  * Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
  * Note: any columns that were marked with lazyLoad="true" in the
  * XML schema will not be added to the select list and only loaded
  * on demand.
  * @param      criteria object containing the columns to add.
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria, $tableAlias = null)
     $criteria->addSelectColumn($tableAlias ? MigrationsPeer::alias($tableAlias, MigrationsPeer::MIGRATION) : MigrationsPeer::MIGRATION);
     $criteria->addSelectColumn($tableAlias ? MigrationsPeer::alias($tableAlias, MigrationsPeer::BATCH) : MigrationsPeer::BATCH);