Ejemplo n.º 1

// phpinfo();
// echo "product: $machine, $total_qty, $good_qty, $start" ;
 * All this effort to convert a date to a string
// Convert the taken date to a date object
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-n-j H:i', $start);
// Convert the date to a string
$inicio = date('Y-m-d H:i', $date->format('U'));
// echo "$inicio";
$machine = $machine;
$query = "select * from oee_master2 where s_start_dt = to_date(':s_start_dt','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') and machine = ':machine'";
$DB = new MxApps();
$DB->bind_vars(':s_start_dt', $inicio);
$DB->bind_vars(':machine', $machine);
$json = $DB->json();
$ans = $DB->results[0];
// echo $DB->query;
if ($json == "[]") {
    echo '{"error":"empty"}';
} else {
    $build_qty = $ans['BUILD_QTY'];
    $good_qty = round($ans['BUILD_QTY'] * $ans['YIELD']);
    $json = '{"build_qty":' . $build_qty . ',"good_qty":' . $good_qty . '}';
    echo "{$json}";
Ejemplo n.º 2
$sample_time_span = '240';
$total_production_time = '';
$build_qty = $request['build_qty'] <= 0 ? 0 : $request['build_qty'];
$good_qty = $request['good_qty'] <= 0 ? 0 : $request['good_qty'];
$yield = $build_qty <= 0 ? 0 : "{$good_qty}/{$build_qty}";
$query = file_get_contents("./sql/oee_manual_insert_generic.sql");
$DB = new MxApps();
$DB->bind_vars(':inicio', $inicio);
$DB->bind_vars(':final', $final);
$DB->bind_vars(':bu_id', $bu_id);
$DB->bind_vars(':depto', $depto);
$DB->bind_vars(':product', $product);
$DB->bind_vars(':process', $process);
$DB->bind_vars(':machine', $machine);
$DB->bind_vars(':sample_time_span', $sample_time_span);
$DB->bind_vars(':total_production_time', $total_production_time);
$DB->bind_vars(':build_qty', $build_qty);
$DB->bind_vars(':good_qty', $request['good_qty']);
$DB->bind_vars(':avg_ct', $avg_ct);
$DB->bind_vars(':yield', $yield);
// $json = $DB->json();
echo "{$DB->query}";
$DB->setQuery("select ID,CREATION_DT,BU,S_START_DT,S_END_DT,DEPTO,PRODUCT,PROCESS,MACHINE,SAMPLE_TIME_SPAN,\n\t\tTOTAL_PRODUCTION_TIME,BUILD_QTY,AVG_CT,AVAIL AVAILABILITY,PERF PERFORMANCE,YIELD,OEE\n\t\tfrom oee_master2 a where machine in ('DR1','DR2') and s_start_dt = (select max(s_start_dt) from oee_master2 b where b.machine = a.machine)");
file_put_contents('./cache/oee_query_uITLA_DEFLECTOR.json', $DB->json());
$DB->setQuery("select ID,CREATION_DT,BU,S_START_DT,S_END_DT,DEPTO,PRODUCT,PROCESS,MACHINE,SAMPLE_TIME_SPAN,\n\t\tTOTAL_PRODUCTION_TIME,BUILD_QTY,AVG_CT,AVAIL AVAILABILITY,PERF PERFORMANCE,YIELD,OEE\n\t\tfrom oee_master2 a where machine in ('EN2') and s_start_dt = (select max(s_start_dt) from oee_master2 b where b.machine = a.machine)");
file_put_contents('./cache/oee_query_uITLA_ETALON.json', $DB->json());