public static function init($youtube_video_url, $final_flv_filename, $test = 0, $overwrite = 0){ self::$youtube_video_url = $youtube_video_url; self::$test = $test; self::$final_flv_filename = $final_flv_filename; self::$youtube_video_id = self::get_youtube_video_id(); self::$cookies_path = "cookies.txt"; $clear_cookies = self::clear_cookies(); self::$curl_headers = Array( "Accept-Language: en-us", "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15", "Connection: Keep-Alive", "Cache-Control: no-cache" ); self::$flv_url = self::get_flv_url(); $fs = OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); if($fs->file_exists('/Downloads/' . $final_flv_filename) && !$overwrite){ self::$final_flv_filename = md5(rand()) . '_' . $final_flv_filename; } self::$fs = $fs->fopen('/Downloads/' . self::$final_flv_filename, 'w'); $save_binary = self::get_curl_binary(); $clear_cookies = self::clear_cookies(); }
public function fopen($path, $mode) { switch ($mode) { case 'r': case 'rb': case 'w': case 'wb': case 'a': case 'ab': //these are supported by the wrapper $context = stream_context_create(array('ftp' => array('overwrite' => true))); return fopen($this->constructUrl($path), $mode, false, $context); case 'r+': case 'w+': case 'wb+': case 'a+': case 'x': case 'x+': case 'c': case 'c+': //emulate these if (strrpos($path, '.') !== false) { $ext = substr($path, strrpos($path, '.')); } else { $ext = ''; } $tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile($ext); OC_CloseStreamWrapper::$callBacks[$tmpFile] = array($this, 'writeBack'); if ($this->file_exists($path)) { $this->getFile($path, $tmpFile); } self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile] = $path; return fopen('close://' . $tmpFile, $mode); } }
public static function getThumbnail($image_name, $owner = null) { if (!$owner) { $owner = OCP\USER::getUser(); } $view = OCP\Files::getStorage('gallery'); $save_dir = dirname($image_name); if (!$view->is_dir($save_dir)) { $view->mkdir($save_dir); } $view->chroot($view->getRoot() . '/' . $save_dir); $thumb_file = basename($image_name); if ($view->file_exists($thumb_file)) { $image = new OC_Image($view->fopen($thumb_file, 'r')); } else { $image_path = OC_Filesystem::getLocalFile($image_name); if (!file_exists($image_path)) { return null; } $image = new OC_Image($image_path); if ($image->valid()) { $image->centerCrop(200); $image->fixOrientation(); $image->save($view->getLocalFile($thumb_file)); } } if ($image->valid()) { return $image; } else { $image->destroy(); } return null; }
function handleGetThumbnails($albumname) { OCP\Response::enableCaching(3600 * 24); // 24 hour $view = OCP\Files::getStorage('gallery'); $thumbnail = $view->fopen(urldecode($albumname) . '.png', 'r'); header('Content-Type: ' . OC_Image::getMimeTypeForFile($thumbnail)); OCP\Response::sendFile($thumbnail); }
/** * Get the file by an URL * @param $url URL of the file * @param $path Simple path of the file * @param $l Lang * @param $overwrite Overwrite the target file */ public static function getFile($url, $path, $l, $overwrite = 0){ try{ $code = 0; if(!self::checkFileAccess($url, $code)){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setError($l->t(self::$errors[$code])); exit(); } $pathinfo = pathinfo($path); $fs = OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); if($fs->file_exists('/Downloads/' . $pathinfo['basename']) && !$overwrite){ $pathinfo['basename'] = md5(rand()) . '_' . $pathinfo['basename']; } $fs = $fs->fopen('/Downloads/' . $pathinfo['basename'], 'w'); $size = self::getRemoteFileSize($url); if($size == 0){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setError($l->t('Filesize is null')); exit(); } $chunkSize = self::getChunkSize($size); $fp = fopen($url, 'rb'); $received = $last = 0; while(!feof($fp)){ $data = @fread($fp, $chunkSize); if($data == ''){ break; } $saved = fwrite($fs, $data); if($saved > -1){ $received += $saved; } if($received >= $size){ $percent = 100; }else{ $percent = @round(($received/$size)*100, 2); } if($received > $last + $chunkSize){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setProgressBarProgress($percent); $last = $received; } usleep(100); } OC_ocDownloaderPB::setProgressBarProgress(100); OC_ocDownloader::setUserHistory($pathinfo['basename'], 1); fclose($fp);fclose($fs); }catch(exception $e){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setError($l->t('Unknown error')); } }
/** * get a cryptstream to a temporary file * @param string $id * @param string $mode * @return resource */ function getStream($id, $mode) { if ($id === '') { $id = uniqid(); } if (!isset($this->tmpFiles[$id])) { $file = OCP\Files::tmpFile(); $this->tmpFiles[$id] = $file; } else { $file = $this->tmpFiles[$id]; } $stream = fopen($file, $mode); OC_CryptStream::$sourceStreams[$id] = array('path' => 'dummy', 'stream' => $stream); return fopen('crypt://streams/' . $id, $mode); }
public static function createThumbnails($albumName, $files) { // create gallery thumbnail $file_count = min(count($files), 10); $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($file_count * 200, 200); for ($i = 0; $i < $file_count; $i++) { $image = OC_Gallery_Photo::getThumbnail($files[$i]); if ($image && $image->valid()) { imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image->resource(), $i * 200, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200, 200, 200); $image->destroy(); } } $view = OCP\Files::getStorage('gallery'); imagepng($thumbnail, $view->getLocalFile($albumName . '.png')); imagedestroy($thumbnail); }
function testEncryption() { $key = uniqid(); $file = OC::$SERVERROOT . '/3rdparty/MDB2.php'; $source = file_get_contents($file); //nice large text file $encrypted = OC_Crypt::encrypt($source, $key); $decrypted = OC_Crypt::decrypt($encrypted, $key); $decrypted = rtrim($decrypted, ""); $this->assertNotEqual($encrypted, $source); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $source); $chunk = substr($source, 0, 8192); $encrypted = OC_Crypt::encrypt($chunk, $key); $this->assertEqual(strlen($chunk), strlen($encrypted)); $decrypted = OC_Crypt::decrypt($encrypted, $key); $decrypted = rtrim($decrypted, ""); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $chunk); $encrypted = OC_Crypt::blockEncrypt($source, $key); $decrypted = OC_Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted, $key); $this->assertNotEqual($encrypted, $source); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $source); $tmpFileEncrypted = OCP\Files::tmpFile(); OC_Crypt::encryptfile($file, $tmpFileEncrypted, $key); $encrypted = file_get_contents($tmpFileEncrypted); $decrypted = OC_Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted, $key); $this->assertNotEqual($encrypted, $source); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $source); $tmpFileDecrypted = OCP\Files::tmpFile(); OC_Crypt::decryptfile($tmpFileEncrypted, $tmpFileDecrypted, $key); $decrypted = file_get_contents($tmpFileDecrypted); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $source); $file = OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/img/weather-clear.png'; $source = file_get_contents($file); //binary file $encrypted = OC_Crypt::encrypt($source, $key); $decrypted = OC_Crypt::decrypt($encrypted, $key); $decrypted = rtrim($decrypted, ""); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $source); $encrypted = OC_Crypt::blockEncrypt($source, $key); $decrypted = OC_Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted, $key); $this->assertEqual($decrypted, $source); }
private function getTmpFile($path) { $obj = $this->getObject($path); if (!is_null($obj)) { $tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile(); $obj->save_to_filename($tmpFile); return $tmpFile; } else { return false; } }
protected function getNew() { return new OC_Archive_TAR(OCP\Files::tmpFile('.tar.gz')); }
public function touch($path, $mtime = null) { if (is_null($mtime)) { $tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile(); $this->archive->extractFile($path, $tmpFile); $this->archive->addfile($path, $tmpFile); } else { return false; //not supported } }
public function setUp() { $this->tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile('.tar.gz'); $this->instance = new OC_Filestorage_Archive(array('archive' => $this->tmpFile)); }
public function testExtract() { $dir = OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data'; $this->instance = $this->getExisting(); $tmpDir = OCP\Files::tmpFolder(); $this->instance->extract($tmpDir); $this->assertEquals(true, file_exists($tmpDir . 'lorem.txt')); $this->assertEquals(true, file_exists($tmpDir . 'dir/lorem.txt')); $this->assertEquals(true, file_exists($tmpDir . 'logo-wide.png')); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($dir . '/lorem.txt'), file_get_contents($tmpDir . 'lorem.txt')); OCP\Files::rmdirr($tmpDir); }
protected function getNew() { return new OC_Archive_ZIP(OCP\Files::tmpFile('.zip')); }
$fileCount = count($files['name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $i++) { if (isset($_POST['resolution'])) { $resolution = $_POST['resolution']; } else { $resolution = null; } // target directory for when uploading folders $relativePath = ''; if (!empty($_POST['file_directory'])) { $relativePath = '/' . $_POST['file_directory']; } // $path needs to be normalized - this failed within drag'n'drop upload to a sub-folder if ($resolution === 'autorename') { // append a number in brackets like 'filename (2).ext' $target = OCP\Files::buildNotExistingFileName($dir . $relativePath, $files['name'][$i]); } else { $target = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($dir . $relativePath . '/' . $files['name'][$i]); } // relative dir to return to the client if (isset($publicDirectory)) { // path relative to the public root $returnedDir = $publicDirectory . $relativePath; } else { // full path $returnedDir = $dir . $relativePath; } $returnedDir = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($returnedDir); $exists = \OC\Files\Filesystem::file_exists($target); if ($exists) { $updatable = \OC\Files\Filesystem::isUpdatable($target);
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t('Not enough storage available'), 'uploadMaxFilesize' => $maxUploadFileSize, 'maxHumanFilesize' => $maxHumanFileSize))); exit; } $result = array(); if (strpos($dir, '..') === false) { $fileCount = count($files['name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $i++) { // target directory for when uploading folders $relativePath = ''; if (!empty($_POST['file_directory'])) { $relativePath = '/' . $_POST['file_directory']; } // $path needs to be normalized - this failed within drag'n'drop upload to a sub-folder if (isset($_POST['resolution']) && $_POST['resolution'] === 'autorename') { // append a number in brackets like 'filename (2).ext' $target = OCP\Files::buildNotExistingFileName(stripslashes($dir . $relativePath), $files['name'][$i]); } else { $target = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(stripslashes($dir . $relativePath) . '/' . $files['name'][$i]); } // relative dir to return to the client if (isset($publicDirectory)) { // path relative to the public root $returnedDir = $publicDirectory . $relativePath; } else { // full path $returnedDir = $dir . $relativePath; } $returnedDir = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($returnedDir); if (!\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_exists($target) || isset($_POST['resolution']) && $_POST['resolution'] === 'replace') { // upload and overwrite file try {
public function fopen($path, $mode) { $path = $this->cleanPath($path); switch ($mode) { case 'r': case 'rb': //straight up curl instead of sabredav here, sabredav put's the entire get result in memory $curl = curl_init(); $fp = fopen('php://temp', 'r+'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->user . ':' . $this->password); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->createBaseUri() . $path); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); rewind($fp); return $fp; case 'w': case 'wb': case 'a': case 'ab': case 'r+': case 'w+': case 'wb+': case 'a+': case 'x': case 'x+': case 'c': case 'c+': //emulate these if (strrpos($path, '.') !== false) { $ext = substr($path, strrpos($path, '.')); } else { $ext = ''; } $tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile($ext); OC_CloseStreamWrapper::$callBacks[$tmpFile] = array($this, 'writeBack'); if ($this->file_exists($path)) { $this->getFile($path, $tmpFile); } self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile] = $path; return fopen('close://' . $tmpFile, $mode); } }
/** * get a file handler * * @param string $path * @param string $mode * @return resource */ function getStream($path, $mode) { if (strrpos($path, '.') !== false) { $ext = substr($path, strrpos($path, '.')); } else { $ext = ''; } $tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile($ext); if ($this->fileExists($path)) { $this->extractFile($path, $tmpFile); } elseif ($mode == 'r' or $mode == 'rb') { return false; } if ($mode == 'r' or $mode == 'rb') { return fopen($tmpFile, $mode); } else { \OC\Files\Stream\Close::registerCallback($tmpFile, array($this, 'writeBack')); self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile] = $path; return fopen('close://' . $tmpFile, $mode); } }
function handleGetPhoto($token, $photo) { $owner = OC_Gallery_Sharing::getTokenOwner($token); $view = OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); $file = $view->fopen(urldecode($photo), 'r'); header('Content-Type: ' . OC_Image::getMimeTypeForFile($file)); OCP\Response::sendFile($file); }
public static function changeThumbnailPath($oldname, $newname) { $view = OCP\Files::getStorage('gallery'); $view->rename($oldname . '.png', $newname . '.png'); }
<?php //update from OC 3 //try to remove remaining files. //Give a warning if not possible $filesToRemove = array('ajax', 'appinfo', 'css', 'js', 'l10n', 'templates', 'admin.php', 'download.php', 'index.php', 'settings.php'); foreach ($filesToRemove as $file) { $filepath = OC::$SERVERROOT . '/files/' . $file; if (!file_exists($filepath)) { continue; } $success = OCP\Files::rmdirr($filepath); if ($success === false) { //probably not sufficient privileges, give up and give a message. OCP\Util::writeLog('files', 'Could not clean /files/ directory. Please remove everything except webdav.php from ' . OC::$SERVERROOT . '/files/', OCP\Util::ERROR); break; } }
public function postGetMimeType($path, $mime) { if (self::isEncrypted($path)) { $mime = OCP\Files::getMimeType('crypt://' . $path, 'w'); } return $mime; }
* GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. * */ OCP\App::checkAppEnabled('storagecharts2'); $l = new OC_L10N('storagecharts2'); OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_DLStCharts'] = OC_App::getAppPath('storagecharts2') . "/lib/db.class.php"; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_DLStChartsLoader'] = OC_App::getAppPath('storagecharts2') . "/lib/loader.class.php"; OCP\App::addNavigationEntry(array('id' => 'storagecharts2_index', 'order' => 60, 'href' => OCP\Util::linkTo('storagecharts2', 'index.php'), 'icon' => OCP\Util::imagePath('storagecharts2', 'app.svg'), 'name' => $l->t('Usage'))); OCP\App::registerPersonal('storagecharts2', 'settings'); // Get storage value for logged in user $data_dir = OCP\Config::getSystemValue('datadirectory', ''); if (OCP\User::getUser() && strlen($data_dir) != 0) { $fs = OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); // workaround to detect OC version $ocVersion = @reset(OCP\Util::getVersion()); // OC 5 if ($ocVersion < 6) { OCP\Util::writeLog('storagecharts2', 'Running on OwnCloud 5', OCP\Util::DEBUG); $used = OC_DLStCharts::getTotalDataSize(OC::$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY); // OC 6 or greater } else { $datadir = OC_Config::getValue('datadirectory') . '/' . OCP\User::getUser(); OCP\Util::writeLog('storagecharts2', 'Running on OwnCloud ' . $ocVersion, OCP\Util::DEBUG); $used = OC_DLStCharts::getTotalDataSize($datadir); } // omit errors in desktop client ... if (method_exists($fs, 'free_space')) { OCP\Util::writeLog('storagecharts2', 'Calculating available space in oc << 8 for client', OCP\Util::DEBUG);
/** * get a file handler * @param string path * @param string mode * @return resource */ function getStream($path, $mode) { if ($mode == 'r' or $mode == 'rb') { return $this->zip->getStream($path); } else { //since we cant directly get a writable stream, //make a temp copy of the file and put it back //in the archive when the stream is closed if (strrpos($path, '.') !== false) { $ext = substr($path, strrpos($path, '.')); } else { $ext = ''; } $tmpFile = OCP\Files::tmpFile($ext); OC_CloseStreamWrapper::$callBacks[$tmpFile] = array($this, 'writeBack'); if ($this->fileExists($path)) { $this->extractFile($path, $tmpFile); } self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile] = $path; return fopen('close://' . $tmpFile, $mode); } }
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. * */ // Check if we are a user OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled('contacts'); OCP\JSON::callCheck(); function bailOut($msg) { OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $msg))); OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'ajax/uploadimport.php: ' . $msg, OCP\Util::ERROR); exit; } $view = OCP\Files::getStorage('contacts'); $tmpfile = md5(rand()); // If it is a Drag'n'Drop transfer it's handled here. $fn = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'] : false; if ($fn) { if ($view->file_put_contents('/' . $tmpfile, file_get_contents('php://input'))) { OCP\JSON::success(array('data' => array('path' => '', 'file' => $tmpfile))); exit; } else { bailOut(OC_Contacts_App::$l10n->t('Error uploading contacts to storage.')); } } // File input transfers are handled here if (!isset($_FILES['importfile'])) { OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'ajax/uploadphoto.php: No file was uploaded. Unknown error.', OCP\Util::DEBUG); OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => 'No file was uploaded. Unknown error')));
if (OCA\Files_Sharing\Helper::isIncomingServer2serverShareEnabled() === false) { \OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t('Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server')))); exit; } $token = $_POST['token']; $remote = $_POST['remote']; $owner = $_POST['owner']; $name = $_POST['name']; $password = $_POST['password']; // Check for invalid name if (!\OCP\Util::isValidFileName($name)) { \OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t('The mountpoint name contains invalid characters.')))); exit; } $externalManager = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Manager(\OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(), \OC\Files\Filesystem::getMountManager(), \OC\Files\Filesystem::getLoader(), \OC::$server->getUserSession()); $name = OCP\Files::buildNotExistingFileName('/', $name); // check for ssl cert if (substr($remote, 0, 5) === 'https' and !OC_Util::getUrlContent($remote)) { \OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t("Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate")))); exit; } else { $mount = $externalManager->addShare($remote, $token, $password, $name, $owner); /** * @var \OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Storage $storage */ $storage = $mount->getStorage(); $result = $storage->file_exists(''); if ($result) { $storage->getScanner()->scanAll(); \OCP\JSON::success(); } else {
public function tearDown() { if ($this->instance) { OCP\Files::rmdirr($this->instance->constructUrl('')); } }
/** * Get file * @param $path The remote file path * @param $l Lang * @param $overwrite Overwrite the target file */ public static function getFile($path, $l, $overwrite){ try{ $pathinfo = pathinfo($path); $fs = OCP\Files::getStorage('files'); if($fs->file_exists('/Downloads/' . $pathinfo['basename']) && !$overwrite){ $pathinfo['basename'] = md5(rand()) . '_' . $pathinfo['basename']; } $size = self::getRemoteFileSize($path); if($size == 0){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setError($l->t('Filesize is null')); self::closeConnection(); exit(); } $chunkSize = self::getChunkSize($size); $received = $last = 0; $ret = ftp_nb_get(self::$conn, $fs->getLocalFile('/Downloads/' . $pathinfo['basename']), $path, FTP_BINARY); while($ret == FTP_MOREDATA){ $received += $fs->filesize('/Downloads/' . $pathinfo['basename']); if($received >= $size){ $percent = 100; }else{ $percent = @round(($received/$size)*100, 2); } if($received > $last + $chunkSize){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setProgressBarProgress($percent); $last = $received; } usleep(100); $ret = ftp_nb_continue(self::$conn); } if($ret != FTP_FINISHED){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setError($l->t('Download error')); self::closeConnection(); exit(); }else{ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setProgressBarProgress(100); OC_ocDownloader::setUserHistory($pathinfo['basename'], 1); } self::closeConnection(); }catch(exception $e){ OC_ocDownloaderPB::setError($l->t('Unknown error')); } }