Ejemplo n.º 1

    <a class="button-secondary" href="admin.php?page=newsletter_users_edit&amp;id=<?php 
        echo $s->id;
        $controls->button_confirm('remove', 'Remove', 'Proceed?', $s->id);

        //$controls->button('status', 'Confirm', 'newsletter_set_status(this.form,' . $s->id . ',\'C\')');
        //$controls->button('status', 'Unconfirm', 'newsletter_set_status(this.form,' . $s->id . ',\'S\')');

        $controls->button_confirm('resend', 'Resend confirmation', 'Proceed?', $s->id);
        $controls->button_confirm('resend_welcome', 'Resend welcome', 'Proceed?', $s->id);
Ejemplo n.º 2


        <p class="submit">
if ($nc->data['status'] != 'sending') {
    $nc->button('save', 'Save');
if ($nc->data['status'] != 'sending') {
    $nc->button_confirm('test', 'Save and test', 'Save and send test emails to test addresses?');

if ($nc->data['status'] == 'new') {
    $nc->button_confirm('send', 'Send', 'Start a real delivery?');
if ($nc->data['status'] == 'sending') {
    $nc->button_confirm('pause', 'Pause', 'Pause the delivery?');
if ($nc->data['status'] == 'paused') {
Ejemplo n.º 3

            <a href="<?php 
echo $module->get_admin_page_url('theme');
" class="button"><?php 
_e('New newsletter', 'newsletter');
$controls->button_confirm('delete_selected', __('Delete selected newsletters', 'newsletter'), __('Proceed?', 'newsletter'));
$controls->button('send', __('Trigger the delivery engine', 'newsletter'));
        <table class="widefat" style="width: auto">
_e('Subject', 'newsletter');
Ejemplo n.º 4
                        <th>Subscription form style</th>
$controls->select('style', $module->get_styles());
                        <th>Widget style</th>
$controls->select('widget_style', $module->get_styles());


$controls->button_confirm('reset', 'Reset all', 'Are you sure you want to reset all?');

Ejemplo n.º 5

    <form method="post" action="" id="newsletter-form">

        <p class="submit">
if ($email['status'] != 'sending' && $email['status'] != 'sent') {
    $controls->button('save', 'Save');
if ($email['status'] != 'sending' && $email['status'] != 'sent') {
    $controls->button_confirm('test', 'Save and test', 'Save and send test emails to test addresses?');

if ($email['status'] == 'new') {
    $controls->button_confirm('send', 'Send', 'Start a real delivery?');
if ($email['status'] == 'sending') {
    $controls->button_confirm('pause', 'Pause', 'Pause the delivery?');
if ($email['status'] == 'paused') {
Ejemplo n.º 6

    <a class="button-secondary" href="<?php 
    echo $module->get_admin_page_url('edit');
    echo $s->id;
    _e('Edit', 'newsletter-users');
    $controls->button_confirm('remove', __('Remove', 'newsletter-users'), __('Proceed?', 'newsletter-users'), $s->id);

    //$controls->button('status', 'Confirm', 'newsletter_set_status(this.form,' . $s->id . ',\'C\')');
    //$controls->button('status', 'Unconfirm', 'newsletter_set_status(this.form,' . $s->id . ',\'S\')');

    $controls->button_confirm('resend', __('Resend confirmation', 'newsletter-users'), __('Proceed?', 'newsletter-users'), $s->id);
    $controls->button_confirm('resend_welcome', __('Resend welcome', 'newsletter-users'), __('Proceed?', 'newsletter-users'), $s->id);
Ejemplo n.º 7
_e('Total collected emails', 'newsletter');
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . NEWSLETTER_USERS_TABLE);
            <td nowrap>
$controls->button_confirm('remove_all', __('Delete all', 'newsletter'), __('Are you sure you want to remove ALL subscribers?', 'newsletter'));
_e('Confirmed', 'newsletter');
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . NEWSLETTER_USERS_TABLE . " where status='C'");
            <td nowrap>
Ejemplo n.º 8
        <li><a href="#tabs-4">Bounces</a></li>

      <div id="tabs-1">
        <table class="widefat" style="width: 300px;">
            <td>Total in database</td>
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . NEWSLETTER_USERS_TABLE);
            <td nowrap>
$controls->button_confirm('remove_all', 'Delete all', 'Are you sure you want to remove ALL subscribers?');
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . NEWSLETTER_USERS_TABLE . " where status='C'");
            <td nowrap>
$controls->button_confirm('unconfirm_all', 'Unconfirm all', 'Are you sure? No way back.');
Ejemplo n.º 9
$controls->init(array('cookie_name' => 'newsletter_emails_edit_tab'));

        <p class="submit">
if ($email['status'] != 'sending') {
if ($email['status'] != 'sending' && $email['status'] != 'sent') {
    $controls->button_confirm('test', 'Save and test', 'Save and send test emails to test addresses?');

if ($email['status'] == 'new') {
    $controls->button_confirm('send', __('Send', 'newsletter'), __('Start real delivery?', 'newsletter'));
if ($email['status'] == 'sending') {
    $controls->button_confirm('pause', __('Pause', 'newsletter'), __('Pause the delivery?', 'newsletter'));
if ($email['status'] == 'paused') {
Ejemplo n.º 10
    //$controls->button('unconvert', 'Unconvert (DEBUG)');

            <a href="<?php 
echo $module->get_admin_page_url('theme');
" class="button">New message</a>
$controls->button_confirm('delete_selected', 'Delete selected messages', 'Proceed?');
$controls->button('send', 'Trigger the delivery engine');
        <table class="widefat" style="width: auto">
Ejemplo n.º 11
                        controller that will kill PHP scripts if they run too long (like
                        fastcgi). Time limit can be a problem while using external SMTPs, if they are slow. Newsletter
                        Pro, while sending, continously check the time limit and stops it self as the timeout is approaching.
            <tr valign="top">
                <th>Memory limit</th>
echo @ini_get('memory_limit');
                    <div class="hints">
                        Newsletter Pro tries (as does WordPress on admin side) to raise the memory limit to
                        256 megabytes while sending.


        <p class="submit">
$nc->button_confirm('remove', 'Totally remove this plugin', 'Really sure to totally remove this plugin. All data will be lost!');

Ejemplo n.º 12

            <a href="<?php 
echo $module->get_admin_page_url('theme');
" class="button"><?php 
_e('New newsletter', 'newsletter-emails');
$controls->button_confirm('delete_selected', __('Delete selected newsletters', 'newsletter-emails'), __('Proceed?', 'newsletter-emails'));
$controls->button('send', __('Trigger the delivery engine', 'newsletter-emails'));
        <table class="widefat" style="width: auto">
_e('Subject', 'newsletter');
Ejemplo n.º 13
                    <td colspan="2"><h3><?php 
_e('Import already registered users', 'newsletter');
_e('Import with status', 'newsletter');
$controls->select('align_wp_users_status', array('C' => __('Confirmed', 'newsletter'), 'S' => __('Not confirmed', 'newsletter')));
$controls->button_confirm('align_wp_users', __('Import', 'newsletter'), __('Proceed?', 'newsletter'));
                        <p class="description">
                            <a href="http://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/plugins/newsletter/subscribers-module#import-wp-users" target="_blank">
_e('Please, carefully read the documentation before taking this action!', 'newsletter');
Ejemplo n.º 14
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . $wpdb->prefix . "newsletter where status='C'");
                <td nowrap>
                <td>Not confirmed</td>
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . $wpdb->prefix . "newsletter where status='S'");
                <td nowrap>
$nc->button_confirm('remove_unconfirmed', 'Delete all not confirmed', 'Are you sure you want to delete ALL not confirmed subscribers?');
$nc->button_confirm('confirm_all', 'Confirm all', 'Are you sure you want to mark ALL subscribers as confirmed?');
                <td>Subscribed to feed by mail</td>
                <td nowrap>
echo $wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from " . $wpdb->prefix . "newsletter where status='C' and feed=1");
                    (only for <a href="http://www.satollo.net/plugins/newsletter" target="_blank">Newsletter Pro</a>)
                <td nowrap>