Ejemplo n.º 1
function parseFile($file, $type)
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $sql->connect('', 'root', 'root');
    $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($type);
    $chunkSize = 200;
    $i = 1;
    $r = array();
    for ($startRow = 0; $startRow <= 5000; $startRow += $chunkSize + 1) {
        $chunkFilter = new chunkReadFilter($startRow, $chunkSize);
        $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file);
        $data = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray();
        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
            if ($data[$k][0] == '') {
            } else {
                $sql->insert('price_liga', array('id' => $i, 'cat_num' => $data[$k][0], 'brand' => ucwords(strtolower($data[$k][1])), 'article' => $data[$k][2], 'descr' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $data[$k][3]), 'model' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $data[$k][4]), 'size' => $data[$k][5], 'price' => $data[$k][6], 'amount' => $data[$k][8]), true);
    return array('counter' => $i);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function parseFile($file, $type)
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $sql->connect('', 'root', 'root');
    $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($type);
    $chunkSize = 200;
    $i = 1;
    for ($startRow = 0; $startRow <= 5000; $startRow += $chunkSize + 1) {
        $chunkFilter = new chunkReadFilter($startRow, $chunkSize);
        $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file);
        $data = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray();
        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
            if (trim($data[$k][0]) == 'Артикул' || $data[$k][3] == '' || strstr($data[$k][3], 'камера') || $data[$k][7] == '') {
            } else {
                $descr = str_replace('Ш', 'xSTUDEDx', trim($data[$k][3]));
                $descr = preg_replace('/[а-яА-Я]/', '', $descr);
                $sql->insert('price_v8', array('id' => $i, 'article' => trim($data[$k][0]), 'descr' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $descr), 'cat_num' => trim($data[$k][6]), 'season' => trim($data[$k][7]), 'price' => trim($data[$k][9]), 'amount' => trim(preg_replace('/[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z]{0,}/', '', $data[$k][10]))), true);
    return array('counter' => $i);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function validationmail($email)
    require_once 'mysql/mysql.php';
    require 'mysql/mysql_settings.php';
    //Build mysql connection
    $mysql = new MySQL($mysql_user, $mysql_pw, $mysql_server, $mysql_db);
    //Create request
    $request = 'INSERT INTO validationmails(email) VALUES ("' . $email . '");';
    //Perform request
    $response = $mysql->insert($request);
    //Check if request was successfull
    if (!$response) {
        $echo = mysqli_error($mysql->getCon());
    } else {
        $id = $mysql->insert_id;
    return email($email, '
			Hi ' . $user . ',
			um loszulegen klick einfach auf den Link und los geht\'s!
			http://fragdichab.de/?p=1&id=' . $id . '&req=validation
			Sch�ne Gr��e,
			Ruben & Jannes
			', 'Bestaetigungsmail');
Ejemplo n.º 4
function register($email, $password, $username)
    require_once 'mysql/mysql.php';
    require 'mysql/mysql_settings.php';
     * Establish new connection
     * Check if email is already registered
     * If so give out failure message, otherwise give out success
    $mysql = new MySQL($mysql_user, $mysql_pw, $mysql_server, $mysql_db);
     *Check if email is registered
    $request = 'SELECT user.idUser FROM user WHERE user.email="' . $email . '";';
    $response = $mysql->request($request);
    $response = json_decode(json_encode($response), true);
    //If so return failure message
    if (!empty($response)) {
        $echo = 'invalid email';
        return $echo;
     * If not put user into database
    $request = 'INSERT INTO user(name,password,email,valid) VALUES ("' . $username . '","' . $password . '","' . $email . '",0);';
    $response = $mysql->insert($request);
    //Check if insertion worked out
    if (!$response) {
        $echo = mysqli_error($mysql->getCon());
    } else {
        $echo = 'done';
    //Return result
    return $echo;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function signup($user)
     $mysql = new MySQL();
     $id = $mysql->insert("user", $user);
     return $id;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function insertDiscuss($disObj)
     $mysql = new MySQL();
     $res = $mysql->insert("page_discs", $disObj);
     return $res;
  * This function will compress data for storage in `tbl_cache`.
  * It is left to the user to define a unique hash for this data so that it can be
  * retrieved in the future. Optionally, a `$ttl` parameter can
  * be passed for this data. If this is omitted, it data is considered to be valid
  * forever. This function utilizes the Mutex class to act as a crude locking
  * mechanism.
  * @see toolkit.Mutex
  * @param string $hash
  *  The hash of the Cached object, as defined by the user
  * @param string $data
  *  The data to be cached, this will be compressed prior to saving.
  * @param integer $ttl
  *  A integer representing how long the data should be valid for in seconds.
  *  By default this is null, meaning the data is valid forever
  * @return boolean
  *  If an error occurs, this function will return false otherwise true
 public function write($hash, $data, $ttl = null)
     if (!Mutex::acquire($hash, 2, TMP)) {
         return false;
     $creation = time();
     $expiry = null;
     $ttl = intval($ttl);
     if ($ttl > 0) {
         $expiry = $creation + $ttl * 60;
     if (!($data = $this->compressData($data))) {
         return false;
     $this->Database->insert(array('hash' => $hash, 'creation' => $creation, 'expiry' => $expiry, 'data' => $data), 'tbl_cache');
     Mutex::release($hash, TMP);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function testFlush()
     $connection = new MySQL(self::$pdo);
     $data1 = array('id' => 1, 'username' => 'username1');
     $data2 = array('id' => 2, 'username' => 'username2');
     $data3 = array('id' => 3, 'username' => 'username3');
     $connection->insert('user', $data1);
     $connection->insert('user', $data2);
     $connection->insert('user', $data3);
     $stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM user');
     $count = $stmt->fetchColumn();
     $this->assertEquals(3, $count);
     $stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM user');
     $count = $stmt->fetchColumn();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $count);
Ejemplo n.º 9
function parseFile($file, $type)
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $sql->connect('', 'root', 'root');
    $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($type);
    $sheets = $objReader->listWorksheetNames($file);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($sheets as $sheet) {
        $chunkSize = 200;
        if (strstr($sheet, 'Шины')) {
            $r = array();
            for ($startRow = 0; $startRow <= 4000; $startRow += $chunkSize + 1) {
                $chunkFilter = new chunkReadFilter($startRow, $chunkSize);
                $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file);
                $data = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray();
                foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                    if ($data[$k][2] == '' || $data[$k][2] == 'Модель') {
                    } else {
                        $season = strstr($data[$k][7], 'Летняя') ? 0 : (strstr($data[$k][7], 'Зимняя') ? 1 : 2);
                        $vtype = strstr($data[$k][8], 'Легковая') ? 0 : (strstr($data[$k][8], 'Грузовая') ? 1 : 2);
                        $stunds = $data[$k][10] == '' || $data[$k][10] == 'Нет' ? 0 : 1;
                        $xl = $data[$k][12] == '' || $data[$k][12] == 'Нет' ? 0 : 1;
                        $runflat = $data[$k][13] == '' || $data[$k][13] == 'Нет' ? 0 : 1;
                        $sql->insert('price_moscow', array('id' => $i, 'article' => trim($data[$k][0]), 'brand' => ucwords(strtolower(trim($data[$k][1]))), 'model' => str_replace("'", "\\'", trim($data[$k][2])), 'width' => trim($data[$k][3]), 'height' => trim($data[$k][4]), 'diameter' => (int) preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]/', '', trim($data[$k][5])), 'weight_speed' => trim($data[$k][6]), 'season' => $season, 'v_type' => $vtype, 'studs' => $stunds, 'xl' => $xl, 'runflat' => $runflat, 'price_rrc' => $data[$k][17], 'price_opt' => $data[$k][18], 'amount' => 0), true);
    return array('counter' => $i);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 $current_city = isset($_POST['city']) ? $_POST['city'] : '';
 $gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? $_POST['gender'] : '';
 $bmonth = isset($_POST['bmonth']) ? $_POST['bmonth'] : '';
 $bday = isset($_POST['bday']) ? $_POST['bday'] : '';
 $byear = isset($_POST['byear']) ? $_POST['byear'] : '';
 if (empty($hometown)) {
     $hometown = $current_city;
 list($firstname, $middlename, $lastname) = split(' ', $name);
 if (!isset($lastname)) {
     $lastname = $middlename;
     $middlename = '';
 try {
     $db = new MySQL();
     $db->insert('login', array('username' => $username, 'access_level' => 1, 'last_login' => date('Y-m-d'), 'date_joined' => date('Y-m-d'), 'logins' => 1));
     $user_id = $db->insertID();
     $db->query('UPDATE login SET pass = PASSWORD("' . mysql_real_escape_string($password) . '") WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id);
     $db->insert('info', array('user_id' => $user_id, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'middlename' => $middlename, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'email' => $email, 'gender' => $gender, 'hometown' => $hometown, 'current_city' => $current_city, 'birth_month' => $bmonth, 'birth_day' => $bday, 'birth_year' => $byear));
     $db->insert('socialhns', array('user_id' => $user_id));
     if (LOCAL) {
         $db->insert('hns_desktop', array('user_id' => $user_id));
         $db->insert('homenetspaces', array('user_id' => $user_id));
     if ($db->affectedRows() == 1) {
         $_SESSION['logged'] = true;
         $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
         $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
         $_SESSION['access_level'] = 1;
         $_SESSION['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d');
         if (isset($middlename) && !empty($middlename)) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
     $community = isset($_POST['city']) ? $_POST['city'] : '';
     $gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? $_POST['gender'] : '';
     $bmonth = isset($_POST['bmonth']) ? $_POST['bmonth'] : '';
     $bday = isset($_POST['bday']) ? $_POST['bday'] : '';
     $byear = isset($_POST['byear']) ? $_POST['byear'] : '';
     if (empty($community)) {
         $community = $hometown;
     list($firstname, $middlename, $lastname) = split(' ', $name);
     if (!$lastname) {
         $lastname = $middlename;
     try {
         $db = new MySQL();
         $db->insert(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'access_level' => 1, 'last_login' => date('Y-m-d'), 'date_joined' => date('Y-m-d'), 'last_login_ip' => $ip), 'login');
         $db->insert(array('user_id' => $db->insertID(), 'firstname' => $firstname, 'middlename' => $middlename, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'email' => $email, 'gender' => $gender, 'hometown' => $hometown, 'community' => $community, 'birth_month' => $bmonth, 'birth_day' => $bday, 'birth_year' => $byear, 'logins' => 1));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
 if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
     if ($_GET['p'] == 'username') {
         try {
             $db = new MySQL();
             $db->query('SELECT username FROM login WHERE username = "******"');
             echo $db->numRows();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
	$db->sfquery(array('SELECT * FROM misc WHERE username = "******" AND pass = PASSWORD("%s") LIMIT 1',$_POST['username'],$_POST['password']));
	if ($db->numRows() > 0) {
		$row = $db->fetchAssocRow();
	} else die('0');
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo $e->getMessage();
} elseif (isset($_POST['register'])) {
$username = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
$password = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : '';
try {
	$db = new MySQL();
	$db->insert('misc', array(
	$user_id = $db->insertID();
	$db->query('UPDATE misc SET pass = PASSWORD("'.mysql_real_escape_string($password).'") WHERE user_id = '.$user_id);
	if ($db->affectedRows() == 1) {
		$_SESSION['logged'] = true;
		$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
		$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
	} else die('false');
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo $e->getMessage();
Ejemplo n.º 13
} else {
    if ($action == 'submit_deljob') {
        $DB = new MySQL(Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['dbname'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['user'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['passwd'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['host'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['port']);
        $sql = "update curweekjob set enable=0 where id=" . $req;
        $ret = $DB->executeSQL($sql);
        if (!$ret) {
            echo json_encode(array('ret' => 'false', '更新失败!'));
        echo json_encode(array('ret' => 'true', '更新成功!'));
    } else {
        if ($action == 'submit_addlastjob') {
            $DB = new MySQL(Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['dbname'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['user'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['passwd'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['host'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['port']);
            $val = array('job' => $req['job'], 'classmate' => $req['classmate'], 'process' => $req['process'], 'teamname' => $req['teamname'], 'plantime' => json_encode($req['plantime']));
            $datatypes = array('str', 'str', 'int', 'str', 'str');
            $ret = $DB->insert("lastweekjob", $val, '', $datatypes);
            if (!$ret) {
                echo json_encode(array('ret' => 'false', '更新失败!'));
            echo json_encode(array('ret' => 'true', '更新成功!'));
        } else {
            if ($action == 'submit_dellastjob') {
                $DB = new MySQL(Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['dbname'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['user'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['passwd'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['host'], Loader::$config['dbconf']['main']['port']);
                $sql = "update lastweekjob set enable=0 where id=" . $req;
                $ret = $DB->executeSQL($sql);
                if (!$ret) {
                    echo json_encode(array('ret' => 'false', '更新失败!'));
                echo json_encode(array('ret' => 'true', '更新成功!'));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        if (defined('UPGRADE')) {
            $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `vm`
	ADD COLUMN `vz_id` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' AFTER `vm_id`,
	ADD INDEX `idx_vz_id` (`vz_id`);

	ADD INDEX `idx_name` (`name`),
	ADD INDEX `idx_language` (`language`),
	ADD INDEX `idx_date_created` (`date_created`);';
        // Create administrator
        if (!defined('UPGRADE')) {
            $db->insert('user', array('is_admin' => 1, 'is_active' => 1, 'name' => $_SESSION['name'], 'email_address' => $_SESSION['email_address'], 'password' => hashed($_SESSION['password']), 'language' => $_SESSION['language'], 'date_created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
        $configurations = '<?php
define(\'INSTALLED\', 1);
define(\'SVMC_VERSION\', \'' . $version . '\');

$config[\'dbHost\'] = \'' . $data->dbHost . '\';
$config[\'dbUser\'] = \'' . $data->dbUser . '\';
$config[\'dbPass\'] = \'' . $data->dbPass . '\';
$config[\'dbName\'] = \'' . $data->dbName . '\';
$config[\'language\'] = \'' . $_SESSION['language'] . '\';
        file_put_contents(ROOT . 'configuration.php', $configurations);
        if (defined('UPGRADE')) {
            $out .= '<h1>' . UPGRADE_COMPLETED . '</h1>
Ejemplo n.º 15
 if ($cat_id == 0) {
     foreach ($GLOBALS['news_cat'] as $cur_cat) {
         if ($cur_cat['web_id'] != $org_id) {
         if ($org_id != $dst_id) {
             $db->update($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_cat", array("web_id" => $dst_id), array("cat_id", "n=", $cur_cat['cat_id']));
         $db->select($pre_org . "news_show", "*", array("cat_id", "n=", $cur_cat['cat_id']), array("order" => "news_id asc"));
         $id_list = array();
         while ($record = $db->GetRS()) {
             $the_id = array();
             $the_id['old'] = $record['news_id'];
             $record['news_id'] = 0;
             $record['web_id'] = $dst_id;
             $db2->insert($pre_dst . "news_show", $record, true);
             $the_id['new'] = $db2->GetInsertId();
             $id_list[] = $the_id;
         for ($i = 0, $m = count($id_list); $i < $m; $i++) {
             if ($id_list[$i]['new'] == 0) {
             $db->select($pre_org . "news_detail", "*", array("news_id", "n=", $id_list[$i]['old']), array("order" => "news_id asc, page asc"));
             while ($record = $db->GetRS()) {
                 $record['id'] = 0;
                 $record['news_id'] = $id_list[$i]['new'];
                 $db2->insert($pre_dst . "news_detail", $record, true);
             $db->delete($pre_org . "news_show", array("news_id", "n=", $id_list[$i]['old']));
             $db->delete($pre_org . "news_detail", array("news_id", "n=", $id_list[$i]['old']));
Ejemplo n.º 16
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
require_once '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Config.php';
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . PATH . "includes" . PATH . 'dao' . PATH . 'MySQL.php';
$data = $_POST['dd'];
if (!empty($data)) {
    $mysql = new MySQL();
    $objs = json_decode($data);
    //    echo count($objs);exit;
    foreach ($objs as $d) {
        $insertData['phrase'] = $d->phrase;
        $insertData['type'] = $d->type;
        $insertData['url'] = $d->url;
        $insertData['hot'] = $d->hot;
        $insertData['common'] = $d->common;
        $insertData['category'] = $d->category;
        $insertData['icon'] = $d->icon;
        $insertData['value'] = $d->value;
        $insertData['picid'] = $d->picid;
        //        var_dump($insertData);
        $id = $mysql->insert("emotion", $insertData);
        echo "id=" . $id . "  ";
    echo json_encode("解析成功");
} else {
    echo json_encode("没有数据");
Ejemplo n.º 17
if ($db2['create_T']) {
    echo "<br>Creating Tables ... ";
    include "database.php";
    while (list(, $q) = each($table)) {
        #	echo "<br>".$q;
        if (!$SQL->query($q)) {
            die("<br>Error while doing: " . $q . " -&gt; " . $SQL->error_msg);
    echo GOOD;
// Create Admin User
if ($db2['create_AU']) {
    echo "<br>Creating Admin User with (admin and adminpass) ... ";
    $SQL->insert("INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "press_user` ( `id` , `name` , `pass` , `counter` , `session` , `auth` ) VALUES ('', 'admin', '" . sha1("adminpass") . "', '0', '',  '0');");
    $SQL->insert("INSERT INTO `" . $prefix . "press_admins` ( `id`  ) VALUES ('1');");
    echo GOOD;
// writing mysql_zugangsdaten into file..
echo "<br>Schreibe Konfigurationsdatei '" . CONFIGFILE . "' ... ";
$fh = fopen(CONFIGFILE, "w");
if (fwrite($fh, "[db]\n" . "user=\"" . $db2['user'] . "\"\n" . "pass=\"" . $db2['pass'] . "\"\n" . "dbase=\"" . $db2['dbase'] . "\"\n" . "tableprefix=\"" . $prefix . "\"\n" . "server=\"" . $db2['server'] . "\"\n" . "dbg=0\n" . "[tables]\n" . "entries\t=\t\"entries\"")) {
    echo GOOD;
} else {
    echo BAD;
echo "<br><b>Installation done so far.</b><p>" . "Go to <a href='../'>homepage</a> to start.";
/* _________________________ functions ______________________*/
echo "</body></html>";
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static function addPage($page, $imgs)
     $mysql = new MySQL();
     $data['pageid'] = $mysql->insert('page', $page);
     $pageid = $page['pageid'];
     foreach ($imgs as $img) {
         $imgObj['pageid'] = $pageid;
         $imgObj['img'] = $img;
         $mysql->insert('page_img', $imgObj);
Ejemplo n.º 19
     $max_count = count($the_tag);
     for ($n = 0; $n < $max_count; $n++) {
         $the_tag[$n] = trim($the_tag[$n], "_");
         $the_tag[$n] = mysql_real_escape_string($the_tag[$n]);
         if (strlen($the_tag[$n]) < 3 || preg_match("/[\\d\\.]+/", $the_tag[$n])) {
             $db_tmp->update($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_show", array("tag" => "replace('" . $the_tag[$n] . ",', '', tag)"), array("news_id", "n=", $record['news_id']));
             $db_tmp->update($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_show", array("tag" => "replace('," . $the_tag[$n] . "', '', tag)"), array("news_id", "n=", $record['news_id']));
         if (strlen($the_tag[$n] > 50)) {
             $the_tag[$n] = substrPro($the_tag[$n], 0, 50);
         if ($db_tmp->result($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", "id", array("tag", "=", $the_tag[$n]))) {
             $db_tmp->update($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", array("count" => "+1", "update_date" => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"), array("tag", "=", $the_tag[$n]));
         } else {
             $db_tmp->insert($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", array(0, $the_tag[$n], 1, 0, "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (++$n % 50 === 0) {
         $db_tmp->ReConnect(false, $setting['db']['name']);
 $db_tmp->delete($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", array(array("count", "n<", 2), array("click", "n<", 5, "and"), array("add_date", "f<", "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-60*60*24*10", "and")));
 $n = 1;
 $db->select($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", "id, tag");
 while ($record = $db->GetRS()) {
     $counter = $db_tmp->result($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_show", "count(*)", array("tag", "like", $record['tag']));
     $db_tmp->update($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", array("count" => $counter), array("id", "n=", $record['id']));
     if (++$n % 50 === 0) {
         $db_tmp->ReConnect(false, $setting['db']['name']);
function cl_camara_division2array($division_id)
    include "./db.inc.php";
    $db = new MySQL();
    //if(!$db->init()) die("¡¡¡ERROR!!!<BR>\n");
    $url = "http://www.camara.cl/trabajamos/sala_votacion_detalle.aspx?prmID=";
    $out = array();
    $out['division_id'] = $division_id;
    $html = Grabber($url . $division_id);
    $out['original_html'] = $html;
    $a_favor_sub = get_first_string($html, 'A favor</h2>', 'En contra</h2>');
    $en_contra_sub = get_first_string($html, 'En contra</h2>', 'Abstención</h2>');
    $abstencion_sub = get_first_string($html, 'Abstención</h2>', 'Dispensados Art. 5°</h2>');
    $dispensados_sub = get_first_string($html, 'Dispensados Art. 5°</h2>', 'Pareos</h2>');
    $pareos_sub = get_first_string($html, 'Pareos</h2>', '</div>');
    $table_sub = get_first_string($html, '<table class="tabla resumenvotacion">', '</table>');
    $table_control_number = returnSubstrings($table_sub, '<td>', '</td>');
    $fecha = trim(get_first_string($html, 'Fecha:</strong>', '</p>'));
    $materia = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Materia:</strong>', '</p>')));
    $out['info']['topic'] = $materia;
    if ($materia == "") {
        $materia = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Observaciones:</strong>', '</p>')));
        $out['info']['topic'] = $materia;
    $articulo = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Artículo:</strong>', '</p>')));
    $out['info']['article'] = $articulo;
    $sesion = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Sesión:</strong>', '</p>')));
    $out['info']['session'] = $sesion;
    $tramite = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Trámite:</strong>', '</p>')));
    $out['info']['step'] = $tramite;
    $tipo_de_votacion = str_replace("'", "\\'", strtolower(trim(get_first_string($html, 'Tipo de votación:</strong>', '</p>'))));
    $out['info']['division_type'] = $tipo_de_votacion;
    $quorum = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Quorum:</strong>', '</p>')));
    $out['info']['quorum'] = $quorum;
    $resultado = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($html, 'Resultado:</strong>', '</p>')));
    $out['info']['result'] = $resultado;
    $name_sub = trim(get_first_string($html, '<div id ="detail">', '<p>'));
    $name = trim(get_first_string($name_sub, '<h2>', '</h2>'));
    $out['info']['name'] = $name;
    $fecha_db_ar = explode(' ', $fecha);
    global $mes;
    $fecha_db = $fecha_db_ar[4] . '-' . $mes[trim($fecha_db_ar[2], '.')] . '-' . $fecha_db_ar[0] . ' ' . $fecha_db_ar[5];
    $fecha_db_date = $fecha_db_ar[4] . '-' . $mes[trim($fecha_db_ar[2], '.')] . '-' . $fecha_db_ar[0];
    $fecha_db_time = $fecha_db_ar[5];
    $out['info']['date'] = $fecha_db_date;
    $out['info']['time'] = $fecha_db_time;
    /*$query = "
    			division (division_id,divided_on,name,materia,session,article,tramite,type,quorum,result)
    			($row, '$fecha_db', '$name', '$materia', '$sesion', '$articulo', '$tramite', '$tipo_de_votacion', '$quorum', '$resultado')
    $camara = 'C.Diputados';
    $en_sala = '1';
    $out['info']['enSala'] = 'true';
    if (strpos($name, 'Bolet') == 0) {
        $nro_boletin = substr($name, 12);
    if ($nro_boletin != null) {
        $id_proyecto_ley = $db->getIdProyectoLey($nro_boletin);
    } else {
        $id_proyecto_ley = 0;
    $id_sesion = $db->getIdSesion($sesion);
    $name = utf8_decode($name);
    $tipo_de_votacion = utf8_decode($tipo_de_votacion);
    $articulo = utf8_decode($articulo);
    $materia = utf8_decode($materia);
    $quorum = utf8_decode($quorum);
    $query = "INSERT INTO Votacion (name,camara,en_sala,tipo,articulo,materia,fecha,hora,voto_si,voto_no,voto_abs,voto_disp,voto_pareos,voto_aus,resultado,quorum,id_proyecto_ley,id_sesion,id_parlamento,created_at,updated_at) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$camara}', {$en_sala}, '{$tipo_de_votacion}', '{$articulo}', '{$materia}', '{$fecha_db_date}', '{$fecha_db_time}', {$table_control_number['0']}, {$table_control_number['1']}, {$table_control_number['2']}, {$table_control_number['3']}, 0, 0, '{$resultado}', '{$quorum}', {$id_proyecto_ley}, {$id_sesion}, {$division_id}, '" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s') . "', '" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s') . "')";
    //echo $query;
    $id_votacion = $db->insert($query);
    //echo $id_votacion;
    $a_favor_ar = returnSubstrings($a_favor_sub, 'ID=', '">');
    $en_contra_ar = returnSubstrings($en_contra_sub, 'ID=', '">');
    $abstencion_ar = returnSubstrings($abstencion_sub, 'ID=', '">');
    $dispensados_ar = returnSubstrings($dispensados_sub, 'ID=', '">');
    $pareos_ar = returnSubstrings($pareos_sub, 'ID=', '">');
    $out['total'] = array('yes' => 0, 'no' => 0, 'abstain' => 0, 'dispensed' => 0, 'paired' => 0);
    foreach ($a_favor_ar as $mp_row) {
        $db->insertVoto($id_votacion, $mp_row, 'y');
        $name_pom = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($a_favor_sub, 'prmID=' . $mp_row . '">', '</a>')));
        $names[$name_pom][$mp_row] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['mp_id'] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['vote'] = 'y';
        $name_pom2 = explode('.', $name_pom);
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['name'] = trim($name_pom2[1]) . '.' . $name_pom2[2];
        if ($name_pom2[0] == 'Sra') {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'f';
        } else {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'm';
    foreach ($en_contra_ar as $mp_row) {
        $db->insertVoto($id_votacion, $mp_row, 'n');
        $name_pom = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($en_contra_sub, 'prmID=' . $mp_row . '">', '</a>')));
        $names[$name_pom][$mp_row] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['mp_id'] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['vote'] = 'n';
        $name_pom2 = explode('.', $name_pom);
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['name'] = trim($name_pom2[1]) . '.' . $name_pom2[2];
        if ($name_pom2[0] == 'Sra') {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'f';
        } else {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'm';
    foreach ($abstencion_ar as $mp_row) {
        $db->insertVoto($id_votacion, $mp_row, 'a');
        $name_pom = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($abstencion_sub, 'prmID=' . $mp_row . '">', '</a>')));
        $names[$name_pom][$mp_row] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['mp_id'] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['vote'] = 'a';
        $name_pom2 = explode('.', $name_pom);
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['name'] = trim($name_pom2[1]) . '.' . $name_pom2[2];
        if ($name_pom2[0] == 'Sra') {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'f';
        } else {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'm';
    foreach ($dispensados_ar as $mp_row) {
        $db->insertVoto($id_votacion, $mp_row, 'd');
        $name_pom = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($dispensados_sub, 'prmID=' . $mp_row . '">', '</a>')));
        $names[$name_pom][$mp_row] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['mp_id'] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['vote'] = 'd';
        $name_pom2 = explode('.', $name_pom);
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['name'] = trim($name_pom2[1]) . '.' . $name_pom2[2];
        if ($name_pom2[0] == 'Sra') {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'f';
        } else {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'm';
    foreach ($pareos_ar as $mp_row) {
        $db->insertVoto($id_votacion, $mp_row, 'p');
        $name_pom = str_replace("'", "\\'", trim(get_first_string($pareos_sub, 'prmID=' . $mp_row . '">', '</a>')));
        $names[$name_pom][$mp_row] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['mp_id'] = $mp_row;
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['vote'] = 'p';
        $name_pom2 = explode('.', $name_pom);
        $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['name'] = trim($name_pom2[1]) . '.' . $name_pom2[2];
        if ($name_pom2[0] == 'Sra') {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'f';
        } else {
            $out['mp']['mp_' . $mp_row]['sex'] = 'm';
        if ($table_control_number[0] == $out['total']['yes'] and $table_control_number[1] == $out['total']['no'] and $table_control_number[2] == $out['total']['abstain'] and $table_control_number[3] == $out['total']['dispensed']) {
        } else {
            $out['error'] = 'wrong sums: yes:' . $table_control_number[0] . ' vs. ' . $out['total']['yes'] . ', no:' . $table_control_number[1] . ' vs. ' . $out['total']['no'] . ', abstain:' . $table_control_number[2] . ' vs. ' . $out['total']['abstain'] . ', dispensed:' . $table_control_number[3] . ' vs. ' . $out['total']['dispensed'];
    //updated Votacion con pareos y ausentes
    $ausentes = 120 - $table_control_number[0] - $table_control_number[1] - $table_control_number[2] - $out['total']['paired'];
    $db->updatePareosAusentes($id_votacion, $out['total']['paired'], $ausentes);
    if (strlen($html) < 8300) {
        $out['error'] = 'small file; might have not been downloaded correctly or wrong id';
    return $out;