Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Starts the console application. The method checks the action to run,
  * parses the arguments and fires it.
  * @throws Opl_Console_Exception
  * @param array $argv The argument list.
 public function run(array $argv)
     $action = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : $this->_default;
     if (!Opl_Registry::exists('stdout')) {
         Opl_Registry::set('stdout', new Opl_Stream_Console_Output());
     if (!Opl_Registry::exists('stdin')) {
         Opl_Registry::set('stdin', new Opl_Stream_Console_Input());
     if (isset($this->_actions[$action])) {
         unset($argv[0], $argv[1]);
         $getopt = new Opl_Getopt(Opl_Getopt::ALLOW_LONG_ARGS | Opl_Getopt::ALLOW_SHORT_ARGS | Opl_Getopt::AUTO_HELP);
         foreach ($this->_actions[$action]->getParams() as $option) {
         if (!$getopt->parse(array_values($argv))) {
             // TODO: Exception goes here!
         $this->runAction($action, $getopt->getIterator()->getArrayCopy());
     } else {
         if ($this->_flags & self::AUTO_HELP) {
         } else {
             throw new Opl_Console_Exception('The specified action \'' . $action . '\' does not exist.');
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @covers Opl_Getopt::__construct
  * @covers Opl_Getopt::parse
  * @covers Opl_Getopt::_validateArgument
 public function testArgumentsString()
     $getopt = new Opl_Getopt(Opl_Getopt::ALLOW_LONG_ARGS);
     $getopt->addOption($option = new Opl_Getopt_Option('foo', null, 'foo'));
     $option->setArgument(Opl_Getopt_Option::REQUIRED, Opl_Getopt_Option::STRING);
     try {
         $this->assertSame('hello', $option->getValue());
     } catch (Opl_Getopt_Exception $exception) {
         $this->fail('The string "hello" should be valid with Opl_Getopt_Option::STRING');
     $ok = false;
     try {
     } catch (Opl_Getopt_Exception $exception) {
         $ok = true;
     if (!$ok) {
         $this->fail('The empty value should not be valid with Opl_Getopt_Option::STRING');