Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param string $mode
  * @param string $path
  * @param bool   $recursive
  * @return bool
 public function chmod($mode, $path, $recursive = false)
     switch ($this->_connType) {
         case SftpHelper::TYPE_SFTP:
             $res = $this->_connection->chmod($mode, $path, $recursive);
         case SftpHelper::TYPE_FTP:
             if ($recursive) {
                 Log::throwException('Recursive not supported for chmod in ftp mode');
             $res = @ftp_chmod($this->_connection, $mode, $path);
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function mkdir($dir)
     return $this->ftp->mkdir($dir) && $this->ftp->chmod($this->permDir, $dir);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Chamge mode of a directory or a file
 public function chmod($filename, $mode)
     return $this->_connection->chmod($mode, $filename);
Ejemplo n.º 4
//ssh connect to cr2g server
$ssh = new Net_SSH2('cr2g01.cs.utep.edu', 22);
if (!$ssh->login('rlgruver', 'utep$2015')) {
    exit('ssh Login Failed');
//attempted to set an ssh timeout, not allowed on UTEP server
//sftp connect to cr2g server
$sftp = new Net_SFTP('cr2g01.cs.utep.edu', 22);
if (!$sftp->login('rlgruver', 'utep$2015')) {
    exit('sftp Login Failed');
//send input file to cr2g server
$sftp->mkdir('/code/spopt-stable/tests/' . $session);
$sftp->put($remoteInputFile, $localInputFile, NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE);
$sftp->chmod(0777, $remoteInputFile);
//execute python script in this order to run the Solver:
//1. change to directory where solver script is located
$ssh->write("cd /code/spopt-stable\n");
//2. 'read' command to ensure script is called from the proper directory
//3. run the solver script with the test from the current session
$ssh->write("python SpOpt.py tests/" . $session . "/input.txt\n");
//start timerin case anything gets stuck, will break within 120 minutes (7200 sec)
$starttime = time();
//ssh will break within 120 minutes (7200 sec) regardless of execution status
while ($ssh->isConnected()) {
    $now = time() - $starttime;
    if ($now > 7200) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * This method is called to set metadata on the stream. It is called when one of the following functions is called on a stream URL:
  * - touch()
  * - chmod()
  * - chown()
  * - chgrp()
  * Changes stream options
  * @param String $path
  * @param Integer $option
  * @param mixed $var
  * @return bool
  * @access public
 public function stream_metadata($path, $option, $var)
     $connection = $this->stream_open($path, NULL, NULL, $opened_path);
     if ($connection === false) {
         return FALSE;
     switch ($option) {
         case 1:
             // PHP_STREAM_META_TOUCH
             $touch = $this->sftp->touch($this->path, $var[1], $var[0]);
             return $touch;
         case 2:
             return FALSE;
         case 3:
             // PHP_STREAM_META_OWNER
             $chown = $this->sftp->chown($this->path, $var);
             return $chown;
         case 4:
             return FALSE;
         case 5:
             // PHP_STREAM_META_GROUP
             $chgrp = $this->sftp->chgrp($this->path, $var);
             return $chgrp;
         case 6:
             // PHP_STREAM_META_ACCESS
             $chmod = $this->sftp->chmod($var, $this->path);
             return $chmod;
             return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function executeLinux()
     if (strlen($this->shellScripts['user']) > 0 or count($this->shellScripts['server']) > 0) {
         $sftpObject = new Net_SFTP($this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2IP'], $this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2Port']);
         $ssh2Pass = $this->getKeyAndOrPassword();
         $loginReturn = $sftpObject->login($this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2User'], $ssh2Pass);
         if ($loginReturn) {
             $this->commandReturns[] = $sftpObject->put('/home/' . $this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2User'] . '/temp/userCud-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh', $this->shellScripts['user']);
             $this->commandReturns[] = $sftpObject->chmod(0700, '/home/' . $this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2User'] . '/temp/userCud-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh');
             foreach ($this->shellScripts['server'] as $fileName => $scriptContent) {
                 $this->commandReturns[] = 'script added: ' . $fileName;
                 $this->commandReturns[] = $sftpObject->put($fileName, $scriptContent);
             // Files have been created, now login with SSH2 and execute the gobal script
             $sshObject = new Net_SSH2($this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2IP'], $this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2Port']);
             if ($sshObject->login($this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2User'], $ssh2Pass)) {
                 $this->commandReturns[] = $sshObject->exec('/home/' . $this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2User'] . '/temp/userCud-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh & ');
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private function linuxSshConnectAndExecute($updating, $getReturn, $ssh2Pass)
     $sftpObject = new Net_SFTP($this->sship, $this->sshport);
     $loginReturn = $sftpObject->login($this->sshuser, $ssh2Pass);
     if ($loginReturn) {
         $sftpObject->put('/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/master-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh', $this->shellScript);
         $sftpObject->chmod(0700, '/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/master-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh');
         // File has been created, now login with SSH2 and execute the script
         $sshObject = new Net_SSH2($this->sship, $this->sshport);
         if ($sshObject->login($this->sshuser, $ssh2Pass)) {
             if ($updating === true) {
                 $removeLogs = $this->removeUpdateLogs();
                 if ($removeLogs !== false) {
                     $sftpObject->put('/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/remove-update-logs-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh', $removeLogs);
                     $sftpObject->chmod(0700, '/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/remove-update-logs-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh');
                     $sshObject->exec('/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/remove-update-logs-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh & ');
             if ($getReturn === false) {
                 $sshObject->exec('/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/master-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh & ');
                 return true;
             return $sshObject->exec('/home/' . $this->sshuser . '/temp/master-' . $this->uniqueHex . '.sh');
     return false;
$remote_sauce = "/home/" . $_POST['username'] . "/sauce/";
$remote_sauce_src = "/home/" . $_POST['username'] . "/sauce/src/";
$remote_location = $remote_sauce_src . $ctinfo[1];
$file_size = filesize($build_location);
if (file_exists($build_location)) {
    $sftp = new Net_SFTP($sinfo[0]);
    $key = new Crypt_RSA();
    if (!$sftp->login('root', $key)) {
        $error[] = "Login Failed";
    } else {
        $debug[] = $sftp->mkdir($remote_sauce);
        $debug[] = $sftp->mkdir($remote_sauce_src);
        $debug[] = $sftp->put($remote_location, $file_size);
        $debug[] = $sftp->put($remote_location, $build_location, NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE);
        $debug[] = $sftp->chmod(0755, $remote_location);
        echo "Daemon uploaded!";
} else {
    //if file doesnt exist, check in the database to see if we can borrow from another server ;)
    $error[] = "Unable to find coind file in the /builds folder.";
echo '
<form action=coinds.add-do.step5.php method=post>
<input type=hidden name=templateid value="' . $_POST['templateid'] . '" />
<input type=hidden name=serverid value="' . $_POST['serverid'] . '" />
<input type=hidden name=username value="' . $_POST['username'] . '" />
<input type=hidden name=rpc_user value="' . $_POST['rpc_user'] . '" />
<input type=hidden name=rpc_password value="' . $_POST['rpc_password'] . '" />