Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function update_pay_reference()
     $db = DB::Instance();
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->checkParams('PLPayment')) {
         $plpayment = $this->_uses[$this->modeltype];
         if (!$plpayment) {
             $errors[] = 'Error trying to get Payment Details';
         } else {
             if (isset($this->_data['start_reference']) && isset($this->_data['end_reference']) && $this->_data['end_reference'] != $this->_data['start_reference'] + $plpayment->number_transactions - 1) {
                 $errors[] = 'Reference range does not match number of transactions';
             } else {
                 $pltransactions = new PLTransactionCollection(DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLTransaction'));
                 $ext_ref = $this->_data['start_reference'];
                 $progressbar = new progressBar('update_payment_reference');
                 $callback = function ($pl_data, $key) use(&$ext_ref, &$errors, $db) {
                     $cbtrans = DataObjectFactory::Factory('CBTransaction');
                     $cbtrans->loadBy(array('source', 'reference', 'ext_reference', 'gross_value'), array('P', $pl_data->our_reference, $pl_data->cross_ref, $pl_data->gross_value));
                     if (!$cbtrans || !$cbtrans->update($cbtrans->id, 'ext_reference', $ext_ref)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Error updating CB Transaction External Reference : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
                         return FALSE;
                     if (!$pl_data->update($pl_data->id, 'ext_reference', $ext_ref)) {
                         $errors[] = 'Error updating PL Transaction External Reference : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
                         return FALSE;
                     } else {
                         $ext_ref += 1;
                 if ($progressbar->process($pltransactions, $callback) === FALSE) {
                     $errors[] = 'Error updating payment reference';
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         $this->_templateName = $this->getTemplateName('enter_payment_reference');
         $this->view->set('PLPayment', $plpayment);
     } else {
         sendTo('pltransactions', 'select_remittances', $this->_modules, array('id' => $plpayment->id));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function save($pay_data, &$errors)
     $db = DB::Instance();
     //		Save the Payment Header
     if (!parent::save()) {
         $errors[] = 'Failed to save Payment Header';
         return false;
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     //		Validate and write purchase ledger, cashbook and general ledger transactions
     $progressbar = new progressBar('creating_pl_transactions');
     $payment_id = $this->id;
     $callback = function ($data, $key) use(&$pay_data, &$errors, $payment_id) {
         $data['cb_account_id'] = $pay_data['cb_account_id'];
         $data['reference'] = $pay_data['reference'];
         $data['cross_ref'] = $data['ext_reference'] = $payment_id;
         $data['description'] = $pay_data['description'];
         $data['transaction_type'] = 'P';
         $data['transaction_date'] = $pay_data['transaction_date'];
         $data['source'] = $pay_data['source'];
         $supplier = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLSupplier');
         $data['payment_term_id'] = $supplier->payment_term_id;
         if (PLTransaction::saveTransaction($data, $errors) === false) {
             $errors[] = 'Failed to save payments';
             return false;
         $pay_data['PLTransaction'][$key]['ledger_transaction_id'] = $data['ledger_transaction_id'];
     if ($progressbar->process($pay_data['PLTransaction'], $callback) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     //		Match and update purchase ledger payments
     $payment_total = 0;
     $progressbar = new progressBar('allocate_payments');
     $callback = function ($data, $key) use(&$pay_data, &$errors, $payment_id, &$payment_total) {
         $db = DB::Instance();
         // Get the payment transaction and update it to paid
         $pltransaction = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLTransaction');
         if (!$pltransaction->update($pltransaction->id, array('status', 'os_value', 'twin_os_value', 'base_os_value'), array('P', '0.00', '0.00', '0.00'))) {
             $errors[] = 'Error updating payment status : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
             return false;
         // get all the transactions linked for payment to the payment transaction
         $pltransactions = new PLTransactionCollection(DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLTransaction'), 'pl_allocation_overview');
         // the allocation amount is the gross payment value
         $allocations = array($pltransaction->id => $pltransaction->gross_value);
         $trans_total = 0;
         $trans_base_total = $pltransaction->base_gross_value;
         foreach ($pltransactions as $trans) {
             // now mark all the linked transactions as paid
             // update the invoices linked to thes transactions as paid
             $trans_total = bcadd($trans->gross_value, $trans_total);
             $trans_base_total = bcadd($trans->base_gross_value, $trans_base_total);
             if (!$trans->update($trans->id, array('status', 'for_payment', 'os_value', 'twin_os_value', 'base_os_value'), array($trans->Paid(), false, '0.00', '0.00', '0.00'))) {
                 $errors[] = 'Error updating transaction status : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
                 return false;
             if ($trans->transaction_type == 'C' || $trans->transaction_type == 'I') {
                 $invoice = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PInvoice');
                 if (!$invoice->updateStatus($trans->our_reference, 'P')) {
                     $errors[] = 'Error updating Invoice : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
                     return false;
             $allocations[$trans->id] = $trans->gross_value;
             // Save settlement discount if present?
             if ($trans->settlement_discount > 0 && $trans->include_discount == 't') {
                 // Create GL Journal for settlement discount
                 $discount = array();
                 $discount['gross_value'] = $discount['net_value'] = $trans->settlement_discount;
                 $discount['glaccount_id'] = $trans->pl_discount_glaccount_id;
                 $discount['glcentre_id'] = $trans->pl_discount_glcentre_id;
                 $discount['transaction_date'] = date(DATE_FORMAT);
                 $discount['tax_value'] = '0.00';
                 $discount['source'] = 'P';
                 $discount['transaction_type'] = 'SD';
                 $discount['our_reference'] = $trans->our_reference;
                 $discount['ext_reference'] = $trans->ext_reference;
                 $discount['currency_id'] = $trans->currency_id;
                 $discount['rate'] = $trans->rate;
                 $discount['description'] = !is_null($trans->pl_discount_description) ? $trans->pl_discount_description . ' ' : '';
                 $discount['description'] .= !is_null($trans->description) ? $trans->description : $trans->ext_reference;
                 $discount['payment_term_id'] = $trans->payment_term_id;
                 $discount['plmaster_id'] = $trans->plmaster_id;
                 $discount['status'] = 'P';
                 $pldiscount = PLTransaction::Factory($discount, $errors, 'PLTransaction');
                 if ($pldiscount && $pldiscount->save('', $errors) && $pldiscount->saveGLTransaction($discount, $errors)) {
                     $allocations[$pldiscount->{$pldiscount->idField}] = bcadd($discount['net_value'], 0);
                     $trans_total = bcadd($trans_total, $pldiscount->gross_value);
                     $trans_base_total = bcadd($trans_base_total, $pldiscount->base_gross_value);
                 } else {
                     $errors[] = 'Errror saving PL Transaction Discount : ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
         if ($data['net_value'] != $pltransaction->gross_value * -1 || $data['net_value'] != $trans_total) {
             $errors[] = 'Transaction Payment mismatch ' . $data['net_value'] . ' ' . $pltransaction->gross_value * -1 . ' ' . $trans_total . ' for ' . $trans->supplier;
             return false;
         // save the allocations
         if (!PLAllocation::saveAllocation($allocations, $payment_id, $errors)) {
             return false;
         if ($trans_base_total != 0) {
             $adj_data = array();
             $errors = array();
             $adj_data['docref'] = $pltransaction->plmaster_id;
             $adj_data['original_source'] = 'P';
             $adj_data['reference'] = '';
             $adj_data['value'] = $trans_base_total * -1;
             $adj_data['comment'] = 'Purchase Allocation Currency Adjustment';
             if (!GLTransaction::currencyAdjustment($adj_data, $errors)) {
                 return false;
         $payment_total = bcadd($payment_total, $trans_total);
     if ($progressbar->process($pay_data['PLTransaction'], $callback) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($payment_total != $pay_data['payment_total']) {
         $errors[] = 'Payment Mismatch - Total ' . $pay_data['payment_total'] . ' not equal sum Transaction Payments ' . $payment_total;
         return false;
     return $db->CompleteTrans();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function allocate()
     if (!$this->loadData()) {
     $supplier = $this->_uses[$this->modeltype];
     $transaction = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLTransaction');
     $transactions = new PLTransactionCollection($transaction, 'pl_allocation_overview');
     $sh = new SearchHandler($transactions, false);
     $db = DB::Instance();
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('status', 'in', '(' . $db->qstr($transaction->open()) . ',' . $db->qstr($transaction->partPaid()) . ')'));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('plmaster_id', '=', $supplier->id));
     $sh->setOrderby(array('supplier', 'our_reference'));
     $this->view->set('allocated_total', 0);
     $this->view->set('transactions', $transactions);
     $this->view->set('no_ordering', true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function populate()
     $trans = new PLTransactionCollection(new PLTransaction());
     $pl = new PageList('aged_creditors_summary');
     $this->contents = $trans->agedSummary();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function select_remittances()
     $flash = Flash::Instance();
     $errors = array();
     if (!$this->checkParams('id')) {
     } else {
         $plpayment = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLPayment');
         if (!$plpayment) {
             $errors[] = 'Error trying to get Payment Details';
         } else {
             $pltransactions = new PLTransactionCollection();
             foreach ($pltransactions as $pltransaction) {
                 $pltransaction->gross_value = bcmul($pltransaction->gross_value, -1);
                 $pltransaction->email = $pltransaction->email_remittance;
     $type = 'remittance';
     $output_details = $this->output_types[$type];
     $selected = empty($_SESSION['selected_output'][$type]) ? array() : $_SESSION['selected_output'][$type];
     $new_selection = array('count' => 0);
     foreach ($pltransactions as $detail) {
         if (isset($selected[$detail->id])) {
             $new_selection[$detail->id] = $selected[$detail->id];
             if ($selected[$detail->id]['select'] == 'true') {
         } else {
             if (isset($output_details['identifier'])) {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['description'] = prettify($output_details['identifier']) . ' : ' . $detail->{$output_details}['identifier'];
             } else {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['description'] = $detail->getIdentifierValue();
             if (empty($new_selection[$detail->id]['description'])) {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['description'] = 'no identifier set';
             if (!is_null($detail->method)) {
                 switch ($detail->method) {
                     case 'E':
                         $new_selection[$detail->id]['printaction'] = 'email';
                     case 'D':
                         $new_selection[$detail->id]['printaction'] = 'edi';
                     case 'F':
                     case 'P':
                         $new_selection[$detail->id]['printaction'] = 'print';
                         $new_selection[$detail->id]['printaction'] = strtolower($detail->method);
             } elseif ($detail->email == '') {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['printaction'] = 'print';
             } else {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['printaction'] = 'email';
             $new_selection[$detail->id]['email'] = $detail->email;
             if ($detail->remittance_advice) {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['select'] = 'true';
             } else {
                 $new_selection[$detail->id]['select'] = 'false';
     $_SESSION['selected_output'][$type] = $selected = $new_selection;
     $this->view->set('type', 'remittance');
     $this->view->set('fields', array('payee_name', 'gross_value', 'currency', 'payment_type', 'email'));
     $this->view->set('clickaction', 'view');
     $this->view->set('no_ordering', true);
     $this->view->set('collection', $pltransactions);
     $this->_data['printaction'] = $output_details['printaction'];
     $this->_data['filename'] = 'Remittance';
     $this->view->set('page_title', $this->getPageName("", 'Print Remitttances for'));
     $this->view->set('selected_output', $selected);
     $this->view->set('count_selected', $selected['count']);
     $this->view->set('type_id', $this->_data['id']);
     foreach ($this->_modules as $key => $value) {
         $modules[] = $key . '=' . $value;
     $link = implode('&', $modules) . '&controller=' . $this->name . '&action=adjust_selection&type=' . $type;
     $this->view->set('link', $link);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function hasCurrentActivity()
     $db = DB::Instance();
     // Check that no orders/invoices have been raised
     $model = DataObjectFactory::Factory('POrder');
     $collection = new POrderCollection($model);
     $sh = new SearchHandler($collection, FALSE);
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('plmaster_id', '=', $this->id));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('status', 'NOT IN', '(' . $db->qstr($model->cancelStatus()) . ', ' . $db->qstr($model->invoiceStatus()) . ')'));
     if (count($collection->load($sh, null, RETURN_ROWS)) > 0) {
         return TRUE;
     $model = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PInvoice');
     $collection = new PInvoiceCollection($model);
     $sh = new SearchHandler($collection, FALSE);
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('plmaster_id', '=', $this->id));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('status', '!=', $model->paidStatus()));
     if (count($collection->load($sh, null, RETURN_ROWS)) > 0) {
         return TRUE;
     $model = DataObjectFactory::Factory('PLTransaction');
     $collection = new PLTransactionCollection($model);
     $sh = new SearchHandler($collection, FALSE);
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('plmaster_id', '=', $this->id));
     $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('status', '!=', $model->paid()));
     if (count($collection->load($sh, null, RETURN_ROWS)) > 0) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;