  * Returns all cookies from the cache that are adressed to the given URL
  * @param string $target_url The target-URL
  * @return array  Numeric array conatining all matching cookies as PHPCrawlerCookieDescriptor-objects
 public function getCookiesForUrl($target_url)
     $url_parts = PHPCrawlerUtils::splitURL($target_url);
     $return_cookies = array();
     $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {" . $this->table . "} WHERE source_domain = '" . $url_parts["domain"] . "' AND crawler_id = '" . $this->crawler_id . "';");
     $rows = $result->fetchAllAssoc('id');
     //     $rows = $this->conn->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE source_domain = '".$url_parts["domain"]."' AND crawler_id = '" . $this->crawler_id . "';")->fetchAllAssoc('id');
     // drupal_set_message('<pre>PHPCrawlerD7CookieCache::getCookiesForUrl ' . print_r($rows, 1) . '</pre>');
     $cnt = count($rows);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         // Does the cookie-domain match?
         // Tail-matching, see http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html:
         // A domain attribute of "acme.com" would match host names "anvil.acme.com" as well as "shipping.crate.acme.com"
         if ($rows[$x]->domain == $url_parts["host"] || preg_match("#" . preg_quote($rows[$x]->domain) . "\$#", $url_parts["host"])) {
             // Does the path match?
             if (preg_match("#^" . preg_quote($rows[$x]->path) . "#", $url_parts->path)) {
                 $Cookie = new PHPCrawlerCookieDescriptor($rows[$x]->source_url, $rows[$x]->name, $rows[$x]->value, $rows[$x]->expires, $rows[$x]->path, $rows[$x]->domain);
                 $return_cookies[$Cookie->name] = $Cookie;
                 // Use cookie-name as index to avoid double-cookies
     // Convert to numeric array
     $return_cookies = array_values($return_cookies);
     return $return_cookies;
  * Returns all cookies from the cache that are adressed to the given URL
  * @param string $target_url The target-URL
  * @return array  Numeric array conatining all matching cookies as PHPCrawlerCookieDescriptor-objects
 public function getCookiesForUrl($target_url)
     $url_parts = PHPCrawlerUtils::splitURL($target_url);
     $return_cookies = array();
     $Result = $this->PDO->query("SELECT * FROM cookies WHERE source_domain = '" . $url_parts["domain"] . "';");
     $rows = $Result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $cnt = count($rows);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         // Does the cookie-domain match?
         // Tail-matching, see http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html:
         // A domain attribute of "acme.com" would match host names "anvil.acme.com" as well as "shipping.crate.acme.com"
         if ($rows[$x]["domain"] == $url_parts["host"] || preg_match("#" . preg_quote($rows[$x]["domain"]) . "\$#", $url_parts["host"])) {
             // Does the path match?
             if (preg_match("#^" . preg_quote($rows[$x]["path"]) . "#", $url_parts["path"])) {
                 $Cookie = new PHPCrawlerCookieDescriptor($rows[$x]["source_url"], $rows[$x]["name"], $rows[$x]["value"], $rows[$x]["expires"], $rows[$x]["path"], $rows[$x]["domain"]);
                 $return_cookies[$Cookie->name] = $Cookie;
                 // Use cookie-name as index to avoid double-cookies
     // Convert to numeric array
     $return_cookies = array_values($return_cookies);
     return $return_cookies;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Filters the given URLs (contained in the given PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo-object) by the given rules.
  * @param PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo $DocumentInfo PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo-object containing all found links of the current document.
 public function filterUrls(PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo $DocumentInfo)
     $this->CurrentDocumentInfo = $DocumentInfo;
     $filtered_urls = array();
     $cnt = count($DocumentInfo->links_found_url_descriptors);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         if (!$this->urlMatchesRules($DocumentInfo->links_found_url_descriptors[$x])) {
             $DocumentInfo->links_found_url_descriptors[$x] = null;
  * Parses the robots.txt-file related to the given URL and returns regular-expression-rules
  * corresponding to the containing "disallow"-rules that are adressed to the given user-agent.
  * @param PHPCrawlerURLDescriptor $Url The URL
  * @param string $user_agent_string User-agent.
  * @return array Numeric array containing regular-expressions for each "disallow"-rule defined in the robots.txt-file
  *               that's adressed to the given user-agent.
 public function parseRobotsTxt(PHPCrawlerURLDescriptor $Url, $user_agent_string)
     // URL of robots-txt
     $RobotsTxtUrl = self::getRobotsTxtURL($Url);
     // Get robots.txt-content related to the given URL
     $robots_txt_content = $this->getRobotsTxtContent($RobotsTxtUrl);
     $non_follow_reg_exps = array();
     // If content was found
     if ($robots_txt_content != null) {
         // Get all lines in the robots.txt-content that are adressed to our user-agent.
         $applying_lines = $this->getApplyingLines($robots_txt_content, $user_agent_string);
         // Get valid reg-expressions for the given disallow-pathes.
         $non_follow_reg_exps = $this->buildRegExpressions($applying_lines, PHPCrawlerUtils::getRootUrl($Url->url_rebuild));
     return $non_follow_reg_exps;
  * Parses a robots.txt-file and returns regular-expression-rules corresponding to the containing "disallow"-rules
  * that are adressed to the given user-agent.
  * @param PHPCrawlerURLDescriptor $BaseUrl           The root-URL all rules from the robots-txt-file should relate to
  * @param string                  $user_agent_string The useragent all rules from the robots-txt-file should relate to
  * @param string                  $robots_txt_uri    Optional. The location of the robots.txt-file as URI.
  *                                                   If not set, the default robots.txt-file for the given BaseUrl gets parsed.
  * @return array Numeric array containing regular-expressions for each "disallow"-rule defined in the robots.txt-file
  *               that's adressed to the given user-agent.
 public function parseRobotsTxt(PHPCrawlerURLDescriptor $BaseUrl, $user_agent_string, $robots_txt_uri = null)
     // If robots_txt_uri not given, use the default one for the given BaseUrl
     if ($robots_txt_uri === null) {
         $robots_txt_uri = self::getRobotsTxtURL($BaseUrl->url_rebuild);
     // Get robots.txt-content
     $robots_txt_content = PHPCrawlerUtils::getURIContent($robots_txt_uri, $user_agent_string);
     $non_follow_reg_exps = array();
     // If content was found
     if ($robots_txt_content != null) {
         // Get all lines in the robots.txt-content that are adressed to our user-agent.
         $applying_lines = $this->getUserAgentLines($robots_txt_content, $user_agent_string);
         // Get valid reg-expressions for the given disallow-pathes.
         $non_follow_reg_exps = $this->buildRegExpressions($applying_lines, PHPCrawlerUtils::getRootUrl($BaseUrl->url_rebuild));
     return $non_follow_reg_exps;
  * Creates the sqlite-db-file and opens connection to it.
  * @param bool $create_tables Defines whether all necessary tables should be created
 protected function openConnection($create_tables = false)
     // Open sqlite-file
     try {
         $this->PDO = new PDO("sqlite:" . $this->sqlite_db_file);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("Error creating SQLite-cache-file, " . $e->getMessage() . ", try installing sqlite3-extension for PHP.");
     $this->PDO->exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF");
     $this->PDO->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT, 100);
     if ($create_tables == true) {
         // Create url-table (if not exists)
         $this->PDO->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS urls (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\r\n                                                         in_process bool DEFAULT 0,\r\n                                                         processed bool DEFAULT 0,\r\n                                                         priority_level integer,\r\n                                                         distinct_hash TEXT UNIQUE,\r\n                                                         link_raw TEXT,\r\n                                                         linkcode TEXT,\r\n                                                         linktext TEXT,\r\n                                                         refering_url TEXT,\r\n                                                         url_rebuild TEXT,\r\n                                                         is_redirect_url bool,\r\n                                                         url_link_depth integer);");
         // Create indexes (seems that indexes make the whole thingy slower)
         $this->PDO->exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS priority_level ON urls (priority_level);");
         $this->PDO->exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS distinct_hash ON urls (distinct_hash);");
         $this->PDO->exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS in_process ON urls (in_process);");
         $this->PDO->exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS processed ON urls (processed);");
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Resets all clocks for all benchmarks.
  * @param array $retain_benachmarks Optional. Numeric array containing benchmark-identifiers that should NOT get resetted.
 public static function resetAll($retain_benchmarks = array())
     // If no benchmarks should be retained
     if (count($retain_benchmarks) == 0) {
         self::$benchmark_results = array();
     // Else reset all benchmarks BUT the retain_benachmarks
     while (list($identifier) = @each(self::$benchmark_results)) {
         if (!in_array($identifier, $retain_benchmarks)) {
             self::$benchmark_results[$identifier] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Retruns summarizing report-information about the crawling-process after it has finished.
  * @return PHPCrawlerProcessReport PHPCrawlerProcessReport-object containing process-summary-information
  * @section 1 Basic settings
 public function getProcessReport()
     // Get current crawler-Status
     $CrawlerStatus = $this->crawlerStatus;
     // Create report
     $Report = new PHPCrawlerProcessReport();
     $Report->links_followed = $CrawlerStatus->links_followed;
     $Report->files_received = $CrawlerStatus->documents_received;
     $Report->bytes_received = $CrawlerStatus->bytes_received;
     $Report->process_runtime = PHPCrawlerBenchmark::getElapsedTime("crawling_process");
     if ($Report->process_runtime > 0) {
         $Report->data_throughput = $Report->bytes_received / $Report->process_runtime;
     // Process abort-reason
     $Report->abort_reason = $CrawlerStatus->abort_reason;
     if ($CrawlerStatus->abort_reason == PHPCrawlerAbortReasons::ABORTREASON_TRAFFICLIMIT_REACHED) {
         $Report->traffic_limit_reached = true;
     if ($CrawlerStatus->abort_reason == PHPCrawlerAbortReasons::ABORTREASON_FILELIMIT_REACHED) {
         $Report->file_limit_reached = true;
     if ($CrawlerStatus->abort_reason == PHPCrawlerAbortReasons::ABORTREASON_USERABORT) {
         $Report->user_abort = true;
     // Peak memory-usage
     if (function_exists("memory_get_peak_usage")) {
         $Report->memory_peak_usage = memory_get_peak_usage(true);
     return $Report;
  * Updates the status of the crawler
  * @param PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo $PageInfo          The PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo-object of the last received document
  *                                                  or NULL if no document was received.
  * @param int                    $abort_reason      One of the PHPCrawlerAbortReasons::ABORTREASON-constants if the crawling-process
  *                                                  should get aborted, otherwise NULL
  * @param string                 $first_content_url The first URL some content was found in (or NULL if no content was found so far).
 public function updateCrawlerStatus($PageInfo, $abort_reason = null, $first_content_url = null, $last_request_time = null)
     // Set semaphore/lock if
     if ($this->lock_status_updates == true) {
         $sem_key = sem_get($this->crawler_uniqid);
     // Get current Status
     $crawler_status = $this->getCrawlerStatus();
     // Update status
     if ($PageInfo != null) {
         // Increase number of followed links
         // Increase documents_received-counter
         if ($PageInfo->received == true) {
         // Increase bytes-counter
         $crawler_status->bytes_received += $PageInfo->bytes_received + $PageInfo->header_bytes_received;
         // Benchmarks
         if ($PageInfo->error_occured == false) {
             // server connect time
             $crawler_status->sum_server_connect_time += $PageInfo->server_connect_time;
             // server response time
             $crawler_status->sum_server_response_time += $PageInfo->server_response_time;
             // data transfer time
             $crawler_status->sum_data_transfer_time += $PageInfo->data_transfer_time;
             // unbuffered bytes read
             $crawler_status->unbuffered_bytes_read += $PageInfo->unbuffered_bytes_read;
     // Set abortreason
     if ($abort_reason !== null) {
         $crawler_status->abort_reason = $abort_reason;
     // Set first_content_url
     if ($first_content_url !== null) {
         $crawler_status->first_content_url = $first_content_url;
     // Set last request-time
     if ($last_request_time !== null) {
         $crawler_status->last_request_time = $last_request_time;
     // Write crawler-status back
     // Remove semaphore/lock
     if ($this->lock_status_updates == true) {
  * Searches for links in the given HTML-chunk and adds found links the the internal link-cache.
 public function findLinksInHTMLChunk(&$html_source)
     // Check for meta-base-URL and meta-tags in top of HTML-source
     if ($this->top_lines_processed == false) {
         $meta_base_url = PHPCrawlerUtils::getBaseUrlFromMetaTag($html_source);
         if ($meta_base_url != null) {
             $base_url = PHPCrawlerUtils::buildURLFromLink($meta_base_url, $this->baseUrlParts);
             $this->baseUrlParts = PHPCrawlerUrlPartsDescriptor::fromURL($base_url);
         // Get all meta-tags
         $this->meta_attributes = PHPCrawlerUtils::getMetaTagAttributes($html_source);
         // Set flag that top-lines of source were processed
         $this->top_lines_processed = true;
     // Build the RegEx-part for html-tags to search links in
     $tag_regex_part = "";
     $cnt = count($this->extract_tags);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         $tag_regex_part .= "|" . $this->extract_tags[$x];
     $tag_regex_part = substr($tag_regex_part, 1);
     // 1. <a href="...">LINKTEXT</a> (well formed link with </a> at the end and quotes around the link)
     // Get the link AND the linktext from these tags
     // This has to be done FIRST !!
     preg_match_all("#<\\s*a\\s[^<>]*(?<=\\s)(?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*=\\s*" . "(?|\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\\s><'\"]+))[^<>]*>" . "((?:(?!<\\s*\\/a\\s*>).){0,500})" . "<\\s*\\/a\\s*># is", $html_source, $matches);
     $cnt = count($matches[0]);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         $link_raw = trim($matches[1][$x]);
         $linktext = $matches[2][$x];
         $linkcode = trim($matches[0][$x]);
         if (!empty($link_raw)) {
             $this->addLinkToCache($link_raw, $linkcode, $linktext);
     // Second regex (everything that could be a link inside of <>-tags)
     preg_match_all("#<[^<>]*\\s(?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*=\\s*" . "(?|\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\\s><'\"]+))[^<>]*># is", $html_source, $matches);
     $cnt = count($matches[0]);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         $link_raw = trim($matches[1][$x]);
         $linktext = "";
         $linkcode = trim($matches[0][$x]);
         if (!empty($link_raw)) {
             $this->addLinkToCache($link_raw, $linkcode, $linktext);
     // Now, if agressive_mode is set to true, we look for some
     // other things
     $pregs = array();
     if ($this->aggressive_search == true) {
         // Links like "...:url("animage.gif")..."
         $pregs[] = "/[\\s\\.:;](?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*\\(\\s*([\"|']{0,1})([^\"'\\) ]{1,500})['\"\\)]/ is";
         // Everything like "...href="bla.html"..." with qoutes
         $pregs[] = "/[\\s\\.:;](?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*=\\s*([\"|'])(.{0,500}?)\\1/ is";
         // Everything like "...href=bla.html..." without qoutes
         $pregs[] = "/[\\s\\.:;](?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*(=)\\s*([^\\s\">']{1,500})/ is";
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($pregs); $x++) {
             preg_match_all($pregs[$x], $html_source, $matches);
             $cnt = count($matches[0]);
             for ($y = 0; $y < $cnt; $y++) {
                 $link_raw = trim($matches[2][$y]);
                 $linkcode = trim($matches[0][$y]);
                 $linktext = "";
                 $this->addLinkToCache($link_raw, $linkcode, $linktext);
     $this->found_links_map = array();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Reads the response-content.
  * @param bool    $stream_to_file If TRUE, the content will be streamed diretly to the temporary file and
  *                                this method will not return the content as a string.                            
  * @param int     &$error_code    Error-code by reference if an error occured.
  * @param &string &$error_string  Error-string by reference
  * @param &string &$document_received_completely Flag indicatign whether the content was received completely passed by reference
  * @return string  The response-content/source. May be emtpy if an error ocdured or data was streamed to the tmp-file.
 protected function readResponseContent($stream_to_file = false, &$error_code, &$error_string, &$document_received_completely)
     $this->content_bytes_received = 0;
     // If content should be streamed to file
     if ($stream_to_file == true) {
         $fp = @fopen($this->tmpFile, "w");
         if ($fp == false) {
             $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_TMP_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE;
             $error_string = "Couldn't open the temporary file " . $this->tmpFile . " for writing.";
             return "";
     // Init
     $source_portion = "";
     $source_complete = "";
     $document_received_completely = true;
     $document_completed = false;
     $gzip_encoded_content = null;
     // Resume data-transfer-time benchmark
     while ($document_completed == false) {
         // Get chunk from content
         $content_chunk = $this->readResponseContentChunk($document_completed, $error_code, $error_string, $document_received_completely);
         $source_portion .= $content_chunk;
         // Check if content is gzip-encoded (check only first chunk)
         if ($gzip_encoded_content === null) {
             if (PHPCrawlerUtils::isGzipEncoded($content_chunk)) {
                 $gzip_encoded_content = true;
             } else {
                 $gzip_encoded_content = false;
         // Stream to file or store source in memory
         if ($stream_to_file == true) {
             @fwrite($fp, $content_chunk);
         } else {
             $source_complete .= $content_chunk;
         // Decode gzip-encoded content when done with document
         if ($document_completed == true && $gzip_encoded_content == true) {
             $source_complete = $source_portion = PHPCrawlerUtils::decodeGZipContent($source_complete);
         // Find links in portion of the source
         if ($gzip_encoded_content == false && $stream_to_file == false && strlen($source_portion) >= 200000 || $document_completed == true) {
             if (PHPCrawlerUtils::checkStringAgainstRegexArray($this->lastResponseHeader->content_type, $this->linksearch_content_types)) {
                 $source_portion = substr($source_portion, -1500);
     if ($stream_to_file == true) {
     // Stop data-transfer-time benchmark
     $this->data_transfer_time = PHPCrawlerBenchmark::getElapsedTime("data_transfer_time");
     return $source_complete;
  * Reads the response-content.
  * @param bool    $stream_to_file If TRUE, the content will be streamed diretly to the temporary file and
  *                                this method will not return the content as a string.                            
  * @param int     &$error_code    Error-code by reference if an error occured.
  * @param &string &$error_string  Error-string by reference
  * @param &string &$document_received_completely Flag indicatign whether the content was received completely passed by reference
  * @param &string &$bytes_received Number of bytes received, passed by reference
  * @return string  The response-content/source. May be emtpy if an error ocdured or data was streamed to the tmp-file.
 protected function readResponseContent($stream_to_file = false, &$error_code, &$error_string, &$document_received_completely, &$bytes_received)
     PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("data_transfer_time", true);
     // If content should be streamed to file
     if ($stream_to_file == true) {
         $fp = @fopen($this->tmpFile, "w");
         if ($fp == false) {
             $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_TMP_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE;
             $error_string = "Couldn't open the temporary file " . $this->tmpFile . " for writing.";
             return "";
     // Init
     $status = socket_get_status($this->socket);
     $source_portion = "";
     $source_complete = "";
     $bytes_received = 0;
     $document_received_completely = true;
     $stop_receving = false;
     while ($stop_receving == false) {
         socket_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->socketReadTimeout);
         // Read from socket
         $line_read = @fread($this->socket, 1024);
         // Das @ ist da um die blöde "SSL fatal protocol error"-Warnung zu unterdrücken,
         // die keinen Sinn macht
         // Check socket-status
         $status = socket_get_status($this->socket);
         // Check for EOF
         if ($status["eof"] == true) {
             $stop_receving = true;
         // Socket timed out
         if ($status["timed_out"] == true) {
             $stop_receving = true;
             $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT;
             $error_string = "Socket-stream timed out (timeout set to " . $this->socketReadTimeout . " sec).";
             $document_received_completely = false;
         } else {
             $source_portion .= $line_read;
             $bytes_received += strlen($line_read);
             $this->global_traffic_count += strlen($line_read);
             // Stream to file or store source in memory
             if ($stream_to_file == true) {
                 @fwrite($fp, $line_read);
             } else {
                 $source_complete .= $line_read;
         // Check if content-length stated in the header is reached
         if ($this->lastResponseHeader->content_length == $bytes_received) {
             $stop_receving = true;
         // Check if contentsize-limit is reached
         if ($this->content_size_limit > 0 && $this->content_size_limit <= $bytes_received) {
             $stop_receving = true;
         // Find links in portion of the source
         if (strlen($source_portion) >= 100000 || $stop_receving == true) {
             if (PHPCrawlerUtils::checkStringAgainstRegexArray($this->lastResponseHeader->content_type, $this->linksearch_content_types)) {
                 $source_portion = substr($source_portion, -1500);
                 PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("data_transfer_time", true);
     if ($stream_to_file == true) {
     $this->data_transfer_time = PHPCrawlerBenchmark::getElapsedTime("data_transfer_time");
     return $source_complete;
  * Initiates a new PHPCrawlerCookieDescriptor-object.
  * @param string $source_url URL the cookie was send from.
  * @param string $name       Cookie-name
  * @param string $value      Cookie-value
  * @param string $expires    Expire-string, e.g. "Sat, 08-Aug-2020 23:59:08 GMT"
  * @param string $path       Cookie-path
  * @param string $domain     Cookie-domain
  * @internal
 public function __construct($source_url, $name, $value, $expires = null, $path = null, $domain = null)
     // For cookie-specs, see e.g. http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->value = $value;
     $this->expires = $expires;
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->domain = $domain;
     $source_url_parts = PHPCrawlerUtils::splitURL($source_url);
     // Source-domain
     $this->source_domain = $source_url_parts["domain"];
     // Source-URL
     $this->source_url = $source_url;
     // Send-time
     $this->cookie_send_time = PHPCrawlerBenchmark::getmicrotime();
     // Expire-date to timetsamp
     if ($this->expires != null) {
         $this->expire_timestamp = @strtotime($this->expires);
     // If domain doesn't start with "." -> add it (see RFC)
     if ($this->domain != null && substr($this->domain, 0, 1) != ".") {
         $this->domain = "." . $this->domain;
     // Comeplete missing values
     // If domain no set -> domain is the host of the source-url WITHOUT leading "."! (see RFC)
     if ($this->domain == null) {
         $this->domain = $source_url_parts["host"];
     // If path not set
     if ($this->path == null) {
         $this->path = $source_url_parts["path"];
  * Updates the status of the crawler
  * @param PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo $PageInfo          The PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo-object of the last received document
  *                                                  or NULL if no document was received.
  * @param int                    $abort_reason      One of the PHPCrawlerAbortReasons::ABORTREASON-constants if the crawling-process
  *                                                  should get aborted, otherwise NULL
  * @param string                 $first_content_url The first URL some content was found in (or NULL if no content was found so far).
 public function updateCrawlerStatus($PageInfo, $abort_reason = null, $first_content_url = null)
     // Set semaphore if crawler is multiprocessed
     if ($this->multiprocess_mode == PHPCrawlerMultiProcessModes::MPMODE_CHILDS_EXECUTES_USERCODE) {
         $sem_key = sem_get($this->crawler_uniqid);
     // Get current Status
     $crawler_status = $this->getCrawlerStatus();
     // Update status
     if ($PageInfo != null) {
         // Increase number of followed links
         // Increase documents_received-counter
         if ($PageInfo->received == true) {
         // Increase bytes-counter
         $crawler_status->bytes_received += $PageInfo->bytes_received;
     // Set abortreason
     if ($abort_reason !== null) {
         $crawler_status->abort_reason = $abort_reason;
     // Set first_content_url
     if ($first_content_url !== null) {
         $crawler_status->first_content_url = $first_content_url;
     // Write crawler-status back
     // Remove semaphore if crawler is multiprocessed
     if ($this->multiprocess_mode == PHPCrawlerMultiProcessModes::MPMODE_CHILDS_EXECUTES_USERCODE) {
  * Checks whether there are URLs left in the cache that should be processed or not.
  * @return bool
 public function containsURLs()
     // drupal_set_message('<pre>PHPCrawlerD7URLCache::containsURLs ' . print_r('', 1) . '</pre>');
     //     $has_columns = $this->conn->query("SELECT id FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE (processed = 0 OR in_process = 1) AND crawler_id = '" . $this->crawler_id . "' LIMIT 1;")->fetchField();
     $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM {" . $this->table . "} WHERE (processed = 0 OR in_process = 1) AND crawler_id = '" . $this->crawler_id . "' LIMIT 1;");
     $has_columns = $result->fetchField();
     return !!$has_columns;