $lang->get('wcf.user.wantedPoster.pmAdminNotifier.subject', array('$username' => $username));
                 $msg = $lang->get('wcf.user.wantedPoster.pmAdminNotifier.message', array('$username' => '[url=' . PAGE_URL . '/index.php?page=UserWantedPoster&userID=' . $this->userID . SID_ARG_2ND . ']' . $username . '[/url]', '$moderator' => $user->username));
                 PMEditor::create(false, array(array("username" => $user->username, 'userID' => $user->userID)), array(), $subject, $msg, $this->userID, $username, array('enableBBCodes' => 1, 'showSignature' => 0));
  * Sends the newsletters.
 protected function sendNewsletters()
     $templateName = 'newsletterMail';
     //Sends mail to all subscribers.
     foreach ($this->outstandingNewsletters as $id => $newsletter) {
         $text = $newsletter['text'];
         //workaround to make sure that the template is found
         $templatePaths = array(WCF_DIR . 'templates/', WCF_DIR . 'acp/templates/');
         $newsletterObj = new ViewableNewsletter($id);
         $emailText = $newsletterObj->getFormattedMessage();
         WCF::getTPL()->assign(array('subject' => $newsletter['subject'], 'text' => $emailText));
         $content = WCF::getTPL()->fetch($templateName);
         $i = 0;
         //sending one mail per subscriber
         //is longer, but safer
         foreach ($this->subscribersList as $subscriber) {
             //sleep 2 seconds after 10 sent mails
             if (fmod($i, 10) == 0) {
             $unsubscribeToken = '';
             if (!isset($this->unsubscribeTokens[$subscriber['subscriberID']])) {
                 $unsubscribeToken = StringUtil::getRandomID();
                 $sql = 'INSERT INTO wcf' . WCF_N . '_' . $this->unsubscriptionTable . '
             			(subscriberID, token)
             			(' . intval($subscriber['subscriberID']) . ", '" . escapeString($unsubscribeToken) . "')";
             } else {
                 $unsubscribeToken = $this->unsubscribeTokens[$subscriber['subscriberID']]['token'];
             $recipient = null;
             if ($subscriber['userID']) {
                 $recipient = new User($subscriber['userID']);
                 // check for non receiving groups
                 if (!NewsletterUtil::canReceiveNewsletters($recipient)) {
             // {$username} stands for the username of the specific subscriber
             if (is_null($recipient) || $recipient->getUserOption('acceptNewsletterAsEmail')) {
                 $tmpContent = str_replace('{$username}', $subscriber['username'], $content);
                 $tmpContent = str_replace('subscriberID', $subscriber['subscriberID'], $tmpContent);
                 $tmpContent = str_replace('token', $unsubscribeToken, $tmpContent);
                 $email = $subscriber['email'];
                 $mail = new Mail($email, $newsletter['subject'], $tmpContent, MESSAGE_NEWSLETTERSYSTEM_GENERAL_FROM);
                 //$mail->addBCC(MAIL_ADMIN_ADDRESS); would result in x mails
             if (!is_null($recipient) && $recipient->getUserOption('acceptNewsletterAsPM')) {
                 $recipientArray = array();
                 $recipientArray[] = array('userID' => $subscriber['userID'], 'username' => $subscriber['username']);
                 $admin = new User(MESSAGE_NEWSLETTERSYSTEM_GENERAL_ADMIN);
                 $options = array('enableSmilies' => $newsletter['enableSmilies'], 'enableHtml' => $newsletter['enableHtml'], 'enableBBCodes' => $newsletter['enableBBCodes']);
                 $tmpText = str_replace('{$username}', $subscriber['username'], $text);
                 $pm = PMEditor::create(false, $recipientArray, array(), $newsletter['subject'], $tmpText, $admin->userID, $admin->username, $options);
     WCF::getCache()->clearResource('newsletter-subscriber-' . PACKAGE_ID);
  * @see Form::submit()
 public function submit()
     try {
         // preview
         if ($this->preview) {
             require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/message/pm/PMEditor.class.php';
             WCF::getTPL()->assign('preview', PMEditor::createPreview($this->subject, $this->text, $this->enableSmilies, $this->enableHtml, $this->enableBBCodes));
         // send message
         if ($this->send) {
             // no errors
     } catch (UserInputException $e) {
         $this->errorField = $e->getField();
         $this->errorType = $e->getType();
  * @see PMRuleAction::execute()
 public function execute(PMEditor $pm, PMRule $rule, UserProfile $recipient)
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @see Form::save()
 public function save()
     // save message in database
     $update = $this->pm && !$this->forwarding && !$this->reply;
     // search for double posts
     if (!$update && PMEditor::test($this->recipientArray, $this->blindCopyArray, $this->subject, $this->text, WCF::getUser()->userID, WCF::getUser()->username)) {
         HeaderUtil::redirect('index.php?page=PMList' . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED);
     if ($update) {
         $this->pm->update($this->draft, $this->recipientArray, $this->blindCopyArray, $this->subject, $this->text, $this->getOptions(), $this->attachmentListEditor);
         $this->newPm = new PMEditor($this->pm->pmID);
     } else {
         $this->newPm = PMEditor::create($this->draft, $this->recipientArray, $this->blindCopyArray, $this->subject, $this->text, WCF::getUser()->userID, WCF::getUser()->username, $this->getOptions(), $this->attachmentListEditor, $this->pm && $this->reply ? $this->pm->parentPmID : 0);
     // reply & forwarding
     if ($this->pmID) {
         if ($this->reply) {
         if ($this->forwarding) {
     // send e-mail notification
     if (!$this->draft) {
     // apply rules
     if (!$this->draft) {
     // forward to pm index
     if ($this->draft) {
         HeaderUtil::redirect('index.php?page=PMList&folderID=-2' . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED);
     } else {
         HeaderUtil::redirect('index.php?page=PMList' . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Marks messages.
  * @param	mixed		$pmIDs
 public static function mark($pmIDs)
     if (!is_array($pmIDs)) {
         $pmIDs = array($pmIDs);
     // check permission
     foreach ($pmIDs as $pmID) {
         $pm = new PMEditor($pmID);
         if (!$pm->hasAccess()) {
             throw new PermissionDeniedException();
     $markedMessages = self::getMarkedMessages();
     if ($markedMessages == null || !is_array($markedMessages)) {
         WCF::getSession()->register('markedPMs', $pmIDs);
     } else {
         $update = false;
         foreach ($pmIDs as $pmID) {
             if (!in_array($pmID, $markedMessages)) {
                 array_push($markedMessages, $pmID);
                 $update = true;
         if ($update) {
             WCF::getSession()->register('markedPMs', $markedMessages);
 public function addEntry($fromUserID, $text, $enableSmilies, $enableHtml, $enableBBCodes)
     $cTime = TIME_NOW;
     $text = WCF::getDB()->escapeString($text);
     $fromUsername = WCF::getUser()->username;
     $fromUsername = WCF::getDB()->escapeString($fromUsername);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_guestbook" . "\n       (userID, fromUserID, fromUsername, text, enableSmilies, enableHtml, enableBBCodes, entryTime)" . "\nVALUES (" . $this->userID . ", " . $fromUserID . ", '" . $fromUsername . "', '" . $text . "', " . $enableSmilies . ", " . $enableHtml . ", " . $enableBBCodes . ", " . $cTime . ")";
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_guestbook" . "\n WHERE userID = " . $this->userID;
     list($cntEntries) = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql, MYSQL_NUM);
     if ($this->userID == $fromUserID) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_guestbook_header" . "\n       (userID, userLastVisit, lastEntryUserID, lastEntryUsername, lastEntry, entries, newEntries)" . "\nVALUES (" . $this->userID . ", " . $cTime . ", " . $fromUserID . ", '" . $fromUsername . "', " . $cTime . ", " . $cntEntries . ", 0)" . "\n    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" . "\n       userID = " . $this->userID . "\n      ,userLastVisit = " . $cTime . "\n      ,lastEntryUserID = " . $fromUserID . "\n      ,lastEntryUsername = '******'" . "\n      ,lastEntry = " . $cTime . "\n      ,entries = " . $cntEntries . "\n      ,newEntries = 0";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_guestbook gb" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_guestbook_header gbh ON (gbh.userID = gb.userID)" . "\n WHERE gb.userID = " . $this->userID . "\n   AND gbh.userLastVisit < gb.entryTime";
         list($cntNewEntries) = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql, MYSQL_NUM);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_guestbook_header" . "\n       (userID, lastEntryUserID, lastEntryUsername, lastEntry, entries, newEntries, visitorID, visitorLastVisit)" . "\nVALUES (" . $this->userID . ", " . $fromUserID . ", '" . $fromUsername . "', " . $cTime . ", " . $cntEntries . ", " . $cntNewEntries . ", " . $fromUserID . ", " . $cTime . ")" . "\n    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" . "\n       userID = " . $this->userID . "\n      ,lastEntryUserID = " . $fromUserID . "\n      ,lastEntryUsername = '******'" . "\n      ,lastEntry = " . $cTime . "\n      ,entries = " . $cntEntries . "\n      ,newEntries = " . $cntNewEntries . "\n      ,visitorID = " . $fromUserID . "\n      ,visitorLastVisit = " . $cTime;
     // PN senden
     if ($this->user->userGuestbook_sendPM && $this->user->userID != $fromUserID) {
         $user = new UserProfile($fromUserID, null, null, null);
         $fromUserName = $user->username;
         $lang = $this->user->languageID == WCF::getLanguage()->getLanguageID() ? WCF::getLanguage() : new Language($this->user->languageID);
         $subject = $lang->get('wcf.user.guestbook.pm.subject');
         $msg = $lang->get('wcf.user.guestbook.pm.message', array('$username' => $this->user->username));
         PMEditor::create(false, array(array("username" => $this->user->username, 'userID' => $this->userID)), array(), $subject, $msg, $user->userID, $user->username);
     // admin pm notifier...
         $notify = array();
         if (empty($fromUserName)) {
             $user = new UserProfile($fromUserID, null, null, null);
             $fromUserName = $user->username;
         if (!empty($u)) {
             $tmp = explode(',', $u);
             foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
                 $notify[] = intval(trim($v));
         if (!empty($g)) {
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT userID" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_to_groups" . "\n WHERE groupID IN (" . $g . ")";
             $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql);
             while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) {
                 if (!in_array($row['userID'], $notify)) {
                     $notify[] = $row['userID'];
         foreach ($notify as $k => $userID) {
             if (!empty($userID) && $userID > 0) {
                 $user = new UserProfile($userID, null, null, null);
                 $lang = $user->languageID == WCF::getLanguage()->getLanguageID() ? WCF::getLanguage() : new Language($user->languageID);
                 $subject = $lang->get('wcf.user.guestbook.pmAdminNotifier.subject', array('$username' => $this->user->username));
                 $msg = $lang->get('wcf.user.guestbook.pmAdminNotifier.message', array('$username' => '[url=' . PAGE_URL . '/index.php?page=UserGuestbook&userID=' . $this->userID . SID_ARG_2ND . ']' . $this->user->username . '[/url]', '$userID' => $this->userID, '$fromusername' => '[url=' . PAGE_URL . '/index.php?page=User&userID=' . $fromUserID . SID_ARG_2ND . ']' . $fromUserName . '[/url]', '$moderator' => $user->username));
                 PMEditor::create(false, array(array("username" => $user->username, 'userID' => $user->userID)), array(), $subject, $msg, $fromUserID, $fromUserName, array('enableBBCodes' => 1, 'showSignature' => 0));
  * @see Action::execute()
 public function execute()
     // check permission
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.userID) AS cnt" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user u" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_to_groups g ON (g.userID = u.userID)" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option_value v ON (v.groupID = g.groupID)" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option o ON (o.optionID = v.optionID)" . "\n WHERE o.optionName = 'user.pm.canUsePm'" . "\n   AND v.optionValue = '1'" . "\n   AND u.userID != " . $this->userID . "\n   AND g.groupID IN (" . $this->pmData['groupIDs'] . ")";
     $row = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql);
     $count = $row['cnt'];
     if (!$count > 0) {
         // clear session
         if (isset($this->pmData)) {
             $pmData = WCF::getSession()->getVar('pmData');
             WCF::getSession()->register('pmData', $pmData);
         $this->finish('wcf.pmToUgrps.error.noRecipients', 'index.php?form=PMToUserGroups&packageID=' . PACKAGE_ID . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED);
     if ($count <= $this->limit * $this->loop) {
         $endTime = TIME_NOW;
         $lf = "\n";
         // remove from outbox
         $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_pm" . "\n   SET saveInOutbox = 0" . "\n WHERE pmID = " . $this->pmID;
         // groups...
         $groups = '';
         $sql = "SELECT groupName" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_group" . "\n WHERE groupID IN (" . $this->pmData['groupIDs'] . ")" . "\n ORDER BY groupName";
         $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql);
         while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) {
             if (!empty($groups)) {
                 $groups .= ', ';
             $groups .= StringUtil::decodeHTML($row['groupName']);
         // log...
         $log = '';
         $subject = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.pmToUgrps.log.subject', array('$pmID' => $this->pmID)) . ' ' . $this->pmData['subject'];
         if ($this->pmData['enableHtml']) {
             $log .= '<pre>';
         $log .= WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.pmToUgrps.log.started', array('$startTime' => DateUtil::formatDate('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $this->pmData['startTime']))) . $lf;
         $log .= WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.pmToUgrps.log.finished', array('$endTime' => DateUtil::formatDate('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $endTime))) . $lf;
         $log .= WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.pmToUgrps.log.recipients', array('$groups' => $groups, '$count' => StringUtil::decodeHTML(StringUtil::formatInteger($count)))) . $lf;
         $log .= str_repeat('-', 60) . $lf;
         if ($this->pmData['enableHtml']) {
             $log .= '</pre>' . $lf;
         $log .= $this->pmData['text'];
         $this->recipientArray = $this->blindCopyArray = array();
         $this->recipientArray[0]['userID'] = $this->userID;
         $this->recipientArray[0]['username'] = $this->username;
         PMEditor::create($this->draft, $this->recipientArray, $this->blindCopyArray, $subject, $log, $this->userID, $this->username, array('enableSmilies' => $this->pmData['enableSmilies'], 'enableHtml' => $this->pmData['enableHtml'], 'enableBBCodes' => $this->pmData['enableBBCodes'], 'showSignature' => false));
         // clear session
         $pmData = WCF::getSession()->getVar('pmData');
         WCF::getSession()->register('pmData', $pmData);
         $msg = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.pmToUgrps.finish', array('$count' => StringUtil::decodeHTML(StringUtil::formatInteger($count)), '$startTime' => DateUtil::formatShortTime('%H:%M:%S', $this->pmData['startTime']), '$endTime' => DateUtil::formatShortTime('%H:%M:%S', $endTime)));
         $this->finish($msg, 'index.php?form=PMToUserGroups&packageID=' . PACKAGE_ID . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED);
     // get users
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.userID, u.username" . "\n  FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_user u" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_to_groups g ON (g.userID = u.userID)" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option_value v ON (v.groupID = g.groupID)" . "\n  LEFT JOIN wcf" . WCF_N . "_group_option o ON (o.optionID = v.optionID)" . "\n WHERE o.optionName = 'user.pm.canUsePm'" . "\n   AND v.optionValue = '1'" . "\n   AND u.userID != " . $this->userID . "\n   AND g.groupID IN (" . $this->pmData['groupIDs'] . ")" . "\n ORDER BY u.userID";
     $this->blindCopyArray = array();
     $i = 0;
     $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql, $this->limit, $this->limit * $this->loop);
     while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) {
         $this->blindCopyArray[$i]['userID'] = $row['userID'];
         $this->blindCopyArray[$i]['username'] = $row['username'];
     if (count($this->blindCopyArray)) {
         if (empty($this->pmID)) {
             $tmp = PMEditor::create($this->draft, $this->recipientArray, $this->blindCopyArray, $this->pmData['subject'], $this->pmData['text'], $this->userID, $this->username, array('enableSmilies' => $this->pmData['enableSmilies'], 'enableHtml' => $this->pmData['enableHtml'], 'enableBBCodes' => $this->pmData['enableBBCodes'], 'showSignature' => $this->pmData['showSignature']));
             if ($tmp->pmID) {
                 $this->pmID = intval($tmp->pmID);
                 $pmData = WCF::getSession()->getVar('pmData');
                 $pmData[$this->pmSessionID]['pmID'] = $this->pmID;
                 WCF::getSession()->register('pmData', $pmData);
                 $mlt = intval($this->pmData['maxLifeTime']);
                 if ($mlt > 0) {
                     $mlt = $this->pmData['startTime'] + 86400 * $mlt;
                 } else {
                     $mlt = 0;
                 $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_pm_bulk_mailing" . "\n       (pmID, elapsedTime, time, userID)" . "\nVALUES (" . $this->pmID . ", " . $mlt . ", " . $this->pmData['startTime'] . ", " . $this->userID . ")";
         } else {
             $recipientIDs = $inserts = '';
             foreach ($this->blindCopyArray as $k => $v) {
                 $username = WCF::getDB()->escapeString($this->blindCopyArray[$k]['username']);
                 if (!empty($recipientIDs)) {
                     $recipientIDs .= ',';
                 $recipientIDs .= $this->blindCopyArray[$k]['userID'];
                 if (!empty($inserts)) {
                     $inserts .= ',';
                 $inserts .= "\n       (" . $this->pmID . ", " . intval($this->blindCopyArray[$k]['userID']) . ", '" . $username . "', 1)";
             if (!empty($recipientIDs) && !empty($inserts)) {
                 $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_pm_to_user" . "\n       (pmID, recipientID, recipient, isBlindCopy)" . "\nVALUES " . $inserts;
                 Session::resetSessions($recipientIDs, true, false);
     $this->calcProgress($this->limit * $this->loop, $count);
     $msg = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.pmToUgrps.progress', array('$loop' => StringUtil::decodeHTML(StringUtil::formatInteger($this->limit * $this->loop)), '$count' => StringUtil::decodeHTML(StringUtil::formatInteger($count))));
     $this->nextLoop($msg, 'index.php?action=' . $this->action . '&pmSessionID=' . $this->pmSessionID . '&limit=' . $this->limit . '&loop=' . ($this->loop + 1) . '&packageID=' . PACKAGE_ID . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED);
  * @see Form::save()
 public function save()
     // create user warning
     $expires = $this->expiresHour * 3600 + $this->expiresDay * 86400 + $this->expiresWeek * 86400 * 7;
     $userWarning = UserWarningEditor::create($this->userID, WCF::getUser()->userID, $this->warningID, $this->objectID, $this->objectType, $this->title, $this->points, $expires ? TIME_NOW + $expires : 0, $this->reason);
     // check suspensions
     // get language
     $languages = array(WCF::getLanguage()->getLanguageID() => WCF::getLanguage(), 0 => WCF::getLanguage());
     if (!isset($languages[$this->user->languageID])) {
         $languages[$this->user->languageID] = new Language($this->user->languageID);
     // send pm
     require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/message/pm/PMEditor.class.php';
     PMEditor::create(0, array($this->user->userID => array('userID' => $this->user->userID, 'username' => $this->user->username)), array(), $languages[$this->user->languageID]->get('wcf.user.infraction.userWarning.message.subject'), $languages[$this->user->languageID]->getDynamicVariable('wcf.user.infraction.userWarning.message.text', array('title' => $this->title, 'reason' => $this->reason)), WCF::getUser()->userID, WCF::getUser()->username);
     // reset language
     // show success message and forward user
     $url = ($this->object !== null ? $this->object->getURL() : 'index.php?page=User&userID=' . $this->userID) . SID_ARG_2ND_NOT_ENCODED;
     WCF::getTPL()->assign(array('url' => $url, 'message' => WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.user.infraction.userWarning.add.success'), 'wait' => 5));