/** * Process a new service purchase */ protected function process() { // Verify that the user entered a domain name and TLD if (!isset($this->post['domainname'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("domainname"); } // Build an order item for the domain purchase $domainItem = new OrderDomainDBO(); $domainItem->setPurchasable($this->post['domaintld']); $domainItem->setTerm($this->post['domainterm']->getTermLength()); $domainItem->setDomainName($this->post['domainname']); $fqdn = sprintf("%s.%s", $this->post['domainname'], $this->post['domaintld']->getTLD()); // Access the registrar module for the selected TLD $moduleName = $this->post['domaintld']->getModuleName(); $registrar = ModuleRegistry::getModuleRegistry()->getModule($moduleName); switch ($this->post['domainoption']) { case "New": // Register a new domain // Check the domain availability if (!$registrar->checkAvailability($fqdn)) { throw new SWUserException("[ERROR_DOMAIN_NOT_AVAILABLE]", array($fqdn)); } $domainItem->setType("New"); break; case "Transfer": // Transfer a domain // Check the domain transfer-ability if (!$registrar->isTransferable($fqdn)) { throw new SWUserException("[ERROR_DOMAIN_TRANSFER_NO_DOMAIN]"); } $domainItem->setType("Transfer"); break; } // Add the domain item to the order $_SESSION['order']->addItem($domainItem); // Proceed to the cart page $this->gotoPage("cart"); }
/** * Process a new service purchase */ protected function process() { // Build an order item for the hosting service $hostingItem = new OrderHostingDBO(); $hostingItem->setPurchasable($this->post['hostingservice']); $hostingItem->setTerm($this->post['hostingterm']->getTermLength()); switch ($this->post['domainoption']) { case "New": // Register a new domain for use with this hosting service // Verify that the user entered a domain name and TLD if (!isset($this->post['registerdomainname'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("registerdomainname"); } if (!isset($this->post['registerdomaintld'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("registerdomaintld"); } $fqdn = sprintf("%s.%s", $this->post['registerdomainname'], $this->post['registerdomaintld']->getTLD()); // Check the domain availability $moduleName = $this->post['registerdomaintld']->getModuleName(); $registrar = ModuleRegistry::getModuleRegistry()->getModule($moduleName); if (!$registrar->checkAvailability($fqdn)) { throw new SWUserException("[ERROR_DOMAIN_NOT_AVAILABLE]"); } // Place the domain name in the hosting item $hostingItem->setDomainName($fqdn); // Create another order item for the domain purchase $domainItem = new OrderDomainDBO(); $domainItem->setType("New"); $domainItem->setDomainName($this->post['registerdomainname']); $domainItem->setPurchasable($this->post['registerdomaintld']); $domainItem->setTerm($this->post['registerdomainterm']->getTermLength()); break; case "Transfer": // Transfer a domain for use with this hosting service // Verify that the user entered a domain name and TLD if (!isset($this->post['transferdomainname'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("transferdomainname"); } if (!isset($this->post['transferdomaintld'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("transferdomaintld"); } $fqdn = sprintf("%s.%s", $this->post['transferdomainname'], $this->post['transferdomaintld']->getTLD()); // Check the domain transfer-ability $moduleName = $this->post['registerdomaintld']->getModuleName(); $registrar = ModuleRegistry::getModuleRegistry()->getModule($moduleName); if (!$registrar->isTransferable($fqdn)) { throw new SWUserException("[ERROR_DOMAIN_TRANSFER_NO_DOMAIN]"); } // Place the domain name in the hosting item $hostingItem->setDomainName($fqdn); // Create another order item for the domain purchase $domainItem = new OrderDomainDBO(); $domainItem->setType("Transfer"); $domainItem->setDomainName($this->post['transferdomainname']); $domainItem->setPurchasable($this->post['transferdomaintld']); $domainItem->setTerm($this->post['transferdomainterm']->getTermLength()); break; case "InCart": // Use a domain that is in the customer's cart // Verify that the user selected a domain if (!isset($this->post['incartdomain'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("incartdomain"); } $hostingItem->setDomainName($this->post['incartdomain']); break; case "Existing": // Use an existing domain for this hosting service // Verify that the user entered a domain name if (!isset($this->post['existingdomainname'])) { throw new FieldMissingException("existingdomainname"); } $hostingItem->setDomainName($this->post['existingdomainname']); break; default: if ($this->post['hostingservice']->isDomainRequired()) { throw new FieldMissingException("domainoption"); } break; } // Add the item(s) to the order $_SESSION['order']->addItem($hostingItem); if (isset($domainItem)) { $_SESSION['order']->addItem($domainItem); } // Proceed to the cart page $this->gotoPage("cart"); }
/** * Load multiple OrderDomainDBO's from database * * @param string $filter A WHERE clause * @param string $sortby Field name to sort results by * @param string $sortdir Direction to sort in (ASEC or DESC) * @param int $limit Limit the number of results * @param int $start Record number to start the results at * @return array Array of OrderDBO's */ function &load_array_OrderDomainDBO($filter = null, $sortby = null, $sortdir = null, $limit = null, $start = null) { $DB = DBConnection::getDBConnection(); // Build query $sql = $DB->build_select_sql("orderdomain", "*", $filter, $sortby, $sortdir, $limit, $start); // Run query if (!($result = @mysql_query($sql, $DB->handle()))) { // Query error throw new DBException(mysql_error($DB->handle())); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { // No rows found throw new DBNoRowsFoundException(); } // Build an array of DBOs from the result set $dbo_array = array(); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Create and initialize a new DBO with the data from the DB $dbo = new OrderDomainDBO(); $dbo->load($data); // Add OrderDBO to array $dbo_array[] = $dbo; } return $dbo_array; }