Ejemplo n.º 1
	* NotifyOwner
	* This will notify the list owner(s) of job runs.
	* This will send the appropriate message depending on the state of the job, the message is passed in so this function doesn't need to work anything out.
	* @param String $subject Subject of the email to send.
	* @param String $message The message to send the owner.
	* @see Jobs_Send::ActionJob
	* @see Jobs_Bounce::ActionJob
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything.
	function NotifyOwner($subject=false, $message=false)

		$owner = GetUser($this->jobowner);

		if ($owner->smtpserver) {
			$this->Email_API->SetSmtp($owner->smtpserver, $owner->smtpusername, $owner->smtppassword, $owner->smtpport);
		$this->Email_API->Set('Subject', $subject);
		if ($owner->fullname) {
			$this->Email_API->Set('FromName', $owner->fullname);
		} else {
			$this->Email_API->Set('FromName', GetLang('SendingSystem'));

		if ($owner->emailaddress) {
			$this->Email_API->Set('FromAddress', $owner->emailaddress);
		} else {
			$this->Email_API->Set('FromAddress', GetLang('SendingSystem_From'));

		$this->Email_API->Set('Multipart', false);

		$this->Email_API->AddBody('text', $message);


		$query = "SELECT listid, ownername, owneremail FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "lists WHERE listid IN(" . implode(',', $this->jobdetails['Lists']) . ")";

		// if we're processing bounces, we don't want to email list owners who cannot edit their bounce settings
		if ($this->jobtype == 'bounce') {
			$query = "SELECT l.listid, l.ownername, l.owneremail
				FROM ". SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "lists l, " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "usergroups_permissions p, " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "users u
				WHERE l.listid IN(" . implode(',', $this->jobdetails['Lists']) . ")
				AND l.ownerid = u.userid
				AND u.groupid = p.groupid
				AND p.area = 'lists'
				AND p.subarea = 'bouncesettings'";

		$result = $this->Db->Query($query);

		$notified = false;
		while ($row = $this->Db->Fetch($result)) {
			$this->Email_API->AddRecipient($row['owneremail'], $row['ownername'], 't');
			$notified = true;

		// notify the system administrator if there's no one else to tell
		if (!$notified) {
			$this->Email_API->AddRecipient(SENDSTUDIO_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '', 't');


Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * SetupJob
	 * This sets up the 'send job' ready to go.
	 * - It checks the "queue" is set up. If it's not, this will return false.
	 * - It loads the newsletter based on the "Newsletter" in the jobdetails array. If it's not a valid newsletter, then this will return false.
	 * - The newsletter gets stored in the newsletter array for easy access.
	 * - Loads the user object (so we can easily look at the per-hour & other sending limits).
	 * - It gets a list of attachments for the newsletter and gives them to the email class
	 * - Sets smtp details for the email class
	 * - Sets stat/listid's for the email class headers to use
	 * - Sets open/link tracking for the email class
	 * - Sets the charset for the email class
	 * - Sets up the rest of the details the email class needs (from details, bounce address, reply-to etc)
	 * - Works out the "userpause" time which is used later on to sleep for a period of time between each email sent
	 * - Gets the custom fields from the content so later on we know which fields to load for each subscriber
	 * - Works out the "to" custom fields so later on we know which fields to load for each subscriber
	 * @uses IsQueue
	 * @uses Newsletters_API::Load
	 * @uses GetUser
	 * @uses newsletter
	 * @uses SendStudio_Functions::GetAttachments
	 * @uses Email_API
	 * @uses Email_API::AddAttachment
	 * @uses Email_API::AddBody
	 * @uses Email_API::AppendBody
	 * @uses Email_API::ClearAttachments
	 * @uses Email_API::ForceLinkChecks
	 * @uses Email_API::ForgetEmail
	 * @uses Email_API::GetCustomFields
	 * @uses Email_API::Set
	 * @uses Email_API::SetSmtp
	 * @uses Email_API::TrackLinks
	 * @uses Email_API::TrackOpens
	 * @uses userpause
	 * @uses User_API::perhour
	 * @uses custom_fields_to_replace
	 * @uses to_customfields
	 * @return Boolean Returns false if the 'send queue' isn't set up already, or if the newsletter can't be loaded or doesn't exist.
	 *   Otherwise sets up the email class and other details ready for use, and returns true.
	function SetupJob($jobid=0, $queueid=0)
		$is_queue = $this->IsQueue($queueid, 'send');
		if (!$is_queue) {
			return false;

		// if we can't load the newsletter, pause it and immediately stop.
		$news_loaded = $this->Newsletters_API->Load($this->jobdetails['Newsletter']);
		if (!$news_loaded) {
			return false;

		$this->user = GetUser($this->jobowner);
		$this->newsletter                = array();
		$this->newsletter['Format']      = $this->Newsletters_API->Get('format');
		$this->newsletter['Subject']     = $this->Newsletters_API->Get('subject');
		$this->newsletter['TextBody']    = $this->Newsletters_API->Get('textbody');
		$this->newsletter['HTMLBody']    = $this->Newsletters_API->Get('htmlbody');
		$this->newsletter['Attachments'] = $this->sendstudio_functions->GetAttachments('newsletters', $this->jobdetails['Newsletter'], true);

		$this->Email_API->Set('statid', $this->statid);
		$this->Email_API->Set('listids', $this->jobdetails['Lists']);


		if ($this->jobdetails['TrackLinks']) {

		if ($this->jobdetails['TrackOpens']) {

		$this->Email_API->Set('CharSet', $this->jobdetails['Charset']);

			$this->Email_API->Set('imagedir', TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/send.' . $jobid . '.' . $queueid);
		} else {
			$this->Email_API->Set('imagedir', TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/send');

		// clear out the attachments just to be safe.

		if ($this->newsletter['Attachments']) {
			$path  = $this->newsletter['Attachments']['path'];
			$files = $this->newsletter['Attachments']['filelist'];
			foreach ($files as $p => $file) {
				$this->Email_API->AddAttachment($path . '/' . $file);

		$this->Email_API->Set('Subject', $this->newsletter['Subject']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('FromName', $this->jobdetails['SendFromName']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('FromAddress', $this->jobdetails['SendFromEmail']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('ReplyTo', $this->jobdetails['ReplyToEmail']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('BounceAddress', $this->jobdetails['BounceEmail']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('Multipart', $this->jobdetails['Multipart']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('EmbedImages', $this->jobdetails['EmbedImages']);
		$this->Email_API->Set('SentBy', $this->user->Get('userid'));

		if ($this->jobdetails['Multipart']) {
			if ($this->newsletter['TextBody'] && $this->newsletter['HTMLBody'] && $this->newsletter['Format'] == 'b') {
				$sent_format = 'm';
			} else {
				$this->Email_API->Set('Multipart', false);

		if ($this->newsletter['TextBody'] && in_array($this->newsletter['Format'], array('t', 'b'))) {
			$this->Email_API->AddBody('text', $this->newsletter['TextBody']);
			$this->Email_API->AppendBody('text', $this->user->Get('textfooter'));
			$this->Email_API->AppendBody('text', stripslashes(SENDSTUDIO_TEXTFOOTER));

		if ($this->newsletter['HTMLBody'] && in_array($this->newsletter['Format'], array('h', 'b'))) {
			$this->Email_API->AddBody('html', $this->newsletter['HTMLBody']);
			$this->Email_API->AppendBody('html', $this->user->Get('htmlfooter'));
			$this->Email_API->AppendBody('html', stripslashes(SENDSTUDIO_HTMLFOOTER));

		if ($this->user->smtpserver) {
			$this->Email_API->SetSmtp($this->user->smtpserver, $this->user->smtpusername, $this->user->smtppassword, $this->user->smtpport);

		 * The following code pauses the sending depending on if userpause
		 * (undescriptive variable name) is set or if the user has gone over
		 * their hourly limit.
		if (is_null($this->userpause)) {
			$pause      = $pausetime = 0;
			$hourlyRate = $this->user->group->limit_hourlyemailsrate;
			 * If the hourly rate is greater than 0, set the pause time to it.
			 * Why originally pause was set to this is logically bad and creates
			 * unclear code. This should be written differently or at least use
			 * better variable names and have been originally commented.
			 * @todo refactor
			if ($hourlyRate > 0) {
				$pause = $hourlyRate;

			// in case the system rate is less than the user rate, lower it.
				if ($pause == 0) {
				} else {
					$pause = min($pause, SENDSTUDIO_MAXHOURLYRATE);

			if ($pause > 0) {
				$pausetime = 3600 / $pause;
			$this->userpause = $pausetime;

		$this->custom_fields_to_replace = $this->Email_API->GetCustomFields();

		$to_customfields = array();

		if ($this->jobdetails['To_FirstName']) {
			$to_customfields[] = $this->jobdetails['To_FirstName'];

		if ($this->jobdetails['To_LastName']) {
			$to_customfields[] = $this->jobdetails['To_LastName'];

		$this->to_customfields = array_unique($to_customfields);
		return true;