private function matchTwitchStreamsToModpacks()
     $modpacks_array = [];
     $streams_array = [];
     $modpacks = Modpack::all();
     $modpack_aliases = ModpackAlias::all();
     $streams = TwitchStream::where('online', 1)->get();
     foreach ($modpacks as $modpack) {
         $modpacks_array[] = ['id' => $modpack->id, 'name' => $modpack->name];
     foreach ($modpack_aliases as $alias) {
         $modpacks_array[] = ['id' => $alias->modpack_id, 'name' => $alias->alias];
     foreach ($streams as $stream) {
         $id = $stream->channel_id;
         $streams_array[$id] = $stream->status;
     foreach ($streams_array as $s_id => $stream) {
         $stream_database = TwitchStream::find($s_id);
         foreach ($modpacks_array as $mod) {
             preg_match('/' . $mod['name'] . '/i', $stream, $match);
             if ($match) {
                 $stream_database->modpack_id = $mod['id'];
                 $this->info('Matched \'' . $stream . '\' to ' . $mod['name']);
             } else {
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $testmodpack = Modpack::create(array('name' => 'TestModpack', 'slug' => 'testmodpack', 'icon' => false, 'icon_md5' => md5_file(public_path() . '/resources/default/icon.png'), 'icon_url' => URL::asset('/resources/default/icon.png'), 'logo' => false, 'logo_md5' => md5_file(public_path() . '/resources/default/logo.png'), 'logo_url' => URL::asset('/resources/default/logo.png'), 'background' => false, 'background_md5' => md5_file(public_path() . '/resources/default/background.jpg'), 'background_url' => URL::asset('/resources/default/background.jpg')));
     $testbuild = Build::create(array('modpack_id' => $testmodpack->id, 'version' => '1.0.0', 'minecraft' => '1.7.10', 'minecraft_md5' => 'e6b7a531b95d0c172acb704d1f54d1b3', 'min_java' => '1.7', 'min_memory' => '1024', 'is_published' => true));
 public function getAliases($version, $slug)
     $modpack = Modpack::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
     $modpack_aliases = $modpack->aliases;
     $title = 'Add A Modpack Alias - ' . $this->site_name;
     return View::make('modpackaliases.view', ['chosen' => true, 'title' => $title, 'aliases' => $modpack_aliases, 'modpack' => $modpack]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     $modpackIds = Modpack::lists('id');
     $laucherIds = Launcher::lists('id');
     foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) {
         ModpackCode::create(['code' => $faker->word, 'modpack_id' => $faker->randomElement($modpackIds), 'launcher_id' => $faker->randomElement($laucherIds), 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     $modpackIds = Modpack::lists('id');
     $creatorssId = Creator::lists('id');
     foreach (range(1, 15) as $index) {
         DB::table('creator_modpack')->insert(['creator_id' => $faker->randomElement($creatorssId), 'modpack_id' => $faker->randomElement($modpackIds), 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     $launcherIds = Launcher::lists('id');
     $minecraftVersionIds = MinecraftVersion::lists('id');
     foreach (range(1, 30) as $index) {
         $name = $faker->bs;
         Modpack::create(['name' => $name, 'launcher_id' => $faker->randomElement($launcherIds), 'minecraft_version_id' => $faker->randomElement($minecraftVersionIds), 'deck' => $faker->sentence(12), 'website' => $faker->url, 'download_link' => $faker->url, 'donate_link' => $faker->url, 'wiki_link' => $faker->url, 'description' => $faker->paragraph(5), 'slug' => Str::slug($name), 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
  * Make changes to the database.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     Schema::table('modpacks', function ($table) {
     foreach (Modpack::all() as $modpack) {
         $modpack->hidden = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function testModpackBuild()
     $modpack = Modpack::find(1);
     $build = $modpack->builds->first();
     $response = $this->call('GET', 'api/modpack/' . $modpack->slug . '/' . $build->version);
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($response, 'Illuminate\\Http\\JsonResponse'));
     $json = $response->getData(true);
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('minecraft', $json));
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('forge', $json));
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('java', $json));
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('memory', $json));
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('mods', $json));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function getSitemapServers()
     $modpacks = Modpack::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
     $servers = Server::where('active', 1)->get();
     foreach ($modpacks as $modpack) {
         $this->sitemap->add(URL::to('servers/' . $modpack->slug));
     foreach ($servers as $server) {
         $this->sitemap->add(URL::to('server/' . $server->id . '/' . $server->slug), $server->updated_at);
     return $this->sitemap->render('xml');
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function getModpack($id)
     $mods = [];
     $raw_modpack = Modpack::find($id);
     if (!$raw_modpack) {
         return Response::json(['error' => 'No modpack with that ID found.']);
     $raw_mods = $raw_modpack->mods;
     foreach ($raw_mods as $mod) {
         $mods[] = ['id' => $mod->id, 'name' => $mod->name, 'short_description' => $mod->deck, 'website' => $mod->website, 'download_link' => $mod->download_link, 'donate_link' => $mod->website, 'wiki_link' => $mod->wiki_link, 'description' => $mod->description, 'slug' => $mod->slug, 'created_at' => $mod->created_at, 'updated_at' => $mod->updated_at];
     $result = ['id' => $raw_modpack->id, 'name' => $raw_modpack->name, 'short_description' => $raw_modpack->deck, 'website' => $raw_modpack->website, 'download_link' => $raw_modpack->download_link, 'donate_link' => $raw_modpack->website, 'wiki_link' => $raw_modpack->wiki_link, 'description' => $raw_modpack->description, 'mods' => $mods, 'slug' => $raw_modpack->slug, 'created_at' => $raw_modpack->created_at, 'updated_at' => $raw_modpack->updated_at];
     return Response::json($result);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function getStreams()
     $streams_array = [];
     $modpacks = Modpack::orderBy('name')->with(array('twitchStreams' => function ($query) {
         $query->orderBy('viewers', 'desc');
     foreach ($modpacks as $modpack) {
         if ($modpack->twitchStreams) {
             $streams_array[$modpack->name] = $modpack->twitchStreams;
     $title = 'Modpack Streams - ' . $this->site_name;
     $meta_description = 'Modpack Stream List. Find and watch a Twitch Stream for your favorite modpack.';
     return View::make('twitch.streams', ['title' => $title, 'streams' => $streams_array, 'meta_description' => $meta_description]);
 public function getContact()
     $correction_type = false;
     $correction_id = false;
     $correction_object = false;
     $input = Input::only('modpack', 'mod');
     if ($input['modpack']) {
         $correction_type = 'Modpack';
         $correction_id = $input['modpack'];
         $correction_object = Modpack::find($correction_id);
     if ($input['mod']) {
         $correction_type = 'Mod';
         $correction_id = $input['mod'];
         $correction_object = Mod::find($correction_id);
     $title = 'Contact Us - ' . $this->site_name;
     $meta_description = 'Contact us if something is incorrect, if you have a question, or for anything else.';
     return View::make('', ['title' => $title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'correction_type' => $correction_type, 'correction_id' => $correction_id, 'correction_object' => $correction_object]);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private function getModpacks()
     $modpacks_yml = file_get_contents(Config::get('solder.repo_location') . 'modpacks.yml');
     $modpacks = Spyc::YAMLLoad($modpacks_yml);
     $modpacks = $modpacks['modpacks'];
     $blocked_packs = array('technicssp', 'custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3');
     foreach ($modpacks as $key => $name) {
         if (!in_array($key, $blocked_packs)) {
             $modpack = Modpack::where('slug', '=', $key)->first();
             if (empty($modpack)) {
                 $modpack = new Modpack();
                 $modpack->name = $name;
                 $modpack->slug = $key;
             if (!$this->getModpack($modpack)) {
                 return Response::json(array("error" => "Error grabbing data for " . $modpack->name));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function postEdit($id)
     $mod_select_array = [];
     $selected_mods = [];
     $selected_tags = [];
     $selected_creators = [];
     $selected_maintainers = [];
     $can_edit_maintainers = false;
     $title = 'Edit A Modpack - ' . $this->site_name;
     $modpack = Modpack::find($id);
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $maintainer = $modpack->maintainers()->where('user_id', Auth::id())->first();
         if (!$maintainer) {
             if ($this->checkRoute()) {
                 $can_edit_maintainers = true;
             } else {
                 return Redirect::route('index');
     } else {
         return Redirect::route('index');
     $minecraft_version = MinecraftVersion::where('id', '=', $modpack->minecraft_version_id)->first();
     $creators = $modpack->creators;
     $mods = $modpack->mods;
     $tags = $modpack->tags;
     $maintainers = $modpack->maintainers;
     $input = Input::only('name', 'launcher', 'selected_mods', 'selected_creators', 'selected_tags', 'selected_maintainers', 'deck', 'website', 'download_link', 'donate_link', 'wiki_link', 'description', 'slug');
     $messages = ['unique' => 'This modpack already exists in the database. If it requires an update let us know!', 'url' => 'The :attribute field is not a valid URL.'];
     $validator = Validator::make($input, ['name' => 'required|unique:modpacks,name,' . $modpack->id, 'launcher' => 'required', 'selected_mods' => 'required', 'selected_creators' => 'required', 'deck' => 'required', 'website' => 'url', 'download_url' => 'url', 'wiki_url' => 'url', 'donate_link' => 'url'], $messages);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::action('ModController@getEdit', [$modpack->id])->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $modpack->name = $input['name'];
     $modpack->launcher_id = $input['launcher'];
     $modpack->deck = $input['deck'];
     $modpack->website = $input['website'];
     $modpack->download_link = $input['download_link'];
     $modpack->donate_link = $input['donate_link'];
     $modpack->wiki_link = $input['wiki_link'];
     $modpack->description = $input['description'];
     if ($input['slug'] == '' || $input['slug'] == $modpack->slug) {
         $slug = Str::slug($input['name']);
     } else {
         $slug = $input['slug'];
     $modpack->slug = $slug;
     $modpack->last_ip = Request::getClientIp();
     $success = $modpack->save();
     if ($success) {
         foreach ($creators as $c) {
         foreach ($mods as $m) {
         foreach ($tags as $t) {
         if ($input['selected_tags']) {
         if ($can_edit_maintainers) {
             foreach ($maintainers as $m) {
             if ($input['selected_maintainers']) {
         $version_mods = $minecraft_version->mods;
         $updated_modpack = Modpack::find($modpack->id);
         foreach ($updated_modpack->mods as $m) {
             $selected_mods[] = $m->id;
         foreach ($updated_modpack->tags as $t) {
             $selected_tags[] = $t->id;
         foreach ($updated_modpack->creators as $c) {
             $selected_creators[] = $c->id;
         foreach ($updated_modpack->maintainers as $m) {
             $selected_maintainers[] = $m->id;
         foreach ($version_mods as $mod) {
             $id = $mod->id;
             $mod_select_array[$id] = $mod->name;
         foreach ($mods as $mod) {
             $id = $mod->id;
             $mod_select_array[$id] = $mod->name;
         return View::make('modpacks.edit', ['title' => $title, 'chosen' => true, 'success' => true, 'modpack' => $updated_modpack, 'version' => $minecraft_version->name, 'mods' => $mod_select_array, 'selected_mods' => $selected_mods, 'selected_creators' => $selected_creators, 'selected_tags' => $selected_tags, 'selected_maintainers' => $selected_maintainers, 'can_edit_maintainers' => $can_edit_maintainers]);
     return Redirect::action('ModController@getEdit', [$modpack->id])->withErrors(['message' => 'Unable to edit modpack.'])->withInput();
 private function fetchBuild($slug, $build)
     $response = array();
     if (Cache::has('modpack.' . $slug) && empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
         $modpack = Cache::Get('modpack.' . $slug);
     } else {
         $modpack = Modpack::where("slug", "=", $slug)->first();
         if (empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
             Cache::put('modpack.' . $slug, $modpack, 5);
     if (empty($modpack)) {
         return array("error" => "Modpack does not exist");
     $buildpass = $build;
     if (Cache::has('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $build) && empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
         $build = Cache::get('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $build);
     } else {
         $build = Build::with('Modversions')->where("modpack_id", "=", $modpack->id)->where("version", "=", $build)->first();
         if (empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
             Cache::put('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass, $build, 5);
     if (empty($build)) {
         return array("error" => "Build does not exist");
     $response['minecraft'] = $build->minecraft;
     $response['minecraft_md5'] = $build->minecraft_md5;
     $response['java'] = $build->min_java;
     $response['memory'] = $build->min_memory;
     $response['forge'] = $build->forge;
     $response['mods'] = array();
     if (!Input::has('include')) {
         if (Cache::has('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion') && empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
             $response['mods'] = Cache::get('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion');
         } else {
             foreach ($build->modversions as $modversion) {
                 $response['mods'][] = array("name" => $modversion->mod->name, "version" => $modversion->version, "md5" => $modversion->md5, "url" => Config::get('solder.mirror_url') . 'mods/' . $modversion->mod->name . '/' . $modversion->mod->name . '-' . $modversion->version . '.zip');
             usort($response['mods'], function ($a, $b) {
                 return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
             Cache::put('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion', $response['mods'], 5);
     } else {
         if (Input::get('include') == "mods") {
             if (Cache::has('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion.include.mods') && empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
                 $response['mods'] = Cache::get('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion.include.mods');
             } else {
                 foreach ($build->modversions as $modversion) {
                     $response['mods'][] = array("name" => $modversion->mod->name, "version" => $modversion->version, "md5" => $modversion->md5, "pretty_name" => $modversion->mod->pretty_name, "author" => $modversion->mod->author, "description" => $modversion->mod->description, "link" => $modversion->mod->link, "donate" => $modversion->mod->donatelink, "url" => Config::get('solder.mirror_url') . 'mods/' . $modversion->mod->name . '/' . $modversion->mod->name . '-' . $modversion->version . '.zip');
                 usort($response['mods'], function ($a, $b) {
                     return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
                 Cache::put('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion.include.mods', $response['mods'], 5);
         } else {
             $request = explode(",", Input::get('include'));
             if (Cache::has('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion.include.' . $request) && empty($this->client) && empty($this->key)) {
                 $response['mods'] = Cache::get('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion.include.' . $request);
             } else {
                 foreach ($build->modversions as $modversion) {
                     $data = array("name" => $modversion->mod->name, "version" => $modversion->version, "md5" => $modversion->md5);
                     $mod = (array) $modversion->mod;
                     $mod = $mod['attributes'];
                     foreach ($request as $type) {
                         if (isset($mod[$type])) {
                             $data[$type] = $mod[$type];
                     $response['mods'][] = $data;
                 usort($response['mods'], function ($a, $b) {
                     return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
                 Cache::put('modpack.' . $slug . '.build.' . $buildpass . 'modversion.include.' . $request, $response['mods'], 5);
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function postEdit($id, $password = null)
     $logged_in = false;
     $server_user = false;
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $logged_in = true;
     $server = Server::find($id);
     if (!$server) {
         return Redirect::action('ServerController@getServers');
     if ($server->user_id == 0) {
         $server_user = $server->serverUser;
         if (!Hash::check($password, $server_user->edit_password)) {
             return Redirect::route('index');
     } else {
         if (!Auth::check()) {
             return Redirect::to(action('UserController@getLogin') . '?return=server/edit/' . $id);
         if (Auth::id() != $server->user_id && !$this->checkRoute()) {
             return Redirect::route('index');
     $versions = MinecraftVersion::all();
     $title = 'Edit Server - ' . $this->site_name;
     $countries = Server::countryList();
     $permissions = [1 => 'Whitelist', 2 => 'Greylist', 3 => 'Open'];
     $input = Input::only('name', 'modpack', 'email', 'deck', 'website', 'application_url', 'description', 'slug', 'server_address_hide', 'player_list_hide', 'motd_hide', 'server_address', 'selected_tags', 'country', 'permissions', 'last_world_reset', 'next_world_reset', 'active', 'email_alerts');
     $modpack = Modpack::find($input['modpack']);
     $modpack_version = $modpack->version->name;
     if (preg_match('/:/', $input['server_address'])) {
         $exploded_hostname = explode(':', $input['server_address']);
         $server_host = $exploded_hostname[0];
         $server_port = $exploded_hostname[1];
     } else {
         $server_host = $input['server_address'];
         $server_port = 25565;
     $input['server_host'] = $server_host;
     $server_info = Server::check($server_host, $server_port, $modpack_version);
     $validator_messages = ['name.unique' => 'A server with this name already exists in the database.', 'server_host.unique' => 'A server with this address already exists in the database.', 'country.not_in' => 'The country field is required.', 'deck.required' => 'The short description field is required.', 'deck.max' => 'The short description may not be greater than 255 characters.', 'url' => 'The :attribute field is not a valid URL.'];
     $validator_rules = ['name' => 'required|unique:servers,name,' . $server->id, 'server_host' => 'required|unique:servers,ip_host,' . $server->id . ',id,port,' . $server_port, 'deck' => 'required|max:255', 'website' => 'url', 'application_url' => 'url', 'selected_tags' => 'required', 'country' => 'required|not_in:choose,separator1,separator2', 'permissions' => 'required', 'last_world_reset' => 'date_format:Y-m-d', 'next_world_reset' => 'date_format:Y-m-d'];
     if (!$logged_in) {
         $validator_rules['email'] = 'required|email';
     $validator = Validator::make($input, $validator_rules, $validator_messages);
     if (!$server_info) {
         //manually fail the validator since we can't reach the server
         $validator->getMessageBag()->add('server_address', 'Unable to reach server.');
         if (!$logged_in) {
             return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id, $password])->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
         return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id])->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     } elseif ($validator->fails()) {
         if (!$logged_in) {
             return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id, $password])->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
         return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id])->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $server->modpack_id = $modpack->id;
     $server->user_id = Auth::id();
     $server->minecraft_version_id = $modpack->minecraft_version_id;
     $server->name = $input['name'];
     $server->ip_host = $server_host;
     $server->port = $server_port;
     $server->deck = $input['deck'];
     $server->country = $input['country'];
     $server->permissions = $input['permissions'];
     $server->website = $input['website'];
     $server->application_url = $input['application_url'];
     $server->description = $input['description'];
     $server->last_world_reset = $input['last_world_reset'];
     $server->next_world_reset = $input['next_world_reset'];
     $server->last_check = Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
     $server->active = 0;
     if ($input['active'] == 1) {
         $server->active = 1;
     $server->email_alerts = 0;
     if ($input['email_alerts'] == 1) {
         $server->email_alerts = 1;
     $server->server_address_hide = 0;
     if ($input['server_address_hide'] == 1) {
         $server->server_address_hide = 1;
     $server->player_list_hide = 0;
     if ($input['player_list_hide'] == 1) {
         $server->player_list_hide = 1;
     $server->motd_hide = 0;
     if ($input['motd_hide'] == 1) {
         $server->motd_hide = 1;
     if ($input['slug'] == '') {
         $slug = Str::slug($input['name']);
     } else {
         $slug = $input['slug'];
     $server->slug = $slug;
     $server->last_ip = Request::getClientIp();
     $success = $server->save();
     if ($success) {
         foreach ($server->tags as $t) {
         $server_status = ServerStatus::where('server_id', $server->id)->first();
         $server_status->server_id = $server->id;
         if (isset($server_info['players']['online'])) {
             $server_status->current_players = $server_info['players']['online'];
         } elseif (isset($server_info['Players'])) {
             $server_status->current_players = $server_info['Players'];
         if (isset($server_info['players']['max'])) {
             $server_status->max_players = $server_info['players']['max'];
         } elseif (isset($server_info['MaxPlayers'])) {
             $server_status->max_players = $server_info['MaxPlayers'];
         $server_status->last_success = Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
         if (isset($server_info['modinfo'])) {
             $server_status->mods = json_encode($server_info['modinfo']);
         if (isset($server_info['players']['sample'])) {
             $server_status->players = json_encode($server_info['players']['sample']);
         $success = $server_status->save();
         if ($success) {
             if (!$logged_in) {
                 $server_user = ServerUser::where('server_id', $server->id)->first();
                 $server_user->email = $input['email'];
                 $server_user->last_ip = Request::getClientIp();
             $updated_server = Server::find($id);
             foreach ($updated_server->tags as $t) {
                 $selected_tags[] = $t->id;
             if ($updated_server->last_world_reset == '0000-00-00') {
                 $updated_server->last_world_reset = null;
             if ($updated_server->next_world_reset == '0000-00-00') {
                 $updated_server->next_world_reset = null;
             return View::make('servers.edit', ['chosen' => true, 'versions' => $versions, 'countries' => $countries, 'permissions' => $permissions, 'title' => $title, 'server' => $updated_server, 'server_user' => $server_user, 'password' => $password, 'selected_tags' => $selected_tags, 'success' => true, 'datepicker' => true]);
         if (!$logged_in) {
             return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id, $password])->withErrors(['message' => 'Unable to edit server.'])->withInput();
         return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id])->withErrors(['message' => 'Unable to edit server.'])->withInput();
     if (!$logged_in) {
         return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id, $password])->withErrors(['message' => 'Unable to edit server.'])->withInput();
     return Redirect::action('ServerController@getEdit', [$id])->withErrors(['message' => 'Unable to edit server.'])->withInput();
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * AJAX Methods for Modpack Manager
 public function action_modify($action = null)
     if (empty($action)) {
         return Response::error('500');
     switch ($action) {
         case "version":
             $affected = DB::table('build_modversion')->where('id', '=', Input::get('pivot_id'))->update(array('modversion_id' => Input::get('version')));
             return Response::json(array('success' => 'Rows Affected: ' . $affected));
         case "delete":
             $affected = DB::table('build_modversion')->where('id', '=', Input::get('pivot_id'))->delete();
             return Response::json(array('success' => 'Rows Affected: ' . $affected));
         case "add":
             $build = Build::find(Input::get('build'));
             $mod = Mod::where('name', '=', Input::get('mod-name'))->first();
             $ver = ModVersion::where('mod_id', '=', $mod->id)->where('version', '=', Input::get('mod-version'))->first();
             return Response::json(array('pretty_name' => $mod->pretty_name, 'version' => $ver->version));
         case "recommended":
             $modpack = Modpack::find(Input::get('modpack'));
             $new_version = Input::get('recommended');
             $modpack->recommended = $new_version;
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated " . $modpack->name . "'s recommended  build to " . $new_version, "version" => $new_version));
         case "latest":
             $modpack = Modpack::find(Input::get('modpack'));
             $new_version = Input::get('latest');
             $modpack->latest = $new_version;
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated " . $modpack->name . "'s latest  build to " . $new_version, "version" => $new_version));
         case "published":
             $build = Build::find(Input::get('build'));
             $published = Input::get('published');
             $build->is_published = $published ? true : false;
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated build " . $build->version . "'s published status."));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function getTableDataFile($type, $version, $name = null)
     $table_id = 'table-1';
     $table_sdom = '<"top"fp><"clear">t<"bottom"ip><"clear">';
     $table_empty = 'No data available in table.';
     $table_length = 15;
     $table_fixed_header = false;
     $table_order = true;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'mods':
             $columns_array = ['name', 'versions', 'deck', 'authors', 'links'];
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getTableMods', $version);
         case 'modpacks':
             $columns_array = ['name', 'version', 'deck', 'creators', 'icon_html', 'links'];
             $table_empty = 'No Modpacks found.';
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getTableModpacks', [$version]);
         case 'launchers':
             $columns_array = ['name', 'version', 'deck', 'creators', 'icon_html', 'links'];
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getTableLaunchers', [$name, $version]);
         case 'modpackmods':
             $columns_array = ['name', 'versions', 'deck', 'authors', 'links'];
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getTableModpackMods', [$name]);
         case 'modmodpacks':
             $columns_array = ['name', 'version', 'deck', 'creators', 'icon_html', 'links'];
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getModModpacks', [$name]);
         case 'compare':
             $table_length = 1000;
             $table_fixed_header = true;
             $input = Input::only('modpacks');
             $modpack_ids = explode(',', $input['modpacks']);
             $columns_array = ['name'];
             foreach ($modpack_ids as $id) {
                 $modpack = Modpack::find($id);
                 $columns_array[] = $modpack->id;
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getModpackCompare') . '?modpacks=' . $input['modpacks'];
         case 'modpackfinder':
             $input = Input::only('mods', 'tags');
             $columns_array = ['name', 'version', 'deck', 'creators', 'icon_html', 'links'];
             $table_empty = 'No Modpacks found.';
             if ($input['tags'] && $input['mods']) {
                 $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getModpackSearch', [$version]) . '?mods=' . $input['mods'] . '&tags=' . $input['tags'];
             } elseif ($input['mods']) {
                 $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getModpackSearch', [$version]) . '?mods=' . $input['mods'];
             } elseif ($input['tags']) {
                 $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getModpackSearch', [$version]) . '?tags=' . $input['tags'];
             } else {
                 $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getModpackSearch', [$version]);
         case 'servers':
             $table_id = 'servers-table';
             $table_order = false;
             $table_empty = 'No servers found.';
             $query_array = [];
             $query_string = '';
             $input = Input::only('modpack', 'tags', 'country', 'permission');
             $columns_array = ['options', 'name', 'modpack', 'server_address', 'players', 'deck'];
             if ($input['modpack']) {
                 $query_array[] = 'modpack=' . $input['modpack'];
             if ($input['tags']) {
                 $tag_string = 'tags=';
                 $exploded_tags = explode(',', strtolower($input['tags']));
                 foreach ($exploded_tags as $t) {
                     $tag_string .= $t . ',';
                 $query_array[] = rtrim($tag_string, ',');
             if ($input['country']) {
                 $query_array[] = 'country=' . $input['country'];
             if ($input['permission']) {
                 $query_array[] = 'permission=' . $input['permission'];
             $query_count = 0;
             foreach ($query_array as $q) {
                 if ($query_count == 0) {
                     $query_string .= '?';
                 } else {
                     $query_string .= '&';
                 $query_string .= $q;
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getServers') . $query_string;
         case 'serverplayers':
             $columns_array = ['name'];
             $table_id = 'server-players';
             $table_sdom = '<"top"p><"clear">t<"bottom"ip><"clear">';
             $table_empty = 'Player list is private or no players are present.';
             $input = Input::only('id');
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getServerPlayers', [$input['id']]);
         case 'servermods':
             $columns_array = ['name', 'version'];
             $table_id = 'server-mods';
             $table_sdom = '<"top"p><"clear">t<"bottom"ip><"clear">';
             $table_empty = 'No mods returned from server.';
             $input = Input::only('id');
             $ajax_source = action('JSONController@getServerMods', [$input['id']]);
     return Response::view('', ['type' => $type, 'ajax_source' => $ajax_source, 'columns' => $columns_array, 'table_id' => $table_id, 'table_sdom' => $table_sdom, 'table_empty' => $table_empty, 'table_length' => $table_length, 'table_fixed_header' => $table_fixed_header, 'table_order' => $table_order], 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function testModpackEditPost()
     $modpack = Modpack::find(1);
     $data = array('name' => 'TestTest', 'slug' => 'test-test', 'hidden' => true, 'private' => true);
     $response = $this->call('POST', '/modpack/edit/' . $modpack->id, $data);
     $this->assertRedirectedTo('/modpack/view/' . $modpack->id);
     $modpack = Modpack::find(1);
     $this->assertEquals('TestTest', $modpack->name);
     $this->assertEquals('test-test', $modpack->slug);
     $this->assertTrue((bool) $modpack->hidden);
     $this->assertTrue((bool) $modpack->private);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * AJAX Methods for Modpack Manager
 public function anyModify($action = null)
     if (!Request::ajax()) {
         return Response::view('errors.missing', array(), 404);
     if (empty($action)) {
         return Response::view('errors.500', array(), 500);
     switch ($action) {
         case "version":
             $version_id = Input::get('version');
             $modversion_id = Input::get('modversion_id');
             $affected = DB::table('build_modversion')->where('build_id', '=', Input::get('build_id'))->where('modversion_id', '=', $modversion_id)->update(array('modversion_id' => $version_id));
             if ($affected == 0) {
                 if ($modversion_id != $version_id) {
                     $status = 'failed';
                 } else {
                     $status = 'aborted';
             } else {
                 $status = 'success';
             return Response::json(array('status' => $status, 'reason' => 'Rows Affected: ' . $affected));
         case "delete":
             $affected = DB::table('build_modversion')->where('build_id', '=', Input::get('build_id'))->where('modversion_id', '=', Input::get('modversion_id'))->delete();
             $status = 'success';
             if ($affected == 0) {
                 $status = 'failed';
             return Response::json(array('status' => $status, 'reason' => 'Rows Affected: ' . $affected));
         case "add":
             $build = Build::find(Input::get('build'));
             $mod = Mod::where('name', '=', Input::get('mod-name'))->first();
             $ver = Modversion::where('mod_id', '=', $mod->id)->where('version', '=', Input::get('mod-version'))->first();
             $affected = DB::table('build_modversion')->where('build_id', '=', $build->id)->where('modversion_id', '=', $ver->id)->get();
             $duplicate = !empty($affected);
             if ($duplicate) {
                 return Response::json(array('status' => 'failed', 'reason' => 'Duplicate Modversion found'));
             } else {
                 return Response::json(array('status' => 'success', 'pretty_name' => $mod->pretty_name, 'version' => $ver->version));
         case "recommended":
             $modpack = Modpack::find(Input::get('modpack'));
             $new_version = Input::get('recommended');
             $modpack->recommended = $new_version;
             Cache::forget('modpack.' . $modpack->slug);
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated " . $modpack->name . "'s recommended  build to " . $new_version, "version" => $new_version));
         case "latest":
             $modpack = Modpack::find(Input::get('modpack'));
             $new_version = Input::get('latest');
             $modpack->latest = $new_version;
             Cache::forget('modpack.' . $modpack->slug);
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated " . $modpack->name . "'s latest  build to " . $new_version, "version" => $new_version));
         case "published":
             $build = Build::find(Input::get('build'));
             $published = Input::get('published');
             $build->is_published = $published ? true : false;
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated build " . $build->version . "'s published status."));
         case "private":
             $build = Build::find(Input::get('build'));
             $private = Input::get('private');
             $build->private = $private ? true : false;
             return Response::json(array("success" => "Updated build " . $build->version . "'s private status."));