Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function refrigeratorsFreezersByTypeAction()
     $ccm_warehouse = new Model_CcmWarehouses();
     $data_arr = $ccm_warehouse->getRefrigeratorsFreezersByType();
     $search_form = new Form_ReportsSearch();
     $main_heading = "Refrigerators/freezers by type";
     $str_sub_heading = "";
     $number_prefix = "";
     $number_suffix = "%";
     $s_number_prefix = "";
     $xmlstore = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
     $xmlstore .= '<chart caption="' . $main_heading . '" subCaption="' . $str_sub_heading . '" numberPrefix="' . $number_prefix . '" numberSuffix="' . $number_suffix . '" sformatNumberScale="1" sNumberPrefix="' . $s_number_prefix . '" syncAxisLimits="1" rotateValues="1" showSum="0" theme="fint">';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Chest Refrigerator AC" value="' . $data_arr['ChestRefAC'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Chest Refrigerator Electricity and Gas" value="' . $data_arr['ChestRefEleGas'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Chest Refrigerator Electricity and Kerosene" value="' . $data_arr['ChestRefEleKerosene'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Icelined Refrigerator" value="' . $data_arr['IcelinedRef'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Icepack Freezer AC" value="' . $data_arr['IcePackFreezerAC'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Icepack Freezer Electricity and Gas" value="' . $data_arr['IcePackFreezerEleGas'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Solar Photvoltaic Refrigerator" value="' . $data_arr['SolarPhotvoltaicRef'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Upright Refrigerator AC Electricity" value="' . $data_arr['UprightRefACEle'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Upright Refrigerator AC Electricity and Gas" value="' . $data_arr['UprightRefACEleGas'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= '<set label="Upright Refrigerator AC Electricity and Kerosene" value="' . $data_arr['UprightRefACEleKerosene'] . '"/>';
     $xmlstore .= "</chart>";
     $this->view->xmlstore = $xmlstore;
     $this->view->main_heading = $main_heading;
     $this->view->str_sub_heading = $str_sub_heading;
     $this->view->chart_type = 'Pie3D';
     $this->view->width = '80%';
     $this->view->height = '400';
     $this->view->search_form = $search_form;
     $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile(Zend_Registry::get('baseurl') . '/js/all_level_area_combo.js');