Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function to send html for column dropdown list
 * @return void
function PMA_sendHtmlForColumnDropdownList()
    $response = PMA_Response::getInstance();
    $foreignTable = $_REQUEST['foreignTable'];
    $table_obj = new PMA_Table($foreignTable, $_REQUEST['foreignDb']);
    $columns = array();
    foreach ($table_obj->getUniqueColumns(false, false) as $column) {
        $columns[] = htmlspecialchars($column);
    $response->addJSON('columns', $columns);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Test for getUniqueColumns
  * @return void
 public function testGetUniqueColumns()
     $table = 'PMA_BookMark';
     $db = 'PMA';
     $table = new PMA_Table($table, $db);
     $return = $table->getUniqueColumns();
     $expect = array('`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`index1`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`index3`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`index5`');
     $this->assertEquals($expect, $return);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Function to get html for an entire row in foreign key form
 * @param array  $one_key            Single foreign key constraint
 * @param bool   $odd_row            whether odd or even row
 * @param array  $columns            Array of table columns
 * @param int    $i                  Row number
 * @param array  $options_array      Options array
 * @param string $tbl_storage_engine table storage engine
 * @param string $db                 Database
 * @return string html
function PMA_getHtmlForForeignKeyRow($one_key, $odd_row, $columns, $i, $options_array, $tbl_storage_engine, $db)
    $html_output = '<tr class="' . ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';
    // Drop key anchor.
    $html_output .= '<td>';
    if (isset($one_key['constraint'])) {
        $drop_fk_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . PMA_Util::backquote($one_key['constraint']) . ';';
        $this_params = $GLOBALS['url_params'];
        $this_params['goto'] = 'tbl_relation.php';
        $this_params['back'] = 'tbl_relation.php';
        $this_params['sql_query'] = $drop_fk_query;
        $this_params['message_to_show'] = sprintf(__('Foreign key constraint %s has been dropped'), $one_key['constraint']);
        $js_msg = PMA_jsFormat('ALTER TABLE ' . $GLOBALS['table'] . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . $one_key['constraint'] . ';');
        $html_output .= '<input type="hidden" class="drop_foreign_key_msg"' . ' value="' . $js_msg . '" />';
        $html_output .= '    <a class="drop_foreign_key_anchor';
        $html_output .= ' ajax';
        $html_output .= '" href="sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($this_params) . '" >' . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_drop.png', __('Drop')) . '</a>';
    $html_output .= '</td>';
    $html_output .= '<td>';
    $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
    $constraint_name = isset($one_key['constraint']) ? $one_key['constraint'] : '';
    $html_output .= '<input type="text" name="constraint_name[' . $i . ']"' . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($constraint_name) . '"' . ' placeholder="' . __('Constraint name') . '" />';
    $html_output .= '</span>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<div class="floatleft">';
    $html_output .= '<span class="formelement">';
    // For ON DELETE and ON UPDATE, the default action
    // is RESTRICT as per MySQL doc; however, a SHOW CREATE TABLE
    // won't display the clause if it's set as RESTRICT.
    $on_delete = isset($one_key['on_delete']) ? $one_key['on_delete'] : 'RESTRICT';
    $html_output .= PMA_generateDropdown('ON DELETE', 'on_delete[' . $i . ']', $options_array, $on_delete);
    $html_output .= '</span>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '<span class="formelement">' . "\n";
    $on_update = isset($one_key['on_update']) ? $one_key['on_update'] : 'RESTRICT';
    $html_output .= PMA_generateDropdown('ON UPDATE', 'on_update[' . $i . ']', $options_array, $on_update);
    $html_output .= '</span>';
    $html_output .= '</div>';
    $column_array = array();
    $column_array[''] = '';
    foreach ($columns as $column) {
        if (!empty($column['Key'])) {
            $column_array[$column['Field']] = $column['Field'];
    $html_output .= '</span>' . "\n";
    $html_output .= '</td>';
    $html_output .= '<td>';
    if (isset($one_key['index_list'])) {
        foreach ($one_key['index_list'] as $key => $column) {
            $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
            $html_output .= PMA_generateDropdown('', 'foreign_key_fields_name[' . $i . '][]', $column_array, $column);
            $html_output .= '</span>';
    } else {
        $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
        $html_output .= PMA_generateDropdown('', 'foreign_key_fields_name[' . $i . '][]', $column_array, '');
        $html_output .= '</span>';
    $html_output .= '<a class="formelement clearfloat add_foreign_key_field"' . ' href="" data-index="' . $i . '">' . __('+ Add column') . '</a>';
    $html_output .= '</td>';
    $html_output .= '<td>';
    $foreign_table = false;
    // foreign database dropdown
    $foreign_db = isset($one_key['ref_db_name']) ? $one_key['ref_db_name'] : $db;
    $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
    $html_output .= PMA_generateRelationalDropdown('destination_foreign_db[' . $i . ']', $GLOBALS['pma']->databases, $foreign_db, __('Database'));
    // end of foreign database dropdown
    $html_output .= '</td>';
    $html_output .= '<td>';
    // foreign table dropdown
    $tables = array();
    if ($foreign_db) {
        $foreign_table = isset($one_key['ref_table_name']) ? $one_key['ref_table_name'] : '';
        // In Drizzle, 'SHOW TABLE STATUS' will show status only for the tables
        // which are currently in the table cache. Hence we have to use
        // 'SHOW TABLES' and manualy retrieve table engine values.
        if (PMA_DRIZZLE) {
            $tables_rs = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($foreign_db), null, PMA_DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
            while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($tables_rs)) {
                $engine = PMA_Table::sGetStatusInfo($foreign_db, $row[0], 'Engine');
                if (isset($engine) && mb_strtoupper($engine) == $tbl_storage_engine) {
                    $tables[] = $row[0];
        } else {
            $tables_rs = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($foreign_db), null, PMA_DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
            while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($tables_rs)) {
                if (isset($row[1]) && mb_strtoupper($row[1]) == $tbl_storage_engine) {
                    $tables[] = $row[0];
    $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
    $html_output .= PMA_generateRelationalDropdown('destination_foreign_table[' . $i . ']', $tables, $foreign_table, __('Table'));
    $html_output .= '</span>';
    // end of foreign table dropdown
    $html_output .= '</td>';
    $html_output .= '<td>';
    // foreign column dropdown
    if ($foreign_db && $foreign_table) {
        foreach ($one_key['ref_index_list'] as $foreign_column) {
            $table_obj = new PMA_Table($foreign_table, $foreign_db);
            $columns = $table_obj->getUniqueColumns(false, false);
            $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
            $html_output .= PMA_generateRelationalDropdown('destination_foreign_column[' . $i . '][]', $columns, $foreign_column, __('Column'));
            $html_output .= '</span>';
    } else {
        $html_output .= '<span class="formelement clearfloat">';
        $html_output .= PMA_generateRelationalDropdown('destination_foreign_column[' . $i . '][]', array(), '', __('Column'));
        $html_output .= '</span>';
    // end of foreign column dropdown
    $html_output .= '</td>';
    $html_output .= '</tr>';
    return $html_output;
    // same engine.
    if (PMA_foreignkey_supported($tbl_type)) {
        $tab_query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
        // [0] of the row is the name
        // [1] is the type
    } else {
        $tab_query = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db);
        // [0] of the row is the name
    $tab_rs = PMA_DBI_query($tab_query, null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE);
    $selectboxall[] = '';
    $selectboxall_foreign[] = '';
    while ($curr_table = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($tab_rs)) {
        $current_table = new PMA_Table($curr_table[0], $db);
        // explicitely ask for non-quoted list of indexed columns
        $selectboxall = array_merge($selectboxall, $current_table->getUniqueColumns($backquoted = false));
        // if foreign keys are supported, collect all keys from other
        // tables of the same engine
        if (PMA_foreignkey_supported($tbl_type) && isset($curr_table[1]) && strtoupper($curr_table[1]) == $tbl_type) {
            // explicitely ask for non-quoted list of indexed columns
            // need to obtain backquoted values to support dots inside values
            $selectboxall_foreign = array_merge($selectboxall_foreign, $current_table->getIndexedColumns($backquoted = true));
    // end while over tables
// end if
// Now find out the columns of our $table
// need to use PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE with PMA_DBI_num_rows() in mysqli
$col_rs = PMA_DBI_try_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ';', null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE);
if ($col_rs && PMA_DBI_num_rows($col_rs) > 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
    } else {
        $tab_query = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($db);
        // [0] of the row is the name

    $tab_rs = PMA_DBI_query($tab_query, null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE);
    $selectboxall[] = '';
    $selectboxall_foreign[] = '';

    while ($curr_table = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($tab_rs)) {
        $current_table = new PMA_Table($curr_table[0], $db);

        // explicitely ask for non-quoted list of indexed columns
        $selectboxall = array_merge(
            $current_table->getUniqueColumns($backquoted = false)

        // if foreign keys are supported, collect all keys from other
        // tables of the same engine
        if (PMA_Util::isForeignKeySupported($tbl_storage_engine)
            && isset($curr_table[1])
            && strtoupper($curr_table[1]) == $tbl_storage_engine
        ) {
             // explicitely ask for non-quoted list of indexed columns
             // need to obtain backquoted values to support dots inside values
             $selectboxall_foreign = array_merge(
                 $current_table->getIndexedColumns($backquoted = true)