Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Crea una nuova password(aggiorna il db) e la restituisce. restituisce false in caso negativo
     * @param PCModelUser $user_id l' id dell' utente
     * @param string $hash l' hash inviato dall'utente
     * @param PCModelUser
     * @return boolean|string
    public static function handleRepassRequest($user_id, $hash, &$user_to_ret) {
        $keys = array('request_hash'=>$hash, 'user_id'=>$user_id);
        $items = PCModelManager::fetchModelObjectInstances(PCModelRepass::getMapper(), $keys, NULL, TRUE);
        if (count($items) <= 0) {
            return FALSE;

        $item = $items[0];

        if ($item == NULL || $item->isExpired()) {
            return FALSE;

        $bindigngs = array(":h" => $hash, ":user"=> $user_id);
        PCModelManager::deleteObject(PCModelRepass::getMapper(), "request_hash = :h AND user_id = :user", $bindigngs);
        $newPwd = PCMapperRepass::rand_password(8); 

        $model_user = PCModelManager::fetchObjectWithIdentifier(PCModelUser::getMapper(), $item->getUser_id(), NULL, TRUE);
        if($model_user == NULL){
            $id = $item->getUser_id();
            error_log("User non presente (user_id: $id )");
            return FALSE;
        $newPwdHash = PCAuth::computeHashForString($newPwd);
        if(PCMapperUser::changePasswordForUser($model_user, $newPwdHash) == FALSE){
            return FALSE;
        $user_to_ret = $model_user;
        return $newPwd;
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * @param PCRequest $request
    public function facebookCallbackAction($request) {
        $facebook = new Facebook(array(
            "appId" => FB_APP_ID,
            "secret" => FB_APP_SECRET,
            "cookie" => true
        $params = $request->getParams();
        $user_profile = NULL;
        try {
            $user = $facebook->getUser();
            if (isset($user)) {
                $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');      
        } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
            throw new PCExceptionRedirection("/page/register");
        if (isset($params['reg_username'])){
            if (PCMapperUser::validateUsername($params['reg_username']) == FALSE) {
                $cont = array("title" => "WebSherpa - Insert Username", "text_error" => "Insert a valid Username; min 6 characters use only characters and numbers and \"_\"", "show_email" => TRUE);
                return PCRendererHTML::rendererForView('insertUname', $cont);

            if (count(PCModelManager::fetchModelObjectInstances(PCModelUser::getMapper(), array("username" => $params['reg_username']))) != 0) {
                $cont = array("title" => "WebSherpa - Insert Username", "text_error" => "Username already used, please choose another username.", "show_email" => TRUE);
                return PCRendererHTML::rendererForView('insertUname', $cont);
            $adapter = new PCHelperSocialAdapterFacebook($facebook, $user_profile, $params['reg_username']);
                throw new PCExceptionRedirection("/");
            throw new PCExceptionRedirection("/page/register");
            $adapter = new PCHelperSocialAdapterFacebook($facebook, $user_profile);
            if($request->getAuthHandler()->authorizeOauthUser($adapter) === FALSE){
                return PCRendererHTML::rendererForView('insertUname', array("title" => "WebSherpa - Insert Username"));
            throw new PCExceptionRedirection("/");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param PCRequest $request
 public function registerAction($request)
     require_once __EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES__ . '/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php';
     $auth = $request->getAuthHandler();
     if ($auth->isAuthorized()) {
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => "you can't register a new user while logged"), 400);
     $attributes = $request->getParams();
     $privatekey = "6Lfm39cSAAAAAFpyN0tQr4TYNt1zqiaHn9E22lYb";
     $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $attributes["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $attributes["recaptcha_response_field"]);
     if (!$resp->is_valid) {
         // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("captcha_error" => "Incorrect Captcha"));
     if (!isset($attributes['username']) || !isset($attributes['name']) || !isset($attributes['surname']) || !isset($attributes['email']) || !isset($attributes['password'])) {
         throw new PCExceptionAuth("Missing param", 400);
     $inputError = NULL;
     if (PCHelperValidator::validatePassword($attributes['password'], $inputError) == FALSE) {
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => $inputError), 400);
     if (PCHelperValidator::validateUsername($attributes['username'], $inputError) == FALSE) {
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => $inputError), 400);
     if (PCHelperValidator::validateName($attributes['name'], $inputError) == FALSE) {
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => $inputError), 400);
     if (PCHelperValidator::validateSurname($attributes['surname'], $inputError) == FALSE) {
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => $inputError), 400);
     if (PCHelperValidator::validateEmail($attributes['email'], $inputError) == FALSE) {
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => $inputError), 400);
     $username = $attributes['username'];
     $name = $attributes['name'];
     $surname = $attributes['surname'];
     $email = $attributes['email'];
     $password = $attributes['password'];
     $store = array();
     $store['username'] = $username;
     $store['name'] = $name;
     $store['surname'] = $surname;
     $store['email'] = $email;
     $store['password'] = PCAuth::computeHashForString($password);
     $error = NULL;
     if (PCMapperUser::createUserWithAttributes($store, $error)) {
         if (PCConfigManager::sharedManager()->getBoolValue('NOTIF_ON_REGISTER')) {
             PCHelperNotificationSender::sendPushNotificationToAdmin("User Registered", "uname: {$username} Name: {$name} Sur: {$surname} mail: {$email}");
         return new PCRendererJSON(array("OK" => "User added"));
     return new PCRendererJSON(array("error" => $error), 400);