  * @param string $script
 protected function addFindOne(&$script)
     $className = $this->builder->getStubObjectBuilder()->getClassname();
     $peerClassName = $this->builder->getStubPeerBuilder()->getClassname();
     $script .= "\n/**\n * Issue a SELECT ... LIMIT 1 query based on the current ModelCriteria\n * and format the result with the current formatter\n * By default, returns a model object\n *\n * @param PropelPDO \$con an optional connection object\n *\n * @return mixed|{$className} the result, formatted by the current formatter\n */\npublic function findOne(\$con = null)\n{\n    if (\$this->isCacheEnable() && \$cache = {$peerClassName}::cacheFetch(\$this->getCacheKey())) {\n        if (\$cache instanceof {$className}) {\n            return \$cache;\n        }\n    }\n\n    if (\$con === null) {\n        \$con = Propel::getConnection(\$this->getDbName(), Propel::CONNECTION_READ);\n    }\n    \$this->basePreSelect(\$con);\n    \$criteria = \$this->isKeepQuery() ? clone \$this : \$this;\n    \$criteria->limit(1);\n    \$stmt = \$criteria->doSelect(\$con);\n\n    \$data = \$criteria->getFormatter()->init(\$criteria)->formatOne(\$stmt);\n\n    if (\$this->isCacheEnable()) {\n        {$peerClassName}::cacheStore(\$this->getCacheKey(), \$data, \$this->getLifeTime());\n    }\n\n    return \$data;\n}\n        ";