Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function render($runData)
     $smarty = Ozone::getSmarty();
     // put context into context
     $context = $runData->getContext();
     if ($context !== null) {
         foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
             $smarty->assign($key, $value);
     $templateFile = WIKIDOT_ROOT . '/templates/screens/feed/FeedTemplate.tpl';
     $out = $smarty->fetch($templateFile);
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function load($macroSet)
     $smarty = Ozone::getSmarty();
     $smarty->fetch($this->macroPath . $macroSet . '.tpl');
     // should we load it for the plain smarty too?
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This method renders the page.
 public function render($runData)
     ## render!
     if ($runData->getScreenTemplate() == null || $runData->getPage()->getLayout() == null) {
         return null;
     $smarty = Ozone::getSmarty();
     $templateFile = PathManager::screenTemplate($runData->getScreenTemplate());
     $updateLayoutContentLater = false;
     $mainContent = null;
     if (!file_exists($templateFile)) {
         // some error please!
         $runData->addErrorMessage("Taka strona nie istnieje.");
         $templateFile = PathManager::screenTemplate($runData->getScreenTemplate());
     } else {
         // process the cache!!!
         $cacheSettings = $this->getScreenCacheSettings();
         if ($runData->getRequestMethod() == "GET" && $runData->getAction() == null && $cacheSettings != null && $cacheSettings->isScreenCacheable($runData)) {
             $content = ScreenCacheManager::instance()->cachedScreen($runData, $this->getScreenCacheSettings());
             if ($content != null && $content != "") {
                 $mainContent = $content;
             } else {
                 $updateScreenContentLater = true;
                 // 	run user's method "build"
             // cache end!!! (for now...)
         } else {
             // 	run user's method "build"
     // repeat in case sceen template has changed...
     $templateFile = PathManager::screenTemplate($runData->getScreenTemplate());
     // put context into context
     $context = $runData->getContext();
     if ($context !== null) {
         foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
             $smarty->assign($key, $value);
     $page = $runData->getPage();
     $smarty->assign("page", $page);
     // put errorMessages and messages into the smarty's context as well.
     $dataMessages = $runData->getMessages();
     $dataErrorMessages = $runData->getErrorMessages();
     if (count($dataMessages) > 0) {
         $smarty->assign('data_messages', $dataMessages);
     if (count($dataErrorMessages) > 0) {
         $smarty->assign('data_errorMessages', $dataErrorMessages);
     if ($mainContent == null) {
         $mainContent = $smarty->fetch($templateFile);
     if ($updateScreenContentLater) {
         // update the cached content in the database
         ScreenCacheManager::instance()->updateCachedScreen($runData, $mainContent);
     $layoutFile = PathManager::layoutTemplate($page->getLayout());
     $smarty->assign("screen_placeholder", $mainContent);
     $out = $smarty->fetch($layoutFile);
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function render($runData)
     // get site
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $runData->contextAdd("site", $site);
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $wikiPage = $pl->getParameterValue("wiki_page");
     $privateAccessGranted = true;
     // check if the site is private
     if ($site->getPrivate()) {
         $user = $runData->getUser();
         if ($user && !$user->getSuperAdmin() && !$user->getSuperModerator()) {
             // check if member
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
             $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
             $mem = DB_MemberPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
             if (!$mem) {
                 // check if a viewer
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
                 $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
                 $vi = DB_SiteViewerPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
                 if (!$vi) {
                     $user = null;
         if ($user == null) {
             $wikiPage = $site->getSettings()->getPrivateLandingPage();
             $privateAccessGranted = false;
     if ($wikiPage == "") {
         $wikiPage = $site->getDefaultPage();
     $wikiPage = WDStringUtils::toUnixName($wikiPage);
     $runData->setTemp("pageUnixName", $wikiPage);
     $memcache = Ozone::$memcache;
     if ($runData->getAction() == null && $runData->getRequestMethod() == "GET" && $privateAccessGranted) {
         // try to get content from the memorycache server
         $mcKey = 'page..' . $site->getUnixName() . '..' . $wikiPage;
         if (strpos($wikiPage, ":") != false) {
             $tmp0 = explode(':', $wikiPage);
             $categoryName = $tmp0[0];
         } else {
             $categoryName = "_default";
         $aKey = 'category_lc..' . $site->getUnixName() . '..' . $categoryName;
         $changeTime = $memcache->get($aKey);
         $cachedPage = $memcache->get($mcKey);
         if ($cachedPage !== false && $changeTime && $changeTime <= $cachedPage['timestamp']) {
             $runData->setTemp("page", $cachedPage['page']);
             $GLOBALS['page'] = $cachedPage['page'];
             $out = $cachedPage['content'];
             if ($this->vars['notificationsDialog']) {
                 $out = preg_replace(';<div id="account-notifications-dummy" style="display:none"></div>;', '<div id="notifications-dialog" style="display:none">' . $this->vars['notificationsDialog'] . '</div>', $out, 1);
             return $out;
         } else {
             $storeLater = true;
     $runData->contextAdd("wikiPageName", $wikiPage);
     $settings = $site->getSettings();
     // get wiki page from the database
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByName($site->getSiteId(), $wikiPage);
     if ($page == null) {
         $runData->contextAdd("pageNotExists", true);
         // get category based on suggested page name
         if (strpos($wikiPage, ":") != false) {
             $tmp0 = explode(':', $wikiPage);
             $categoryName = $tmp0[0];
         } else {
             $categoryName = "_default";
         $category = DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByName($categoryName, $site->getSiteId());
         if ($category == null) {
             $category = DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByName('_default', $site->getSiteId());
         $runData->setTemp("category", $category);
     } else {
         // page exists!!! wooo!!!
         $runData->setTemp("page", $page);
         $GLOBALS['page'] = $page;
         $compiled = $page->getCompiled();
         $runData->contextAdd("wikiPage", $page);
         $runData->contextAdd("pageContent", $compiled->getText());
         $category = $page->getCategory();
         $runData->setTemp("category", $category);
         // show options?
         $showPageOptions = true;
         $runData->contextAdd("showPageoptions", $showPageOptions);
         // get the tags
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("page_id", $page->getPageId());
         $tags = DB_PageTagPeer::instance()->select($c);
         $t2 = array();
         foreach ($tags as $t) {
             $t2[] = $t->getTag();
         $runData->contextAdd("tags", $t2);
         // has discussion?
         if ($page->getThreadId() !== null) {
             $thread = DB_ForumThreadPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($page->getThreadId());
             if ($thread == null) {
             } else {
                 $page->setTemp("numberPosts", $thread->getNumberPosts());
         // look for parent pages (and prepare breadcrumbs)
         if ($page->getParentPageId()) {
             $breadcrumbs = array();
             $ppage = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($page->getParentPageId());
             array_unshift($breadcrumbs, $ppage);
             $bcount = 0;
             while ($ppage->getParentPageId() && $bcount <= 4) {
                 $ppage = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($ppage->getParentPageId());
                 array_unshift($breadcrumbs, $ppage);
             $runData->contextAdd("breadcrumbs", $breadcrumbs);
     $runData->contextAdd("category", $category);
     // GET THEME for the category
     $theme = $category->getTheme();
     $runData->contextAdd("theme", $theme);
     // GET LICENSE for the category
     $licenseText = $category->getLicenseText();
     $runData->contextAdd("licenseText", $licenseText);
     // show nav elements?
     if ($privateAccessGranted || !$settings->getHideNavigationUnauthorized()) {
         if ($theme->getUseSideBar()) {
             $sideBar1 = $category->getSidePage();
             if ($sideBar1 !== null) {
                 $sideBar1Compiled = $sideBar1->getCompiled();
                 $ccc = $sideBar1Compiled->getText();
                 $ccc = preg_replace('/id="[^"]*"/', '', $ccc);
                 $runData->contextAdd("sideBar1Content", $ccc);
         if ($theme->getUseTopBar()) {
             $topBar = $category->getTopPage();
             if ($topBar !== null) {
                 $topBarCompiled = $topBar->getCompiled();
                 $ccc = $topBarCompiled->getText();
                 $ccc = preg_replace('/id="[^"]*"/', '', $ccc);
                 $runData->contextAdd("topBarContent", $ccc);
     // OpenID stuff now !!!
     if ($settings->getOpenidEnabled() && $page) {
         // find a page
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/") {
             $c->add("page_id", null);
         } else {
             $c->add("page_id", $page->getPageId());
         $oentry = DB_OpenidEntryPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
         if ($oentry) {
             $openId = array();
             $openId['enabled'] = true;
             $openId['identity'] = $oentry->getUrl();
             $openId['server'] = $oentry->getServerUrl();
             $runData->contextAdd("openId", $openId);
     // check wether to include a special JS file for custom domains or a special JS file for private files
     //if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\.' . GlobalProperties::$URL_DOMAIN_PREG . '$/',$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], $matches) !==1) {
     //	$runData->contextAdd("useCustomDomainScript", true);
     $smarty = Ozone::getSmarty();
     // put context into context
     $context = $runData->getContext();
     if ($context !== null) {
         foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
             $smarty->assign($key, $value);
     $templateFile = PathManager::screenTemplate("wiki/WikiScreen");
     $screenContent = $smarty->fetch($templateFile);
     $smarty->assign("screen_placeholder", $screenContent);
     $layoutFile = PathManager::layoutTemplate("WikiLayout");
     $out = $smarty->fetch($layoutFile);
     if ($storeLater) {
         $now = time();
         if (!$changeTime) {
             $memcache->set($aKey, $now, 0, 864000);
         $memcache->set($mcKey, array("page" => $page, "content" => $out, "timestamp" => $now), 0, 864000);
     if ($this->vars['notificationsDialog']) {
         $out = preg_replace(';<div id="account-notifications-dummy" style="display:none"></div>;', '<div id="notifications-dialog" style="display:none">' . $this->vars['notificationsDialog'] . '</div>', $out, 1);
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function render($runData)
     try {
         // get site
         $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
         $runData->contextAdd("site", $site);
         $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
         $wikiPage = $pl->getParameterValue("wiki_page");
         if ($site->getPrivate()) {
             $user = $runData->getUser();
             if ($user && !$user->getSuperAdmin() && !$user->getSuperModerator()) {
                 // check if member
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
                 $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
                 $mem = DB_MemberPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
                 if (!$mem) {
                     // check if a viewer
                     $c = new Criteria();
                     $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
                     $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
                     $vi = DB_SiteViewerPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
                     if (!$vi) {
                         $user = null;
             if ($user == null) {
                 throw new ProcessException("This is a private wiki. Access is limited to selected users.");
         $wikiPage = WDStringUtils::toUnixName($wikiPage);
         $runData->setTemp("pageUnixName", $wikiPage);
         if ($wikiPage === "") {
             $wikiPage = $site->getDefaultPage();
         $runData->contextAdd("wikiPageName", $wikiPage);
         // get wiki page from the database
         $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByName($site->getSiteId(), $wikiPage);
         if ($page == null) {
             throw new ProcessException("No such page");
         } else {
             // page exists!!! wooo!!!
             $runData->setTemp("page", $page);
             $GLOBALS['page'] = $page;
             $compiled = $page->getCompiled();
             $runData->contextAdd("wikiPage", $page);
             $runData->contextAdd("screen_placeholder", $compiled->getText());
             $category = $page->getCategory();
             $runData->setTemp("category", $category);
         $runData->contextAdd("category", $category);
         // GET THEME for the category
         $theme = $category->getTheme();
         $runData->contextAdd("theme", $theme);
         // GET LICENSE for the category
         $licenseText = $category->getLicenseText();
         $runData->contextAdd("licenseText", $licenseText);
         $smarty = Ozone::getSmarty();
         // put context into context
         $context = $runData->getContext();
         if ($context !== null) {
             foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
                 $smarty->assign($key, $value);
         $layoutFile = PathManager::layoutTemplate("PrintLayout");
         $out = $smarty->fetch($layoutFile);
         return $out;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $out = $e->getMessage();
         return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function render($navigationTemplate)
     $smarty = Ozone::getSmarty();
     return $smarty->fetch($this->navPath . $navigationTemplate . '.tpl');