Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param Node $n The node for which calculate the previous and next node link
  * @param array $params
 public function __construct(Node $n, $params = array())
     $this->_currentNode = $n->id;
     $prevId = DataValidator::validate_node_id($params['prevId']);
     if ($prevId !== false) {
         $this->_previousNode = $prevId;
     } else {
         $this->findPreviousNode($n, $params['userLevel']);
     $nextId = DataValidator::validate_node_id($params['nextId']);
     if ($nextId !== false) {
         $this->_nextNode = $nextId;
     } else {
         $this->findNextNode($n, $params['userLevel']);
      * @author giorgio 08/ott/2013
      * check if this is a node wich has been generated when creating a test.
      * If it is, next node is the first topic of the test.
      * BUT, I'll pass the computed $this->_nextNode to give a callBack point
      * to be used when user is in the last topic of the test.
     if (MODULES_TEST && strpos($n->type, (string) constant('ADA_PERSONAL_EXERCISE_TYPE')) === 0) {
         if (isset($GLOBALS['dh'])) {
         $test_db = AMATestDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
         $res = $test_db->test_getNodes(array('id_nodo_riferimento' => $n->id));
         if (!empty($res) && count($res) == 1 && !AMA_DataHandler::isError($res)) {
             $node = array_shift($res);
             $this->_nextTestNode = $node['id_nodo'];
          * @author giorgio 06/nov/2013
          * must check if computed $this->_previousNode points to a test
          * and get last topic if it does.
         if (!is_null($this->_previousNode)) {
             $res = $test_db->test_getNodes(array('id_nodo_riferimento' => $this->_previousNode));
         } else {
             $res = array();
         if (!empty($res) && count($res) == 1 && !AMA_DataHandler::isError($res)) {
             $node = array_shift($res);
             $test = NodeTest::readTest($node['id_nodo'], $test_db);
             $this->_prevTestTopic = count($test->_children);
             $this->_prevTestNode = $node['id_nodo'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Obtain a messagehandler instance for the correct tester
 if (MultiPort::isUserBrowsingThePublicTester()) {
      * In base a event_msg_id, ottenere connessione al tester appropriato
     $data_Ar = MultiPort::geTesterAndMessageId($msg_id);
     $tester = $data_Ar['tester'];
 } else {
      * We are inside a tester
     $tester = $sess_selected_tester;
 $tester_dsn = MultiPort::getDSN($tester);
 $mh = MessageHandler::instance($tester_dsn);
 if ($selected_date == 0) {
      * Nessuna tra le date proposte va bene
     $flags = ADA_EVENT_PROPOSAL_NOT_OK | $practitioner_proposal['flags'];
     $message_content = $practitioner_proposal['testo'];
     $message_ha = array('tipo' => ADA_MSG_AGENDA, 'flags' => $flags, 'mittente' => $mittente, 'destinatari' => $destinatari, 'data_ora' => 'now', 'titolo' => $subject, 'testo' => $message_content);
      * This email message is sent only to the practitioner.
      * Send here.
     $clean_subject = ADAEventProposal::removeEventToken($subject);
     $email_message_ha = array('tipo' => ADA_MSG_MAIL, 'mittente' => $adm_uname, 'destinatari' => $destinatari, 'data_ora' => 'now', 'titolo' => 'ADA: ' . translateFN('a user asks for new event proposal dates'), 'testo' => sprintf(translateFN('Dear practitioner, the user %s is asking you for new event dates for the appointment %s.\\r\\nThank you.'), $userObj->getFullName(), $clean_subject));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 } else {
     $switcher_uname = "";
     // probably was a public service or an error
 // 3. send a message to the user (a mail, an SMS, ...)
 $titolo = 'ADA: ' . translateFN('richiesta di servizio');
 $testo = translateFN("Un utente con dati: ");
 $testo .= $name . " " . $surname;
 $testo .= translateFN(" ha richiesto  il servizio: ");
 $testo .= $service_name . ".";
 $testo .= translateFN(" Riceverai un messaggio contenente le proposte di appuntamento. ");
 // $mh = MessageHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
 // using the previous  MH if exists
 //if (!isset($mh))
 $mh = MessageHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
 // prepare message to send
 $destinatari = array($username);
 $message3_ha = array();
 $message3_ha['titolo'] = $titolo;
 $message3_ha['testo'] = $testo;
 $message3_ha['destinatari'] = $destinatari;
 $message3_ha['data_ora'] = "now";
 $message3_ha['tipo'] = ADA_MSG_MAIL;
 $message3_ha['mittente'] = $adm_uname;
 // delegate sending to the message handler
 $res3 = $mh->send_message($message3_ha);
 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($res3)) {
     // $errObj = new ADA_Error($res,translateFN('Impossibile spedire il messaggio'),
     //NULL,NULL,NULL,$error_page.'?err_msg='.urlencode(translateFN('Impossibile spedire il messaggio')));
Ejemplo n.º 4
if ($id_profile == AMA_TYPE_STUDENT && $log_enabled) {
    $user_level = (string) $userObj->get_student_level($sess_id_user, $sess_id_course_instance);
    $user_score = (string) $userObj->get_student_score($sess_id_user, $sess_id_course_instance);
    $user_history = $userObj->history;
 * service completeness
    if (isset($courseInstanceObj) && isset($courseObj) && isset($userObj) && is_object($courseInstanceObj) && is_object($courseObj) && is_object($userObj)) {
            // need the service-complete module data handler
            require_once MODULES_SERVICECOMPLETE_PATH . '/include/init.inc.php';
            $mydh = AMACompleteDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
            // load the conditionset for this course
            $conditionSet = $mydh->get_linked_conditionset_for_course($courseObj->getId());
            if ($conditionSet instanceof CompleteConditionSet) {
                // evaluate the conditionset for this instance ID and course ID
                $is_course_instance_complete = $conditionSet->evaluateSet(array($courseInstanceObj->getId(), $userObj->getId()));
            } else {
                $is_course_instance_complete = false;
            // if course is complete, save this information to the db
            if ($is_course_instance_complete) {
                require_once ROOT_DIR . '/switcher/include/Subscription.inc.php';
                $s = new Subscription($userObj->getId(), $courseInstanceObj->getId());
                if (isset($userObj->livello) && intval($userObj->livello) > 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
                 $chatroom_ha['id_chat_owner'] = $sess_id_user;
             $chatroom_ha = array('chat_title' => $course_data['titolo'], 'chat_topic' => translateFN('Discussione sui contenuti del corso'), 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'max_utenti' => '999', 'id_course_instance' => $id_instance);
             $result = ChatRoom::add_chatroomFN($chatroom_ha);
             if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($result)) {
                 // gestire l'errore
         } else {
             // e' un errore, gestire
     } else {
          * An existing chatroom with duration == class duration
          * already exists, so update this chatroom start and end time.
         $chatroomObj = new Chatroom($id_chatroom, MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
         $id_tutor = $dh->course_instance_tutor_get($id_instance);
         if (!AMA_DataHandler::isError($id_tutor)) {
             $chatroom_data['id_chat_owner'] = $id_tutor;
         } else {
             $chatroom_data['id_chat_owner'] = $sess_id_user;
         $chatroom_data = array('start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'max_utenti' => '999');
         $result = $chatroomObj->set_chatroomFN($chatroomObj->id_chatroom, $chatroom_data);
         if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($result)) {
             // gestire l'errore
     header('Location: list_instances.php?id_course=' . $courseObj->getId());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected static function fillAddressBook(ADALoggableUser $userObj, $user_types_Ar = array())
     $user_type = $userObj->getType();
     $common_dh = $GLOBALS['common_dh'];
     $dh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
     // this tells get_users_by_type method to get nome, cognome....
     $retrieve_extended_data = true;
     if (!is_array($user_types_Ar[$user_type]) || empty($user_types_Ar[$user_type])) {
         return FALSE;
     switch ($user_type) {
         case AMA_TYPE_ADMIN:
              * Ottieni tutti i practitioner, gli autori e gli switcher da tutti i
              * tester
             // FIXME: differisce dagli altri casi !!!
             $users[] = $common_dh->get_users_by_type($user_types_Ar[AMA_TYPE_ADMIN], $retrieve_extended_data);
             if (AMA_Common_DataHandler::isError($users)) {
                 // Gestione errore
         case AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER:
              * Ottieni tutti i practitioner e gli utenti dal suo tester
             $tester = $userObj->getDefaultTester();
             $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
             $tester_info_Ar = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_pointer($tester);
             $tester_name = $tester_info_Ar[1];
             $users[$tester_name] = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type($user_types_Ar[AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER], $retrieve_extended_data);
             if (AMA_Common_DataHandler::isError($users)) {
                 $users[$tester_name] = array();
              * Ottiene tutti i practitioner presenti sul tester
             //         $practitioners_Ar = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_TUTOR), $retrieve_extended_data);
             //         if(AMA_DataHandler::isError($practitioners_Ar) || !is_array($practitioners_Ar)) {
             //           $practitioners_Ar = array();
             //         }
              * Ottiene tutti gli utenti che hanno richiesto un servizio sul tester
              * e che sono in attesa di assegnamento ad un practitioner
             // $users_Ar = $tester_dh->get_registered_students_without_tutor();
             //         if(AMA_DataHandler::isError($users_Ar) || !is_array($users_Ar)) {
             //           $users_Ar = array();
             //         }
             //         $users[$tester_name] = array_merge($practitioners_Ar, $users_Ar);
         case AMA_TYPE_TUTOR:
              * Ottieni lo switcher del suo tester, gli utenti con i quali è in relazione,
              * eventualmente gli altri practitioner sul suo tester
             $tester = $userObj->getDefaultTester();
             $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
             $tester_info_Ar = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_pointer($tester);
             $tester_name = $tester_info_Ar[1];
             if (in_array(AMA_TYPE_STUDENT, $user_types_Ar[$user_type])) {
                  * STUDENTS
                 //        $users[$tester_name] = $tester_dh->get_list_of_tutored_users($userObj->id_user);
                 if (!$userObj->isSuper()) {
                     $students_Ar = $tester_dh->get_list_of_tutored_unique_users($userObj->id_user);
                 } else {
                     $students_Ar = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_STUDENT), $retrieve_extended_data);
                 //        $users[$tester_name] = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type($user_types_Ar[AMA_TYPE_TUTOR], $retrieve_extended_data);
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($students_Ar) || !is_array($students_Ar)) {
                     $students_Ar = array();
             } else {
                 $students_Ar = array();
             if (in_array(AMA_TYPE_TUTOR, $user_types_Ar[$user_type])) {
                  * TUTORS
                 $tutors_Ar = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_TUTOR), $retrieve_extended_data);
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($tutors_Ar) || !is_array($tutors_Ar)) {
                     $tutors_Ar = array();
             } else {
                 $tutors_Ar = array();
             if (in_array(AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER, $user_types_Ar[$user_type])) {
                  * SWITCHERS
                 $switchers_Ar = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER), $retrieve_extended_data);
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($switchers_Ar) || !is_array($switchers_Ar)) {
                     $switchers_Ar = array();
             } else {
                 $switchers_Ar = array();
             $users[$tester_name] = array_merge($tutors_Ar, $students_Ar, $switchers_Ar);
         case AMA_TYPE_STUDENT:
              * Se sono all'interno di un tester, vedo solo i practitioner di questo
              * tester con i quali sono in relazione
              * Se sono nella home dell'utente, vedo tutti i practitioner di tutti i
              * tester con i quali sono in relazione
              * Come faccio a capirlo qui? posso Verificare che sess_selected_tester == ADA_DEFAULT_TESTER
             if (MultiPort::isUserBrowsingThePublicTester()) {
                 // home di user o navigazione nei contenuti pubblici
                 $testers = $userObj->getTesters();
                 foreach ($userObj->getTesters() as $tester) {
                     if ($tester != ADA_PUBLIC_TESTER or count($testers) == 1) {
                         $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
                         $tester_info_Ar = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_pointer($tester);
                         $tester_name = $tester_info_Ar[1];
                         $tutors_Ar = $tester_dh->get_tutors_for_student($userObj->getId());
                         if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($tutors_Ar) || !is_array($tutors_Ar)) {
                             $tutors_Ar = array();
                         $tutors_Ar = array_unique($tutors_Ar, SORT_REGULAR);
                         $switcher_Ar = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER), $retrieve_extended_data);
                         if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($switcher_Ar) || !is_array($switcher_Ar)) {
                             $switcher_Ar = array();
                          * OTHER STUDENTS RELATED TO USER
                         $subscribed_instances = $tester_dh->get_id_course_instances_for_this_student($userObj->getId());
                         $students_Ar = $tester_dh->get_unique_students_for_course_instances($subscribed_instances);
                         if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($students_Ar) || !is_array($students_Ar)) {
                             $students_Ar = array();
                                      foreach ($subscribed_instances as $subscribed_instance) {
                                          $subscribed_instance_id = $subscribed_instance['id_istanza_corso'];
                                          $students_Ar = array_merge($tester_dh->get_students_for_course_instance($subscribed_instance_id));
                         $users[$tester_name] = array_merge($tutors_Ar, $switcher_Ar, $students_Ar);
             } else {
                 $tester = $_SESSION['sess_selected_tester'];
                 $tester_info_Ar = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_pointer($tester);
                 $tester_name = $tester_info_Ar[1];
                 $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
                  * GET TUTORS OF TESTER
                 $tutors_Ar = $tester_dh->get_tutors_for_student($userObj->getId());
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($tutors_Ar) || !is_array($tutors_Ar)) {
                     $tutors_Ar = array();
                 $tutors_Ar = array_unique($tutors_Ar, SORT_REGULAR);
                  * GET SWITCHER OF TESTER
                 $switcher_Ar = $tester_dh->get_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER), $retrieve_extended_data);
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($switcher_Ar) || !is_array($switcher_Ar)) {
                     $switcher_Ar = array();
                 $subscribed_instances = $tester_dh->get_id_course_instances_for_this_student($userObj->getId());
                 $students_Ar = $tester_dh->get_unique_students_for_course_instances($subscribed_instances);
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($students_Ar) || !is_array($students_Ar)) {
                     $students_Ar = array();
                 $users[$tester_name] = array_merge($tutors_Ar, $switcher_Ar, $students_Ar);
         case AMA_TYPE_AUTHOR:
             return FALSE;
     return $users;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Performs basic controls before entering this module
$neededObjAr = array(AMA_TYPE_AUTHOR => array('layout', 'node', 'course', 'course_instance'));
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/include/module_init.inc.php';
//$self =  whoami();
$self = 'form';
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/include/author_functions.inc.php';
$layout_dataAr['node_type'] = $self;
$online_users_listing_mode = 2;
$online_users = ADAGenericUser::get_online_usersFN($id_course_instance, $online_users_listing_mode);
require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/config/config.inc.php';
require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/include/management/managementTest.inc.php';
require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/include/management/rootManagementTest.inc.php';
//needed to promote AMADataHandler to AMATestDataHandler. $sess_selected_tester is already present in session
$GLOBALS['dh'] = AMATestDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
 * Generazione dei form per l'inserimento dell'esercizio.
require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/include/management/questionManagementTest.inc.php';
$management = new QuestionManagementTest($_GET['action'], $_GET['id_question'], $_GET['id_test']);
$form_return = $management->run();
// per la visualizzazione del contenuto della pagina
$banner = (include $root_dir . '/include/banner.inc.php');
$content_dataAr = array('head' => $head_form, 'banner' => $banner, 'path' => $form_return['path'], 'form' => $form_return['html'], 'status' => $form_return['status'], 'user_name' => $user_name, 'user_type' => $user_type, 'messages' => $user_messages->getHtml(), 'agenda' => $user_agenda->getHtml(), 'title' => $node_title, 'course_title' => $course_title, 'back' => $back);
$content_dataAr['notes'] = $other_node_data['notes'];
$content_dataAr['personal'] = $other_node_data['private_notes'];
if ($reg_enabled) {
    $content_dataAr['add_bookmark'] = $add_bookmark;
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 8
function _get_course_info($id_course)
    $common_dh = $GLOBALS['common_dh'];
    $serviceAr = $common_dh->get_service_info_from_course($id_course);
    if (!AMA_DataHandler::isError($serviceAr)) {
        $service_name = $serviceAr[1];
        $service_level = $serviceAr[3];
        $service_duration = $serviceAr[4];
        $service_max_meeting = $serviceAr[5];
        $service_max_meeting_time = $serviceAr[7] / 60;
    $providerAr = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_id_course($id_course);
    if (!AMA_DataHandler::isError($providerAr)) {
        $provider = $providerAr['puntatore'];
        $provider_dsn = MultiPort::getDSN($provider);
        $provider_name = $providerAr['nome'];
        $service_country = $providerAr['nazione'] . "/" . $providerAr['provincia'];
    $provider_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance($provider_dsn);
    $dataHa = $provider_dh->get_course($id_course);
    if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($dataHa) || !is_array($dataHa)) {
        $infomsg = $dataHa->getMessage();
        if ($dataHa->code == AMA_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
            $service_description = translateFN("Il provider non fornisce attualmente questo servizio");
        // header("Location: $error?err_msg=$msg");
        //return $infomsg;
    } else {
        if (!empty($dataHa['nome'])) {
            $course_infoHa = array();
            // 1.info from table modello_corso
            $service_title = $dataHa['titolo'];
            // $service_name = $dataHa['nome'];
            // 2. description of instance from table modello_corso
            $service_instance_description = $dataHa['descr'];
            // 3. full description from node id_nodo_iniziale
            $id_desc = $id_course . "_" . $dataHa['id_nodo_iniziale'];
            $user_level = "999";
            $nodeHa = $provider_dh->get_node_info($id_desc);
            if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($nodeHa)) {
                //	$errorObj = new ADA_error($nodeHa); //FIXME: mancano gli altri dati
                $service_description = translateFN("Il provider non fornisce attualmente questo servizio");
            } else {
                $service_description = $nodeHa['text'];
        } else {
            $service_description = translateFN("Il provider non fornisce attualmente questo servizio");
    // check on level?
    if ($service_level > 1){
    	$require_link = "<a href=" . HTTP_ROOT_DIR .  "/browsing/registration.php?id_course=$id_course>" .translateFN('Richiedi'). "</a>";
    } else {
    	$require_link = "<a href=" . HTTP_ROOT_DIR .  "/browsing/view.php?id_course=$id_course&id_node=$id_desc>" .translateFN('Entra'). "</a>";
    if ($service_instance_description == NULL) {
        $service_instance_description = level2descriptionFN($service_level);
    $service_div = CDOMElement::create('div', 'id:service_info');
    $thead_data = array(translateFN('Fornitore'), translateFN('Nome'), translateFN('Paese'), translateFN('Livello'), translateFN('Durata (gg)'), translateFN('Numero incontri'), translateFN('Durata incontro (minuti)'), translateFN('Descrizione servizio'), translateFN('Descrizione dettagliata'));
    $tbody_dataAr = array();
    $tbody_dataAr[] = array($provider_name, $service_name, $service_country, level2stringFN($service_level), $service_duration, $service_max_meeting, $service_max_meeting_time, $service_description, $service_instance_description);
    $element_attributes = "";
    $serviceTable = BaseHtmlLib::tableElement($element_attributes, $thead_data, $tbody_dataAr);
    $service_data = $service_div->getHtml();
    return $service_data;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * runs the actual import
  * @return Ambigous AMA_Error on error |array recpArray on success
  * @access public
 public function runImport()
     $count = 0;
     $zipFileName = ADA_UPLOAD_PATH . $this->_importFile;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zip->open($zipFileName)) {
         $XMLfile = $zip->getFromName(XML_EXPORT_FILENAME);
         $XMLObj = new SimpleXMLElement($XMLfile);
         $this->_progressResetValues(substr_count($XMLfile, '</nodo>') + substr_count($XMLfile, '<survey ') + substr_count($XMLfile, '</test>'));
         foreach ($XMLObj as $objName => $course) {
             // first level object must be 'modello_corso'
             if ($objName === 'modello_corso') {
                 // get the attributes as local vars
                 // e.g. attributed exportedId=107 becomes
                 // a local var named $exportedId, initialized to 107 as a string
                 foreach ($course->attributes() as $name => $val) {
                     ${$name} = (string) $val;
                 // as a result of this foreach we have a php var for any XML object attribute
                 // var_dump ($exportedId); should neither raise an error nor dump a null value.
                 $this->_courseOldID = $exportedId;
                  * sets the log file name that will be used from now on!
                 $this->_logFile = MODULES_IMPEXPORT_LOGDIR . "import-" . $this->_courseOldID . "_" . date('d-m-Y_His') . ".log";
                 $this->_logMessage('**** IMPORT STARTED at ' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '(timestamp: ' . $this->_dh->date_to_ts('now') . ') ****');
                 $this->_progressSetTitle((string) $course->titolo);
                 if (!self::$_DEBUG) {
                     if (is_null($this->_selectedCourseID)) {
                         $courseNewID = $this->_add_course($course);
                          * this is a new course you want, first node
                          * is going to be the root of the course (i.e. zero)
                          * Setting selectedNodeID will make the running code
                          * do the trick!
                         $this->_selectedNodeID = null;
                     } else {
                         $courseNewID = $this->_selectedCourseID;
                     if (AMA_DB::isError($courseNewID)) {
                         return $courseNewID;
                 } else {
                     $courseNewID = 123 * $count;
                  * NOW ADD  NODES, TESTS AND SURVEYS
                 foreach ($this->_specialNodes as $groupName) {
                     $method = '_import' . ucfirst(strtolower($groupName));
                     $this->_logMessage(__METHOD__ . ' Saving ' . $groupName . ' by calling method: ' . $method);
                     if ($groupName === 'tests' || $groupName === 'surveys') {
                         // prepares the mapping array by emptying it
                         if ($groupName === 'tests') {
                             if (isset($this->_testNodeIDMapping)) {
                             $this->_testNodeIDMapping = array();
                         // prepares the test data handler
                         $this->_dh = AMATestDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($this->_selectedTester));
                      * calls a method named _import<groupName> foreach special node.
                      * e.g. for nodes it will call _importNodi, for tests _importTests....
                     if (method_exists($this, $method) && !empty($course->{$groupName})) {
                         $specialVal = $this->{$method}($course->{$groupName}, $courseNewID);
                         // if it's an error return it right away
                         if (AMA_DB::isError($specialVal)) {
                             $this->_logMessage(__METHOD__ . ' Error saving ' . $groupName . '. DB returned the following:');
                             $this->_logMessage(print_r($specialVal, true));
                             return $specialVal;
                         } else {
                             $this->_logMessage(__METHOD__ . ' Saving ' . $groupName . ' successfully ended');
                             $this->_recapArray[$courseNewID][$groupName] = $specialVal;
                     if ($groupName === 'nodi') {
                         // save all the links and clean the array
                         // after links have been saved, update inernal links pseudo html in proper nodes
                     } else {
                         if ($groupName === 'tests' || $groupName === 'surveys') {
                             // restores the import/export data handler
                             $this->_dh = AMAImpExportDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($this->_selectedTester));
                             if ($groupName === 'tests') {
                 // 					$this->_updateTestLinksInNodes ( $courseNewID );
             // if ($objName === 'modello_corso')
             $this->_logMessage('**** IMPORT ENDED at ' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '(timestamp: ' . $this->_dh->date_to_ts('now') . ') ****');
             $this->_logMessage('If there\'s no zip log below, this is a multi course import: pls find unzip log at the end of the last course log');
         // foreach ($XMLObj as $objName=>$course)
         // extract the zip files to the appropriate media dir
         if (!self::$_DEBUG) {
     return $this->_recapArray;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * checks if the passed object type and id are coming from the public tester.
 * If true sets the needed GLOBALS['dh'] session variables accordingly.
 * @param string $objType either 'course' or 'node'
 * @param string $objID object id to be checked and loaded if need be
 * return true if invalid has to be set to true on the caller
function checkAndSetPublicTester($objType, $objID)
    $common_dh = $GLOBALS['common_dh'];
    if ($objType !== 'course' || is_null($objID)) {
        $tmp_id_course = isset($_REQUEST['id_course']) ? DataValidator::is_uinteger($_REQUEST['id_course']) : false;
        if ($tmp_id_course === false) {
            $tmp_id_course = isset($_REQUEST['id_node']) ? substr($_REQUEST['id_node'], 0, strpos($_REQUEST['id_node'], '_')) : false;
        if ($tmp_id_course === false) {
            $tmp_id_course = isset($_SESSION['sess_id_course']) ? DataValidator::is_uinteger($_SESSION['sess_id_course']) : false;
        if ($tmp_id_course === false) {
            $tmp_id_course = isset($_SESSION['sess_id_node']) ? substr($_SESSION['sess_id_node'], 0, strpos($_SESSION['sess_id_node'], '_')) : false;
    } else {
        $tmp_id_course = $objID;
    if ($tmp_id_course !== false) {
        // get the tester for the passed id_course
        $tester_infoAr = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_id_course($tmp_id_course);
        // get the service info for the passed id_course
        $service_inforAr = $common_dh->get_service_type_info_from_course($tmp_id_course);
        // check that the tester is valid and is the public one and
        // check that the service is valid and is a public one
        if (!AMA_DB::isError($tester_infoAr) && is_array($tester_infoAr) && isset($tester_infoAr['puntatore']) && $tester_infoAr['puntatore'] == ADA_PUBLIC_TESTER && !AMA_DB::isError($service_inforAr) && is_array($service_inforAr) && isset($service_inforAr['isPublic']) && intval($service_inforAr['isPublic']) !== 0) {
            // save the dh, if a restrore is needed afterwards
            $olddh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
            // load the dh
            $dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester_infoAr['puntatore']));
            if (!AMA_DB::isError($dh)) {
                // check the object
                if ($objType == 'node') {
                    $dataHa = $dh->get_node_info($objID);
                    if (AMA_DB::isError($dataHa) || !is_array($dataHa)) {
                        $retval = true;
                        // restore the saved datahandler
                        $GLOBALS['dh'] = $olddh;
                    } else {
                        $retval = false;
                        // set the datahandler
                        $GLOBALS['dh'] = $dh;
                        $_SESSION['sess_id_node'] = $objID;
                        $_SESSION['sess_id_course'] = $tmp_id_course;
                } else {
                    if ($objType == 'course') {
                        // set the datahandler
                        $GLOBALS['dh'] = $dh;
                        $sess_courseObj = read_course($objID);
                        if (AMA_DB::isError($sess_courseObj) || !$sess_courseObj instanceof Course) {
                            $retval = true;
                            // restore the saved datahandler
                            $GLOBALS['dh'] = $olddh;
                        } else {
                            $retval = false;
                            $_SESSION['sess_courseObj'] = $sess_courseObj;
                            $_SESSION['sess_id_course'] = $objID;
    return isset($retval) ? $retval : true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * removeUserExtraData
  * Removes a row from the user extra datas.
  * @author giorgio 20/giu/2013
  * @param ADALoggableUser $userObj user for which to delete the row
  * @param int $extraTableId	row id to be deleted
  * @param string $extraTableClass class of row to be deleted
  * @return boolean on error | query result
  * @access public
 public static function removeUserExtraData(ADALoggableUser $userObj, $extraTableId = null, $extraTableClass = false)
     if ($extraTableId !== null && $extraTableClass !== false) {
         $user_id = $userObj->getId();
         $testers = $userObj->getTesters();
         if (!is_array($testers)) {
             $testers = array();
         if ($user_id == 0) {
             return FALSE;
         foreach ($testers as $tester) {
             $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
             $result = $tester_dh->remove_user_extraRow($user_id, $extraTableId, $extraTableClass);
         return $result;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Sets the terminated status for the passed courseId and courseInstanceId
  * It is usually called from user.php when the user has a subscried status
  * and the subscription_date + duration_subscription is in the past.
  * @param number $courseId
  * @param number $courseInstanceId
  * @return AMA_Error on error or true on success
  * @access public
  * @author giorgio 03/apr/2015
 public function setTerminatedStatusForInstance($courseId, $courseInstanceId)
     $common_dh = $GLOBALS['common_dh'];
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/switcher/include/Subscription.inc.php';
     $s = new Subscription($this->getId(), $courseInstanceId);
     // null means no level update
     // search the provider of the current iteration course
     $courseProv = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_id_course($courseId);
     if (!AMA_DB::isError($courseProv) && is_array($courseProv) && isset($courseProv['puntatore'])) {
         // save the datahandler
         $savedDH = $GLOBALS['dh'];
         // set the datahandler to be used
         $GLOBALS['dh'] = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($courseProv['puntatore']));
         // update the subscription
         $retval = Subscription::updateSubscription($s);
         // restore the datahandler
         $GLOBALS['dh'] = $savedDH;
     return isset($retval) ? $retval : null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * gets a list of the available login providers found in the DB
  * If in a multiprovider environment, common db is used
  * else first it's searched the provider db and if no
  * module_login_providers table is found there, use common
  * @param bool $enabled true if only enabled providers, false if only disabled, null for all providers
  * @param bool $getData true, to return all provider's data. defaults to false: return className only 
  * @return array with provider id as the key and implementing className as value
  * @access public
 public static function getLoginProviders($enabled = true, $getData = false)
      * If not multiprovider, the AMALoginDataHandler must check
      * if module's own tables are in the user_provider DB and use them
      * or the ones in the common db if they're not found in the provider DB
     if (!MULTIPROVIDER && isset($GLOBALS['user_provider']) && !empty($GLOBALS['user_provider'])) {
         $dsn = MultiPort::getDSN($GLOBALS['user_provider']);
     } else {
         $dsn = null;
     $res = AMALoginDataHandler::instance($dsn)->getLoginProviders($enabled, ' `displayOrder` ASC');
     if (!AMA_DB::isError($res) && is_array($res) && count($res) > 0) {
         foreach ($res as $provider) {
             if ($getData === false) {
                 $retArr[$provider[AMALoginDataHandler::$PREFIX . 'providers_id']] = $provider['className'];
             } else {
                 $id = $provider[AMALoginDataHandler::$PREFIX . 'providers_id'];
                 unset($provider[AMALoginDataHandler::$PREFIX . 'providers_id']);
                 $retArr[$id] = $provider;
         return $retArr;
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Clear node and layout variable in $_SESSION
$variableToClearAR = array('node', 'layout', 'course', 'user');
 * Users (types) allowed to access this module.
$allowedUsersAr = array(AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER);
 * Get needed objects
$neededObjAr = array(AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER => array('layout'));
 * Performs basic controls before entering this module
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/include/module_init.inc.php';
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/browsing/include/browsing_functions.inc.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/config.inc.php';
require_once MODULES_IMPEXPORT_PATH . '/include/exportHelper.class.inc.php';
 * this is called async by the tree view to populate itself
$courseID = isset($_GET['courseID']) && intval($_GET['courseID']) > 0 ? intval($_GET['courseID']) : 0;
if ($courseID > 0) {
    $rootNode = $courseID . exportHelper::$courseSeparator . "0";
    // need an Import/Export DataHandler
    $dh = AMAImpExportDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
    $exportHelper = new exportHelper($courseID);
    $a = $exportHelper->getAllChildrenArray($rootNode, $dh);
    echo json_encode(array($a));
Ejemplo n.º 15
if ($id_tester !== FALSE) {
    $tester_infoAr = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_id($id_tester);
    if (AMA_Common_DataHandler::isError($tester_infoAr)) {
        $errObj = new ADA_Error($tester_infoAr);
    } else {
        $testersAr = array();
        $tester_dataAr = array(array(translateFN('id'), $tester_infoAr[0]), array(translateFN('Nome'), $tester_infoAr[1]), array(translateFN('Ragione Sociale'), $tester_infoAr[2]), array(translateFN('Indirizzo'), $tester_infoAr[3]), array(translateFN('Citt&agrave'), $tester_infoAr[4]), array(translateFN('Provincia'), $tester_infoAr[5]), array(translateFN('Nazione'), $tester_infoAr[6]), array(translateFN('Telefono'), $tester_infoAr[7]), array(translateFN('E-mail'), $tester_infoAr[8]), array(translateFN('Descrizione'), $tester_infoAr[11]), array(translateFN('Responsabile'), $tester_infoAr[9]), array(translateFN('Puntatore al database'), $tester_infoAr[10]));
        //$tester_data = BaseHtmlLib::tableElement('',array(),$tester_dataAr);
        $tester_data = AdminModuleHtmlLib::displayTesterInfo($id_tester, $tester_dataAr);
        $services_dataAr = $common_dh->get_info_for_tester_services($id_tester);
        if (AMA_Common_DataHandler::isError($services_dataAr)) {
            $errObj = new ADA_Error($services_dataAr);
        } else {
            $tester_services = AdminModuleHtmlLib::displayServicesOnThisTester($id_tester, $services_dataAr);
        $tester_dsn = MultiPort::getDSN($tester_infoAr[10]);
        if ($tester_dsn != NULL) {
            $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance($tester_dsn);
            $users_on_this_tester = $tester_dh->count_users_by_type(array(AMA_TYPE_STUDENT, AMA_TYPE_AUTHOR, AMA_TYPE_TUTOR, AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER, AMA_TYPE_ADMIN));
            if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($users_on_this_tester)) {
                $errObj = new ADA_Error($users_on_this_tester);
            } else {
                $users_list_link = CDOMElement::create('div', 'id:tester_users');
                $users_list_link->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Numero di utenti presenti sul tester: ') . $users_on_this_tester));
                $link = CDOMElement::create('a', 'href:list_users.php?id_tester=' . $id_tester);
                $link->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Lista utenti')));
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * sets student datas into the student table in the proper tester.
  * Do no call parent function here, since we do not want to save
  * standard user (student) data (they're personal data and are saved separately)
  * NOTE:
  * This is usally called by the save_*.php file in the ajax directory
  * via a call to the MultiPort.
  * @param number id_student id of the student whose datas are to be updated
  * @param array datas to be saved
  * @return id of saved student on success, AMA_Error on ErrorException
  * @access public
  * @see AMA_Tester_DataHandler::set_student()
 public function set_student($id_student, $user_dataAr, $extraTableName = false, $userObj = null, &$idFromPublicTester = null)
     $db =& $this->getConnection();
     if (AMA_DB::isError($db)) {
         return $db;
      * if we're not saving extra fields, just call the parent
      * BUT: if we're saving extra fields, we do not call the parent because we want
      * extra fields to be saved by themselves!!
     // 		$retval = false;
     // 		if (!$extraTableName) $retval = parent::set_student($id_student, $user_dataAr);
     $retval = parent::set_student($id_student, $user_dataAr);
     if ($extraTableName) {
         if ($extraTableName == ADAUser::getExtraTableName()) {
             // aka Extra, stored in ADAUser::getExtraTableKeyProperty() table
             // usually is the 'studente' table
             $user_id_sql = 'SELECT ' . ADAUser::getExtraTableKeyProperty() . ' FROM ' . $extraTableName . ' WHERE ' . ADAUser::getExtraTableKeyProperty() . '=?';
             $user_id = $this->getOnePrepared($user_id_sql, array($id_student));
             // if it's an error return it right away
             if (AMA_DB::isError($user_id)) {
                 $retval = $user_id;
             } else {
                 // get ExtraFields array
                 $extraFields = $userObj->getExtraFields();
                 if (!AMA_DB::isError($extraFields) && is_array($extraFields) && count($extraFields) > 0) {
                     // if $user_id not found, build an insert into else an update
                     if ($user_id === false) {
                         $saveQry = "INSERT INTO " . $extraTableName . " ( " . ADAUser::getExtraTableKeyProperty() . ", ";
                         $saveQry .= implode(", ", $extraFields);
                         $saveQry .= ") VALUES (" . $id_student . str_repeat(",?", count($extraFields)) . ")";
                     } else {
                         $saveQry = "UPDATE " . $extraTableName . " SET ";
                         foreach ($extraFields as $num => $field) {
                             $saveQry .= $field . "=?";
                             if ($num < count($extraFields) - 1) {
                                 $saveQry .= ", ";
                         $saveQry .= " WHERE " . ADAUser::getExtraTableKeyProperty() . "=" . $id_student;
                     // build valuesAr with extraFields only
                     foreach ($extraFields as $field) {
                         if (isset($user_dataAr[$field])) {
                             // check if it's a date and convert it to timestamp
                             if (stripos($field, "date") !== false) {
                                 $valuesAr[] = $this->date_to_ts($user_dataAr[$field]);
                             } else {
                                 $valuesAr[] = $user_dataAr[$field];
                         } else {
                             $valuesAr[] = null;
                     $result = $this->queryPrepared($saveQry, $valuesAr);
                     if (AMA_DB::isError($result)) {
                         $retval = $result;
                     } else {
                         $retval = true;
         } else {
             if (in_array($extraTableName, ADAUser::getLinkedTables())) {
                 // stored in tableprefix_$extraTableName
                 $uniqueField = $extraTableName::getKeyProperty();
                 $tblPrefix = ADAUser::getTablesPrefix();
                 $fieldList = $extraTableName::getFields();
                 // search for the unique field int the fieldList array
                 $pos = array_search($uniqueField, $fieldList, true);
                 // if found unset it since it doesn't need to be saved
                 if ($pos !== false) {
                 $rowsToSave = $user_dataAr[$extraTableName];
                 foreach ($rowsToSave as $rowToSave) {
                     // if row element is not to be saved, continue to next element
                     if ($rowToSave['_isSaved'] == 1) {
                     if ($rowToSave[$uniqueField] > 0) {
                         $saveQry = "UPDATE " . $tblPrefix . $extraTableName . " SET ";
                         foreach ($fieldList as $num => $field) {
                             $saveQry .= $field . "=?";
                             if ($num < count($fieldList)) {
                                 $saveQry .= ", ";
                         $saveQry .= " WHERE " . $uniqueField . "=" . $rowToSave[$uniqueField];
                         $nextID = $rowToSave[$uniqueField];
                     } else {
                         // if using the public tester and the idFromPublicTester is not set or lt 0
                         if (MultiPort::getDSN(ADA_PUBLIC_TESTER) === $this->dsn && intval($idFromPublicTester) <= 0) {
                             // retrieve the id for the next insert
                             $nextIDQry = "SELECT MAX(" . $uniqueField . ") FROM " . $tblPrefix . $extraTableName;
                             $nextID = $db->getOne($nextIDQry);
                             $nextID = is_null($nextID) ? 1 : ++$nextID;
                             $idFromPublicTester = $nextID;
                         } else {
                             $nextID = $idFromPublicTester;
                         $saveQry = "INSERT INTO " . $tblPrefix . $extraTableName . "( " . $uniqueField . ", ";
                         $saveQry .= implode(", ", $fieldList) . " ) VALUES ( " . $nextID;
                         $saveQry .= str_repeat(" ,?", count($fieldList)) . " )";
                     // prepare the array to be passed to the query
                     $valuesArr = array();
                     foreach ($fieldList as $field) {
                         if (isset($rowToSave[$field])) {
                             // check if it's a date and convert it to timestamp
                             if (stripos($field, "date") !== false) {
                                 $valuesArr[] = $this->date_to_ts($rowToSave[$field]);
                             } else {
                                 $valuesArr[] = $rowToSave[$field];
                         } else {
                             $valuesArr[] = null;
                     $result = $this->queryPrepared($saveQry, $valuesArr);
                     if (AMA_DB::isError($result)) {
                         $retval = $result;
                     } else {
                         if (is_null($nextID) || intval($nextID) === 0) {
                              * If could not geta nextID from the ADA_PUBLIC_TESTER
                              * read it as the lastInsertID and set it as the $idFromPublicTester
                             $nextID = $this->getConnection()->lastInsertID();
                             if (is_null($idFromPublicTester) || intval($idFromPublicTester) === 0) {
                                 $idFromPublicTester = $nextID;
                         $retval = $nextID;
     return $retval;
     // return insertedId on success, else the erorr
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * calls and sets the parent instance method, and if !MULTIPROVIDER
  * checks if module_login_providers table is in the provider db.
  * If found, use the provider DB else use the common
  * @param string $dsn
 static function instance($dsn = null)
     if (!MULTIPROVIDER && is_null($dsn)) {
         $dsn = MultiPort::getDSN($GLOBALS['user_provider']);
     $theInstance = parent::instance($dsn);
     if (is_null(self::$dbToUse)) {
         self::$dbToUse = AMA_Common_DataHandler::instance();
         if (!MULTIPROVIDER && !is_null($dsn)) {
             // must check if passed $dsn has the module login tables
             // execute this dummy query, if result is not an error table is there
             $sql = 'SELECT NULL FROM `' . self::$PREFIX . 'providers`';
             // must use AMA_DataHandler because we are not able to
             // query AMALoginDataHandelr in this method!
             $ok = AMA_DataHandler::instance($dsn)->getOnePrepared($sql);
             if (!AMA_DB::isError($ok)) {
                 self::$dbToUse = $theInstance;
     return $theInstance;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 $private_chatrooms_ar = ChatRoom::get_all_private_chatroomsFN($sess_id_user);
 if (is_array($private_chatrooms_ar)) {
     $all_chatrooms_ar = array_merge($chatrooms_class_ids_ar, $private_chatrooms_ar);
 } else {
     $all_chatrooms_ar = $chatrooms_class_ids_ar;
 // sort the chatrooms in reverse order, so we can visualize first the most recent chatrooms
 //initialize the array of the chatrooms to be displayed on the screen
 $list_chatrooms = array();
 // start the construction of the table contaning all the chatrooms
 $tbody_data[] = array();
 foreach ($all_chatrooms_ar as $id_chatroom) {
     //initialize a chatroom Object
     if (!is_object($id_chatroom)) {
         $chatroomObj = new ChatRoom($id_chatroom, MultiPort::getDSN($sess_selected_tester));
         //get the array with all the current info of the chatoorm
         $chatroom_ha = $chatroomObj->get_info_chatroomFN($id_chatroom);
         $id_course_instance = $chatroom_ha['id_istanza_corso'];
         $id_course = $dh->get_course_id_for_course_instance($chatroom_ha['id_istanza_corso']);
         $courseObj = read_course($id_course);
         if (is_object($courseObj) && !AMA_dataHandler::isError($userObj)) {
             $course_title = $courseObj->titolo;
             $id_toc = $courseObj->id_nodo_toc;
         // get the owner of the room
         $chat_title = $chatroom_ha['titolo_chat'];
         // get the type of the chatroom
         $c_type = $chatroom_ha['tipo_chat'];
Ejemplo n.º 19
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/include/module_init.inc.php';
$self = whoami();
require_once 'include/browsing_functions.inc.php';
$courseInstances = array();
$serviceProviders = $userObj->getTesters();
 * change the two below call to active to let the closed
 * instances completely disappear from the HTML table
if (count($serviceProviders) == 1) {
    $provider_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($serviceProviders[0]));
    //     $courseInstances = $provider_dh->get_course_instances_active_for_this_student($userObj->getId());
    $courseInstances = $provider_dh->get_course_instances_for_this_student($userObj->getId(), true);
} else {
    foreach ($serviceProviders as $Provider) {
        $provider_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($Provider));
        //         $courseInstances_provider = $provider_dh->get_course_instances_active_for_this_student($userObj->getId());
        $courseInstances_provider = $provider_dh->get_course_instances_for_this_student($userObj->getId(), true);
        $courseInstances = array_merge($courseInstances, $courseInstances_provider);
if (!AMA_DataHandler::isError($courseInstances)) {
     * @author giorgio 23/apr/2015
     *  filter course instance that are associated to a level of service having nonzero
     *  value in isPublic, so that all instances of public courses will not be shown here
    $courseInstances = array_filter($courseInstances, function ($courseInstance) {
        if (is_null($courseInstance['tipo_servizio'])) {
            $courseInstance['tipo_servizio'] = DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @param  $id_course_instance
  * @return array
 private function _get_last_accessFN($id_course_instance = "", $provider_dh, $return_dateonly = true)
     // if used by student before entering a course, we must pass the DataHandler
     if ($provider_dh == NULL) {
         $provider_dh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
     //$error = $GLOBALS['error'];
     // $debug = $GLOBALS['debug'];
     $sess_id_user = $_SESSION['sess_id_user'];
     if (!isset($this->id_user)) {
         $id_user = $sess_id_user;
     } else {
         $id_user = $this->id_user;
     if ($id_course_instance) {
         $last_visited_node = $provider_dh->get_last_visited_nodes($id_user, $id_course_instance, 10);
          * vito, 10 ottobre 2008: $last_visited_node è Array([0]=>Array([id_nodo], ...))
         if (!AMA_DB::isError($last_visited_node) && is_array($last_visited_node) && isset($last_visited_node[0])) {
             $last_visited_time = $return_dateonly ? AMA_DataHandler::ts_to_date($last_visited_node[0]['data_uscita']) : $last_visited_node[0]['data_uscita'];
             return array($last_visited_node[0]['id_nodo'], $last_visited_time);
         } else {
             return "-";
     } else {
          * Sara, 2/07/2014
          * return the last access between all instances course 
         $serviceProviders = $this->getTesters();
         if (!empty($serviceProviders) && is_array($serviceProviders)) {
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($serviceProviders as $Provider) {
                 $provider_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($Provider));
                 $courseInstances_provider = $provider_dh->get_course_instances_for_this_student($this->getId());
                 if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($courseInstances_provider)) {
                     $courseInstances_provider = new ADA_Error($courseInstances_provider);
                 } else {
                     $istance_testerAr[$i] = array('istances' => $courseInstances_provider, 'provider' => $Provider);
         if (!empty($istance_testerAr)) {
             $Max = 0;
             $id_nodo = null;
             foreach ($istance_testerAr as $istanceTs) {
                 $courseInstancesAr = $istanceTs['istances'];
                 $pointer = $istanceTs['provider'];
                 $tester = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($pointer));
                 foreach ($courseInstancesAr as $courseInstance) {
                     $id_instance = $courseInstance['id_istanza_corso'];
                     $last_access = $tester->get_last_visited_nodes($id_user, $id_instance, 10);
                     if (!AMA_DB::isError($last_access) && is_array($last_access) && count($last_access)) {
                         $last_accessAr = array($last_access[0]['id_nodo'], $last_access[0]['data_uscita']);
                         if ($last_accessAr[1] > $Max) {
                             $id_nodo = $last_accessAr[0];
                             $Max = $last_accessAr[1];
             $Last_accessAr = array(0 => $id_nodo, 1 => $Max);
             return $Last_accessAr;
         } else {
             return "-";
Ejemplo n.º 21
include_once 'include/StringValidation.inc.php';
include_once 'include/address_book.inc.php';
if (!isset($op)) {
    $op = 'default';
$success = HTTP_ROOT_DIR . '/comunica/list_events.php';
$error_page = HTTP_ROOT_DIR . '/comunica/send_event.php';
$title = translateFN('Pubblica appuntamento');
//$rubrica_ok = 0; // Address book not loaded yet
// Has the form been posted?
    if (isset($spedisci)) {
        $mh = MessageHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($sess_selected_tester));
        // Initialize errors array
        $errors = array();
        // Trim all submitted data
        $form = $_POST;
        while (list($key, $value) = each($form)) {
            ${$key} = $value;
        if (!isset($destinatari) || DataValidator::validate_not_empty_string($destinatari) === FALSE) {
            $errors['destinatari'] = ADA_EVENT_PROPOSAL_ERROR_RECIPIENT;
        if (!isset($titolo) || DataValidator::validate_not_empty_string($titolo) === FALSE) {
            $errors['titolo'] = ADA_EVENT_PROPOSAL_ERROR_SUBJECT;
        if (($value = ADAEventProposal::canProposeThisDateTime($userObj, $data_evento, $ora_evento, $sess_selected_tester)) !== TRUE) {
            $errors['$data_evento'] = $value;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function get_class_reportFN($id_course, $order = "", $index_att = "", $type = 'HTML')
     $dh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
     $http_root_dir = $GLOBALS['http_root_dir'];
     $debug = isset($GLOBALS['debug']) ? $GLOBALS['debug'] : null;
     $npar = isset($GLOBALS['npar']) ? $GLOBALS['npar'] : null;
     $hpar = isset($GLOBALS['hpar']) ? $GLOBALS['hpar'] : null;
     $mpar = isset($GLOBALS['mpar']) ? $GLOBALS['mpar'] : null;
     $epar = isset($GLOBALS['epar']) ? $GLOBALS['epar'] : null;
     $bpar = isset($GLOBALS['mpar']) ? $GLOBALS['mpar'] : null;
     $cpar = isset($GLOBALS['epar']) ? $GLOBALS['epar'] : null;
     // default parameters for activity index are in configuration file
     if (empty($npar)) {
         $npar = NOTE_PAR;
     // notes
     if (!isset($hpar)) {
         $hpar = HIST_PAR;
     // history
     if (!isset($mpar)) {
         $mpar = MSG_PAR;
     if (!isset($epar)) {
         $epar = EXE_PAR;
     // exercises
     if (!isset($bpar)) {
         $bpar = defined('BKM_PAR') ? BKM_PAR : null;
     if (!isset($cpar)) {
         $cpar = defined('CHA_PAR') ? CHA_PAR : null;
     // chat
     $student_list_ar = $this->student_list;
     $id_instance = $this->id;
     if ($student_list_ar != 0) {
         $info_course = $dh->get_course($id_course);
         // Get title course
         if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($info_course)) {
             $msg = $info_course->getMessage();
             return $msg;
         $course_title = $info_course['titolo'];
         $instance_course_ha = $dh->course_instance_get($id_instance);
         // Get the instance courses data
         if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($instance_course_ha)) {
             $msg = $instance_course_ha->getMessage();
             return $msg;
         $start_date = AMA_DataHandler::ts_to_date($instance_course_ha['data_inizio'], ADA_DATE_FORMAT);
         $num_student = -1;
         $tot_history_count = 0;
         $tot_exercises_score = 0;
         $tot_exercises_number = 0;
         $tot_added_notes = 0;
         $tot_read_notes = 0;
         $tot_message_count = 0;
         $tot_message_count_in = 0;
         $tot_message_count_out = 0;
         $tot_bookmarks_count = 0;
         $tot_chatlines_count_out = 0;
         $tot_index = 0;
         $tot_level = 0;
          * @author giorgio 27/ott/2014
          * change to:
          * $report_generation_TS = time();
          * to have full date & time generation of report
          * but be warned that table log_classi may grow A LOT!
         $report_generation_TS = dt2tsFN(today_dateFN());
         if (MODULES_TEST) {
             $tot_exercises_score_test = 0;
             $tot_exercises_number_test = 0;
             $tot_exercises_score_survey = 0;
             $tot_exercises_number_survey = 0;
             $test_db = AMATestDataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
             $test_score = $test_db->getStudentsScores($id_course, $id_instance);
         foreach ($student_list_ar as $one_student) {
             //starts with 0
             $id_student = $one_student['id_utente_studente'];
             $student_level = $one_student['livello'];
             $status_student = $one_student['status'];
             $dati['id'] = $id_student;
             $dati['level'] = $student_level;
             $ymdhms = today_dateFN();
             $utime = dt2tsFN($ymdhms);
             $dati['date'] = $report_generation_TS;
             if (!empty($id_student) and ($status_student == ADA_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED or $status_student == ADA_SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_COMPLETED)) {
                 $studentObj = MultiPort::findUser($id_student);
                 //new Student($id_student,$id_instance);
                 if ($studentObj->full != 0) {
                     //==0) {
                     $err_msg = $studentObj->error_msg;
                 } else {
                     if ($studentObj instanceof ADAPractitioner) {
                          * @author giorgio 14/apr/2015
                          * If student is actually a tutor, build a new student
                          * object for history and evaluation purposes
                         $studentObj = $studentObj->toStudent();
                     $student_name = $studentObj->getFullname();
                     //$studentObj->nome." ".$studentObj->cognome;
                     // vito
                     $studentObj->get_exercise_dataFN($id_instance, $id_student);
                     $st_exercise_dataAr = $studentObj->user_ex_historyAr;
                     $st_score = 0;
                     $st_exer_number = 0;
                     if (is_array($st_exercise_dataAr)) {
                         foreach ($st_exercise_dataAr as $exercise) {
                             $st_score += $exercise[7];
                     $dati['exercises'] = $st_exer_number;
                     $dati['score'] = $st_score;
                     if (MODULES_TEST) {
                         $st_score_test = isset($test_score[$id_student]['score_test']) ? $test_score[$id_student]['score_test'] : 0;
                         $st_exer_number_test = isset($test_score[$id_student]['max_score_test']) ? $test_score[$id_student]['max_score_test'] : 0;
                         $dati['exercises_test'] = $st_exer_number_test;
                         $dati['score_test'] = $st_score_test;
                         $st_score_survey = isset($test_score[$id_student]['score_survey']) ? $test_score[$id_student]['score_survey'] : 0;
                         $st_exer_number_survey = isset($test_score[$id_student]['max_score_survey']) ? $test_score[$id_student]['max_score_survey'] : 0;
                         $dati['exercises_survey'] = $st_exer_number_survey;
                         $dati['score_survey'] = $st_score_survey;
                     $sub_courses = $dh->get_subscription($id_student, $id_instance);
                     if ($sub_courses['tipo'] == ADA_STATUS_SUBSCRIBED) {
                         $out_fields_ar = array('nome', 'titolo', 'id_istanza', 'data_creazione');
                         $clause = "tipo = '" . ADA_NOTE_TYPE . "' AND id_utente = '{$id_student}'";
                         $nodes = $dh->find_course_nodes_list($out_fields_ar, $clause, $id_course);
                         $added_nodes_count = count($nodes);
                         $added_nodes_count_norm = str_pad($added_nodes_count, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         $added_notes = "<!-- {$added_nodes_count_norm} --><a href={$http_root_dir}/tutor/tutor.php?op=student_notes&id_instance={$id_instance}&id_student={$id_student}>" . $added_nodes_count . "</a>";
                         //$added_notes = $added_nodes_count;
                     } else {
                         $added_notes = "<!-- 0 -->-";
                     $read_notes_count = $studentObj->total_visited_notesFN($id_student, $id_course);
                     if ($read_notes_count > 0) {
                         $read_nodes_count_norm = str_pad($read_notes_count, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         $read_notes = "<!-- {$read_nodes_count_norm} -->{$read_notes_count}";
                     } else {
                         $read_notes = "<!-- 0 -->-";
                     $st_history_count = "0";
                     $debug = 0;
                     $st_history_count = $studentObj->total_visited_nodesFN($id_student, ADA_LEAF_TYPE);
                     // vito, 11 mar 2009. Ottiene solo il numero di visite a nodi di tipo foglia.
                     // vogliamo anche il numero di visite a nodi di tipo gruppo.
                     $st_history_count += $studentObj->total_visited_nodesFN($id_student, ADA_GROUP_TYPE);
                     $dati['visits'] = $st_history_count;
                     $st_name = "<!-- {$student_name} --><a href=" . $http_root_dir . "/tutor/tutor.php?op=zoom_student&id_student=" . $id_student;
                     $st_name .= "&id_course=" . $id_course . "&id_instance=" . $id_instance . ">";
                     $st_name .= $student_name . "</a>";
                     $st_history_count_norm = str_pad($st_history_count, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                     $st_history = "<!-- {$st_history_count_norm} --><a href=" . $http_root_dir . "/tutor/tutor_history.php?id_student=" . $id_student;
                     $st_history .= "&id_course=" . $id_course . "&id_course_instance=" . $id_instance . ">";
                     $st_history .= $st_history_count . "</a>";
                     $st_history_last_access = $studentObj->get_last_accessFN($id_instance, "T");
                     //$dati['date'] = $st_history_last_access;
                     $st_score_norm = str_pad($st_score, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                     $st_exercises = "<!-- {$st_score_norm} --><a href=" . $http_root_dir . "/tutor/tutor_exercise.php?id_student=" . $id_student;
                     $st_exercises .= "&id_course_instance=" . $id_instance . " class='dontwrap'>";
                     $st_exercises .= $st_score . " " . translateFN("su") . " " . $st_exer_number * ADA_MAX_SCORE . "</a>";
                     if (MODULES_TEST) {
                         $st_score_norm_test = str_pad($st_score_test, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         $st_exercises_test = '<!-- ' . $st_score_norm_test . ' --><a href="' . MODULES_TEST_HTTP . '/tutor.php?op=test&id_course_instance=' . $id_instance . '&id_course=' . $id_course . '&id_student=' . $id_student . '" class="dontwrap">' . $st_score_test . ' ' . translateFN('su') . ' ' . $st_exer_number_test . '</a>';
                         $st_score_norm_survey = str_pad($st_score_survey, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         $st_exercises_survey = '<!-- ' . $st_score_norm_survey . ' --><a href="' . MODULES_TEST_HTTP . '/tutor.php?op=survey&id_course_instance=' . $id_instance . '&id_course=' . $id_course . '&id_student=' . $id_student . '" class="dontwrap">' . $st_score_survey . ' ' . translateFN('su') . ' ' . $st_exer_number_survey . '</a>';
                     // user data
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['id'] = $id_student;
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['student'] = $st_name;
                     // history
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['history'] = $st_history;
                     $tot_history_count += $st_history_count;
                     if ($st_history_last_access != "-") {
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['last_access'] = "<a href=\"{$http_root_dir}/tutor/tutor_history_details.php?period=1&id_student={$id_student}&id_course_instance={$id_instance}&id_course={$id_course}\">" . $st_history_last_access . "</a>";
                         $dati['last_access'] = $studentObj->get_last_accessFN($id_instance, 'UT');
                     } else {
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['last_access'] = $st_history_last_access;
                         $dati['last_access'] = null;
                     // exercises
                     $tot_exercises_score += $st_score;
                     $tot_exercises_number += $st_exer_number;
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['exercises'] = $st_exercises;
                     $dati['exercises'] = $st_exer_number;
                     if (MODULES_TEST) {
                         $tot_exercises_score_test += $st_score_test;
                         $tot_exercises_number_test += $st_exer_number_test;
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['exercises_test'] = $st_exercises_test;
                         $dati['exercises_test'] = $st_exer_number_test;
                         $tot_exercises_score_survey += $st_score_survey;
                         $tot_exercises_number_survey += $st_exer_number_survey;
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['exercises_survey'] = $st_exercises_survey;
                         $dati['exercises_survey'] = $st_exer_number_survey;
                     // forum notes written
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['added_notes'] = $added_notes;
                     $tot_added_notes += $added_nodes_count;
                     $dati['added_notes'] = $added_nodes_count;
                     // forum notes read
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['read_notes'] = $read_notes;
                     $tot_read_notes += $read_notes_count;
                     $dati['read_notes'] = $read_notes_count;
                     // messages
                     //$mh = new MessageHandler("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S");
                     $mh = MessageHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
                     $sort_field = "data_ora desc";
                     // messages received
                     $msgs_ha = $mh->get_messages($id_student, ADA_MSG_SIMPLE, array("id_mittente", "data_ora"), $sort_field);
                     if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($msgs_ha)) {
                         $err_code = $msgs_ha->code;
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['message_count_in'] = "-";
                     } else {
                         $user_message_count = count($msgs_ha);
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['message_count_in'] = $user_message_count;
                         $tot_message_count += $user_message_count;
                     $tot_message_count_in += $user_message_count;
                     $dati['msg_in'] = $user_message_count;
                     // messages sent
                     $msgs_ha = $mh->get_sent_messages($id_student, ADA_MSG_SIMPLE, array("id_mittente", "data_ora"), $sort_field);
                     if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($msgs_ha)) {
                         $err_code = $msgs_ha->code;
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['message_count_out'] = "-";
                     } else {
                         $user_message_count = count($msgs_ha);
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['message_count_out'] = $user_message_count;
                         $tot_message_count += $user_message_count;
                     $tot_message_count_out += $user_message_count;
                     $dati['msg_out'] = $user_message_count;
                     $msgs_ha = $mh->get_sent_messages($id_student, ADA_MSG_CHAT, array("id_mittente", "data_ora"), $sort_field);
                     if (AMA_DataHandler::isError($msgs_ha)) {
                         $err_code = $msgs_ha->code;
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['chat'] = "-";
                     } else {
                         $chatlines_count_out = count($msgs_ha);
                         $dati_stude[$num_student]['chat'] = $chatlines_count_out;
                         $tot_chatlines_count_out += $chatlines_count_out;
                     $tot_chatlines_count_out += $chatlines_count_out;
                     $dati['chat'] = $chatlines_count_out;
                     include_once 'bookmark_class.inc.php';
                     $bookmarks_count = count(Bookmark::get_bookmarks($id_student));
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['bookmarks'] = $bookmarks_count;
                     $tot_bookmarks_count += $bookmarks_count;
                     $dati['bookmarks'] = $bookmarks_count;
                     // activity index
                     if (empty($index_att)) {
                         // parametro passato alla funzione
                         if (empty($GLOBALS['index_activity_expression'])) {
                             if (!isset($bcount)) {
                                 $bcount = 1;
                             $index = $added_nodes_count * $npar + $st_history_count * $hpar + $user_message_count * $mpar + $st_exer_number * $epar + $bookmarks_count * $bcount + $chatlines_count_out * $cpar;
                         } else {
                             $index = eval($GLOBALS['index_activity_expression']);
                     } else {
                         $index = eval($index_att);
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['index'] = $index;
                     //echo $index;
                     $tot_index += $index;
                     $dati['index'] = $index;
                     // level
                     $tot_level += $student_level;
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['level'] = '<span id="studentLevel_' . $id_student . '">' . $student_level . '</span>';
                     $forceUpdate = false;
                     $linksHtml = $this->generateLevelButtons($id_student, $forceUpdate);
                     $dati_stude[$num_student]['level_plus'] = !is_null($linksHtml) ? $linksHtml : '-';
                     // inserting a row in table log_classi
                     $this->log_class_data($id_course, $id_instance, $dati);
         // average data
         $tot_students = $num_student + 1;
         $av_history = $tot_history_count / $tot_students;
         $av_exercises = $tot_exercises_score / $tot_students . " " . translateFN("su") . " " . floor($tot_exercises_number * ADA_MAX_SCORE / $tot_students);
         if (MODULES_TEST) {
             $av_exercises_test = round($tot_exercises_score_test / $tot_students, 2) . ' ' . translateFN('su') . ' ' . floor($tot_exercises_number_test / $tot_students);
             $av_exercises_survey = round($tot_exercises_score_survey / $tot_students, 2) . ' ' . translateFN('su') . ' ' . floor($tot_exercises_number_survey / $tot_students);
         $av_added_notes = $tot_added_notes / $tot_students;
         $av_read_notes = $tot_read_notes / $tot_students;
         $av_message_count_in = $tot_message_count_in / $tot_students;
         $av_message_count_out = $tot_message_count_out / $tot_students;
         $av_chat_count_out = $tot_chatlines_count_out / $tot_students;
         $av_bookmarks_count = $tot_bookmarks_count / $tot_students;
         $av_index = $tot_index / $tot_students;
         $av_level = $tot_level / $tot_students;
         $av_student = $tot_students;
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['id'] = "-";
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['student'] = translateFN("Media");
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['history'] = round($av_history, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['last_access'] = "-";
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['exercises'] = '<span class="dontwrap">' . $av_exercises . '</span>';
         if (MODULES_TEST) {
             $dati_stude[$av_student]['exercises_test'] = '<span class="dontwrap">' . $av_exercises_test . '</span>';
             $dati_stude[$av_student]['exercises_survey'] = '<span class="dontwrap">' . $av_exercises_survey . '</span>';
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['added_notes'] = round($av_added_notes, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['read_notes'] = round($av_read_notes, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['message_count_in'] = round($av_message_count_in, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['message_count_out'] = round($av_message_count_out, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['chat'] = round($av_chat_count_out, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['bookmarks'] = round($av_bookmarks_count, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['index'] = round($av_index, 2);
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['level'] = '<span id="averageLevel">' . round($av_level, 2) . '</span>';
         $dati_stude[$av_student]['level_plus'] = "-";
         // @author giorgio 16/mag/2013
         // was $dati_stude[$av_student]['level_minus'] = "-";
         // $dati_stude[$av_student]['level_less'] = "-";
         if (!empty($order)) {
             $dati_stude = masort($dati_stude, $order, 1, SORT_NUMERIC);
         // TABLE LABELS
         $table_labels[0] = $this->generate_class_report_header();
          * @author giorgio 16/mag/2013
          * unset the unwanted columns data and labels. unwanted cols are defined in config/config_class_report.inc.php
         $arrayToUse = 'report' . $type . 'ColArray';
         $this->clean_class_reportFN($arrayToUse, $table_labels, $dati_stude);
         return array('report_generation_date' => $report_generation_TS) + array_merge($table_labels, $dati_stude);
     } else {
         return null;
if (file_exists(ROOT_DIR . '/browsing/paypal/paypal_conf.inc.php')) {
    require_once ROOT_DIR . '/browsing/paypal/paypal_conf.inc.php';
    $paypal_allowed = TRUE;
$today_date = today_dateFN();
$providerId = DataValidator::is_uinteger($_GET['provider']);
$courseId = DataValidator::is_uinteger($_GET['course']);
$instanceId = DataValidator::is_uinteger($_GET['instance']);
$studentId = DataValidator::is_uinteger($_GET['student']);
$testerInfoAr = $common_dh->get_tester_info_from_id($providerId, 'AMA_FETCH_ASSOC');
if (!AMA_Common_DataHandler::isError($testerInfoAr)) {
    $provider_name = $testerInfoAr[1];
    $tester = $testerInfoAr[10];
    $tester_dh = AMA_DataHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($tester));
    $currentTesterId = $newTesterId;
    $GLOBALS['dh'] = $tester_dh;
    $dh = $tester_dh;
    $logStr = "";
    $log_file = ROOT_DIR . '/browsing/paypal/' . PAYPAL_IPN_LOG;
    $logFd = fopen($log_file, "a");
    $fpx = fopen($log_file, 'a');
    $debug = 1;
    if ($debug == 1) {
        fwrite($fpx, "INIZIO processo Confirm \n");
        fwrite($fpx, "Student: {$studentId} \n");
Ejemplo n.º 24
if (!$userObj->isSuper() && $op == 'tutor') {
    $op = null;
switch ($op) {
    case 'tutor':
        $help = '';
        $fieldsAr = array('nome', 'cognome', 'username');
        $tutorsAr = $dh->get_tutors_list($fieldsAr);
        if (!AMA_DB::isError($tutorsAr) && is_array($tutorsAr) && count($tutorsAr) > 0) {
            $tableDataAr = array();
            $imgDetails = CDOMElement::create('img', 'src:' . HTTP_ROOT_DIR . '/layout/' . $_SESSION['sess_template_family'] . '/img/details_open.png');
            $imgDetails->setAttribute('title', translateFN('visualizza/nasconde i dettagli del tutor'));
            $imgDetails->setAttribute('style', 'cursor:pointer;');
            $imgDetails->setAttribute('class', 'tooltip');
            $mh = MessageHandler::instance(MultiPort::getDSN($_SESSION['sess_selected_tester']));
            foreach ($tutorsAr as $aTutor) {
                // open details button
                $imgDetails->setAttribute('onclick', "toggleTutorDetails(" . $aTutor[0] . ",this);");
                // received messages
                $receivedMessages = 0;
                $msgs_ha = $mh->get_messages($aTutor[0], ADA_MSG_SIMPLE);
                if (!AMA_DataHandler::isError($msgs_ha)) {
                    $receivedMessages = count($msgs_ha);
                // sent messages
                $sentMessages = 0;
                $msgs_ha = $mh->get_sent_messages($aTutor[0], ADA_MSG_SIMPLE);
                if (!AMA_DataHandler::isError($msgs_ha)) {
                    $sentMessages = count($msgs_ha);