public function create() { $this->template->header->this_page = 'mhi'; $this->template->content = new View('mhi_create'); // Process Form if ($_POST) { $post = Validation::factory($_POST); //Trim whitespaces $post->pre_filter('trim'); $post->add_rules('signup_first_name', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_last_name', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_email', 'required', 'email'); $post->add_rules('signup_password', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_subdomain', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_name', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_tagline', 'required'); if ($post->validate()) { $mhi_user = new Mhi_User_Model(); $db_genesis = new db_genesis(); $mhi_site_database = new Mhi_Site_Database_Model(); $mhi_site = new Mhi_Site_Model(); // Create new user $user_id = $mhi_user->save_user(array('firstname' => $post->signup_first_name, 'lastname' => $post->signup_last_name, 'email' => $post->signup_email, 'password' => $post->signup_password)); // Set up DB and Site $base_db = $db_genesis->current_db(); $new_db_name = $base_db . '_' . $post->signup_subdomain; // Do some not so graceful validation if ($mhi_site_database->db_assigned($new_db_name) || $db_genesis->db_exists($new_db_name)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('MHI Site Setup Error', "Database already exists and/or is already assigned in the MHI DB."); } if ($mhi_site->domain_exists($post->signup_subdomain)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('MHI Site Setup Error', "Domain already assigned in MHI DB."); } // Create site $site_id = $mhi_site->save_site(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'site_domain' => $post->signup_subdomain, 'site_privacy' => 1, 'site_active' => 1)); // Set up database and save details to MHI DB $db_genesis->create_db($new_db_name); $mhi_site_database->assign_db($new_db_name, $site_id); $db_genesis->populate_db($new_db_name, array('username' => $post->signup_email, 'name' => $post->signup_first_name . ' ' . $post->signup_last_name, 'password' => $post->signup_password, 'email' => $post->signup_email), array('site_name' => $post->signup_instance_name, 'site_tagline' => $post->signup_instance_tagline)); } else { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Validation Error', "Form not validating. Dev tip: Come back later and clean up validation!"); } } else { // If the form was never posted, we need to complain about it. throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Incomplete Form', "Form not posted."); } }
static function get_user_sites($user_id = FALSE, $detailed_data = FALSE) { $result = ORM::factory('mhi_site')->where('user_id', $user_id)->find_all(); $sites = array(); foreach ($result as $res) { if ($detailed_data != FALSE) { // Go to the deployment's database and grab some additional details $details = Mhi_Site_Model::get_site_details($res->site_domain); $res->site_name = $details['site_name']; $res->site_tagline = $details['site_tagline']; } $sites[] = $res; } return $sites; }
static function mass_update_db($number_to_update, $from_version) { if (!is_numeric($number_to_update) or !is_numeric($from_version)) { // All of these must be numbers so return false if any of them arent return false; } $all_db_versions = Mhi_Site_Model::get_db_versions($number_to_update); $i = 0; foreach ($all_db_versions as $db => $current_version) { if ($i == $number_to_update) { break; } if ($current_version == $from_version) { Mhi_Site_Database_Model::update_db($db); $i++; } } }
public function create() { $this->template->header->this_body = ''; $this->template->content = new View('mhi/mhi_create'); // Process Form if ($_POST) { $post = Validation::factory($_POST); // Trim whitespaces $post->pre_filter('trim'); $session = Session::instance(); $mhi_user_id = $session->get('mhi_user_id'); $blocked_subdomains = Kohana::config('mhi.blocked_subdomains'); // These rules are only required if we aren't already logged in if ($mhi_user_id == FALSE) { $post->add_rules('signup_first_name', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_last_name', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_email', 'required', 'email'); $post->add_rules('signup_password', 'required'); } else { $post->add_rules('verify_password', 'required'); } $post->add_rules('signup_subdomain', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_name', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_tagline', 'required'); // If we pass validation AND it's not one of the blocked subdomains if ($post->validate() and !in_array($post->signup_subdomain, $blocked_subdomains)) { $mhi_user = new Mhi_User_Model(); $db_genesis = new DBGenesis(); $mhi_site_database = new Mhi_Site_Database_Model(); $mhi_site = new Mhi_Site_Model(); // Check passwords if logged in and create user if not if ($mhi_user_id != FALSE) { // Get user info $user = $mhi_user->get($mhi_user_id); $salt = Kohana::config('auth.salt_pattern'); $verify_password = sha1($post->verify_password . $salt); if ($verify_password != $user->password) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Password Match Error', "Passwords do not match. Dev TODO: Come back later and clean up validation!"); } $user_id = $mhi_user_id; $email = $user->email; $name = $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname; $password = $post->verify_password; } else { // Save new user $user_id = $mhi_user->save_user(array('firstname' => $post->signup_first_name, 'lastname' => $post->signup_last_name, 'email' => $post->signup_email, 'password' => $post->signup_password)); $email = $post->signup_email; $name = $post->signup_first_name . ' ' . $post->signup_last_name; $password = $post->signup_password; } // Set up DB and Site $base_db = $db_genesis->current_db(); $new_db_name = $base_db . '_' . $post->signup_subdomain; // Do some not so graceful validation if ($mhi_site_database->db_assigned($new_db_name) or $db_genesis->db_exists($new_db_name)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('MHI Site Setup Error', "Database already exists and/or is already assigned in the MHI DB."); } if ($mhi_site->domain_exists($post->signup_subdomain)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('MHI Site Setup Error', "Domain already assigned in MHI DB."); } // Create site $site_id = $mhi_site->save_site(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'site_domain' => $post->signup_subdomain, 'site_privacy' => 1, 'site_active' => 1)); // Set up database and save details to MHI DB $db_genesis->create_db($new_db_name); $mhi_site_database->assign_db($new_db_name, $site_id); $db_genesis->populate_db($new_db_name, array('username' => $email, 'name' => $name, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email), array('site_name' => $post->signup_instance_name, 'site_tagline' => $post->signup_instance_tagline)); // Congrats, everything has been set up. Send an email confirmation. $settings = kohana::config('settings'); $new_site_url = 'http://' . $post->signup_subdomain . '.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Kohana::config('config.site_domain'); if ($settings['site_email'] != NULL) { $to = $email; $from = $settings['site_email']; $subject = 'You Deployment ' . $settings['site_name'] . ' set up'; $message = 'You new site, ' . $post->signup_instance_name . ' has been set up.' . "/n"; $message .= 'Admin URL: ' . $new_site_url . '/admin' . "/n"; $message .= 'Username: '******'Password: (hidden)' . "/n"; email::send($to, $from, $subject, $message, FALSE); } } else { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Validation Error', "Form not validating. Dev TODO: Come back later and clean up validation!"); } } else { // If the form was never posted, we need to complain about it. throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Incomplete Form', "Form not posted."); } }
public function processcreation() { // Used to populate form fields. Will assign values on error $errors = array(); $form = array('signup_first_name' => '', 'signup_last_name' => '', 'signup_email' => '', 'signup_password' => '', 'signup_subdomain' => '', 'signup_instance_name' => '', 'signup_instance_tagline' => ''); $form_error = array(); // Process Form if ($_POST) { $sfn = isset($_POST['signup_first_name']) ? $_POST['signup_first_name'] : ''; $sln = isset($_POST['signup_last_name']) ? $_POST['signup_last_name'] : ''; $sem = isset($_POST['signup_email']) ? $_POST['signup_email'] : ''; $spw = isset($_POST['signup_password']) ? $_POST['signup_password'] : ''; $form = array('signup_first_name' => $sfn, 'signup_last_name' => $sln, 'signup_email' => $sem, 'signup_password' => $spw, 'signup_subdomain' => strtolower($_POST['signup_subdomain']), 'signup_instance_name' => $_POST['signup_instance_name'], 'signup_instance_tagline' => $_POST['signup_instance_tagline']); $post = Validation::factory($_POST); // Trim whitespaces $post->pre_filter('trim'); $session = Session::instance(); $mhi_user_id = $session->get('mhi_user_id'); $blocked_subdomains = Kohana::config('mhi.blocked_subdomains'); // These rules are only required if we aren't already logged in if ($mhi_user_id == FALSE) { $post->add_rules('signup_first_name', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_last_name', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_email', 'required', 'email'); $post->add_rules('signup_password', 'required'); } else { $post->add_rules('verify_password', 'required'); } $post->add_rules('signup_subdomain', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_name', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_tagline', 'required'); // If we pass validation AND it's not one of the blocked subdomains if ($post->validate()) { $mhi_user = new Mhi_User_Model(); $db_genesis = new DBGenesis(); $mhi_site_database = new Mhi_Site_Database_Model(); $mhi_site = new Mhi_Site_Model(); // Setup DB name variable $base_db = $db_genesis->current_db(); $new_db_name = $base_db . '_' . strtolower($post->signup_subdomain); // Do some graceful validation if (!isset($post->signup_tos)) { return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => array('signup_tos' => 'You must accept the Website Terms of Use.')); } if (strlen($post->signup_subdomain) < 4 or strlen($post->signup_subdomain) > 32) { // ERROR: subdomain length falls outside the char length bounds allowed. return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => array('signup_subdomain' => 'Subdomain must be between at least 4 characters and no more than 32 characters long. Please try again.')); } if ($mhi_site->domain_exists($post->signup_subdomain)) { // ERROR: Domain already assigned in MHI DB. return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => array('signup_subdomain' => 'This subdomain has already been taken. Please try again.')); } if ($mhi_site_database->db_assigned($new_db_name) or $db_genesis->db_exists($new_db_name)) { // ERROR: Database already exists and/or is already assigned in the MHI DB return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => array('signup_subdomain' => 'This subdomain is not allowed. Please try again.')); } if (in_array(strtolower($post->signup_subdomain), $blocked_subdomains)) { // ERROR: Blocked Subdomain return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => array('signup_subdomain' => 'This subdomain is not allowed. Please try again.')); } // Check passwords if logged in and create user if not if ($mhi_user_id != FALSE) { // Get user info $user = $mhi_user->get($mhi_user_id); $salt = Kohana::config('auth.salt_pattern'); $verify_password = sha1($post->verify_password . $salt); if ($verify_password != $user->password) { // ERROR: Passwords do not match. return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => array('password' => 'Password doesn\'t match. Please try again.')); } $user_id = $mhi_user_id; $email = $user->email; $name = $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname; $password = $post->verify_password; } else { // Save new user $user_id = $mhi_user->save_user(array('firstname' => $post->signup_first_name, 'lastname' => $post->signup_last_name, 'email' => $post->signup_email, 'password' => $post->signup_password)); $email = $post->signup_email; $name = $post->signup_first_name . ' ' . $post->signup_last_name; $password = $post->signup_password; // Log new user in $mhi_user_id = $mhi_user->login($email, $password); Mhi_Log_Model::log($mhi_user_id, 6); } // Set up DB and Site // Create site $site_id = $mhi_site->save_site(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'site_domain' => strtolower($post->signup_subdomain), 'site_privacy' => 1, 'site_active' => 1)); // Set up database and save details to MHI DB $db_genesis->create_db($new_db_name); $mhi_site_database->assign_db($new_db_name, $site_id); $db_genesis->populate_db($new_db_name, array('username' => $email, 'name' => $name, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email), array('site_name' => $post->signup_instance_name, 'site_tagline' => $post->signup_instance_tagline, 'site_domain' => strtolower($post->signup_subdomain))); // Congrats, everything has been set up. Send an email confirmation. $settings = kohana::config('settings'); $new_site_url = 'http://' . strtolower($post->signup_subdomain) . '.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Kohana::config('config.site_domain'); if ($settings['site_email'] != NULL) { $to = $email; $from = $settings['site_email']; $subject = 'Your deployment at ' . $settings['site_name']; $message = 'Your new site, ' . $post->signup_instance_name . ' has been set up.' . "\n"; $message .= 'Admin URL: ' . $new_site_url . 'admin' . "\n"; $message .= 'Username: '******'Password: (hidden)' . "\n"; email::send($to, $from, $subject, $message, FALSE); } Mhi_Log_Model::log($user_id, 3, 'Deployment Created: ' . strtolower($post->signup_subdomain)); } else { if (isset($_POST['signup_password'])) { unset($_POST['signup_password']); } if (isset($_POST['signup_confirm_password'])) { unset($_POST['signup_confirm_password']); } if (isset($_POST['verify_password'])) { unset($_POST['verify_password']); } Mhi_Log_Model::log($mhi_user_id, 8, 'Variables: ' . print_r($_POST, true) . ' * ' . print_r($post->errors('form_error_messages'), true)); throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Validation Error', "Form not validating. Please go back and try again."); } } else { // If the form was never posted, we need to complain about it. throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Incomplete Form', "Form not posted."); } return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form, 'form_error' => $form_error); }
/** * Lists the reports. * @param int $page */ function index($page = 1) { $this->template->content = new View('admin/mhi'); $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.multiple_hosted_instances'); $this->template->content->domain_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // check, has the form been submitted? $form_error = FALSE; $form_saved = FALSE; $form_action = ""; if ($_POST) { $post = Validation::factory($_POST); // Add some filters $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE); // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order $post->add_rules('action', 'required', 'alpha', 'length[1,1]'); $post->add_rules('instance_id.*', 'required', 'numeric'); if ($post->validate()) { if ($post->action == 'a') { // Approve Action foreach ($post->instance_id as $item) { $update = new Mhi_Site_Model($item); if ($update->loaded == true) { $update->site_active = '1'; $update->save(); } } $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approved')); } elseif ($post->action == 'u') { // Unapprove Action foreach ($post->instance_id as $item) { $update = new Mhi_Site_Model($item); if ($update->loaded == true) { $update->site_active = '0'; $update->save(); } } $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.unapproved')); } elseif ($post->action == 'd') { // Delete Action foreach ($post->instance_id as $item) { $update = new Mhi_Site_Model($item); if ($update->loaded == true) { $update->delete(); } } $form_action = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'); } $form_saved = TRUE; } else { $form_error = TRUE; } } $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error; $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved; $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action; // Status is the "Show All/Pending/Approved tabs' if (!empty($_GET['status'])) { $status = strtolower($_GET['status']); if ($status == 'a') { $filter = 'site_active = 1'; } elseif ($status == 'p') { $filter = 'site_active = 0'; } } else { $status = '0'; $filter = '1=1'; // Using 1=1 is a way to preserve the "where" statement to reduce code complexity } $this->template->content->status = $status; // Pagination $pagination = new Pagination(array('query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page_admin'), 'total_items' => ORM::factory('mhi_site')->where($filter)->count_all())); $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination; $db = new Database(); $db->select('mhi_site.*,, mhi_users.firstname, mhi_users.lastname'); $db->from('mhi_site'); $db->join('mhi_users', '', 'mhi_site.user_id'); $db->where($filter); $db->orderby('mhi_site.site_dateadd', 'desc'); $db->limit((int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page_admin'), $pagination->sql_offset); $instances = $db->get(); $this->template->content->instances = $instances; $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items; // Javascript Header $this->template->js = new View('admin/mhi_js'); }
public function create() { $this->template->header->this_body = ''; $this->template->content = new View('mhi_create'); // Process Form if ($_POST) { $post = Validation::factory($_POST); // Trim whitespaces $post->pre_filter('trim'); $session = Session::instance(); $mhi_user_id = $session->get('mhi_user_id'); // These rules are only required if we aren't already logged in if ($mhi_user_id == FALSE) { $post->add_rules('signup_first_name', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_last_name', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_email', 'required', 'email'); $post->add_rules('signup_password', 'required'); } else { $post->add_rules('verify_password', 'required'); } $post->add_rules('signup_subdomain', 'required', 'alpha_dash'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_name', 'required'); $post->add_rules('signup_instance_tagline', 'required'); if ($post->validate()) { $mhi_user = new Mhi_User_Model(); $db_genesis = new DBGenesis(); $mhi_site_database = new Mhi_Site_Database_Model(); $mhi_site = new Mhi_Site_Model(); // Check passwords if logged in and create user if not if ($mhi_user_id != FALSE) { // Get user info $user = $mhi_user->get($mhi_user_id); $salt = Kohana::config('auth.salt_pattern'); $verify_password = sha1($post->verify_password . $salt); if ($verify_password != $user->password) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Password Match Error', "Passwords do not match. Dev TODO: Come back later and clean up validation!"); } $user_id = $mhi_user_id; $email = $user->email; $name = $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname; $password = $post->verify_password; } else { // Save new user $user_id = $mhi_user->save_user(array('firstname' => $post->signup_first_name, 'lastname' => $post->signup_last_name, 'email' => $post->signup_email, 'password' => $post->signup_password)); $email = $post->signup_email; $name = $post->signup_first_name . ' ' . $post->signup_last_name; $password = $post->signup_password; } // Set up DB and Site $base_db = $db_genesis->current_db(); $new_db_name = $base_db . '_' . $post->signup_subdomain; // Do some not so graceful validation if ($mhi_site_database->db_assigned($new_db_name) or $db_genesis->db_exists($new_db_name)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('MHI Site Setup Error', "Database already exists and/or is already assigned in the MHI DB."); } if ($mhi_site->domain_exists($post->signup_subdomain)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('MHI Site Setup Error', "Domain already assigned in MHI DB."); } // Create site $site_id = $mhi_site->save_site(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'site_domain' => $post->signup_subdomain, 'site_privacy' => 1, 'site_active' => 1)); // Set up database and save details to MHI DB $db_genesis->create_db($new_db_name); $mhi_site_database->assign_db($new_db_name, $site_id); $db_genesis->populate_db($new_db_name, array('username' => $email, 'name' => $name, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email), array('site_name' => $post->signup_instance_name, 'site_tagline' => $post->signup_instance_tagline)); } else { throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Validation Error', "Form not validating. Dev TODO: Come back later and clean up validation!"); } } else { // If the form was never posted, we need to complain about it. throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Incomplete Form', "Form not posted."); } }
/** * Lists the reports. * @param int $page */ function updatelist() { $this->template->content = new View('admin/mhi_updatelist'); $settings = kohana::config('settings'); if (isset($_POST['mhiupdatedb'])) { Mhi_Site_Database_Model::update_db($_POST['db']); } if (isset($_GET['mhimassupdatedb']) and isset($_GET['from_version'])) { Mhi_Site_Database_Model::mass_update_db($_GET['mhimassupdatedb'], $_GET['from_version']); } $this->template->content->db_versions = Mhi_Site_Model::get_db_versions(100); asort($this->template->content->db_versions); $this->template->content->current_version = $settings['db_version']; }