  * Handle incoming requests/notifications
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
 function handle($args, $request)
     $journal = $request->getJournal();
     $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $op = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : null;
     $queuedPaymentId = isset($args[1]) ? (int) $args[1] : 0;
     $ojsPaymentManager = new OJSPaymentManager($request);
     $queuedPayment =& $ojsPaymentManager->getQueuedPayment($queuedPaymentId);
     // if the queued payment doesn't exist, redirect away from payments
     if (!$queuedPayment) {
         $request->redirect(null, 'index');
     switch ($op) {
         case 'notify':
             $contactName = $journal->getSetting('contactName');
             $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('contactEmail');
             $mail = new MailTemplate('MANUAL_PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION');
             $mail->addRecipient($contactEmail, $contactName);
             $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'userFullName' => $user ? $user->getFullName() : '(' . __('common.none') . ')', 'userName' => $user ? $user->getUsername() : '(' . __('common.none') . ')', 'itemName' => $queuedPayment->getName(), 'itemCost' => $queuedPayment->getAmount(), 'itemCurrencyCode' => $queuedPayment->getCurrencyCode()));
             $templateMgr->assign(array('currentUrl' => $request->url(null, null, 'payment', 'plugin', array('notify', $queuedPaymentId)), 'pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.manual.paymentNotification', 'message' => 'plugins.paymethod.manual.notificationSent', 'backLink' => $queuedPayment->getRequestUrl(), 'backLinkLabel' => 'common.continue'));
     parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Don't know what to do with it
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Handle incoming requests/notifications
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
 function handle($args, &$request)
     $user =& $request->getUser();
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     $journal =& $request->getJournal();
     if (!$journal) {
         return parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Just in case we need to contact someone
     // Prefer technical support contact
     $contactName = $journal->getSetting('supportName');
     $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('supportEmail');
     if (!$contactEmail) {
         // Fall back on primary contact
         $contactName = $journal->getSetting('contactName');
         $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('contactEmail');
     $mail = new MailTemplate('DPS_INVESTIGATE_PAYMENT');
     $mail->addRecipient($contactEmail, $contactName);
     $paymentStatus = $request->getUserVar('payment_status');
     switch (array_shift($args)) {
         case 'purchase':
             error_log("Forming XML for transaction API call");
             try {
                 # get access to queuedPayment
                 $orderId = $_SESSION['dps_plugin_payment_id'];
                 $ojsPaymentManager = new OJSPaymentManager($request);
                 $queuedPayment =& $ojsPaymentManager->getQueuedPayment($orderId);
                 if (!$queuedPayment) {
                     throw new Exception("OJS: DPS: No order for this transaction or transaction ID lost from session. See DPS statement for OJS order number: TxnData1.");
                 $amount = sprintf("%01.2f", $queuedPayment->amount);
                 $domDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                 $rootElt = $domDoc->createElement('GenerateRequest');
                 $rootNode = $domDoc->appendChild($rootElt);
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('PxPayUserId', $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpsuser')));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('PxPayKey', $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpskey')));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('MerchantReference', $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpsmerchant')));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('AmountInput', $amount));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('CurrencyInput', 'NZD'));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('TxnType', 'Purchase'));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('TxnData1', $orderId));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('TxnData2', $user->getUserName()));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('EmailAddress', $user->getEmail()));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('UrlSuccess', $request->url(null, 'payment', 'plugin', array($this->getName(), 'success'))));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('UrlFail', $request->url(null, 'payment', 'plugin', array($this->getName(), 'failure'))));
                 $xmlRequest = $domDoc->saveXML();
                 if (!$xmlRequest) {
                     throw new Exception("DPS: Generating XML API call failed ", "119");
                 error_log("xmlrequest: " . print_r($xmlRequest, true));
                 $ch = curl_init();
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpsurl'));
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $domDoc->saveXML());
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpscertpath'));
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
                 $result = curl_exec($ch);
                 $curlError = curl_error($ch);
                 $curlErrorNo = curl_errno($ch);
                 # check that we got a response
                 if ($result == false) {
                     error_log("DPS error: {$curlError} ({$curlErrorNo})");
                     throw new Exception("DPS error: {$curlError}", $curlErrorNo);
                 # make sure response is valid.
                 error_log("Parsing response XML");
                 $rexml = simplexml_load_string($result);
                 error_log("XML response: " . print_r($rexml, true));
                 if (!$rexml) {
                     error_log("Invalid XML response from DPS");
                     throw new Exception("Invalid XML response from DPS");
                 # check URL exists in response
                 if (!isset($rexml->URI[0])) {
                     throw new Exception("URI not returned: " . $rexml->ResponseText[0]);
                 $payment_url = (string) $rexml->URI[0];
                 # redirect to that URL
                 header("Location: {$payment_url}");
             } catch (exception $e) {
                 error_log("Fatal error with credit card entry stage: " . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage());
                 # create a notification about this error
                 $params = array('contents' => "Fatal error with DPS response stage: " . $e->getMessage() . ". User:"******". Email:" . $user->getEmail() . ".");
                 if (!$this->sendNotifications($params, $request)) {
                     error_log("Failed to send notifications to journal managers");
                 $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
                 $templateMgr->assign(array('pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.dps.purchase.failure.title', 'detail' => $e->getMessage(), 'backLink' => $request->url(null, 'user', 'subscriptions')));
                 $templateMgr->display($this->getTemplatePath() . 'failure.tpl');
         case 'success':
             try {
                 error_log("Forming XML ProcessResponse");
                 $domDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                 $rootElt = $domDoc->createElement('ProcessResponse');
                 $rootNode = $domDoc->appendChild($rootElt);
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('PxPayUserId', $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpsuser')));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('PxPayKey', $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpskey')));
                 $rootNode->appendChild($domDoc->createElement('Response', $request->getUserVar('result')));
                 $xmlRequest = $domDoc->saveXML();
                 if (!$xmlRequest) {
                     throw new Exception("Failed to generate XML transaction response");
                 # send confirmation to DPS
                 error_log("Forming curl API request");
                 $ch = curl_init();
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpsurl'));
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $domDoc->saveXML());
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'dpscertpath'));
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
                 # check response is OK
                 $result = curl_exec($ch);
                 $curlError = curl_error($ch);
                 $curlErrorNo = curl_errno($ch);
                 if ($result == false) {
                     error_log("Transaction response call failed: {$curlError} ({$curlErrorNo})");
                     throw new Exception("Transaction response call failed: {$curlError}", $curlErrorNo);
                 error_log("Processing response");
                 $rexml = simplexml_load_string($result);
                 # check xml is valid
                 if (!$rexml) {
                     throw new Exception('Response from DPS not valid XML ', '130');
                 # check for success value
                 if ($rexml->Success[0] == null) {
                     throw new Exception('Response code not returned by DPS', '130');
                 # check for failed transaction
                 $code = (int) $rexml->Success[0];
                 if ($code != 1) {
                     throw new Exception('Transaction failed: ' . $rexml->ResponseText[0]);
                 if ($rexml->ResponseText[0] == null) {
                     throw new Exception('OJS: DPS: Response text not returned from transaction confirmation');
                 if ($rexml->TxnId[0] == null) {
                     throw new Exception('OJS: DPS: Reference number (txnId) not returned from transaction confirmation');
                 if ($rexml->MerchantReference[0] == null) {
                     throw new Exception('OJS: DPS: Merchant reference not returned from transaction confirmation');
                 # sanity / double checks
                 # get access to queuedPayment to check that details match
                 $queuedPaymentId = $_SESSION['dps_plugin_payment_id'];
                 $ojsPaymentManager = new OJSPaymentManager($request);
                 $queuedPayment =& $ojsPaymentManager->getQueuedPayment($queuedPaymentId);
                 if (!$queuedPayment) {
                     throw new Exception("OJS: DPS: No order for this transaction or transaction ID lost from session. See DPS statement for OJS order number: TxnData1.");
                 $amount = $queuedPayment->amount;
                 $paidAmount = (string) $rexml->AmountSettlement[0];
                 $pattern = "/[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]{2})?/";
                 if ($paidAmount == null) {
                     throw new Exception('Paid amount not returned by DPS', '160');
                 if (!preg_match($pattern, $paidAmount)) {
                     # check format whether correct for paid amount, etc: no negative
                     throw new Exception('Paid amount format error: negative? badly formed decimal: ' . $paidAmount, '170');
                 # check userid returned by DPS
                 if ($rexml->TxnData2[0] == null) {
                     throw new Exception('Validation failure due to user id is not returned by DPS', '180');
                 # check user id and amount match
                 if (number_format($paidAmount, 2, '.', '') != $amount) {
                     throw new Exception('Payment amount mismatch on transaction. Expected: ' . $amount . ' got: ' . $paidAmount);
                 $userId = (string) $rexml->TxnData2[0];
                 if ($user->getUserName() != $userId) {
                     throw new Exception('User identity mismatch on transaction. Expected: ' . $user->getUserName() . ' got: ' . $userId);
                 # clear session vars - avoid replay
                 # tick off queued payment as paid
                 if (!$ojsPaymentManager->fulfillQueuedPayment($queuedPayment, $this->getName())) {
                     throw new Exception('Could not fulill the queued payment in OJS');
                 error_log("All validation tests pass. Transaction is OK.");
                 # show success page with details
                 $templateMgr->assign(array('pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.dps.purchase.success.title', 'message' => 'plugins.paymethod.dps.purchase.success', 'backLink' => $request->url(null, 'index'), 'backLinkLabel' => 'common.continue'));
                 $templateMgr->display($this->getTemplatePath() . 'success.tpl');
             } catch (exception $e) {
                 error_log("Fatal error with payment processing stage: " . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage());
                 # make notification
                 $params = array('contents' => "Fatal error with DPS response stage: " . $e->getMessage() . ". User:"******". Email:" . $user->getEmail() . ".");
                 if (!$this->sendNotifications($params, $request)) {
                     error_log("Failed to send notifications to journal managers");
                 # render failure page to user
                 $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
                 $templateMgr->assign(array('pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.dps.purchase.failure.title', 'detail' => $e->getMessage(), 'backLink' => $request->url(null, 'user', 'subscriptions')));
                 $templateMgr->display($this->getTemplatePath() . 'failure.tpl');
             # DPS requested our failure URL - eg user canceled form
         # DPS requested our failure URL - eg user canceled form
         case 'failure':
             $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
             $templateMgr->assign(array('pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.dps.purchase.failure.title', 'backLink' => $request->url(null, 'user', 'subscriptions')));
             $templateMgr->display($this->getTemplatePath() . 'cancel.tpl');
     parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Don't know what to do with it
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Handle incoming requests/notifications
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
 function handle($args, $request)
     $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
     $journal = $request->getJournal();
     if (!$journal) {
         return parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Just in case we need to contact someone
     // Prefer technical support contact
     $contactName = $journal->getSetting('supportName');
     $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('supportEmail');
     if (!$contactEmail) {
         // Fall back on primary contact
         $contactName = $journal->getSetting('contactName');
         $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('contactEmail');
     $mail = new MailTemplate('PAYPAL_INVESTIGATE_PAYMENT');
     $mail->addRecipient($contactEmail, $contactName);
     $paymentStatus = $request->getUserVar('payment_status');
     switch (array_shift($args)) {
         case 'ipn':
             // Build a confirmation transaction.
             $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';
             if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                     $req .= '&' . urlencode(stripslashes($key)) . '=' . urlencode(stripslashes($value));
             } else {
                 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                     $req .= '&' . urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value);
             // Create POST response
             $ch = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'paypalurl'));
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('User-Agent: PKP PayPal Service', 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($req)));
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req);
             $ret = curl_exec($ch);
             $curlError = curl_error($ch);
             // Check the confirmation response and handle as necessary.
             if (strcmp($ret, 'VERIFIED') == 0) {
                 switch ($paymentStatus) {
                     case 'Completed':
                         $payPalDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PayPalDAO');
                         $transactionId = $request->getUserVar('txn_id');
                         if ($payPalDao->transactionExists($transactionId)) {
                             // A duplicate transaction was received; notify someone.
                             $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Duplicate transaction ID: {$transactionId}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                         } else {
                             // New transaction succeeded. Record it.
                             $payPalDao->insertTransaction($transactionId, $request->getUserVar('txn_type'), String::strtolower($request->getUserVar('payer_email')), String::strtolower($request->getUserVar('receiver_email')), $request->getUserVar('item_number'), $request->getUserVar('payment_date'), $request->getUserVar('payer_id'), $request->getUserVar('receiver_id'));
                             $queuedPaymentId = $request->getUserVar('custom');
                             $ojsPaymentManager = new OJSPaymentManager($request);
                             // Verify the cost and user details as per PayPal spec.
                             $queuedPayment =& $ojsPaymentManager->getQueuedPayment($queuedPaymentId);
                             if (!$queuedPayment) {
                                 // The queued payment entry is missing. Complain.
                                 $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Missing queued payment ID: {$queuedPaymentId}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                             //NB: if/when paypal subscriptions are enabled, these checks will have to be adjusted
                             // because subscription prices may change over time
                             $queuedAmount = $queuedPayment->getAmount();
                             $grantedAmount = $request->getUserVar('mc_gross');
                             $queuedCurrency = $queuedPayment->getCurrencyCode();
                             $grantedCurrency = $request->getUserVar('mc_currency');
                             $grantedEmail = String::strtolower($request->getUserVar('receiver_email'));
                             $queuedEmail = String::strtolower($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'selleraccount'));
                             if ($queuedAmount != $grantedAmount && $queuedAmount > 0 || $queuedCurrency != $grantedCurrency || $grantedEmail != $queuedEmail) {
                                 // The integrity checks for the transaction failed. Complain.
                                 $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Granted amount: {$grantedAmount}\n" . "Queued amount: {$queuedAmount}\n" . "Granted currency: {$grantedCurrency}\n" . "Queued currency: {$queuedCurrency}\n" . "Granted to PayPal account: {$grantedEmail}\n" . "Configured PayPal account: {$queuedEmail}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                             // Update queued amount if amount set by user (e.g. donation)
                             if ($queuedAmount == 0 && $grantedAmount > 0) {
                                 $queuedPaymentDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('QueuedPaymentDAO');
                                 $queuedPaymentDao->updateQueuedPayment($queuedPaymentId, $queuedPayment);
                             // Fulfill the queued payment.
                             if ($ojsPaymentManager->fulfillQueuedPayment($request, $queuedPayment, $this->getName())) {
                             // If we're still here, it means the payment couldn't be fulfilled.
                             $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Queued payment ID {$queuedPaymentId} could not be fulfilled.", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                     case 'Pending':
                         // Ignore.
                         // An unhandled payment status was received; notify someone.
                         $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Payment status: {$paymentStatus}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
             } else {
                 // An unknown confirmation response was received; notify someone.
                 $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedName(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Confirmation return: {$ret}\nCURL error: {$curlError}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
         case 'cancel':
             $templateMgr->assign(array('currentUrl' => $request->url(null, 'index'), 'pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.cancelled.title', 'message' => 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.cancelled', 'backLink' => $request->getUserVar('ojsReturnUrl'), 'backLinkLabel' => 'common.continue'));
     parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Don't know what to do with it
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Handle incoming requests/notifications
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
 function handle($args, &$request)
     file_put_contents("outputfile2.txt", file_get_contents("php://input"));
     $liqPayDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('LiqPayDAO');
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     $journal =& $request->getJournal();
     //        $liqPayDao->transactionExists('3333333');
     //       var_dump( $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpaydebug'));
     //        if ($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpaydebug')){
     //            die('wwww');
     //        }
     //        die('222ee');
     if (!$journal) {
         return parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Just in case we need to contact someone
     // Prefer technical support contact
     $contactName = $journal->getSetting('supportName');
     $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('supportEmail');
     if (!$contactEmail) {
         // Fall back on primary contact
         $contactName = $journal->getSetting('contactName');
         $contactEmail = $journal->getSetting('contactEmail');
     $mail = new MailTemplate('LIQPAY_INVESTIGATE_PAYMENT');
     $mail->addRecipient($contactEmail, $contactName);
     $liqpay = new LiqPay($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpaypubkey'), $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpayprivatkey'));
     switch (array_shift($args)) {
         case 'notification':
             //                data - результат функции base64_encode( $json_string )
             //signature - результат функции base64_encode( sha1( $private_key . $data . $private_key ) )
             $sign = base64_encode(sha1($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpayprivatkey') . $request->getUserVar('data') . $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpayprivatkey'), 1));
             $this->log->info('Start transaction ' . $sign);
             //var_dump($sign, $request->getUserVar('signature'), $_REQUEST);
             //                $params = json_decode (base64_decode($request->getUserVar('data')), true);
             //                var_dump($params);
             //                die;
             // Check signature
             if ((string) $sign == (string) $request->getUserVar('signature')) {
                 $params = json_decode(base64_decode($request->getUserVar('data')), true);
                 $this->log->info('Input parameters ' . var_export($params, true));
                 // Check transactions exist
                 $transactionId = $params['transaction_id'];
                 $this->log->info('Transaction ID ' . var_export($transactionId, true));
                 if ($liqPayDao->transactionExists($transactionId . rand(0, 100))) {
                     $this->log->info('Transaction is exists ' . var_export($transactionId, true));
                     // A duplicate transaction was received; notify someone.
                     $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedTitle(), 'data' => print_r($params, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Duplicate transaction ID: {$transactionId}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                 } else {
                     $this->log->info('Payment status  ' . var_export($params['status'], true));
                     // New transaction succeeded. Record it.
                     //                        $liqPayDao->insertTransaction(
                     //                            $transactionId,
                     //                            $params['type'],
                     //                            String::strtolower($params['sender_phone']),
                     //                            $params['status'],
                     //                            $params['liqpay_order_id'],
                     //                            date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
                     //                        );
                     //if debug mode turn on the all payments is success
                     if ($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'liqpaydebug')) {
                         $params['status'] = 'success';
                     switch ($params['status']) {
                         case 'success':
                             preg_match('/\\/(\\d+$)/', $params['description'], $matches);
                             $this->log->info('Input queuedPaymentId ' . var_export($matches[1], true));
                             $queuedPaymentId = $matches[1];
                             $ojsPaymentManager = new OJSPaymentManager($request);
                             // Verify the cost and user details as per PayPal spec.
                             $queuedPayment = $ojsPaymentManager->getQueuedPayment($queuedPaymentId);
                             if (!$queuedPayment) {
                                 $this->log->info('Not found queued payment for ' . var_export($queuedPaymentId, true));
                                 // The queued payment entry is missing. Complain.
                                 $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedTitle(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Missing queued payment ID: {$queuedPaymentId}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                             //NB: if/when paypal subscriptions are enabled, these checks will have to be adjusted
                             // because subscription prices may change over time
                             $queuedAmount = $queuedPayment->getAmount();
                             if ($queuedAmount || ($queuedCurrency = $queuedPayment->getCurrencyCode()) != ($grantedCurrency = $request->getUserVar('mc_currency')) || ($grantedEmail = String::strtolower($request->getUserVar('receiver_email'))) != ($queuedEmail = String::strtolower($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'selleraccount')))) {
                                 // The integrity checks for the transaction failed. Complain.
                                 $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedTitle(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Granted amount: {$grantedAmount}\n" . "Queued amount: {$queuedAmount}\n" . "Granted currency: {$grantedCurrency}\n" . "Queued currency: {$queuedCurrency}\n" . "Granted to PayPal account: {$grantedEmail}\n" . "Configured PayPal account: {$queuedEmail}", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                             // Update queued amount if amount set by user (e.g. donation)
                             if ($queuedAmount == 0 && $grantedAmount > 0) {
                                 $queuedPaymentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('QueuedPaymentDAO');
                                 $queuedPaymentDao->updateQueuedPayment($queuedPaymentId, $queuedPayment);
                             // Fulfill the queued payment.
                             if ($ojsPaymentManager->fulfillQueuedPayment($queuedPayment, $this->getName())) {
                             // If we're still here, it means the payment couldn't be fulfilled.
                             $mail->assignParams(array('journalName' => $journal->getLocalizedTitle(), 'postInfo' => print_r($_POST, true), 'additionalInfo' => "Queued payment ID {$queuedPaymentId} could not be fulfilled.", 'serverVars' => print_r($_SERVER, true)));
                         case 'cancel':
                             $templateMgr->assign(array('currentUrl' => $request->url(null, 'index'), 'pageTitle' => 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.cancelled.title', 'message' => 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.cancelled', 'backLink' => $request->getUserVar('ojsReturnUrl'), 'backLinkLabel' => 'common.continue'));
     parent::handle($args, $request);
     // Don't know what to do with it