  * A method to get notification objects
  * @param int $projectId the project id these notes are associated with
  * @return array the notification objects
 public static function getNotificationsForProject($projectId)
     # Get db connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get all notifications associated with the $projectId from a database
     $strQuery = "SELECT id, object_type FROM Notification WHERE project_id = :project_id AND is_deleted = 0 ORDER BY datetime_created DESC";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Define empty array
     $myArr = array();
     # Add all notifications associated with the $projectId to an array
     if ($result = $objStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             # Decide what kind of object should be created
             switch ($row["object_type"]) {
                 case "Action Point":
                     $myArr[$row["id"]] = new NotificationAP(null, null, $row["id"]);
                 case "Meeting":
                     $myArr[$row['id']] = new NotificationMeeting(null, null, $row['id']);
                 case "Note":
                     $myArr[$row['id']] = new NotificationNote(null, null, $row['id']);
                     $myArr[$row["id"]] = new Notification(null, null, $row["id"]);
     # Return the array of notifications
     return $myArr;
 public function __construct($id = NULL, $temp = false)
     # If we want to retrieve an object from temporary table
     # This is used for example when we have a notification that displays
     # action point that has been changed, we want to display what was the change
     # and therefore we need the old object as well as the new one
     if ($temp) {
         $temp = 'Temp';
     } else {
         $temp = '';
     # Set instance variables
     $this->strTableName = $this->DefineTableName() . $temp;
     $this->arRelationMap = $this->DefineRelationMap();
     # Get DB connection
     $this->objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # By default properties are not loaded
     $this->blIsLoaded = false;
     # If we want to load a particular object
     if (isset($id)) {
         $this->ID = $id;
     # By default, there are no modified properties
     $this->arModifiedRelations = array();
  * A method to return action points' counts for RAG algorithm purposes
  * @param int $factor what kind of count should be returned
  * @return int the count
 public static function getActionPointsCount($factor)
     # Get database connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get project ID from session
     $projectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
     # Beginning of the select statement
     $select = "COUNT(id) AS ap_count";
     # Decide what count to get from DB
     switch ($factor) {
         case RedAmberGreen::TO_BE_DONE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 0";
         case RedAmberGreen::RUNNING_OVER_DEADLINE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 0 AND deadline < NOW()";
         case RedAmberGreen::FINISHED:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::FINISHED_AFTER_DEADLINE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 1 AND deadline < datetime_done";
         case RedAmberGreen::AVG_GRADE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 1 AND grade <> 0";
             $select = "TRUNCATE(AVG(grade),1) AS ap_count";
             $factor = "";
     # Get a certain number of action points
     $strQuery = "SELECT " . $select . " FROM ActionPoint WHERE project_id = :project_id AND is_approved = 1" . $factor . " AND is_deleted = 0";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Return the value
     $result = $objStatement->fetch()['ap_count'];
     # Return the count
     if ($result) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function __construct()
     # Set database connection
     $this->objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Set up the handler for default session methods
     session_set_save_handler(array(&$this, '_session_open_method'), array(&$this, '_session_close_method'), array(&$this, '_session_read_method'), array(&$this, '_session_write_method'), array(&$this, '_session_destroy_method'), array(&$this, '_session_gc_method'));
     # Get the user agent string
     $strUserAgent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
     # Check if session cookie has passed
     if (isset($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"])) {
         # Save the cookie
         $this->php_session_id = $_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"];
         # This statement gets the session from database under following conditions:
         # 1. If there's a session ID equal to $this->php_session_id
         # 2. If session_lifespan hasn't run out of time
         # 3. If a user is still in the same user_agent (browser)
         # 4. If session_timeout hasn't run out of time
         # Prepare statement for database
         $strQuery = "SELECT id FROM http_session WHERE ascii_session_id = '" . $this->php_session_id . "' AND (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(now(),created)) < " . $this->session_lifespan . ") AND user_agent='{$strUserAgent}" . "' AND (TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(now(),last_impression)) <= " . $this->session_timeout . " OR last_impression IS NULL)";
         # Execute statement
         $objStatement = $this->objPDO->query($strQuery);
         # Fetch it from the database
         $row = $objStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         # If such row doesn't exist
         if (!$row) {
             # Delete from database - we do garbage cleanup at the same time
             $maxlifetime = $this->session_lifespan;
             $strQuery = "DELETE FROM http_session WHERE (ascii_session_id = '" . $this->php_session_id . "') OR (now() - created > '{$maxlifetime} seconds')";
             $objStatement = $this->objPDO->query($strQuery);
             # Clean up stray session variables
             $strQuery = "DELETE FROM session_variable WHERE session_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM http_session)";
             $objStatement = $this->objPDO->query($strQuery);
             # Get rid of old PHPSESSID, this will force PHP to give us another
     # Set the life time for the cookie
     # Call the session_start method to get things started
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * A method to return note objects from database
  * @param null $meeting filter by a specific meeting
  * @param bool $agenda if it should be agenda notes returned
  * @return array the note objects
 public static function getNotes($meeting = null, $agenda = false)
     # Get database connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get project ID from session
     $projectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
     # Get user ID from session
     $userID = HTTPSession::getInstance()->getUserId();
     # If notes for specific meeting are requested
     if ($meeting) {
         $meeting = " AND meeting_id = " . $meeting;
     } else {
         $meeting = "";
     # If notes for agenda are requested
     if ($agenda) {
         $agenda = " AND is_agenda = 1";
     } else {
         $agenda = " AND is_agenda = 0";
     # Get all notes associated with a given project with the following condition:
     # – Apart from notes that are private AND associated with a different user than logged in
     $strQuery = "SELECT id FROM Note WHERE project_id = :project_id AND NOT (user_id != :user_id AND is_private = 1) AND is_deleted = 0 " . $meeting . $agenda . " ORDER BY datetime_created DESC";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':user_id', $userID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Define empty array
     $myArr = array();
     # Add all notes to an array
     if ($result = $objStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $myArr[$row["id"]] = new Note($row["id"]);
     # Return the note objects
     return $myArr;
  * A method to return all users associated with a project
  * @param int  $projectI the project idd
  * @return array the user objects
 public static function getAllUsersForProject($projectId)
     # Get PDO
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get alluserss associated with the $projectId from a database
     $strQuery = "SELECT user_id FROM UserProject WHERE project_id = :project_id";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Define empty array
     $myArr = array();
     # Add all users associated with the $projectId to an array
     if ($result = $objStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $myArr[$row["user_id"]] = new User($row["user_id"]);
     # Return the user objects
     return $myArr;
  * A method to return meetings' counts for RAG algorithm purposes
  * @param int $factor what kind of count should be returned
  * @return int the count
 public static function getMeetingsCount($factor)
     # Get database connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get project ID from session
     $projectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
     $select = "COUNT(id) AS m_count";
     # Decide what count to get from DB
     switch ($factor) {
         case RedAmberGreen::TAKEN_PLACE:
             $factor = " AND taken_place = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::STUDENT_ARRIVED_ON_TIME:
             $factor = " AND taken_place = 1 AND arrived_on_time = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::CANCELLED:
             $factor = " AND is_cancelled = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::NO_SHOW:
             $factor = " AND datetime < NOW() AND taken_place = 0 AND is_cancelled = 0";
             # Cancelled can be in the future and we want to include it in the total
         # Cancelled can be in the future and we want to include it in the total
         case RedAmberGreen::M_TOTAL:
             $factor = " AND (datetime < NOW() OR is_cancelled = 1)";
             $factor = "";
     # Get a certain number of meetings
     $strQuery = "SELECT " . $select . " FROM Meeting WHERE project_id = :project_id AND is_approved = 1" . $factor . " AND is_deleted = 0";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Return the value
     return $objStatement->fetch()['m_count'];