} while (is_file($exportdir . $filepath) || is_dir($exportdir . $filepath) || is_link($exportdir . $filepath));
 file_put_contents($exportdir . $filepath, $filecontent);
 create_ressource($resources, 'RES-' . $ridentifier, $filepath);
 create_item($desc_organization, 'ITEM-' . $identifier, fullname($USER, $USER->id), 'RES-' . $ridentifier);
 //echo '<div class="block_exabis_eportfolio_export">';
 //echo "<h3>" . get_string("categories","block_exabis_eportfolio") . "</h3>";
 $owncats = get_records_select("block_exabeporcate", "userid={$USER->id} AND pid=0", "name ASC");
 $i = 0;
 if ($owncats) {
     foreach ($owncats as $owncat) {
         $item =& $parsedDoc->createElement('item');
         $item->attribute('identifier', sprintf('B%04d', $i));
         $item->attribute('isvisible', 'true');
         $itemtitle =& $item->createChild('title');
         // get everything inside this category:
         $mainNotEmpty = get_category_content($item, $resources, $owncat->id, $owncat->name, $exportdir, 'data/', $identifier, $ridentifier, $viewid);
         $innerowncats = get_records_select("block_exabeporcate", "userid={$USER->id} AND pid='{$owncat->id}'", "name ASC");
         if ($innerowncats) {
             foreach ($innerowncats as $innerowncat) {
                 $subitem =& $parsedDoc->createElement('item');
                 $subitem->attribute('identifier', sprintf('B%04d', $i));
                 $subitem->attribute('isvisible', 'true');
                 $subitemtitle =& $subitem->createChild('title');
Ejemplo n.º 2

header('Content-type: text/plain');
require_once 'minixml.inc.php';
$xmlDoc = new MiniXMLDoc();
# Fetch the ROOT element for the document
# (an instance of XML::Mini::Element)
$xmlElement =& $xmlDoc->getRoot();
# Create a sub element
$newChild =& $xmlElement->createChild('mychild');
$newChild->text('hello mommy');
# Create an orphan element
$orphan =& $xmlDoc->createElement('annie');
$orphan->attribute('hair', '#ff0000');
$orphan->text('tomorrow, tomorrow');
# Adopt the orphan
$toy =& $xmlDoc->createElement('toy');
$toy->attribute('color', '#0000ff');
$toy->createChild('type', 'teddybear');
$newChild->insertChild($toy, 1);
print $xmlDoc->toString();
print "\nUhm, it's not working out - she won't stop singing... Calling removeChild()\n\n";
print $xmlDoc->toString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
$accessid->attribute('password', 'mypassword');
/* Now we list the parts we are interested.  This element is
 ** directly under the partRateRequest element.
$partList = $rateReq->createChild('partList');
/* Now, we add a <partnum>XXX</partnum> element for 
 ** each part in our array.  
 ** Just for fun, here I'm using the createElement/appendChild
 ** method, instead of $partList->createChild()
for ($i = 0; $i < count($partNumbers); $i++) {
    /* using MiniXMLDoc's createElement to create
     ** an element with no parent 
    $aPart = $xmlDoc->createElement('partNum');
    /* Set a text value to this element */
    /* Now, don't forget to append this element to a parent
     ** or it will simply dissappear
/* OK, we have our request in the xmlDoc.  To pass it along to the
** server, we stringify it with:
$xmlString = $xmlDoc->toString();
/* Here is the output from the toString() call:
 $epxdescription =& $epxinformation->createChild('epx:description');
 $epxcontacts =& $epxinformation->createChild('epx:contacts');
 $epxcategories =& $epxportfolio->createChild('epx:categories');
 $epxitems =& $epxportfolio->createChild('epx:items');
 //echo '<div class="block_exabis_eportfolio_export">';
 //echo "<h3>" . get_string("categories","block_exabis_eportfolio") . "</h3>";
 $owncats = get_records_select("block_exabeporcate", "userid={$USER->id} AND pid=0", "name ASC");
 $i = 0;
 if ($owncats) {
     foreach ($owncats as $owncat) {
         $thiscategory =& $parsedDoc->createElement('epx:category');
         $thiscategorytitle =& $thiscategory->createChild('epx:title');
         $mainNotEmpty = block_exabis_eportfolio_get_epx_category_content($thiscategory, $epxitems, $owncat->id, $exportdir, 'data/', $ridentifier, $viewid);
         $innerowncats = get_records_select("block_exabeporcate", "userid={$USER->id} AND pid='{$owncat->id}'", "name ASC");
         if ($innerowncats) {
             foreach ($innerowncats as $innerowncat) {
                 $thissubcategory =& $parsedDoc->createElement('epx:subcategory');
                 $thissubcategorytitle =& $thissubcategory->createChild('epx:title');
                 $subNotEmpty = block_exabis_eportfolio_get_epx_category_content($thissubcategory, $epxitems, $innerowncat->id, $exportdir, 'data/', $ridentifier, $viewid);
                 if ($subNotEmpty) {
                     // if the subcategory is not empty: