Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Build a fake class dynamically that extends the desired class,
  * but will act more like a Friend class on a dynamically created mock.
  * This lets you use the mock methods in order to validate inputs and
  * return good, simulated values.
  * By using the class renaming functionality of Renamer, the mock is
  * generated whenever you use the "new" keyword on the class we're
  * changing.  Please consider restructuring your code to use some sort
  * of dependency injection since overriding "new" is an icky hack.
  * Arguments for the callback, when used, should be like this:
  *    function ($testObject, $newMockObject, $constructorArguments)
  * @param string $type Name of class to mock
  * @param callback $callback Constructor callback for mock set up
  * @param array $methodsToKeep array to pass to getMockExceptMethods
  * @param boolean $callParent should the mock call the parent constructor
 public function stubWithMock($className, $callback = null, $methodsToKeep = array(), $callParent = false)
     $myself = $this;
     // The test needs to be friended to have access to methods
     $testFriend = new Friend($myself);
     $mocker = function () use($className, $methodsToKeep, $myself) {
         return $myself->getMockExceptMethods($className, $methodsToKeep, array(), '', false);
     $mockDef = PHPToolsTestUtil::stubWithMock($mocker, $className, $methodsToKeep, $callParent);
     $mockDef->callback = function ($mock, $args) use($callback, $testFriend) {
         // Register this mock with the array of mock objects.
         // Due to the Friend's magic getter/setter, we can not use
         // $testFriend->mockObjects[] = $mock;
         $mocks = $testFriend->mockObjects;
         $mocks[] = $mock;
         $testFriend->mockObjects = $mocks;
         // Call the setup function
         if ($callback) {
             call_user_func($callback, $testFriend, $mock, $args);
     return $mockDef->className;