Ejemplo n.º 1

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 30 * 60);
session_set_cookie_params(30 * 60);
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/nibble-flash-messaging/Flash.class.php';
$flash = Flash::getInstance();
$flash->message('Simple message example');
$flash->flashMessage('Message content goes here, 5s lifetime', 'Message title goes here', 5000);
$flash->message('Sticky error message', 'Sticky message', 0, true, 'error');
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/nibble-forms/NibbleForm.class.php';
$form = NibbleForm::getInstance('', 'Submit this form', 'post', true, 'flash');
$form->username = new Text('Please enter your username', true, 20, '/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/');
$form->email = new Email('Please enter your email', false);
$form->email->addConfirmation('Please confirm your email');
$form->captcha = new Captcha();
/*$form->password = new Password('Please enter your password', 11, true, true, 12);
  $form->password->addConfirmation('Please confirm your password');
  $form->checkbox = new Checkbox('Please select one of the following', array(
    'One' => 'Choice one, dont choose',
    'car' => 'Choice two',
    'Choice three',
    'Choice four'
  $form->select = new MultipleSelect('Please select at least two of the following', array(
    'One'=>'Choice one',
    'Choice two',
    'Choice three'
 public function addConfirmation($label, $open_field = false, $close_field = false, $open_html = false, $close_html = false)
     $form = NibbleForm::getInstance();
     if ($form->checkField('confirm_password')) {
         $i = 2;
         while ($form->checkField('confirm_password_' . $i)) {
         $form->{'confirm_password_' . $i} = new Password($label, $this->min_length, $this->alphanumeric, $this->required, $this->max_length, $this->content);
         $form->{'confirm_password_' . $i}->customHtml($open_field, $close_field, $open_html, $close_html);
         $this->confirm = 'confirm_password_' . $i;
     } else {
         $form->confirm_password = new Password($label, $this->min_length, $this->alphanumeric, $this->required, $this->max_length, $this->content);
         $form->confirm_password->customHtml($open_field, $close_field, $open_html, $close_html);
         $this->confirm = 'confirm_password';
Ejemplo n.º 3

$form = NibbleForm::getInstance('/admin', 'Submit me', 'post', true, 'flash', 'list');
$form->username = new Text('Please enter your username');
$form->username->errorMessage('Dont be silly buddy');
$form->email = new password('Please enter your email', 6, true, false);
$form->email->addConfirmation('Please confirm your email', '', '</ul></li>');
$form->email->customHtml('<li><ul class="inline-list">', '');
$form->image = new File('Please upload an image', 'image', true, 1000000, 1600, 1600, 300, 300);
$form->image->errorMessage('Duh, monkey man!');
$form->addData(array('username' => 'Luke'));