Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Parse the include tags.
  * This is an extended version of the Spoon Library template compiler, to allow for the passing of
  * a relative path to an include, which will then automatically choose the theme path (if available)
  * or the module's path.
  * @param string $content The content that may contain the include tags.
  * @return string The updated content, containing the parsed include tags.
 protected function parseIncludes($content)
     // regex pattern
     // no unified restriction can be done on the allowed characters,
     // that differs from one OS to another
     // (see http://www.comentum.com/File-Systems-HFS-FAT-UFS.html)
     $pattern = '/\\{include:(("[^"]*?"|\'[^\']*?\')|[^:]*?)\\}/i';
     // find matches
     if (preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
         // loop matches
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             // search string
             $search = $match[0];
             // inside a string
             if (in_array(substr($match[1], 0, 1), array('\'', '"'))) {
                 // strip quotes
                 $match[1] = substr($match[1], 1, -1);
             $replace = '<?php $includes = array();
             ?>' . $match[1] . '<?php
             $includes[] = str_replace(\'//\', \'/\', eval(\'return \\\'\' . str_replace(\'\\\'\', \'\\\\\\\'\', ob_get_clean()) .\'\\\';\'));
             ?>' . $this->variables['THEME_PATH'] . '/' . $match[1] . '<?php
             $includes[] = str_replace(\'//\', \'/\', eval(\'return \\\'\' . str_replace(\'\\\'\', \'\\\\\\\'\', ob_get_clean()) .\'\\\';\'));
             ?>' . $this->variables['FRONTEND_PATH'] . '/' . $match[1] . '<?php
             $includes[] = str_replace(\'//\', \'/\', eval(\'return \\\'\' . str_replace(\'\\\'\', \'\\\\\\\'\', ob_get_clean()) .\'\\\';\'));
             foreach($includes as $include) if(@file_exists($include) && is_file($include)) break;
             if($this->getForceCompile() || !file_exists($this->getCompileDirectory() .\'/\' . $this->getCompileName($include, \'' . dirname(realpath($this->template)) . '\'))) $this->compile(\'' . dirname(realpath($this->template)) . '\', $include);
             $return = @include $this->getCompileDirectory() .\'/\' . $this->getCompileName($include, \'' . dirname(realpath($this->template)) . '\');
             if($return === false && $this->compile(\'' . dirname(realpath($this->template)) . '\', $include)) {
                 $return = @include $this->getCompileDirectory() .\'/\' . $this->getCompileName($include, \'' . dirname(realpath($this->template)) . '\');
             }' . "\n";
             if (Model::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug')) {
                 $replace .= 'if($return === false) {
                 ?>' . $match[0] . '<?php
             }' . "\n";
             $replace .= '?>';
             // replace it
             $content = str_replace($search, $replace, $content);
     return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Assign the labels
 private function parseLabels()
     // grab the current module
     if (Model::getContainer()->has('url')) {
         $currentModule = Model::get('url')->getModule();
     } elseif (isset($_GET['module']) && $_GET['module'] != '') {
         $currentModule = (string) $_GET['module'];
     } else {
         $currentModule = 'Core';
     $errors = Language::getErrors();
     $labels = Language::getLabels();
     $messages = Language::getMessages();
     // set the begin state
     $realErrors = $errors['Core'];
     $realLabels = $labels['Core'];
     $realMessages = $messages['Core'];
     // loop all errors, label, messages and add them again, but prefixed with Core. So we can decide in the
     // template to use the Core-value instead of the one set by the module
     foreach ($errors['Core'] as $key => $value) {
         $realErrors['Core' . $key] = $value;
     foreach ($labels['Core'] as $key => $value) {
         $realLabels['Core' . $key] = $value;
     foreach ($messages['Core'] as $key => $value) {
         $realMessages['Core' . $key] = $value;
     // are there errors for the current module?
     if (isset($errors[$currentModule])) {
         // loop the module-specific errors and reset them in the array with values we will use
         foreach ($errors[$currentModule] as $key => $value) {
             $realErrors[$key] = $value;
     // are there labels for the current module?
     if (isset($labels[$currentModule])) {
         // loop the module-specific labels and reset them in the array with values we will use
         foreach ($labels[$currentModule] as $key => $value) {
             $realLabels[$key] = $value;
     // are there messages for the current module?
     if (isset($messages[$currentModule])) {
         // loop the module-specific errors and reset them in the array with values we will use
         foreach ($messages[$currentModule] as $key => $value) {
             $realMessages[$key] = $value;
     // execute addslashes on the values for the locale, will be used in JS
     if ($this->addSlashes) {
         foreach ($realErrors as &$value) {
             $value = addslashes($value);
         foreach ($realLabels as &$value) {
             $value = addslashes($value);
         foreach ($realMessages as &$value) {
             $value = addslashes($value);
     // sort the arrays (just to make it look beautiful)
     // assign errors
     $this->assignArray($realErrors, 'err');
     // assign labels
     $this->assignArray($realLabels, 'lbl');
     // assign messages
     $this->assignArray($realMessages, 'msg');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Load the data for the given user
  * @param int $userId The users id in the backend.
  * @throws Exception
 public function loadUser($userId)
     $userId = (int) $userId;
     // get database instance
     $db = Model::getContainer()->get('database');
     // get user-data
     $userData = (array) $db->getRecord('SELECT u.id, u.email
          FROM users AS u
          WHERE u.id = ?
          LIMIT 1', array($userId));
     // if there is no data we have to destroy this object, I know this isn't a realistic situation
     if (empty($userData)) {
         throw new Exception('The user (' . $userId . ') doesn\'t exist.');
     // set properties
     // get settings
     $settings = (array) $db->getPairs('SELECT us.name, us.value
          FROM users_settings AS us
          WHERE us.user_id = ?', array($userId));
     // loop settings and store them in the object
     foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
         $this->settings[$key] = unserialize($value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Assigns an option if we are in debug-mode
 private function parseDebug()
     if (Model::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug')) {
         $this->assign('debug', true);