Ejemplo n.º 1
$product = $client->getProductById($productId);
$productName = $product->getName();
$productTypeName = $product->getType()->getName();
$productTypeId = $product->getType()->getId();
$productMetadata = $client->getMetadata($product);
// Get metadata for product and productType as associative arrays
$productTypeInfo = $product->getType()->toAssocArray();
$productInfo = $productMetadata->toAssocArray();
$productVisibilityLevel = $browser->getProductVisibilityLevel($productId);
// Redirect the user if they are not authorized
if ($productVisibilityLevel == CasBrowser::VIS_NONE) {
    App::Get()->redirect(SITE_ROOT . '/errors/403');
// Create and load a MetadataDisplay widget wit the visible metadata
$metadataWidget = new MetadataDisplayWidget(array());
// Record the product page to send the user back to, if provided
$returnPage = isset(App::Get()->request->segments[1]) ? App::Get()->request->segments[1] : 1;
// Create a ProductDownloadWidget
$productDownloadWidget = new ProductDownloadWidget(array("dataDeliveryUrl" => App::Get()->settings['browser_datadeliv_url']));
// Add the cas-browser styles
App::Get()->response->addStylesheet($module->moduleStatic . '/css/cas-browser.css');
// Prepare BreadcrumbWigdet
$bcw = new BreadcrumbsWidget();
$bcw->add('Home', SITE_ROOT . '/');
$bcw->add('Browse By Type', $module->moduleRoot . '/');
$bcw->add($productTypeName, $module->moduleRoot . "/dataset/{$productTypeId}");
$bcw->add('Products', $module->moduleRoot . "/products/{$productTypeId}/page/{$returnPage}");
Ejemplo n.º 2
$ptID = $productType->getId();
$ptName = $productType->getName();
// Determine the visibility level based on the current user
$ptVisibilityLevel = $browser->getProductTypeVisibilityLevel($ptID);
// Redirect the user if they are not authorized
if ($ptVisibilityLevel == CasBrowser::VIS_NONE) {
    App::Get()->redirect(SITE_ROOT . '/errors/403');
// Load a MetadataDisplayWidget with the visible metadata for this product type
$typeMetadataWidget = new MetadataDisplayWidget(array());
// Create a MetadataDisplayWidget to display system metadata (all except typeMetadata)
$typeMetadata = $productType->toAssocArray();
$systemMetadataWidget = new MetadataDisplayWidget(array());
// Prepare BreadcrumbWigdet
$bcw = new BreadcrumbsWidget();
$bcw->add('Home', SITE_ROOT . '/');
$bcw->add("Browse By Type", $module->moduleRoot . '/');

<div class="container">
	<hr class="space" />

	<div id="cas_browser_container">
echo $sortedMetadata['DataSetName'][0];