Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
 * @version $Id$
function users_register($module, &$content)
    PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Permission.php');
    PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'My_Page.php');
    $no_permissions = $no_my_page = FALSE;
    $result = Users_Permission::createPermissions($module);
    if (is_null($result)) {
        PHPWS_Boost::addLog('users', dgettext('users', 'Permissions file not implemented.'));
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'Permissions file not implemented.');
        $no_permissions = TRUE;
    } elseif (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) {
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'Permissions table not created successfully.');
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'Permissions table created successfully.');
    $result = My_Page::registerMyPage($module);
    if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) {
        PHPWS_Boost::addLog('users', dgettext('users', 'A problem occurred when trying to register this module to My Page.'));
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'A problem occurred when trying to register this module to My Page.');
        return FALSE;
    } elseif ($result != FALSE) {
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'My Page registered to Users module.');
    } else {
        $no_my_page = TRUE;
    // If the module doesn't have permissions or a My Page
    // then don't register the module
    if ($no_permissions && $no_my_page) {
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function main()
     $auth = Current_User::getAuthorization();
     if (!Current_User::isLogged() || !$auth->local_user) {
     $result = $this->init();
     if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) {
         Layout::add(PHPWS_ControlPanel::display(dgettext('users', 'The is a problem with My Page.')));
     } elseif (!$result) {
         Layout::add(PHPWS_ControlPanel::display(dgettext('users', 'No modules are registered to My Page.')));
     $panel = My_Page::cpanel();
     $module = $panel->getCurrentTab();
     if (!$this->moduleIsRegistered($module)) {
         Layout::add(dgettext('users', 'This module is not registered with My Page'));
     $content = My_Page::userOption($module);
     if (PHPWS_Error::isError($content)) {
         $content = $content->getMessage();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function user_form()
     $form = new PHPWS_Form();
     My_Page::addHidden($form, 'layout');
     $form->addHidden('lo_command', 'save_settings');
     $css = Layout::getAlternateStyles();
     if ($css) {
         $form->addSelect('alternate', $css);
         $form->setMatch('alternate', PHPWS_Cookie::read('layout_style'));
         $form->setLabel('alternate', dgettext('layout', 'Available styles'));
         $form->addSubmit(dgettext('layout', 'Save settings'));
     } else {
         $blank = dgettext('layout', 'No alternate style sheets available.');
         return $blank;
     $template = $form->getTemplate();
     return PHPWS_Template::process($template, 'layout', 'user_form.tpl');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
 * @version $Id$
function users_unregister($module, &$content)
    PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Permission.php');
    PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'My_Page.php');
    $result = Users_Permission::removePermissions($module);
    if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) {
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'Permissions table not removed successfully.');
        return FALSE;
    } elseif ($result) {
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'Permissions table removed successfully.');
    $result = My_Page::unregisterMyPage($module);
    if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) {
        PHPWS_Boost::addLog('users', dgettext('users', 'A problem occurred when trying to unregister this module from My Page.'));
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'A problem occurred when trying to unregister this module from My Page.');
        return FALSE;
    } elseif ($result != FALSE) {
        $content[] = dgettext('users', 'My Page unregistered from Users module.');
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
 * @version $Id$
function layout_update(&$content, $currentVersion)
    switch ($currentVersion) {
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.2.0', '<'):
            $content[] = 'This package will not update versions under 2.2.0.';
            return false;
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.2.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '+ Fixed improper sql call in update_220.sql file.';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.3.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            if (PHPWS_Boost::updateFiles(array('conf/config.php', 'conf/error.php'), 'layout')) {
                $content[] = 'Updated conf/config.php and conf/error.php file.';
            } else {
                $content[] = 'Unable to update conf/config.php and conf/error.php file.';
            $content[] = '
2.3.0 changes
+ Removed references from object constructors.
+ Added the plug function to allow users to inject content directly
  into a theme.
+ Added translate functions.
+ Layout now looks for and includes a theme\'s theme.php file.
+ Fixed unauthorized access.
+ Added XML mode to config.php file. Puts Layout in XHTML+XML content mode.
+ Added missing media parameters to XML mode.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.0', '<'):
            $files = array('img/layout.png', 'templates/no_cookie.tpl');
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            if (PHPWS_Boost::updateFiles($files, 'layout')) {
                $content[] = '--- Successfully updated the following files:';
            } else {
                $content[] = '--- Was unable to copy the following files:';
            $content[] = '     ' . implode("\n     ", $files);
            $content[] = '
2.4.0 changes
+ Layout now checks and forces a user to enable cookies on their
+ Rewrote Javascript detection. Was buggy before as session
  destruction could disrupt it.
+ Added German translations
+ Updated language functions
+ Fixed: bug in Layout confused a user\'s style sheet settings after
  the theme was changed.
+ Rewrote theme change code.
+ Added ability to force theme on layout settings construction.
+ Changed Control Panel icon
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.1', '<'):
            $files = array('conf/config.php');
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            if (PHPWS_Boost::updateFiles($files, 'layout')) {
                $content[] = '--- Successfully updated the following files:';
            } else {
                $content[] = '--- Was unable to copy the following files:';
            $content[] = '     ' . implode("\n     ", $files);
            $content[] = '
2.4.1 changes
+ Bug #1741111 - Fixed moving a top box up and a bottom box down.
+ The cookie check is not determined by a define in the config file.
+ The cookie check was interfering with the rss feed. Cut off the page
  too quickly. Moved cookie check to the close.php file.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/arrange.tpl', 'conf/error.php', 'templates/move_box_select.tpl');
            layoutUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/layout/boost/changes/2_4_2.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.3', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.4.3 changes
+ nakedDisplay now allows a choice whether to use the blank template
  or not when it wraps. Default is to not.
+ Fixed noCache.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('layout_config');
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->dropTableColumn('userAllow'))) {
                $content[] = '--- An error occurred when trying to drop the userAllow column from the layout_config table.';
            } else {
                $content[] = '--- Dropped the userAllow column from the layout_config table.';
            layoutUpdateFiles(array('templates/user_form.tpl'), $content);
            $content[] = '2.4.4 changes
+ Dropped unused column from config table.
+ Added collapse function. Adds id="layout-collapse" to theme template
  under the {COLLAPSE} tag.
+ Changed method of checking for javascript status. Less chance for
+ Fixed notice.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.5', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('layout_config');
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->addTableColumn('deity_reload', 'smallint not null default 0'))) {
                $content[] = 'Could not create layout_config.deity_reload column.';
                return false;
            } else {
                $content[] = 'Added layout_config.deity_reload column.';
            layoutUpdateFiles(array('templates/metatags.tpl', 'conf/config.php'), $content);
            $content[] = '2.4.5 changes
+ Added option to use a Key\'s summary or title to fill in the meta
+ Added new cacheHeader function to retain javascript and css
  information should a module return cached content before the above
  can be established.
+ Deities can now move a box to a theme locked area.
+ Added LAYOUT_IGNORE_JS_CHECK to force javascript use.
+ PHP 5 formatted';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.6', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.4.6 changes
+ Fix to cache headers
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.7', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            layoutUpdateFiles(array('templates/themes.tpl'), $content);
            $content[] = '2.4.7 changes
+ Added option to layout theme tab to disable or order module style
  sheet inclusion.
+ Can enable box move from mini admin
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.8', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.4.8 changes
+ Bug#2424256 - Removed browser check to use @import on style sheets.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.5.0 changes
+ Icon class used.
+ Change of template directories to conform with core hub/branch change.
+ PHP 5 strict fixes.
+ New javascript detection method.
+ Default theme is now simple.
+ Allow admin to use hub or local themes.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.5.1 changes
+ Eloi George javascript patch applied
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.5.2 changes
+ Eloi George templating patch added.
+ Fixed silent javascript failure.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.3', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.5.3 changes
+ Added HTTP tag for theming. Assists with http vs https
+ HOME_URL also added for theming.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.5.4 changes
+ Static notice corrected.
+ Page title can be changed from miniadmin
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.5', '<'):
            require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/class/My_Page.php';
            $content[] = '<pre>2.5.5 changes
+ Unregister My Page
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.0', '<'):
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>2.6.0 changes
+ Removed Layout\\'s caching code.
+ Fixed layout's problem with locked content variables.
+ Fixed: Content without a content_var was overwriting previously unlabeled content.
+ Added Layout method includeJavascript. Shortcut for script inclusion over addJSHeader.
+ Added Font Awesome icons.
+ Reworded box move command in miniadmin.
+ Removed deprecated ckeditor function.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.1', '<'):
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>2.6.1 changes
+ Added THEME_HTTP to the Layout wrap function.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.0', '<'):
            if (PHPWS_Core::moduleExists('block')) {
                $db = Database::newDB();
                $t = $db->addTable('layout_config');
                $config_result = $db->selectOneRow();
                if (!empty($config_result['header'])) {
                    $header_block = new Block_Item();
                    $header_block->title = 'Layout header';
                    $header_block->content = $_SESSION['Layout_Settings']->header;
                    $header_block->hide_title = true;
                if (!empty($config_result['footer'])) {
                    $footer_block = new Block_Item();
                    $footer_block->title = 'Layout footer';
                    $footer_block->content = $_SESSION['Layout_Settings']->footer;
                    $footer_block->hide_title = true;
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>2.7.0 changes
+ Removed header and footer. Moved data to Blocks.
+ Fixed some admin forms
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
     * Controller of user requests. Based on the command request variable
     * defaults to my_page
    public static function userAction()
        $auth = Current_User::getAuthorization();
        $content = $title = null;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['command'])) {
            $command = $_REQUEST['command'];
        } else {
            $command = 'my_page';
        switch ($command) {
            case 'login':
                if (!Current_User::isLogged() && isset($_POST['phpws_username']) && isset($_POST['phpws_password'])) {
                    $result = Current_User::loginUser($_POST['phpws_username'], $_POST['phpws_password']);
                    // here
                    if (!$result) {
                        $title = dgettext('users', 'Login page');
                        $message = dgettext('users', 'Username and password combination not found.');
                        $content = User_Form::loginPage();
                    } elseif (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) {
                        if (preg_match('/L\\d/', $result->code)) {
                            $title = dgettext('users', 'Sorry');
                            $content = $result->getMessage();
                            $content .= ' ' . sprintf('<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>', PHPWS_User::getUserSetting('site_contact'), dgettext('users', 'Contact the site administrator'));
                        } else {
                            $message = dgettext('users', 'A problem occurred when accessing user information. Please try again later.');
                    } else {
                } else {
                // This is used by auth scripts if they need to return the user to
                // where they left off after redirection to another site for SSO
            // This is used by auth scripts if they need to return the user to
            // where they left off after redirection to another site for SSO
            case 'return_bookmark':
                // reset user password
            // reset user password
            case 'rp':
                $user_id = User_Action::checkResetPassword();
                if ($user_id) {
                    $title = dgettext('users', 'Reset my password');
                    $content = User_Form::resetPassword($user_id, $_GET['auth']);
                } else {
                    $title = dgettext('users', 'Sorry');
                    $content = dgettext('users', 'Your password request was not found or timed out. Please apply again.');
            case 'my_page':
                if ($auth->local_user) {
                    PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'My_Page.php');
                    $my_page = new My_Page();
                } else {
                    Layout::add(PHPWS_ControlPanel::display(dgettext('users', 'My Page unavailable to remote users.'), 'my_page'));
            case 'signup_user':
                $title = dgettext('users', 'New Account Sign-up');
                if (Current_User::isLogged()) {
                    $content = dgettext('users', 'You already have an account.');
                $user = new PHPWS_User();
                if (PHPWS_User::getUserSetting('new_user_method') == 0) {
                    $content = dgettext('users', 'Sorry, we are not accepting new users at this time.');
                $content = User_Form::signup_form($user);
            case 'submit_new_user':
                $title = dgettext('users', 'New Account Sign-up');
                $user_method = PHPWS_User::getUserSetting('new_user_method');
                if ($user_method == 0) {
                    Current_User::disallow(dgettext('users', 'New user signup not allowed.'));
                $user = new PHPWS_User();
                $result = User_Action::postNewUser($user);
                if (is_array($result)) {
                    $content = User_Form::signup_form($user, $result);
                } else {
                    $content = User_Action::successfulSignup($user);
            case 'logout':
                $auth = Current_User::getAuthorization();
            case 'login_page':
                if (Current_User::isLogged()) {
                $title = dgettext('users', 'Login Page');
                $content = User_Form::loginPage();
            case 'confirm_user':
                if (Current_User::isLogged()) {
                if (User_Action::confirmUser()) {
                    $title = dgettext('users', 'Welcome!');
                    $content = dgettext('users', 'Your account has been successfully activated. Please log in.');
                } else {
                    $title = dgettext('users', 'Sorry');
                    $content = dgettext('users', 'This authentication does not exist.<br />
 If you did not log in within the time frame specified in your email, please apply for another account.');
            case 'forgot_password':
                if (Current_User::isLogged()) {
                $title = dgettext('users', 'Forgot Password');
                $content = User_Form::forgotForm();
            case 'post_forgot':
                $title = dgettext('users', 'Forgot Password');
                if (ALLOW_CAPTCHA) {
                    if (!Captcha::verify()) {
                        $content = dgettext('users', 'Captcha information was incorrect.');
                        $content .= User_Form::forgotForm();
                    } else {
                        if (!User_Action::postForgot($content)) {
                            $content .= User_Form::forgotForm();
                } elseif (!User_Action::postForgot($content)) {
                    $content .= User_Form::forgotForm();
            case 'reset_pw':
                $pw_result = User_Action::finishResetPW();
                switch ($pw_result) {
                    case PHPWS_Error::isError($pw_result):
                        $title = dgettext('users', 'Reset my password');
                        $content = dgettext('users', 'Passwords were not acceptable for the following reason:');
                        $content .= '<br />' . $pw_result->getmessage() . '<br />';
                        $content .= User_Form::resetPassword($_POST['user_id'], $_POST['authhash']);
                    case 0:
                        $title = dgettext('users', 'Sorry');
                        $content = dgettext('users', 'A problem occurred when trying to update your password. Please try again later.');
                    case 1:
        if (isset($message)) {
            $tag['MESSAGE'] = $message;
        if (isset($title)) {
            $tag['TITLE'] = $title;
        if (isset($content)) {
            $tag['CONTENT'] = $content;
        if (isset($tag)) {
            $final = PHPWS_Template::process($tag, 'users', 'user_main.tpl');