public function render($params = array()) { $render_file = $params['render_file']; $l = new \Microweber\View($render_file); $l->page_id = $params['page_id']; $l->content_id = $params['content_id']; $l->post_id = $params['post_id']; // $l->category_id = $params['category_id']; if (isset($params['content'])) { $l->content = $params['content']; } if (isset($params['category_id'])) { $l->category_id = $params['category_id']; } if (isset($params['category'])) { $l->category = $params['category']; } // $l->category = $params['category']; $l->page = $params['page']; $l->application = $this->app; if (!empty($params)) { foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $l->assign($k, $v); } } $l = $l->__toString(); return $l; }
public function load($module_name, $attrs = array()) { $is_element = false; $custom_view = false; if (isset($attrs['view'])) { $custom_view = $attrs['view']; $custom_view = trim($custom_view); $custom_view = str_replace('\\', '/', $custom_view); $attrs['view'] = $custom_view = str_replace('..', '', $custom_view); } if ($custom_view != false and strtolower($custom_view) == 'admin') { if ($this->app->user_manager->is_admin() == false) { mw_error('Not logged in as admin'); } } $module_name = trim($module_name); $module_name = str_replace('\\', '/', $module_name); $module_name = str_replace('..', '', $module_name); // prevent hack of the directory $module_name = reduce_double_slashes($module_name); $module_namei = $module_name; if (strstr($module_name, 'admin')) { $module_namei = str_ireplace('\\admin', '', $module_namei); $module_namei = str_ireplace('/admin', '', $module_namei); } //$module_namei = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $subject)e $uninstall_lock = $this->app->modules->get('one=1&ui=any&module=' . $module_namei); if (isset($uninstall_lock["installed"]) and $uninstall_lock["installed"] != '' and intval($uninstall_lock["installed"]) != 1) { return ''; } if (!defined('ACTIVE_TEMPLATE_DIR')) { $this->app->content_manager->define_constants(); } $module_in_template_dir = ACTIVE_TEMPLATE_DIR . 'modules/' . $module_name . ''; $module_in_template_dir = normalize_path($module_in_template_dir, 1); $module_in_template_file = ACTIVE_TEMPLATE_DIR . 'modules/' . $module_name . '.php'; $module_in_template_file = normalize_path($module_in_template_file, false); $try_file1 = false; $mod_d = $module_in_template_dir; $mod_d1 = normalize_path($mod_d, 1); $try_file1zz = $mod_d1 . 'index.php'; $in_dir = false; if ($custom_view == true) { $try_file1zz = $mod_d1 . trim($custom_view) . '.php'; } else { $try_file1zz = $mod_d1 . 'index.php'; } if (is_dir($module_in_template_dir) and is_file($try_file1zz)) { $try_file1 = $try_file1zz; $in_dir = true; } elseif (is_file($module_in_template_file)) { $try_file1 = $module_in_template_file; $in_dir = false; } else { $module_in_default_dir = modules_path() . $module_name . ''; $module_in_default_dir = normalize_path($module_in_default_dir, 1); // d($module_in_default_dir); $module_in_default_file = modules_path() . $module_name . '.php'; $module_in_default_file_custom_view = modules_path() . $module_name . '_' . $custom_view . '.php'; $element_in_default_file = elements_path() . $module_name . '.php'; $element_in_default_file = normalize_path($element_in_default_file, false); // $module_in_default_file = normalize_path($module_in_default_file, false); if (is_file($module_in_default_file)) { $in_dir = false; if ($custom_view == true and is_file($module_in_default_file_custom_view)) { $try_file1 = $module_in_default_file_custom_view; } else { $try_file1 = $module_in_default_file; } } else { if (is_dir($module_in_default_dir)) { $in_dir = true; $mod_d1 = normalize_path($module_in_default_dir, 1); if ($custom_view == true) { $try_file1 = $mod_d1 . trim($custom_view) . '.php'; } else { $try_file1 = $mod_d1 . 'index.php'; } } elseif (is_file($element_in_default_file)) { $in_dir = false; $is_element = true; $try_file1 = $element_in_default_file; } } } // if (isset($try_file1) != false and $try_file1 != false and is_file($try_file1)) { if (isset($attrs) and is_array($attrs) and !empty($attrs)) { $attrs2 = array(); foreach ($attrs as $attrs_k => $attrs_v) { $attrs_k2 = substr($attrs_k, 0, 5); if (strtolower($attrs_k2) == 'data-') { $attrs_k21 = substr($attrs_k, 5); $attrs2[$attrs_k21] = $attrs_v; } elseif (!isset($attrs['data-' . $attrs_k])) { $attrs2['data-' . $attrs_k] = $attrs_v; } $attrs2[$attrs_k] = $attrs_v; } $attrs = $attrs2; } $config['path_to_module'] = $config['mp'] = $config['path'] = normalize_path(dirname($try_file1) . '/', true); $config['the_module'] = $module_name; $config['module'] = $module_name; $module_name_dir = dirname($module_name); $config['module_name'] = $module_name_dir; $config['module_name_url_safe'] = $this->module_name_encode($module_name); $find_base_url = $this->app->url_manager->current(1); if ($pos = strpos($find_base_url, ':' . $module_name) or $pos = strpos($find_base_url, ':' . $config['module_name_url_safe'])) { $find_base_url = substr($find_base_url, 0, $pos) . ':' . $config['module_name_url_safe']; } $config['url'] = $find_base_url; $config['url_main'] = $config['url_base'] = strtok($find_base_url, '?'); if ($in_dir != false) { $mod_api = str_replace('/admin', '', $module_name); } else { $mod_api = str_replace('/admin', '', $module_name_dir); } $config['module_api'] = $this->app->url_manager->site('api/' . $mod_api); $config['module_view'] = $this->app->url_manager->site('module/' . $module_name); $config['ns'] = str_replace('/', '\\', $module_name); $config['module_class'] = $this->module_css_class($module_name); $config['url_to_module'] = $this->app->url_manager->link_to_file($config['path_to_module']); if (isset($attrs['id'])) { $attrs['id'] = str_replace('__MODULE_CLASS_NAME__', $config['module_class'], $attrs['id']); $template = false; } //$config['url_to_module'] = rtrim($config['url_to_module'], '///'); $lic = $this->app->modules->license($module_name); // $lic = 'valid'; if ($lic != false) { $config['license'] = $lic; } if (isset($attrs['module-id']) and $attrs['module-id'] != false) { $attrs['id'] = $attrs['module-id']; } if (!isset($attrs['id'])) { global $mw_mod_counter; $mw_mod_counter++; // $seg_clean = $this->app->url_manager->segment(0); $seg_clean = $this->app->url_manager->segment(0, url_current()); if (defined('IS_HOME')) { $seg_clean = ''; } $seg_clean = str_replace('%20', '-', $seg_clean); $seg_clean = str_replace(' ', '-', $seg_clean); $seg_clean = str_replace('.', '', $seg_clean); $attrs1 = crc32(serialize($attrs) . $seg_clean . $mw_mod_counter); $attrs1 = str_replace('%20', '-', $attrs1); $attrs1 = str_replace(' ', '-', $attrs1); $attrs['id'] = $config['module_class'] . '-' . $attrs1; } if (isset($attrs['id']) and strstr($attrs['id'], '__MODULE_CLASS_NAME__')) { $attrs['id'] = str_replace('__MODULE_CLASS_NAME__', $config['module_class'], $attrs['id']); //$attrs['id'] = ('__MODULE_CLASS__' . '-' . $attrs1); } $l1 = new \Microweber\View($try_file1); $l1->config = $config; $l1->app = $this->app; if (!isset($attrs['module'])) { $attrs['module'] = $module_name; } if (!isset($attrs['parent-module'])) { $attrs['parent-module'] = $module_name; } if (!isset($attrs['parent-module-id'])) { $attrs['parent-module-id'] = $attrs['id']; } // $mw_restore_get = mw_var('mw_restore_get'); // if ($mw_restore_get != false and is_array($mw_restore_get)) { // $l1->_GET = $mw_restore_get; // $_GET = $mw_restore_get; // } if (defined('MW_MODULE_ONDROP')) { if (!isset($attrs['ondrop'])) { $attrs['ondrop'] = true; } } $l1->params = $attrs; if ($config) { $this->current_module = $config; } if ($attrs) { $this->current_module_params = $attrs; } if (isset($attrs['view']) && trim($attrs['view']) == 'empty') { $module_file = EMPTY_MOD_STR; } elseif (isset($attrs['view']) && trim($attrs['view']) == 'admin') { $module_file = $l1->__toString(); } else { if (isset($attrs['display']) && trim($attrs['display']) == 'custom') { $module_file = $l1->__get_vars(); return $module_file; } else { if (isset($attrs['format']) && trim($attrs['format']) == 'json') { $module_file = $l1->__get_vars(); header("Content-type: application/json"); exit(json_encode($module_file)); } else { $module_file = $l1->__toString(); } } } // $l1 = null; unset($l1); if ($lic != false and isset($lic["error"]) and $lic["error"] == 'no_license_found') { $lic_l1_try_file1 = MW_ADMIN_VIEWS_DIR . 'activate_license.php'; $lic_l1 = new \Microweber\View($lic_l1_try_file1); $lic_l1->config = $config; $lic_l1->params = $attrs; $lic_l1e_file = $lic_l1->__toString(); unset($lic_l1); $module_file = $lic_l1e_file . $module_file; } // $mw_loaded_mod_memory[$function_cache_id] = $module_file; return $module_file; } else { //define($cache_content, FALSE); // $mw_loaded_mod_memory[$function_cache_id] = false; return false; } }
/** * make_field. * * @desc make_field * * @category forms * * @author Microweber * * @link * * @param string $field_type * @param string $field_id * @param array $settings */ public function make($field_id = 0, $field_type = 'text', $settings = false) { if (is_array($field_id)) { if (!empty($field_id)) { $data = $field_id; } } else { if ($field_id != 0) { $data = $this->get_by_id($id = $field_id); } } if (isset($data['settings']) or isset($_REQUEST['settings']) and trim($_REQUEST['settings']) == 'y') { $settings = true; } if (isset($data['copy_from'])) { $copy_from = intval($data['copy_from']); if (is_admin() == true) { $table_custom_field = $this->table; $form_data = $this->app->database_manager->get_by_id($table_custom_field, $id = $copy_from); if (is_array($form_data)) { $field_type = $form_data['type']; $data['id'] = 0; if (isset($data['save_on_copy'])) { $cp = $form_data; $cp['id'] = 0; $cp['copy_of_field'] = $copy_from; if (isset($data['rel_type'])) { $cp['rel_type'] = $data['rel_type']; } if (isset($data['rel_id'])) { $cp['rel_id'] = $data['rel_id']; } $this->save($cp); $data = $cp; } else { $data = $form_data; } } } } elseif (isset($data['field_id'])) { $data = $this->get_by_id($id = $data['field_id']); } if (isset($data['type'])) { $field_type = $data['type']; } if (!isset($data['custom_field_required'])) { $data['custom_field_required'] = 'n'; } if (isset($data['type'])) { $field_type = $data['type']; } if (isset($data['field_type'])) { $field_type = $data['field_type']; } if (isset($data['field_values']) and !isset($data['value'])) { $data['values'] = $data['field_values']; } $data['type'] = $field_type; if (isset($data['options']) and is_string($data['options'])) { $data['options'] = $this->_decode_options($data['options']); } $data = $this->app->url_manager->replace_site_url_back($data); $dir = mw_includes_path(); $dir = $dir . DS . 'custom_fields' . DS; $field_type = str_replace('..', '', $field_type); $load_from_theme = false; if (defined('ACTIVE_TEMPLATE_DIR')) { $custom_fields_from_theme = ACTIVE_TEMPLATE_DIR . 'modules' . DS . 'custom_fields' . DS; if (is_dir($custom_fields_from_theme)) { if ($settings == true or isset($data['settings'])) { $file = $custom_fields_from_theme . $field_type . '_settings.php'; } else { $file = $custom_fields_from_theme . $field_type . '.php'; } if (is_file($file)) { $load_from_theme = true; } } } if ($load_from_theme == false) { if ($settings == true or isset($data['settings'])) { $file = $dir . $field_type . '_settings.php'; } else { $file = $dir . $field_type . '.php'; } } if (!is_file($file)) { $field_type = 'text'; if ($settings == true or isset($data['settings'])) { $file = $dir . $field_type . '_settings.php'; } else { $file = $dir . $field_type . '.php'; } } $file = normalize_path($file, false); if (is_file($file)) { $l = new \Microweber\View($file); // $l->assign('settings', $settings); if (isset($data['params'])) { $l->assign('params', $data['params']); } else { $l->assign('params', false); } // $l->settings = $settings; if (isset($data) and !empty($data)) { $l->data = $data; } else { $l->data = array(); } $l->assign('data', $data); $layout = $l->__toString(); return $layout; } }