Ejemplo n.º 1
<!-- Name: Venkatesh
Description: This is the index page for the webpage Parser application. User first lands here and he/she enters an URL or selects the existing
URLfrom the given list. The list of articles in this page are generated by parsing the "http://cnn.com/world/" page. The list will be updated by time
as it directly loads from the CNN website -->
<!-- Start of PHP code -->
//It is adivisable to set time limit atleast 60 seconds as some articles may loads slow
//MyParser class contains all the required parsing functions which needs to be included first
include 'MyParser.php';
//The following statement creates an object by calling the MyParser constructor with CNN page
$myobj = new MyParser("http://www.cnn.com/world/");
//Once the object is loaded, getArticles() function parses the intital page of CNN and extracts artciiles from the other links
$articles = $myobj->getArticles($myobj->getLinks());
 <!-- HTML code starts from here -->
   <title> Webpage Parser</title>
   <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
       PHP - Webpage Parser
   <!-- User may copy/paste a CNN article in the text field or may select article from the given list -->
Ejemplo n.º 2
//getTitle() function is called and the result is copied to the $title variable
$title = $myobj->getTitle();
//getMetaContent() function is called and the result is copied to the $content variable
$content = $myobj->getMetaContent();
//getStory() function is called and the result is copied to the $story variable
$story = $myobj->getStory();
//getImages() function is called and the result is copied to the $images array
$images = $myobj->getImages();
//array_unique function is used to remove any duplicate images
$images = array_unique($images);
//getStoryImage() function is called and the result is copied to the $storyimage variable variable
$storyimage = getStoryImage($images);
//getJpgs() function is called and the result is copied to the $jpgs variable
$jpgs = getJpgs($images);
//getLinks() function is called and the result is copied to the $links variable
$links = $myobj->getLinks();
//getH1() function is called and the result is copied to the $h1s variable
$h1s = $myobj->getH1();
//getH2() function is called and the result is copied to the $h2s variable
$h2s = $myobj->getH2();
//getH3() function is called and the result is copied to the $h3s variable
$h3s = $myobj->getH3();
//This function takes images as input and returns only JPG's among those images
function getJpgs($images)
    $i = 0;
    //The following foreach loop iterates through each image
    foreach ($images as $image) {
        //JPG images contain ".jpg", based on this ondition we will seperate JPG's from the rest of the images
        if (stripos($image, ".jpg")) {
            //JPGimages are coied to the array $jpgs