Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Checks various server settings prior to starting installation. Some end the installation; others
  * just return notices.
  * @return void
 public function checkServerSettings()
     $allow_install = true;
     // Settings were checked, return without issue.
     if (isset($_SESSION['server_passed'])) {
     $test['session_auto_start']['pass'] = !(bool) ini_get('session.auto_start');
     // need 0
     $test['session_auto_start']['fail'] = dgettext('core', 'session.auto_start must be set to 0 for phpWebSite to work. Please review your php.ini file.');
     $test['session_auto_start']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Session auto start disabled');
     $test['session_auto_start']['crit'] = true;
     $test['pear_files']['pass'] = is_file('lib/pear/MDB2.php');
     $test['pear_files']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', 'Could not find Pear library files. You will need to %sdownload the pear package from our site%s and unzip it in your installation directory.'), '<a href="http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/downloads/pear.zip">', '</a>');
     $test['pear_files']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Pear library installed');
     $test['pear_files']['crit'] = true;
     $test['gd']['pass'] = extension_loaded('gd');
     $test['gd']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', 'You need to compile the %sGD image library%s into PHP.'), '<a href="http://www.libgd.org/Main_Page">', '</a>');
     $test['gd']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'GD graphic libraries installed');
     $test['gd']['crit'] = true;
     $test['image_dir']['pass'] = is_dir('images/') && is_writable('images/');
     $test['image_dir']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', '%s directory does not exist or is not writable.'), PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'images/');
     $test['image_dir']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Image directory ready');
     $test['image_dir']['crit'] = true;
     $test['conf']['pass'] = is_dir('config/core/') && is_writable('config/core/');
     $test['conf']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', '%s directory does not exist or is not writable.'), PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'config/core/');
     $test['conf']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Config directory ready');
     $test['conf']['crit'] = true;
     $test['file_dir']['pass'] = is_dir('files/') && is_writable('files/');
     $test['file_dir']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', '%s directory does not exist or is not writable.'), PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'files/');
     $test['file_dir']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'File directory ready');
     $test['file_dir']['crit'] = true;
     $test['log_dir']['pass'] = is_dir('logs/') && is_writable('logs/');
     $test['log_dir']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', '%s directory does not exist or is not writable.'), PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'logs/');
     $test['log_dir']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Log directory ready');
     $test['log_dir']['crit'] = true;
     $test['ffmpeg']['pass'] = is_file('/usr/bin/ffmpeg');
     $test['ffmpeg']['fail'] = dgettext('core', 'You do not appear to have ffmpeg installed. File Cabinet will not be able to create thumbnail images from uploaded videos');
     $test['ffmpeg']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'FFMPEG installed');
     $test['ffmpeg']['crit'] = false;
     $test['mime_type']['pass'] = function_exists('finfo_open') || function_exists('mime_content_type') || !ini_get('safe_mode');
     $test['mime_type']['fail'] = dgettext('core', 'Unable to detect MIME file type. You will need to compile finfo_open into PHP.');
     $test['mime_type']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'MIME file type detection');
     $test['mime_type']['crit'] = true;
     if (preg_match('/-/', PHP_VERSION)) {
         $phpversion = substr(PHP_VERSION, 0, strpos(PHP_VERSION, '-'));
     } else {
         $phpversion = PHP_VERSION;
     $test['php_version']['pass'] = version_compare($phpversion, '5.1.0', '>=');
     $test['php_version']['fail'] = sprintf(dgettext('core', 'Your server must run PHP version 5.1.0 or higher. You are running version %s.'), $phpversion);
     $test['php_version']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'PHP 5 version check');
     $test['php_version']['crit'] = true;
     $memory_limit = (int) ini_get('memory_limit');
     $test['memory']['pass'] = $memory_limit > 8;
     $test['memory']['fail'] = dgettext('core', 'Your PHP memory limit is less than 8MB. You may encounter problems with the script at this level.');
     $test['memory']['fail'] .= dgettext('core', 'We suggest raising the limit in your php.ini file or uncommenting the "ini_set(\'memory_limit\', \'10M\');" line in your config/core/config.php file after installation.');
     $test['memory']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Memory limit exceeded');
     $test['memory']['crit'] = false;
     $test['globals']['pass'] = !(bool) ini_get('register_globals');
     $test['globals']['fail'] = dgettext('core', 'You have register_globals enabled. You should disable it.');
     $test['globals']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Register globals disabled');
     $test['globals']['crit'] = false;
     $test['magic_quotes']['pass'] = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() && !get_magic_quotes_runtime();
     $test['magic_quotes']['fail'] = dgettext('core', 'Magic quotes is enabled. Please disable it in your php.ini file.');
     $test['magic_quotes']['name'] = dgettext('core', 'Magic quotes disabled');
     $test['magic_quotes']['crit'] = true;
     foreach ($test as $test_section => $val) {
         if (!$val['pass']) {
             if ($val['crit']) {
                 $crit[] = $val['fail'];
                 $allow_install = false;
             } else {
                 $warn[] = $val['fail'];
     $content = array();
     if (!$allow_install) {
         $this->title = dgettext('core', 'Cannot install phpWebSite because of the following reasons:');
         $this->content = '<ul>' . PHPWS_Text::tag_implode('li', $crit) . '</ul>';
     } else {
         $_SESSION['server_passed'] = true;