function restrict_access($levels) { if (!user_access($levels)) { // Access forbidden $user_level = $_SESSION['permissions']; if ($user_level == 'X') { alert('You need to log in to do that.', -1); require_once PATH::root() . '/Account/Signin.php'; die; } else { if ($user_level == 'E') { location('Account/Verify_Email'); } else { if ($user_level == 'P') { location('Account/Approve'); } else { if ($user_level == '+') { location('Admin/Super_Admin'); } else { if ($user_level == 'B') { location('Account/Banned'); } else { // Go home - e.g. if you're logged in and it's restrict_access('X') on Signin, you shouldn't be signing in again. It'll just bring you back home. location('Home'); } } } } } } }
function write_log($txt) { //Generate error text $logtext = ' DATE:' . date(DATE_RFC822) . ' IP:' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' ' . $txt; //Log it in the proper file file_put_contents(PATH::errfile(), $logtext, FILE_APPEND); }
public function test_old_cache_is_cleared() { $this->assertFalse($this->size->is_site_size_cached()); $this->size = new Site_Size('file'); $this->size->recursive_filesize_scanner(); $this->assertTrue($this->size->is_site_size_cached()); // Set the filemtime to over a week ago touch(PATH::get_path() . '/.files', time() - WEEK_IN_SECONDS - 10); clearstatcache(); $this->assertFalse($this->size->is_site_size_cached()); }
public function test_only_database_zipped_up() { $this->backup->set_type('database'); Path::get_instance()->reset_path(); file_put_contents(PATH::get_path() . '/', 'bar'); file_put_contents(PATH::get_path() . '/zicBotXQ', 'baz'); $this->backup->run(); $this->assertFileExists($this->backup->get_backup_filepath()); $this->assertArchiveContains($this->backup->get_backup_filepath(), array(basename($this->backup->get_database_backup_filepath()))); $this->assertArchiveNotContains($this->backup->get_backup_filepath(), array('zicBotXQ', '')); $this->assertArchiveFileCount($this->backup->get_backup_filepath(), 1); }
public function get_cached_filesizes($max_age = WEEK_IN_SECONDS) { $cache = PATH::get_path() . '/.files'; $files = false; if (file_exists($cache)) { // If the file is old then regenerate it if (time() - filemtime($cache) <= $max_age) { $files = json_decode(gzuncompress(file_get_contents($cache)), 'ARRAY_A'); } } return $files; }
/** * Normalise the exclude rules so they are ready to work with. * * @param array $excludes The array of exclude rules to normalise. * * @return array The array of normalised rules. */ public function normalize($excludes) { $excludes = array_map(function ($exclude) { // Convert absolute paths to relative. $exclude = str_replace(PATH::get_root(), '', wp_normalize_path($exclude)); // Trim the slashes. $exclude = trim($exclude); $exclude = ltrim($exclude, '/'); $exclude = untrailingslashit($exclude); return $exclude; }, $excludes); // Remove duplicate or empty rules. $excludes = array_unique($excludes); $excludes = array_filter($excludes); return $excludes; }
<?php require_once PATH::lib() . '/meekrodb.2.3.class.php'; //Even better version of class.DB.php, with OO'd database management. function db_error_handler($params) { $out = 'DB ERROR: '; if (strpos($params['error'], 'Unable to connect to MySQL server!')) { $params['error'] .= " (Did you accidentally upload CONFIG.local.php?)"; } if (isset($params['query'])) { $out .= "QUERY: " . $params['query'] . '<br />'; } if (isset($params['error'])) { $out .= "ERROR: " . $params['error'] . '<br />'; } trigger_error($out, E_USER_ERROR); die; } class DBExt { //A few more features to add to MeekroDB. public static function parseWhereClause($where, $args) { //Better whereclause creation, to be used in placeholding %l. (may not necessarily be a whereclause) //Does not deal with replacement params. if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array(); } if (is_object($where) && get_class($where) == 'WhereClause') { //Well, it's already a WhereClause.
public function test_file_with_strange_characters() { file_put_contents(PATH::get_root() . '/Groß.jpg', ''); $this->assertFileExists(PATH::get_root() . '/Groß.jpg'); $this->backup->backup(); $this->assertFileExists($this->backup->get_backup_filepath()); $this->assertArchiveContains($this->backup->get_backup_filepath(), array('Groß.jpg')); unlink(PATH::get_root() . '/Groß.jpg'); }
function send_email($bcc_list, $subject, $bb_body, $reply_to = NULL, $prefix = NULL, $footer = NULL, $headers = NULL) { global $EMAIL_ADDRESS, $EMAIL_USERNAME, $EMAIL_PASSWORD, $SMTP_SERVER, $SMTP_SERVER_PORT, $SMTP_SERVER_PROTOCOL, $LMT_EMAIL; require_once PATH::lib() . "/swiftmailer/swift_required.php"; //Instead of using parameter default values, so we can pass NULL. And it's more readable. if (count($bcc_list) == 0) { return true; } if (is_null($reply_to)) { $reply_to = array($EMAIL_ADDRESS => 'LHS Math Club Mailbot'); } if (is_null($prefix)) { $prefix = '[LHS Math Club]'; } if (is_null($footer)) { $footer = "LHS Math Club\n[url]" . get_site_url() . "[/url]\nTo stop receiving LHSMATH emails, contact [email][/email]."; } if (is_null($headers)) { $headers = array(); } if (is_string($bcc_list)) { $bcc_list = array($bcc_list); } if (!is_array($bcc_list) || !is_string($subject) || !is_string($bb_body) || !is_array($reply_to) && !is_string($reply_to) || !is_string($prefix) || !is_string($footer) || !is_array($headers)) { return 'Invalid email parameters.'; } if (($error_msg = val_email_msg($subject, $bb_body)) !== true) { return $error_msg; } if ($footer != "") { $bb_body .= "\n\n\n---\n{$footer}\n"; } //Attach footer. $html = BBCode($bb_body); //BBCode it. $subject = preg_replace("/[^\\S ]/ui", '', strip_tags($prefix . ' ' . $subject)); //"remove everything that's not [non-whitespace or space]" //preg_replace("/[^[:alnum][:space]]/ui", '', $string);? //Ok everything seems to be working, let's go ahead Swift_Preferences::getInstance()->setCacheType('array'); //Prevents a ton of warnings about SwiftMail's DiskKeyCache, thus actually speeding things up considerably. //Connect to the SMTP server $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($SMTP_SERVER, $SMTP_SERVER_PORT, $SMTP_SERVER_PROTOCOL)->setUsername($EMAIL_USERNAME)->setPassword($EMAIL_PASSWORD); //Make a Mailer that will send through that transport (limiting to 50/send) $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); //$mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin(50, 1));//Max 50 emails per send, 1 sec delay between sends try { //Mush all info into the Mailer $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($subject)->setFrom(array($EMAIL_ADDRESS => 'LHS Math Club Mailbot'))->setBcc($bcc_list)->setContentType("text/html")->setBody($html)->setReplyTo($reply_to); foreach ($headers as $field => $value) { //Add custom headers, such as listserv stuff. $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader($field, $value); } //Send the message if (!$mailer->send($message)) { LOG::fatal('Error sending email'); } } catch (Exception $e) { LOG::fatal('Email exception: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return true; }
</span> member files</li> <li><span class="b"><?php echo $num_public_files; ?> </span> public files</li> <li><span class="b"><?php echo $num_admin_files; ?> </span> admin files</li> </ul> </td> <td> <h4>Error Log</h4> <ul> <li>Size of <span class="monospace"><?php echo PATH::errfile(); ?> </span>: <?php echo $errors_file_size; ?> . <a href="?do_download_errors">[Download]</a> <a href="?do_clear_errors" onclick="window.location.reload()">[Download & clear]</a></li> <li>Also check via FTP <span class="monospace">/home/logs/*</span>.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <h3>Some things to do regularly:</h3> <ul> <li>DB: <a href="Database">Optimize tables, check integrity, generate a backup, or download <span class="monospace">.content</span>.</a> (~1x/month)</li>
/** * Handles anything that needs to be * done when the plugin is updated */ function update() { // Update from backUpWordPress 0.4.5 if (get_option('bkpwp_max_backups')) { // Carry over the custom path if ($legacy_path = get_option('bkpwppath')) { update_option('hmbkp_path', $legacy_path); } // Options to remove $legacy_options = array('bkpwp_archive_types', 'bkpwp_automail_from', 'bkpwp_domain', 'bkpwp_domain_path', 'bkpwp_easy_mode', 'bkpwp_excludelists', 'bkpwp_install_user', 'bkpwp_listmax_backups', 'bkpwp_max_backups', 'bkpwp_presets', 'bkpwp_reccurrences', 'bkpwp_schedules', 'bkpwp_calculation', 'bkpwppath', 'bkpwp_status_config', 'bkpwp_status'); foreach ($legacy_options as $option) { delete_option($option); } global $wp_roles; $wp_roles->remove_cap('administrator', 'manage_backups'); $wp_roles->remove_cap('administrator', 'download_backups'); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('bkpwp_schedule_bkpwp_hook'); } // Version 1 to 2 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('2.0', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { /** * Setup a backwards compatible schedule */ $legacy_schedule = new Scheduled_Backup('backup'); // Backup type if (defined('HMBKP_FILES_ONLY') && HMBKP_FILES_ONLY || get_option('hmbkp_files_only')) { $legacy_schedule->set_type('file'); } elseif (defined('HMBKP_DATABASE_ONLY') && HMBKP_DATABASE_ONLY || get_option('hmbkp_database_only')) { $legacy_schedule->set_type('database'); } else { $legacy_schedule->set_type('complete'); } // Daily schedule time if (defined('HMBKP_DAILY_SCHEDULE_TIME') && HMBKP_DAILY_SCHEDULE_TIME) { $legacy_schedule->set_schedule_start_time(strtotime(HMBKP_DAILY_SCHEDULE_TIME)); } // Backup schedule $legacy_schedule->set_reoccurrence(get_option('hmbkp_schedule_frequency', 'daily')); // Automatic backups disabled? if (defined('HMBKP_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_BACKUP') && HMBKP_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_BACKUP || get_option('hmbkp_disable_automatic_backup')) { $legacy_schedule->set_reoccurrence('manually'); } // Max backups if (defined('HMBKP_MAX_BACKUPS') && is_numeric(HMBKP_MAX_BACKUPS)) { $legacy_schedule->set_max_backups((int) HMBKP_MAX_BACKUPS); } else { $legacy_schedule->set_max_backups((int) get_option('hmbkp_max_backups', 10)); } // Excludes if (get_option('hmbkp_excludes')) { $legacy_schedule->set_excludes(get_option('hmbkp_excludes')); } // Backup email if (defined('HMBKP_EMAIL') && is_email(HMBKP_EMAIL)) { $legacy_schedule->set_service_options('HMBKP_Email_Service', array('email' => HMBKP_EMAIL)); } elseif (is_email(get_option('hmbkp_email_address'))) { $legacy_schedule->set_service_options('HMBKP_Email_Service', array('email' => get_option('hmbkp_email_address'))); } // Set the archive filename to what it used to be $legacy_schedule->backup_filename = implode('-', array(get_bloginfo('name'), 'backup', current_time('Y-m-d-H-i-s'))) . '.zip'; $legacy_schedule->save(); $legacy_path = get_option('hmbkp_path'); if ($legacy_path) { // Prepend 'backup-' to the beginning of any legacy backups so they are picked up by the legacy schedule if ($handle = opendir($legacy_path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ('zip' === pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { rename(trailingslashit($legacy_path) . $file, trailingslashit($legacy_path) . 'backup-' . $file); } } closedir($handle); } PATH::get_instance()->move_old_backups($legacy_path); } // Remove the legacy options foreach (array('hmbkp_database_only', 'hmbkp_files_only', 'hmbkp_max_backups', 'hmbkp_email_address', 'hmbkp_email', 'hmbkp_schedule_frequency', 'hmbkp_disable_automatic_backup') as $option_name) { delete_option($option_name); } } // Update from 2.x to 3.0 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('2.0', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { // Remove the plugin data cache delete_transient('hmbkp_plugin_data'); } // Update to 3.1 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('3.0', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { // Remove the plugin data cache delete_option('hmbkp_path'); delete_option('hmbkp_default_path'); } // update to 3.1.4 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('3.1.4', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { $old_option_names = array('HM\\BackUpWordPressDropbox\\Dropbox_Service' => 'dropbox', 'HMBKP_DX_Backup_Service' => 'dropbox', 'HM\\BackUpWordPressFTP\\FTP_Backup_Service' => 'ftp', 'HMBKP_FTP_Backup_Service' => 'ftp', 'HM\\BackUpWordPressGDrive\\Google_Drive_BackUp' => 'google-drive', 'HMBKP_GDV_Backup_Service' => 'google-drive', 'HM\\BackUpWordPressRackspace\\RackSpace_BackUp' => 'rackspace-cloud', 'HMBKP_RSC_Backup_Service' => 'rackspace-cloud', 'HM\\BackUpWordPressS3\\S3_Backup' => 's3', 'HMBKP_S3_Backup_Service' => 's3', 'HM\\BackUpWordPressWinAzure\\WinAzure_Backup' => 'azure', 'HMBKP_WAZ_Backup_Service' => 'azure', 'HM\\BackUpWordPress\\Email_Service' => 'email'); global $wpdb; // Get all schedule options with a SELECT query and delete them. $schedules = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT option_name FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE %s", 'hmbkp_schedule_%')); if (0 < count($schedules)) { // Access each schedules settings to see if the addon settings names need to be be updated to the new naming convention which uses the service slug generated from the $name property. foreach ($schedules as $schedule_id) { // Load the settings for this schedule into an array // so we can loop through the different service settings $schedule_settings = get_option($schedule_id); // Iterate over each schedule setting for this schedule and check its name against our array. foreach ($schedule_settings as $key => $val) { // Find the current element key in our control array and get its value. Set a new element in the settings array with the found value as its key. Aka rename the element key if (array_key_exists($key, $old_option_names)) { // move the value to our new key $schedule_settings[$old_option_names[$key]] = $schedule_settings[$key]; unset($schedule_settings[$key]); } } // Save back to the DB update_option($schedule_id, $schedule_settings); } } } // Update to 3.1.5 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('3.1.5', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { // Delete all transients $transients = array('hmbkp_plugin_data', 'hmbkp_directory_filesizes', 'hmbkp_directory_filesizes_running', 'hmbkp_wp_cron_test_beacon', 'hm_backdrop'); array_map('delete_transient', $transients); // Clear duplicate schedules on multisite if (is_multisite()) { // get current blogs from DB $blogs = wp_get_sites(); foreach ($blogs as $blog) { switch_to_blog(get_current_blog_id()); if (is_main_site(get_current_blog_id())) { continue; } global $wpdb; // Get the schedule options $schedules = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT option_name FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE %s", 'hmbkp_schedule_%')); // clear schedules foreach (array_map(function ($item) { return ltrim($item, 'hmbkp_schedule_'); }, $schedules) as $item) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('hmbkp_schedule_hook', array('id' => $item)); } // delete options array_map('delete_option', $schedules); array_map('delete_option', array('hmbkp_enable_support', 'hmbkp_plugin_version', 'hmbkp_path', 'hmbkp_default_path', 'hmbkp_upsell')); // Delete all transients array_map('delete_transient', array('hmbkp_plugin_data', 'hmbkp_directory_filesizes', 'hmbkp_directory_filesize_running', 'timeout_hmbkp_wp_cron_test_beacon', 'hmbkp_wp_cron_test_beacon')); } restore_current_blog(); } } // Update from 3.3.0 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('3.3.0', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { $schedules = Schedules::get_instance(); // Loop through all schedules and re-set the reccurrence to include hmbkp_ foreach ($schedules->get_schedules() as $schedule) { $reoccurrence = $schedule->get_reoccurrence(); if ('manually' !== $reoccurrence && strpos($reoccurrence, 'hmbkp_') === 0) { $schedule->set_reoccurrence(substr($reoccurrence, 6)); } $schedule->save(); } } // Update from 3.3.4 if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare('3.4.0', get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { delete_transient('hmbkp_directory_filesizes'); } // Every update if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') && version_compare(Plugin::PLUGIN_VERSION, get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version'), '>')) { require_once HMBKP_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/class-setup.php'; \HMBKP_Setup::deactivate(); Path::get_instance()->protect_path('reset'); } // Update the stored version if (get_option('hmbkp_plugin_version') !== Plugin::PLUGIN_VERSION) { update_option('hmbkp_plugin_version', Plugin::PLUGIN_VERSION); } }
public function __construct($subpath = '') { parent::__construct(new \SYSTEM\PSYSTEM(), 'sql/', $subpath); }
public function test_cleanup() { // Should be cleaned up file_put_contents(PATH::get_path() . '/', 'bar'); file_put_contents(PATH::get_path() . '/foo.sql', 'bar'); file_put_contents(PATH::get_path() . '/zicBotXQ', 'baz'); // Existing backups shouldn't be cleaned up file_put_contents(PATH::get_path() . '/', 'baz'); Path::get_instance()->cleanup(); $this->assertFileNotExists(PATH::get_path() . '/'); $this->assertFileNotExists(PATH::get_path() . '/foo.sql'); $this->assertFileNotExists(PATH::get_path() . '/zicBotXQ'); $this->assertFileExists(PATH::get_path() . '/index.html'); $this->assertFileExists(PATH::get_path() . '/'); }
public static function pathToRootFromURLRoot() { return removeLeadingSlash(subtractURLsEnd(backslashToForward(dirname(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH))), subtractURLsStart(PATH::dir(), PATH::root()))); }
/* * recaptcha_get_html_f() * A laziness function that puts in the $RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY for me. */ function recaptcha_get_html_f() { global $RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY; return recaptcha_get_html($RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY); } // check IP ban list if (in_array(strtolower($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), $BANNED_IPS)) { session_name('Session'); session_start(); session_destroy(); $_SESSION['permissions'] = 'B'; require_once PATH::root() . '/Account/Banned.php'; } // hide .PHP extension (/Home.php -> /Home - this works because of a URL Rewrite in the .htaccess file) @($url_pieces = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ($url_pieces != false && basename($url_pieces['path']) != basename($url_pieces['path'], '.php')) { $url = basename($url_pieces['path'], '.php'); if (isset($url_pieces['query'])) { $url .= '?' . $url_pieces['query']; } header('Location: ' . $url); } // start a session session_name('Session'); session_start(); // all sessions have an XSRF-protection token that should be // submitted with all forms via invisible field.
function scoring_access() { if (!scoring_is_enabled()) { require_once PATH::lmt() . '/Backstage/Scoring_Frozen.php'; } }