/** * Display the specified resource. * GET /menus/{id} * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $menus = Menu::all(); $menu = Menu::find($id); // dd($menu); return View::make('menus.index', compact('menus', 'menu')); }
/** * Function which actially fetch the data from the database * @param object $options * @return nested array of menu nodes. */ private function _fetch($options = array()) { App::import('Model', 'Cakemenu.Menu'); $menu = new Menu(); if (isset($options['subtree'])) { $parent = true; if (isset($options['subtree']['parent'])) { $parent = $options['subtree']['parent']; unset($options['subtree']['parent']); } $subtree = $menu->find('first', array('conditions' => $options['subtree'])); if ($subtree != false) { if ($parent == true) { $conditions = array('Menu.lft >=' => $subtree['Menu']['lft'], 'Menu.rght <=' => $subtree['Menu']['rght']); } else { $conditions = array('Menu.lft >' => $subtree['Menu']['lft'], 'Menu.rght <' => $subtree['Menu']['rght']); } if (isset($options['conditions'])) { $options['conditions'] = am($options['conditions'], $conditions); } else { $options['conditions'] = $conditions; } } unset($options['subtree']); } $nodes = $menu->find('threaded', am(array('order' => 'Menu.lft ASC'), $options)); return $nodes; }
/** * 获取成功的订单 * @return [type] [description] */ public function getSuccess() { $data = array('main' => url('/'), 'announce' => url('/announce'), 'category' => url('/category'), 'deliver' => url('/deliver'), 'good' => url('/good'), 'map' => url('/map'), 'shop_info' => url('/shop_info'), 'success' => url('/success'), 'widge_success' => array()); $shop_id = Auth::user()->shop_id; $orders = Order::where('shop_id', $shop_id)->where('state_of_shop', 3)->get(); $data['widge_success']['deal_count'] = count($orders); $data['widge_success']['deal'] = array(); $shop = Shop::find($shop_id); foreach ($orders as $order) { $comment = CommentOrder::where('order_id', $order->id)->get(); $one = array('deal_id' => $order->id, 'deal_statue' => $order->state, 'same_again' => '##', 'deal_again' => '##', 'shop_name' => $shop->name, 'deal_number' => $order->number, 'deal_time' => date('Y-m-d', $order->ordertime), 'deal_phone' => $shop->linktel, 'deliver_address' => $order->receive_address, 'deliver_phone' => $order->receive_phone, 'deliver_remark' => $order->beta, 'deal_speed' => isset($comment[0]) ? $comment[0]->speed : 0, 'deal_satisfied' => isset($comment[0]) ? $comment[0]->value : 0, 'good' => array(), 'others' => array(array('item_name' => '不知道', 'item_value' => '-5', 'item_amount' => '1', 'item_total' => '0'))); $one['total'] = $order->total; $menu_ids = array_count_values(explode(',', $order->order_menus)); foreach ($menu_ids as $menu_id => $amount) { $menuComment = CommentMenu::where('order_id', $order->id)->where('menu_id', $menu_id)->get(); $menu = Menu::find($menu_id); //var_dump($menuComment); $onemenu = array('goods_id' => $menu_id, 'goods_name' => $menu->title, 'goods_value' => $menu->price, 'goods_amount' => $amount, 'goods_total' => $amount * $menu->price, 'good_atisfied' => isset($menuComment[0]) ? $menuComment[0]->value : 0); array_push($one['good'], $onemenu); } array_push($data['widge_success']['deal'], $one); } return View::make("template.success.success")->with($data); //var_dump($data); }
/** * 主界面 */ public function index() { if (Auth::check()) { $cartkey = Auth::user()->front_uid; } else { $cartkey = $this->getIP(); } $key = 'laravel:user:'******':cart'; $shop_id = Redis::lrange($key, 0, 0); $ids = array_count_values(Redis::lrange($key, 1, -1)); $shop = Shop::find($shop_id[0]); $cart_list = array(); $cart_amount = 0; // 商品总价格 $i = 0; foreach ($ids as $id => $amount) { $good = Menu::find($id); $cart_list[$i] = array('good_name' => $good->title, 'good_id' => $id, 'good_price' => $good->price, 'good_amount' => $amount, 'good_total' => $good->price * $amount); $cart_amount += $cart_list[$i]['good_total']; $i++; } $output = array('userbar' => $this->getUserBar(), 'deliver_place' => Session::get('deliver_place'), 'deliver_tel' => Session::get('deliver_tel'), 'deliver_name' => Session::get('deliver_name'), 'deliver_time' => array('08:00', '09:00', '10:12', '12:30'), 'data' => array('user_name' => '注释用户名', 'shop_path' => '', 'shop_id' => $shop->id, 'shop_logo' => $shop->pic, 'shop_name' => $shop->name, 'shop_href' => url('shop/' . $shop->id), 'shop_type' => $shop->type, 'cart_list' => $cart_list, 'cart_amount' => $cart_amount, 'deliver_place' => Session::get('deliver_place'), 'deliver_time' => array('08:00', '09:00', '10:12', '12:30'), 'pay_method' => array('0' => array('is_default' => 0, 'method_name' => '在线支付'))), 'pay_status' => '付款信息'); //var_dump($output); return View::make("template.order.order")->with($output); }
public function vistaOrdenar($menu_id) { $menu = Menu::find($menu_id); $this->array_view['secciones'] = $menu->seccionesConItems(); $this->array_view['menu'] = $menu; return View::make($this->folder_name . '.lista-por-menu', $this->array_view); }
public function showAction() { $post = Post::findFirst(); $this->view->title = $post->title; $this->view->post = $post; $this->view->menu = Menu::find(); $this->view->show_navigation = true; }
public function showAction() { $post = Post::findFirst(); $this->view->setVar("title", $post->title); $this->view->setVar("post", $post); $this->view->setVar("menu", Menu::find()); $this->view->setVar("show_navigation", true); }
public function Order($idStand, $idMenu) { $bindedMenu = Menu::find($idMenu); $username = Session::get('user'); $userLoggedIn = User::where('username', $username)->first(); $data = array('bindedMenu' => $bindedMenu, 'user' => $userLoggedIn, 'idStand' => $idStand); return View::make('order', $data); }
public function post_add() { $link = new Link(); $link->name = Input::get('name'); $link->parent = Input::get('parent'); $menu = Menu::find(Input::get('menu_id')); $menu->links()->insert($link); return Redirect::to_action('admin.menus@all', array($menu->id))->with('flash', true)->with('flash_type', 'success')->with('flash_msg', 'New link created successfully.'); }
public function update() { $input = Request::all(); $menu = Menu::find($input['_id']); $menu->menu = $input['menu_nombre']; $menu->url = $input['menu_url']; $menu->padre_id = $input['menu_padre_id']; $menu->save(); return view('menu.verMenu')->with('menu', $menu)->with('edited', true); }
function index_delete() { // $data=$this->post(); $post_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $post_data = json_decode($post_data, true); var_dump($post_data); die; $menu = Menu::find($data['id']); $menu->active = 0; $menu->save(); $this->response($menu); }
public function postDelete() { $id = Input::get('delete_id'); // Find all items with the parent_id of this one and reset the parent_id to zero $items = Menu::where('parent_id', $id)->get()->each(function ($item) { $item->parent_id = 0; $item->save(); }); // Find and delete the item that the user requested to be deleted $item = Menu::find($id); $item->delete(); return Redirect::to('admin/menu'); }
public function generatemenucontrol() { $menu = Menu::find(Input::get("idmenu")); $menu->name = Input::get("menuname"); $menu->save(); foreach (Input::get("arraydata") as $value) { $menuitem = MenuItem::find($value["id"]); $menuitem->parent = $value["parent"]; $menuitem->sort = $value["sort"]; $menuitem->depth = $value["depth"]; $menuitem->save(); } echo json_encode(array("resp" => 1)); }
public function consultaContacto() { $data = Input::all(); Input::flashOnly('nombre', 'email', 'telefono', 'consulta'); $reglas = array('email' => array('required', 'email'), 'nombre' => array('required')); $validator = Validator::make($data, $reglas); if ($validator->fails()) { $messages = $validator->messages(); if ($messages->has('nombre')) { $mensaje = $messages->first('nombre'); } elseif ($messages->has('email')) { $mensaje = $messages->first('email'); } else { $mensaje = Lang::get('controllers.cliente.datos_consulta_contacto_incorrectos'); } return Redirect::to('/contacto')->with('mensaje', $mensaje)->with('error', true)->withInput(); } else { $this->array_view['data'] = $data; Mail::send('emails.consulta-contacto', $this->array_view, function ($message) use($data) { $message->from($data['email'], $data['nombre'])->to('*****@*****.**')->subject('Consulta'); }); if (count(Mail::failures()) > 0) { $mensaje = Lang::get('controllers.cliente.consulta_no_enviada'); } else { $data['nombre_apellido'] = $data['nombre']; Cliente::agregar($data); $mensaje = Lang::get('controllers.cliente.consulta_enviada'); } if (isset($data['continue']) && $data['continue'] != "") { switch ($data['continue']) { case "contacto": return Redirect::to('contacto')->with('mensaje', $mensaje); break; case "menu": $menu = Menu::find($data['menu_id']); return Redirect::to('/' . $menu->url)->with('mensaje', $mensaje); break; } } return Redirect::to("/")->with('mensaje', $mensaje); //return View::make('producto.editar', $this->array_view); } }
public function postEditMenu($id) { /* validate input */ $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array("menu_date" => "required|date_format:Y-m-d", "dishes" => "required", "recommendation" => "required")); /* if validated */ if ($validator->passes()) { /* get input */ $menu = Menu::find($id); $menu->menu_date = Input::get("menu_date"); $menu->dishes()->sync(Input::get('dishes')); $menu->save(); $recommendation = Menu::find($id)->recommendation; $recommendation->recommendation = Input::get("recommendation"); $recommendation->save(); return Redirect::to("admin/menu/edit_menu/{$id}")->with('message', 'Menu edited!'); } else { return Redirect::to("admin/menu/edit_menu/{$id}")->withErrors($validator); } // end validation }
public function order() { $menu_item_order = json_decode(Input::get('order')); $post_categories = Menu::all(); $order = 1; foreach ($menu_item_order as $menu_level_1) { $level1 = Menu::find($menu_level_1->id); if ($level1->id) { $level1->order = $order; $level1->parent_id = NULL; $level1->save(); $order += 1; } if (isset($menu_level_1->children)) { $children_level_1 = $menu_level_1->children; foreach ($children_level_1 as $menu_level_2) { $level2 = Menu::find($menu_level_2->id); if ($level2->id) { $level2->order = $order; $level2->parent_id = $level1->id; $level2->save(); $order += 1; } if (isset($menu_level_2->children)) { $children_level_2 = $menu_level_2->children; foreach ($children_level_2 as $menu_level_3) { $level3 = Menu::find($menu_level_3->id); if ($level3->id) { $level3->order = $order; $level3->parent_id = $level2->id; $level3->save(); $order += 1; } } } } } } return 1; }
$submenu->setIdMenu($_POST['id_menu']); $submenu->setVer($_POST['ver']); $submenu->setLink($_POST['link']); $submenu->insert(); $id_menu=$submenu->findLast(); $permiso->setId($id_menu[0]['id']); $permiso->setIdMenu($id_menu[0]['id_menu']); $permiso->insertPermisoMenu(); } if ($_GET['op']=='delete') { $submenu->delete($_GET['id']); $permiso->deletePermisoMenu($_GET['id']); } $m = $menu->find($_GET['id']); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php head_html(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var nameTable='submenu'; </script> <style type="text/css"> body {padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; overflow: auto;} </style> </head>
public function generatemenu() { $menu = new MenuItem(); $getall = $menu->getall(1); $menu = array('items' => array(), 'parents' => array()); foreach ($getall as $key => $items) { $menu['items'][$items['id']] = $items->toArray(); $menu['parents'][$items['parent']][] = $items->id; } $items = $this->buildMenu(0, $menu); $menufind = Menu::find(Input::get("id")); $widget = new Widget(); $widgetbymenu = $widget->getWidgetByMenu(Input::get("id")); if ($widgetbymenu->count()) { $widget = Widget::find($widgetbymenu[0]->id); } $widget->name = $menufind->name; $widget->id_component = Input::get("id"); $widget->description = $this->generarmenu($items); $widget->save(); }
/** * 获取某个菜单的详情 * * 对应API * 请求类型:POST * @return array 执行状态 */ public function getMenu() { $menu_id = Input::get('menu_id'); return Menu::find($menu_id); }
public function getUserBarCart() { if (Auth::check()) { $cartkey = Auth::user()->front_uid; } else { $cartkey = $this->getIP(); } $key = 'laravel:user:'******':cart'; if ($shop_id = Redis::lindex($key, 0)) { $data['successs'] = 'true'; $data['state'] = 200; $data['errMsg'] = ''; $data['no'] = 0; $shop = Shop::find($shop_id); $data['data']['url'] = 'shop/' . $shop_id; $data['data']['shop_name'] = $shop->name; $data['data']['all_value'] = 0; $data['data']['state'] = $shop->state == 0 ? 0 : 1; if ($shop->state == 1) { $data['data']['state_msg'] = '店铺打烊了'; } elseif ($shop->state == 2) { $data['data']['state_msg'] = '店铺太忙了'; } else { $data['data']['state_msg'] = ''; } $ids = array_count_values(Redis::lrange($key, 1, -1)); $data['data']['goods'] = array(); foreach ($ids as $id => $count) { $menu = Menu::find($id); $value = $menu->price * $count; $data['data']['all_value'] += $value; array_push($data['data']['goods'], array('good_name' => $menu->title, 'good_value' => $value, 'good_count' => $count)); } return Response::json($data); } else { return array('success' => 'false', 'state' => 200, 'errMsg' => '', 'no' => 0, 'data' => array()); } }
public function postMenuHome() { if (isset($_POST['title']) && isset($_POST['id'])) { if ($_POST['id'] == "" && !empty($_POST['id'])) { } else { $id = $_POST['id']; $menu = \Menu::find($id); $postcheck = \Menu::where("parent_id", "=", $id)->get(); if ($postcheck->count() >= 1) { foreach ($postcheck as $sub) { $sub->delete(); } } $menu->delete(); echo "Menu Item Deleted"; } $menupos = \Menupo::find(1); $menupos->menu_jsondata = \Input::get("val"); $menupos->save(); //echo (property_exists($data[2],"children"));//$data[2]->children); if ($menupos->save()) { echo 1; } exit; } $pages = \DB::table("posts")->where("type", "page")->get(); $data = array(); $data = json_decode(\Input::get("val")); $jjack = ""; $mpos = 0; foreach ($data as $dat) { $post_id = $dat->post; $sort_order = $mpos; $menu_type = "mainmenu"; $title = $dat->title; property_exists($dat, "children") ? $isparent = 1 : ($isparent = 0); if (property_exists($dat, "id")) { $menu = \Menu::find($dat->id); } else { $menu = new \Menu(); } $menu->post_id = $post_id; $menu->sort_order = $sort_order; $menu->menu_type = $menu_type; $menu->title = $title; $menu->link = $dat->link; $menu->has_child = $isparent; $menu->position = 0; $menu->save(); $jjack .= $menu->id . ","; if (property_exists($dat, "children")) { //1st level submenu $menu_type = "submenu1"; $mcpos = 0; foreach ($dat->children as $child1) { $post_id = $child1->post; $sort_order = $mcpos; $parent_id = $menu->id; $title = $child1->title; property_exists($child1, "children") ? $isparent = 1 : ($isparent = 0); if (property_exists($child1, "id")) { $submenu1 = \Menu::find($child1->id); } else { $submenu1 = new \Menu(); } $submenu1->parent_id = $parent_id; $submenu1->menu_type = $menu_type; $submenu1->post_id = $post_id; $submenu1->sort_order = $sort_order; $submenu1->position = 1; $submenu1->link = $child1->link; $submenu1->has_child = $isparent; $submenu1->title = $title; $submenu1->save(); if (property_exists($submenu1, "children")) { // second level menu $mccpos = 0; $menu_type = "submenu2"; foreach ($submenu1->children as $child2) { $post_id = $child2->id; $title = $child2->title; $sort_order = $mccpos; property_exists($child2, "children") ? $isparent = 1 : ($isparent = 0); $parent_id = $submenu1->id; if (property_exists($child2, "id")) { $submenu1 = \Menu::find($child2->id); } else { $submenu1 = new \Menu(); } $submenu1->parent_id = $parent_id; $submenu1->menu_type = $menu_type; $submenu1->post_id = $post_id; $submenu1->title = $title; $submenu1->has_child = $isparent; $submenu1->position = 1; $submenu1->link = $child2->link; $submenu1->sort_order = $sort_order; $submenu1->save(); $mccpos++; } } $mcpos++; } } $mpos++; } $menupos = \Menupo::find(1) ? \Menupo::find(1) : new \Menupo(); $menupos->menu_jsondata = \Input::get("val"); $menupos->save(); //echo (property_exists($data[2],"children"));//$data[2]->children); if ($menupos->save()) { echo 1; } //print_r($pages); }
private function takeFaMenu($pmenu) { //$result=array(); $menuModel = new Menu(); $pnqmenu = $menuModel->find('id = :id', array(':id' => $pmenu['pid']))->attributes; if ($pnqmenu) { return $pnqmenu; } }
/** * Changed the specified resource from storage. * POST /menu/cambiarestado * * @return Response */ public function postCambiarestado() { if (Request::ajax()) { $menu = Menu::find(Input::get('id')); $menu->estado = Input::get('estado'); $menu->usuario_updated_at = Auth::user()->id; $menu->save(); if (Input::get('estado') == 0) { //actualizando a estado 0 segun DB::table('opciones')->where('menu_id', Input::get('id'))->update(array('estado' => 0, 'usuario_updated_at' => Auth::user()->id)); } return Response::json(array('rst' => 1, 'msj' => 'Registro actualizado correctamente')); } }
/** * 未评论页面 */ public function Uncomment() { $orders = Order::where('state', 4)->get(); $data['userbar'] = $this->userBar(); $data['sidebar'] = $this->sideBar(); $data['uncomment']['deal_count'] = count($orders); $data['uncomment']['deal'] = array(); foreach ($orders as $order) { $shop = Shop::find($order->shop_id); $one = array(); $one['shop_id'] = $order->shop_id; $one['deal_id'] = $order->id; $one['deal_statue'] = $order->state; $one['same_again'] = '##'; $one['deal_is_return'] = '##'; // 是否能退单 $one['deal_return'] = '##'; // 退单链接 $one['deal_is_pre'] = $order->is_pre; // 是否是预定单 $one['deal_pre_time'] = $order->arrivetime; // 送餐时间 $one['deal_again'] = '##'; // 商品的地址 $one['shop_name'] = $shop->name; // 商店的名称 $one['deal_number'] = $order->id; // 订单号,先用订单ID代替 $one['deal_time'] = $order->ordertime; //订单时间 $one['deal_phone'] = $shop->linktel; //餐厅电话 $one['deliver_address'] = $order->receive_address; //订单送往地址 $one['deliver_phone'] = $order->receive_phone; $one['deliver_remark'] = $order->beta; //订单备注 $one['deal_speed'] = 0; // 送餐速度,0没有评价1不满意2一般般3满意 $one['deal_satisfied'] = ''; $one['good'] = array(); $menus = array_count_values(explode(',', $order->order_menus)); foreach ($menus as $menu_id => $count) { $good = Menu::find($menu_id); array_push($one['good'], array('goods_id' => $good->id, 'goods_name' => $good->title, 'goods_value' => $good->price, 'goods_amount' => $count, 'goods_total' => $good->price * $count, 'good_atisfied' => '##')); } // others表示其他费用 $one['others'] = array(array('item_name' => '', 'item_value' => '', 'item_amount' => '', 'item_total' => '')); $one['total'] = $order->total; array_push($data['uncomment']['deal'], $one); } return View::make("template.personal.personal_uncomment")->with($data); }
/** * 获取店铺所有的评价,不分页 */ public function getShopComments($shop_id) { $data = array(); $comments = Shop::find($shop_id)->comments; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $one = array(); $menu = Menu::find($comment->menu_id); $user = FrontUser::find($comment->front_uid); $one['good_name'] = $menu->title; $one['user_name'] = $user->nickname; $one['time'] = $comment->time; $one['content'] = $comment->content; $one['good_price'] = $menu->price; #TODO:这里的评分居然是以图片形式的。。。 $one['star_url'] = 'http://static11.elemecdn.com/forward/dist/img/restaurant/rst-sprites.b35686d3.png'; array_push($data, $one); } return $data; }
public function consultaContacto() { $data = Input::all(); $this->array_view['data'] = $data; Mail::send('emails.consulta-contacto', $this->array_view, function ($message) use($data) { $message->from($data['email'], $data['nombre'])->to('*****@*****.**')->subject('Consulta'); }); if (count(Mail::failures()) > 0) { $mensaje = 'El mail no pudo enviarse.'; } else { $mensaje = 'El mail se envió correctamente'; } if (isset($data['continue']) && $data['continue'] != "") { switch ($data['continue']) { case "contacto": return Redirect::to('contacto')->with('mensaje', $mensaje); break; case "menu": $menu = Menu::find($data['menu_id']); return Redirect::to('/' . $menu->url)->with('mensaje', $mensaje); break; } } return Redirect::to("/")->with('mensaje', $mensaje); //return View::make('producto.editar', $this->array_view); }
<div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Prueba Arterisk</a> </div> <div> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> @foreach ($items as $item) <li class="{{ URL::route($item->ruta) === URL::current() ? 'active' : '' }}">{{ HTML::linkRoute($item->ruta, $item->etiqueta) }}</li> @endforeach </ul> <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">{{ Auth::user()->username }} <span class="caret"></span></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <?php $itemsDerecha = Menu::find(2)->itemsMenu()->join('permiso', 'item_menu.permiso_id', '=', 'permiso.id')->where('permiso.perfil_id', '=', Auth::user()->perfil_id)->get(); ?> @foreach ($itemsDerecha as $item2) <li class="{{ URL::route($item->ruta) === URL::current() ? 'active' : '' }}">{{ HTML::linkRoute($item2->ruta, $item2->etiqueta) }}</li> @endforeach <li class="{{ URL::route('logout') === URL::current() ? 'active' : '' }}">{{ HTML::linkRoute('logout', 'Cerrar sesión') }}</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav> @endif <div class="container"> @yield('content') </div>
public function deleteMenu($id) { $arrReturn = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'There is something wrong. Please refresh and try again.']; $menu = Menu::find($id); if (!is_null($menu)) { $name = $menu->name; $type = $menu->type; if (Permission::can($this->layout->admin, "menus{$type}_delete_all")) { self::deleteRecursiveMenu($menu->id, $menu); $arrReturn['status'] = 'success'; $arrReturn['message'] = "<b>{$name}</b> menu has been deleted."; if ($menu->destroy($menu->id)) { if ($type == 'backend') { $sidebar = Menu::getCache(['sidebar' => true]); $arrReturn['sidebar'] = $sidebar; } } } else { $arrReturn['message'] = 'You do not have permission to delete menu.'; } } $response = Response::json($arrReturn); $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return $response; }
public function create2($id) { $menu = Menu::where('tipe', Sentry::getUser()->last_name)->get(); $menus = Menu::find($id); $date = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); $thn = date('Y'); $tgl = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d')); $limit = Setting::first(); $limitdtstart = new DateTime($limit->startdayreg); $limitdtend = new DateTime($limit->enddayreg); $limitstart = $limitdtstart->diff($tgl)->format('%R%a'); $limitend = $limitdtend->diff($tgl)->format('%R%a'); $contest = Contest::where('nocontest', $menus->menu)->where('user_id', Sentry::getUser()->id)->where(DB::raw('tahun'), '=', $thn)->count(); // dd($limitend); if ($limitstart < 0) { return Redirect::route('user.contests.index')->with('errorMessage', trans('Pendaftaran Lomba Belum Dibuka.')); } if ($limitend > 0) { return Redirect::route('user.contests.index')->with('errorMessage', trans('Pendaftaran Lomba Sudah Ditutup.')); } if ($contest < 2) { return View::make('contests.create')->withTitle('Estafet')->with('menu', $menu)->with('menus', $menus); } else { if ($menus->menu == 'Lari Estafet pa' and $contest < 8) { return View::make('contests.create')->withTitle('Estafet')->with('menu', $menu)->with('menus', $menus); } else { if ($menus->menu == 'Lari Estafet pi' and $contest < 8) { return View::make('contests.create')->withTitle('Estafet')->with('menu', $menu)->with('menus', $menus); } else { return Redirect::route('user.contests.index')->with('errorMessage', trans('Lomba sudah penuh.')); } } } }
public function delete($id) { $menu = Menu::find($id); foreach ($menu->roles()->getResults() as $role) { $menu->roles()->detach($role->id); } $menu->softDeletes(); // redirect Session::flash('message', 'Successfully deleted the menu!'); return Redirect::to('admin/menu'); }